partial void Binary_Changed(UITextField sender) { if (Binary_TextBox.Text != "" && Binary_TextBox.Text[Binary_TextBox.Text.Length - 1] > '1') { Binary_TextBox.Text = Binary_TextBox.Text.Substring(0, Binary_TextBox.Text.Length - 1); } else if (sender.Text.Length == 16 || sender.Text.Length == 32) { TwoComplament tc = new TwoComplament(BINARY: Binary_TextBox.Text); tc.convert(); Hex_TextBox.Text = tc.hexadecimal; if (sender.Text.Length == 16) { Decimal16_TextBox.Text = tc.dec16; tc = new TwoComplament(BINARY: "0000000000000000" + Binary_TextBox.Text); tc.convert(); } else { Decimal16_TextBox.Text = ""; } Decimal32_TextBox.Text = tc.dec32; } else { Hex_TextBox.Text = ""; Decimal16_TextBox.Text = ""; Decimal32_TextBox.Text = ""; } }
partial void Decimal16_Changed(UITextField sender) { try { if (Decimal16_TextBox.Text != "" && Decimal16_TextBox.Text != "-" && Convert.ToInt32(Decimal16_TextBox.Text) <= 32767 && Convert.ToInt32(Decimal16_TextBox.Text) >= -32768) { TwoComplament tc = new TwoComplament(DECIMAL16: Decimal16_TextBox.Text); tc.convert(); Decimal32_TextBox.Text = ""; Binary_TextBox.Text = tc.binary; Hex_TextBox.Text = tc.hexadecimal; } else { Decimal32_TextBox.Text = ""; Binary_TextBox.Text = ""; Hex_TextBox.Text = ""; } } catch { UIAlertView alert = new UIAlertView() { Title = "Number to Large", Message = "The number being converted is to large" }; alert.AddButton("OK"); alert.Show(); } }
partial void Hexadecimal_Changed(UITextField sender) { if (sender.Text.Length == 4 || sender.Text.Length == 8) { TwoComplament tc = new TwoComplament(HEXADECIMAL: Hex_TextBox.Text); tc.convert(); Binary_TextBox.Text = tc.binary; if (sender.Text.Length == 4) { Decimal16_TextBox.Text = tc.dec16; tc = new TwoComplament(HEXADECIMAL: ("0000" + Hex_TextBox.Text)); tc.convert(); } else { Decimal16_TextBox.Text = ""; } Decimal32_TextBox.Text = tc.dec32; } else { Binary_TextBox.Text = ""; Decimal16_TextBox.Text = ""; Decimal32_TextBox.Text = ""; } }
private void InputVerifier() { bool completed = false; if (InputTextbox1.Text != "" && Int32.TryParse(InputTextbox1.Text, out input1)) { completed = true; TwoComplament convert = new TwoComplament(DECIMAL32: input1.ToString()); convert.convert(); Input1Binary.Text = $"({input1}) - {convert.binary}"; } else { completed = false; Input1Binary.Text = ""; } if (completed && InputTextbox2.Text != "" && Int32.TryParse(InputTextbox2.Text, out input2)) { completed = true; } else { completed = false; if (SegementedControl.SelectedSegment == 3 && InputTextbox1.Text != "") { completed = true; } Input2Binary.Text = ""; } if (completed) { int bitwise = Convert.ToInt32(SegementedControl.SelectedSegment); int results = 0; switch (bitwise) { case 0: results = AND(); TwoComplament convert0 = new TwoComplament(DECIMAL32: input2.ToString()); convert0.convert(); Input2Binary.Text = $"({input2}) - {convert0.binary}"; break; case 1: results = OR(); TwoComplament convert1 = new TwoComplament(DECIMAL32: input2.ToString()); convert1.convert(); Input2Binary.Text = $"({input2}) - {convert1.binary}"; break; case 2: results = XOR(); TwoComplament convert2 = new TwoComplament(DECIMAL32: input2.ToString()); convert2.convert(); Input2Binary.Text = $"({input2}) - {convert2.binary}"; break; case 3: results = NOT(); TwoComplament convert3 = new TwoComplament(DECIMAL32: results.ToString()); convert3.convert(); Input2Binary.Text = $"({results}) - {convert3.binary}"; break; case 4: results = LEFT_SHIFT(); Input2Binary.Text = $"LEFT SHIFT BY: {input2}"; break; case 5: results = RIGHT_SHIFT(); Input2Binary.Text = $"RIGHT SHIFT BY: {input2}"; break; } TwoComplament converts = new TwoComplament(DECIMAL32: results.ToString()); converts.convert(); ResultsTextbox.Text = $"({results}) - {converts.binary}"; } else { ResultsTextbox.Text = ""; } }