public ActionResult Create() { // Copy over the possibly applicable data to the listing so the user doesn't have to type it twice if it's the same as the account info. ListingViewModelEdit listing = new ListingViewModelEdit(); //plamen: instead of copy get available account data and use AccountLogic accountLogic = new AccountLogic(); var accountVM = accountLogic.GetByEmail(User.Identity.Name); ClientCardInfoLogic ClientCardInfoLogic = new ClientCardInfoLogic(); if (accountVM != null) { var clientCardInfo = ClientCardInfoLogic.GetByClientGuid(accountVM.ClientGuid); if (null == clientCardInfo) return RedirectToAction("ClientCardInfo","Account"); listing = accountVM.FeedListing(); this.AddListingTypesToListing(listing); this.AddTypesOfCareToListing(listing); this.AddFacilityPhotoToListing(listing, true); } listing.SaveButtonText = listing.ActionName = "Create"; // If logged in, show the form. return View(listing); }
public ActionResult List() { var user = Membership.GetUser(); if (user == null) { return RedirectToAction("Create", "Account"); } string email = user.UserName; AccountLogic accountLogic = new AccountLogic(); AccountViewModel accountVM = accountLogic.GetByEmail(email); if (accountVM != null) { ListingLogic listingLogic = new ListingLogic(); IEnumerable<ListingViewModel> listings = listingLogic.GetListingByClientGuid(accountVM.ClientGuid); return View(listings); } else { return RedirectToAction("Create", "Account"); } }
public ActionResult Create() { // If logged in, show the appropriate view. var user = Membership.GetUser(); if (null == user) { // If they don't yet have an account, show the create account view. //plamen: account shouldn't be created without membership user ModelState.AddModelError("accountCreate", "Membership user not created. Repeat the login process."); return View(); } else { // If they have an account, show the edit account view. AccountLogic logic = new AccountLogic(); AccountViewModel account = logic.GetByEmail(user.UserName); if (account != null) { return RedirectToAction("See"); } else { return View(); } } }
public ActionResult See() { AccountLogic accountLogic = new AccountLogic(); AccountViewModel accountVM = accountLogic.GetByEmail(User.Identity.Name); // If an account does not exist, help user create one. if (null == accountVM) { return RedirectToAction("Create", "Account"); } // If it does exist, show it. else { AccountWithListingsViewModel accountWithListings = accountVM.WithListings(); ListingLogic llogic = new ListingLogic(); var listings = llogic.GetListingsWithDateModifiedByClientGuid(accountWithListings.ClientGuid); accountWithListings.AccountListings = listings.ToList(); ClientCardInfoLogic ClientCardInfoLogic = new ClientCardInfoLogic(); var ccinfo= ClientCardInfoLogic.GetByClientGuid(accountWithListings.ClientGuid); ClientCardInfoViewModel clientCardInfoVM = new ClientCardInfoViewModel(); if (ccinfo != null) clientCardInfoVM = DecryptCCinfo(ccinfo); accountWithListings.clientCardInfoVM = clientCardInfoVM; return View(accountWithListings); } }
protected ActionResult ShowCreate() { if (Request.IsAuthenticated) { AccountLogic accountLogic = new AccountLogic(); AccountViewModel accountVM = accountLogic.GetByEmail(User.Identity.Name); // If an account does not exist, help user create one. if (null == accountVM) { return RedirectToAction("Create", "Account"); } else { // redirect user to requested url before authentication var redirectUrl = SessionHandler.Current.ReturnUrl; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(redirectUrl) && Url.IsLocalUrl(redirectUrl)) { return Redirect(redirectUrl); } return RedirectToAction("View", "Account"); } } return RedirectToAction("Search", "Search"); }