Draws all the month grid entries including the column names and day values
Inheritance: ViewLeaf, IContentValues
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the button for the day that is under the provided point.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pt">Point to lookup.</param>
        /// <param name="exact">Exact requires that the day must be with the month range.</param>
        /// <returns>DateTime for matching day; otherwise null.</returns>
        public DateTime?DayFromPoint(Point pt, bool exact)
            // Get the bottom most view element matching the point
            ViewBase view = ViewFromPoint(pt);

            // Climb view hierarchy looking for the days view
            while (view != null)
                ViewDrawMonthDays month = view as ViewDrawMonthDays;
                if ((month != null) && month.ClientRectangle.Contains(pt))
                    return(month.DayFromPoint(pt, exact));

                view = view.Parent;

        /// <summary>
        /// Initialize a new instance of the ViewDrawMonth class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="calendar">Reference to calendar provider.</param>
        /// <param name="months">Reference to months instance.</param>
        /// <param name="redirector">Redirector for getting values.</param>
        /// <param name="needPaintDelegate">Delegate for requesting paint changes.</param>
        public ViewDrawMonth(IKryptonMonthCalendar calendar,
                             ViewLayoutMonths months,
                             PaletteRedirect redirector,
                             NeedPaintHandler needPaintDelegate)
            : base(false)
            _calendar = calendar;
            _months   = months;

            // Add a header for showing the month/year value
            _drawContent  = new ViewDrawContent(_calendar.StateNormal.Header.Content, this, VisualOrientation.Top);
            _borderForced = new PaletteBorderInheritForced(_calendar.StateNormal.Header.Border);
            _drawHeader = new ViewDrawDocker(_calendar.StateNormal.Header.Back, _borderForced, null);
            _drawHeader.Add(_drawContent, ViewDockStyle.Fill);

            // Create the left/right arrows for moving the months
            _arrowPrev        = new ButtonSpecCalendar(this, PaletteButtonSpecStyle.Previous, RelativeEdgeAlign.Near);
            _arrowNext        = new ButtonSpecCalendar(this, PaletteButtonSpecStyle.Next, RelativeEdgeAlign.Far);
            _arrowPrev.Click += new EventHandler(OnPrevMonth);
            _arrowNext.Click += new EventHandler(OnNextMonth);
            _buttonSpecs      = new CalendarButtonSpecCollection(this);

            // Using a button spec manager to add the buttons to the header
            _buttonManager = new ButtonSpecManagerDraw(_calendar.CalendarControl, redirector, null, _buttonSpecs,
                                                       new ViewDrawDocker[] { _drawHeader },
                                                       new IPaletteMetric[] { _calendar.StateCommon },
                                                       new PaletteMetricInt[] { PaletteMetricInt.HeaderButtonEdgeInsetCalendar },
                                                       new PaletteMetricPadding[] { PaletteMetricPadding.None },
                                                       _calendar.GetToolStripDelegate, needPaintDelegate);

            // Create stacks for holding display items
            ViewLayoutStack namesStack = new ViewLayoutStack(true);
            ViewLayoutStack weeksStack = new ViewLayoutStack(true);
            ViewLayoutStack daysStack  = new ViewLayoutStack(false);

            _numberStack = new ViewLayoutStack(false);

            // Add day names
            _drawMonthDayNames = new ViewDrawMonthDayNames(_calendar, _months);
            _drawWeekCorner    = new ViewLayoutWeekCorner(_calendar, _months, _calendar.StateNormal.Header.Border);

            // Add border between week numbers and days area
            _borderEdgeRedirect = new PaletteBorderEdgeRedirect(_calendar.StateNormal.Header.Border, null);
            _borderEdge         = new PaletteBorderEdge(_borderEdgeRedirect, null);
            _drawBorderEdge     = new ViewDrawBorderEdge(_borderEdge, Orientation.Vertical);
            _drawWeekNumbers    = new ViewDrawWeekNumbers(_calendar, _months);
            ViewLayoutDocker borderLeftDock = new ViewLayoutDocker();

            borderLeftDock.Add(_drawWeekNumbers, ViewDockStyle.Left);
            borderLeftDock.Add(new ViewLayoutSeparator(0, 4), ViewDockStyle.Top);
            borderLeftDock.Add(_drawBorderEdge, ViewDockStyle.Fill);
            borderLeftDock.Add(new ViewLayoutSeparator(0, 4), ViewDockStyle.Bottom);

            // Add border between day names and individual days
            PaletteBorderEdgeRedirect borderEdgeRedirect = new PaletteBorderEdgeRedirect(_calendar.StateNormal.Header.Border, null);
            PaletteBorderEdge         borderEdge         = new PaletteBorderEdge(borderEdgeRedirect, null);
            ViewDrawBorderEdge        drawBorderEdge     = new ViewDrawBorderEdge(borderEdge, Orientation.Horizontal);
            ViewLayoutDocker          borderTopDock      = new ViewLayoutDocker();

            borderTopDock.Add(new ViewLayoutSeparator(4, 1), ViewDockStyle.Left);
            borderTopDock.Add(drawBorderEdge, ViewDockStyle.Fill);
            borderTopDock.Add(new ViewLayoutSeparator(4, 1), ViewDockStyle.Right);
            borderTopDock.Add(new ViewLayoutSeparator(1, 3), ViewDockStyle.Bottom);

            // Add the actual individual days
            _drawMonthDays = new ViewDrawMonthDays(_calendar, _months);

            // Adding buttons manually means we have to ask for buttons to be created