private static void handleFunctionCall(Logic[] logicOrder, expectType theExpectedType, int lineNumber, Scope currentScope, int i) { FunctionParser.linkFunctionCall((logicOrder [i] as FunctionCall), lineNumber, currentScope); if ((logicOrder [i] as FunctionCall).targetFunc.isUserFunction) { currentScope.getCurrentLine().insertReturnExpect(logicOrder [i]); (logicOrder [i] as FunctionCall).runFunction(currentScope); throw new FunctionCallException(); } else { if ((logicOrder [i] as FunctionCall).targetFunc.pauseWalker) { CodeWalker.pauseWalker(); } if ((logicOrder[i] as FunctionCall) == "input") { CodeWalker.linkSubmitInput.Invoke(SubmitInput, currentScope); Variable returnVariable = (logicOrder[i] as FunctionCall).runFunction(currentScope); logicOrder[i] = returnVariable; if (returnVariable.variableType == VariableTypes.boolean) { setNewExpectVariable(theExpectedType, VariableTypes.boolean, lineNumber); } else if (returnVariable.variableType == VariableTypes.number) { setNewExpectVariable(theExpectedType, VariableTypes.number, lineNumber); } else if (returnVariable.variableType == VariableTypes.textString) { setNewExpectVariable(theExpectedType, VariableTypes.textString, lineNumber); } CodeWalker.isWaitingForUserInput = true; } else { Variable returnVariable = (logicOrder[i] as FunctionCall).runFunction(currentScope); logicOrder[i] = returnVariable; if (returnVariable.variableType == VariableTypes.boolean) { setNewExpectVariable(theExpectedType, VariableTypes.boolean, lineNumber); } else if (returnVariable.variableType == VariableTypes.number) { setNewExpectVariable(theExpectedType, VariableTypes.number, lineNumber); } else if (returnVariable.variableType == VariableTypes.textString) { setNewExpectVariable(theExpectedType, VariableTypes.textString, lineNumber); } } } }
public static Logic parseForLoop(Logic[] logicOrder, int lineNumber, Scope currentScope) { syntaxCheckForLoop(logicOrder, lineNumber); #region get & check variables FunctionCall rangeCall = (logicOrder [3] as FunctionCall); Variable[] inputVariables = FunctionParser.getValueOfParameters(rangeCall.parameter, rangeCall.targetFunc, lineNumber, currentScope, rangeCall); // Checks if inputVariables is empty and else if only numbers if (inputVariables.Length == 0) { ErrorMessage.sendErrorMessage(lineNumber, ErrorType.ForLoop, ForLoopErrorType.rangeArgumentEmpty.ToString(), null); } else { foreach (Variable v in inputVariables) { if (v.variableType != VariableTypes.number) { ErrorMessage.sendErrorMessage(lineNumber, ErrorType.ForLoop, ForLoopErrorType.rangeArgumentNotNumber.ToString(), null); } } } #endregion ForLoop returnLoop = new ForLoop(); returnLoop.setTargetScope((logicOrder [0] as ScopeStarter).getTargetScope()); returnLoop.getTargetScope().theScoopLoop = returnLoop; string counterName = logicOrder[1].word; if (inputVariables.Length == 1) { returnLoop.setLoopVariables(counterName, 0, inputVariables [0].getNumber(), 1); } if (inputVariables.Length == 2) { returnLoop.setLoopVariables(counterName, inputVariables [0].getNumber(), inputVariables [1].getNumber(), 1); } if (inputVariables.Length == 3) { returnLoop.setLoopVariables(counterName, inputVariables [0].getNumber(), inputVariables [1].getNumber(), inputVariables [2].getNumber()); } returnLoop.doEnterScope = returnLoop.makeComparison(lineNumber, false); returnLoop.addCounterVariableToScope(lineNumber); return(returnLoop); }
