        private static Logic[] splitPackagesAndStatements(Logic[] logicOrder, int lineNumber, Scope currentScope)
            List <Logic> newOrder = new List <Logic> ();

            for (int i = 0; i < logicOrder.Length; i++)
                if (logicOrder [i].currentType == WordTypes.functionCall && SpecialWordParser.isKeyWord((logicOrder [i] as FunctionCall).name))
                    Package temp = new Package("(" + (logicOrder [i] as FunctionCall).parameter + ")", lineNumber);
                    temp.logicOrder = WordsToLogicParser.determineLogicFromWords(new string[] { temp.word }, lineNumber, currentScope);

                    if ((logicOrder [i] as FunctionCall).name == "if")
                        newOrder.Add(new IfStatement());
                    else if ((logicOrder [i] as FunctionCall).name == "while")
                        newOrder.Add(new WhileLoop());
                    newOrder.Add(logicOrder [i]);
        // Could be optimized so that we save left, right and operators for next comparision so we do not need to parse every loop instance!

        public static Logic parseDefStatement(Logic[] logicOrder, int lineNumber, Scope currentScope)
            FunctionCall theFuncCall = logicOrder [1] as FunctionCall;

            if (SpecialWordParser.isKeyWord(theFuncCall.name))
                ErrorMessage.sendErrorMessage(lineNumber, string.Format("\"{0}\" är ett Python keyword, du kan därför inte döpa en funktion till det", theFuncCall.name));

            int          paraAmount = (FunctionParser.getParameterAmount(theFuncCall.parameter, lineNumber, currentScope));
            UserFunction theFunc    = new UserFunction(theFuncCall.name, (logicOrder [0] as ScopeStarter).getTargetScope(), paraAmount);


            theFunc.inputParameterNames = FunctionParser.getParameterNames(theFuncCall.parameter, lineNumber, currentScope);

            return(new DefStatement());
        private static Logic getCurrentLogic(string word, int lineNumber, Scope currentScope)
            if (word == ",")
                return(new CommaSign());

            if (word == ">")
                return(new GreaterThenSign());

            if (word == "<")
                return(new LessThenSign());

            if (word == ":")
                return(new IndentOperator());

            if (word == "!")
                return(new XorOperator(word));

            if (word == "not")
                return(new NotOperator(word));

            if (word == "or")
                return(new OrOperator(word));

            if (word == "and")
                return(new AndOperator(word));

            if (isBooleanValue(word) == 1)
                return(new BooleanValue(true));
            if (isBooleanValue(word) == 0)
                return(new BooleanValue(false));

            if (isNumber(word))
                return(new NumberValue(word));

            if (isString(word))
                return(new TextValue(word));

            if (SpecialWordParser.isKeyWord(word))
                SpecialWordParser.checkIfUnsupportedKeyword(word, lineNumber);
                WordTypes specialType = SpecialWordParser.getSpecialType(word, lineNumber);

                if (specialType == WordTypes.forLoop)
                    return(new ForLoop());

                if (specialType == WordTypes.whileLoop)
                    return(new WhileLoop());

                if (specialType == WordTypes.ifOperator)
                    return(new IfStatement());

                if (specialType == WordTypes.elifOperator)
                    return(new ElifStatement());

                if (specialType == WordTypes.elseOperator)
                    return(new ElseStatement());

                if (specialType == WordTypes.defStatement)
                    return(new DefStatement());

                if (specialType == WordTypes.returnStatement)
                    return(new ReturnStatement());

                if (specialType == WordTypes.breakStatement)
                    return(new BreakStatement());

                if (specialType == WordTypes.continueStatement)
                    return(new ContinueStatment());

            if (startsWithDigitOrWeirdChar(word) == false)
                if (endsWithParantes(word))
                    Logic temp = FunctionParser.parseIntoFunctionCall(word, lineNumber, currentScope);
                    if (temp != null)
                    if (containsButNotStartWithDigitWeirdChar(word) == false)
                        return(checkVariable(word, currentScope.scopeVariables));

            if (word.Length == 1)
                if (word [0] == '=')
                    return(new EqualSign());
                if (isMathOperator(word[0]))
                    return(new MathOperator(word));

            if (isPackage(word))
                return(new Package(word, lineNumber));

            return(new UnknownLogic(lineNumber));