Map button spec tooltip value to content values.
Inheritance: IContentValues
 private void OnShowToolTip(object sender, ToolTipEventArgs e)
     if (!base.IsDisposed)
         Form form = base.FindForm();
         if (((form == null) || form.ContainsFocus) && !base.DesignMode)
             IContentValues contentValues = null;
             LabelStyle     toolTip       = LabelStyle.ToolTip;
             ButtonSpec     buttonSpec    = this._buttonManager.ButtonSpecFromView(e.Target);
             if ((buttonSpec != null) && this.AllowButtonSpecToolTips)
                 ButtonSpecToContent content = new ButtonSpecToContent(base.Redirector, buttonSpec);
                 if (content.HasContent)
                     contentValues = content;
                     toolTip       = buttonSpec.ToolTipStyle;
             if (contentValues != null)
                 if (this._visualPopupToolTip != null)
                 this._visualPopupToolTip           = new VisualPopupToolTip(base.Redirector, contentValues, base.Renderer, PaletteBackStyle.ControlToolTip, PaletteBorderStyle.ControlToolTip, CommonHelper.ContentStyleFromLabelStyle(toolTip));
                 this._visualPopupToolTip.Disposed += new EventHandler(this.OnVisualPopupToolTipDisposed);
        private void OnShowToolTip(object sender, ToolTipEventArgs e)
            if (!IsDisposed)
                // Do not show tooltips when the form we are in does not have focus
                Form topForm = _calendar.CalendarControl.FindForm();
                if ((topForm != null) && !topForm.ContainsFocus)

                // Never show tooltips are design time
                if (!_calendar.InDesignMode)
                    IContentValues sourceContent = null;
                    LabelStyle     toolTipStyle  = LabelStyle.ToolTip;

                    // Find the button spec associated with the tooltip request
                    ButtonSpec buttonSpec = _buttonManager.ButtonSpecFromView(e.Target);

                    // If the tooltip is for a button spec
                    if (buttonSpec != null)
                        // Are we allowed to show page related tooltips
                        if (AllowButtonSpecToolTips)
                            // Create a helper object to provide tooltip values
                            ButtonSpecToContent buttonSpecMapping = new ButtonSpecToContent(_redirector, buttonSpec);

                            // Is there actually anything to show for the tooltip
                            if (buttonSpecMapping.HasContent)
                                sourceContent = buttonSpecMapping;
                                toolTipStyle  = buttonSpec.ToolTipStyle;

                    if (sourceContent != null)
                        // Remove any currently showing tooltip

                        // Create the actual tooltip popup object
                        _visualPopupToolTip = new VisualPopupToolTip(_redirector,

                        _visualPopupToolTip.Disposed += new EventHandler(OnVisualPopupToolTipDisposed);

                        // Show relative to the provided screen rectangle
        private void OnShowToolTip(object sender, ToolTipEventArgs e)
            if (!IsDisposed)
                // Do not show tooltips when the form we are in does not have focus
                Form topForm = _calendar.CalendarControl.FindForm();
                if ((topForm != null) && !topForm.ContainsFocus)

                // Never show tooltips are design time
                if (!_calendar.InDesignMode)
                    IContentValues sourceContent = null;
                    LabelStyle toolTipStyle = LabelStyle.ToolTip;

                    // Find the button spec associated with the tooltip request
                    ButtonSpec buttonSpec = _buttonManager.ButtonSpecFromView(e.Target);

                    // If the tooltip is for a button spec
                    if (buttonSpec != null)
                        // Are we allowed to show page related tooltips
                        if (AllowButtonSpecToolTips)
                            // Create a helper object to provide tooltip values
                            ButtonSpecToContent buttonSpecMapping = new ButtonSpecToContent(_redirector, buttonSpec);

                            // Is there actually anything to show for the tooltip
                            if (buttonSpecMapping.HasContent)
                                sourceContent = buttonSpecMapping;
                                toolTipStyle = buttonSpec.ToolTipStyle;

                    if (sourceContent != null)
                        // Remove any currently showing tooltip
                        if (_visualPopupToolTip != null)

                        // Create the actual tooltip popup object
                        _visualPopupToolTip = new VisualPopupToolTip(_redirector,

                        _visualPopupToolTip.Disposed += new EventHandler(OnVisualPopupToolTipDisposed);

                        // Show relative to the provided screen rectangle
        private void OnShowToolTip(object sender, ToolTipEventArgs e)
            if (!IsDisposed && (_viewBuilder != null))
                // Do not show tooltips when the form we are in does not have focus
                Form topForm = FindForm();
                if ((topForm != null) && !topForm.ContainsFocus)

                // Never show tooltips are design time
                if (!DesignMode)
                    IContentValues sourceContent = null;
                    LabelStyle toolTipStyle = LabelStyle.ToolTip;

                    // Find the page associated with the tooltip request
                    KryptonPage toolTipPage = _viewBuilder.PageFromView(e.Target);

                    // If the tooltip is for a krypton page header
                    if (toolTipPage != null)
                        // Are we allowed to show page related tooltips
                        if (_toolTips.AllowPageToolTips)
                            // Create a helper object to provide tooltip values
                            PageToToolTipMapping pageMapping = new PageToToolTipMapping(toolTipPage,

                            // Is there actually anything to show for the tooltip
                            if (pageMapping.HasContent)
                                sourceContent = pageMapping;
                                toolTipStyle = toolTipPage.ToolTipStyle;
                        // Find the button spec associated with the tooltip request
                        ButtonSpec buttonSpec = _viewBuilder.ButtonSpecFromView(e.Target);

                        // If the tooltip is for a button spec
                        if (buttonSpec != null)
                            // Are we allowed to show page related tooltips
                            if (_toolTips.AllowButtonSpecToolTips)
                                // Create a helper object to provide tooltip values
                                ButtonSpecToContent buttonSpecMapping = new ButtonSpecToContent(Redirector, buttonSpec);

                                // Is there actually anything to show for the tooltip
                                if (buttonSpecMapping.HasContent)
                                    sourceContent = buttonSpecMapping;
                                    toolTipStyle = buttonSpec.ToolTipStyle;

                    if (sourceContent != null)
                        // Remove any currently showing tooltip
                        if (_visualPopupToolTip != null)

                        // Create the actual tooltip popup object
                        _visualPopupToolTip = new VisualPopupToolTip(Redirector,

                        _visualPopupToolTip.Disposed += new EventHandler(OnVisualPopupToolTipDisposed);

                        // Show relative to the provided screen point