// Could be optimized so that we save left, right and operators for next comparision so we do not need to parse every loop instance! public static Logic parseDefStatement(Logic[] logicOrder, int lineNumber, Scope currentScope) { FunctionCall theFuncCall = logicOrder [1] as FunctionCall; if (SpecialWordParser.isKeyWord( { ErrorMessage.sendErrorMessage(lineNumber, string.Format("\"{0}\" är ett Python keyword, du kan därför inte döpa en funktion till det",; } int paraAmount = (FunctionParser.getParameterAmount(theFuncCall.parameter, lineNumber, currentScope)); UserFunction theFunc = new UserFunction(, (logicOrder [0] as ScopeStarter).getTargetScope(), paraAmount); currentScope.scopeFunctions.addFunction(theFunc); theFunc.inputParameterNames = FunctionParser.getParameterNames(theFuncCall.parameter, lineNumber, currentScope); return(new DefStatement()); }
private static Logic[] parseVariablesAndPackagesIntoFunctionCalls(Logic[] logicOrder, int lineNumber, Scope currentScope) { List <Logic> tempOrder = new List <Logic> (); for (int i = 0; i < logicOrder.Length; i++) { if (logicOrder [i].currentType == WordTypes.variable && (i + 1 < logicOrder.Length && logicOrder[i + 1].currentType == WordTypes.package)) { Logic theFuncCall = FunctionParser.parseIntoFunctionCall(logicOrder [i].word + logicOrder [i + 1].word, lineNumber, currentScope); tempOrder.Add(theFuncCall); i += 1; } else { tempOrder.Add(logicOrder [i]); } } return(tempOrder.ToArray()); }
private static Logic getCurrentLogic(string word, int lineNumber, Scope currentScope) { if (word == ",") { return(new CommaSign()); } if (word == ">") { return(new GreaterThenSign()); } if (word == "<") { return(new LessThenSign()); } if (word == ":") { return(new IndentOperator()); } if (word == "!") { return(new XorOperator(word)); } if (word == "not") { return(new NotOperator(word)); } if (word == "or") { return(new OrOperator(word)); } if (word == "and") { return(new AndOperator(word)); } if (isBooleanValue(word) == 1) { return(new BooleanValue(true)); } if (isBooleanValue(word) == 0) { return(new BooleanValue(false)); } if (isNumber(word)) { return(new NumberValue(word)); } if (isString(word)) { return(new TextValue(word)); } if (SpecialWordParser.isKeyWord(word)) { SpecialWordParser.checkIfUnsupportedKeyword(word, lineNumber); WordTypes specialType = SpecialWordParser.getSpecialType(word, lineNumber); if (specialType == WordTypes.forLoop) { return(new ForLoop()); } if (specialType == WordTypes.whileLoop) { return(new WhileLoop()); } if (specialType == WordTypes.ifOperator) { return(new IfStatement()); } if (specialType == WordTypes.elifOperator) { return(new ElifStatement()); } if (specialType == WordTypes.elseOperator) { return(new ElseStatement()); } if (specialType == WordTypes.defStatement) { return(new DefStatement()); } if (specialType == WordTypes.returnStatement) { return(new ReturnStatement()); } if (specialType == WordTypes.breakStatement) { return(new BreakStatement()); } if (specialType == WordTypes.continueStatement) { return(new ContinueStatment()); } } if (startsWithDigitOrWeirdChar(word) == false) { if (endsWithParantes(word)) { Logic temp = FunctionParser.parseIntoFunctionCall(word, lineNumber, currentScope); if (temp != null) { return(temp); } } else { if (containsButNotStartWithDigitWeirdChar(word) == false) { return(checkVariable(word, currentScope.scopeVariables)); } } } if (word.Length == 1) { if (word [0] == '=') { return(new EqualSign()); } if (isMathOperator(word[0])) { return(new MathOperator(word)); } } if (isPackage(word)) { return(new Package(word, lineNumber)); } return(new UnknownLogic(lineNumber)); }
public static bool hasReturnValue(string word, int lineNumber) { Compiler.Function searchedFunc = Camera.main.GetComponent <HelloCompiler>().funcs.getSavedFunction(FunctionParser.getFunctionName(word, lineNumber), lineNumber); if (searchedFunc != null) { return(searchedFunc.hasReturnVariable); } return(false); }