public ShuntingYard(Tokenizer T, string input) { T.setInput(input); Token previous = null; Token t = null; while (!(T.atEnd())) { previous = t; t =; if (t.Lexeme == "-") { if ((previous == null) || (previous.Symbol == "LPAREN") || (previous.Symbol == "NUM") || (previous.Symbol == "ID")) { t.Symbol = "NEGATE"; } } if ((t.Symbol == "NUM") || (t.Symbol == "ID")) //ID could be variable num is just numbers { numStack.Push(new TreeNode(t.Symbol, t)); } else { handleOperator(t, operatorStack, numStack); } } while (operatorStack.Count() != 0) //while not empty { var opNode = operatorStack.Pop(); var c1 = numStack.Pop(); var c2 = numStack.Pop(); opNode.addChild(c2); opNode.addChild(c1); //If we got something on the operator stack, +-*, at this point we have an operator that needs dealt with //opNode is +, get it's two children, two most recent. Pop those c1 and c2. c2, this is like creating the leaf nodes //the thing on numstack that gets pushed is like // + // / \ <--opNode // 1 2 numStack.Push(opNode); Console.WriteLine("numStack Peek" + numStack.Peek().sym); // Parse through these nodes and solves // if sym opNode // At this point we want to check to // sym == "ADDOP" // c2 + c1 // // COME BACK TO THIS } // nothing left in operatorStack // ALL NODES ARE IN NUMSTACK! //Console.WriteLine(numStack.Peek().sym); Console.WriteLine(handleNode(numStack.Peek())); //Console.WriteLine(handleNode(numStack.Peek().children[0])); //Console.WriteLine(handleNode(numStack.Peek().children[1])); }
public ShuntingYard(Tokenizer T, string input) { T.setInput(input); Token previous = null; Token t = null; while (!(T.atEnd())) { previous = t; t =; if (t.Lexeme == "-") { if ((previous == null) || (previous.Symbol == "LPAREN") || ((previous.Symbol != "NUM") && (previous.Symbol != "ID") && (previous.Symbol != "RPAREN"))) { t.Symbol = "NEGATE"; } } if ((t.Symbol == "NUM") || (t.Symbol == "ID")) //ID could be variable num is just numbers { numStack.Push(new TreeNode(t.Symbol, t)); } else if (t.Symbol == "LPAREN") { operatorStack.Push(new TreeNode(t.Symbol, t)); } else if (t.Symbol == "RPAREN") { //Console.WriteLine("HERE"); while (operatorStack.Peek().sym.Contains("LPAREN") == false) { var opNode = operatorStack.Pop(); var c1 = numStack.Pop(); if (opNode.sym != "NEGATE") { var c2 = numStack.Pop(); opNode.addChild(c2); } opNode.addChild(c1); numStack.Push(opNode); } operatorStack.Pop(); } else { handleOperator(t, operatorStack, numStack); } } while (operatorStack.Count() != 0) //while not empty m { var opNode = operatorStack.Pop(); var c1 = numStack.Pop(); if (opNode.sym != "NEGATE") { var c2 = numStack.Pop(); opNode.addChild(c2); } opNode.addChild(c1); numStack.Push(opNode); } var numNode = numStack.Pop(); var answer = handleNode(numNode); Console.WriteLine(answer); }