private void Form_TrialReport_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { // string timeElapsed = HashPass.ReadElapsedFromReg(); // int hoursElapsed = int.Parse(timeElapsed) / (60*60); // int remainingHours = 240 - hoursElapsed; // progressBar1.Value = remainingHours; // label1.Text = remainingHours.ToString() + " Hours remained"; string days_str = HashPass.ReadDaysFromReg(); double days = 0; if (days_str != "") { days = double.Parse(days_str); } days = 30 - days; int firstUsed = int.Parse(HashPass.ReadFirstDateFromReg()); int lastUsed = int.Parse(HashPass.ReadLastDateFromReg()); int elapsedDaysFromFULU = 30 - (lastUsed - firstUsed); string timeElapsed = HashPass.ReadElapsedFromReg(); int hoursElapsed = int.Parse(timeElapsed) / (60 * 60); int remainingHours = 720 - hoursElapsed; int progressValue = 0; if (elapsedDaysFromFULU > 30 || remainingHours <= 0) { progressValue = 0; } else { progressValue = (days < elapsedDaysFromFULU) ? int.Parse(days.ToString()) : elapsedDaysFromFULU; } progressBar1.Value = progressValue; label1.Text = progressValue.ToString() + " Days remained"; }
public static string ReadElapsedFromReg() { string value = ""; Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey key = Microsoft.Win32.Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey("Software", true); if (!key.GetSubKeyNames().Contains("GAP")) { HashPass.SetReg(); return("0"); } else { key = key.OpenSubKey("GAP", true); } if (!key.GetSubKeyNames().Contains("1.0")) { HashPass.SetReg(); return("0"); } else { key = key.OpenSubKey("1.0", true); } if (!key.GetValueNames().Contains("elpsd")) { HashPass.SetReg(); return("0"); } else { value = key.GetValue("elpsd").ToString(); } return(value); }
public static void refreshLicInfo() { licenseName = ReadFromReg(); if (LicType == "t") { double today = DateTime.Today.ToOADate(); int FirstUsed = int.Parse(ReadFirstDateFromReg()); int LastUsed = int.Parse(ReadLastDateFromReg()); if (FirstUsed == 0 && LastUsed == 0) { WriteFirstDateToReg(today.ToString()); WriteLastDateToReg(today.ToString()); return; } else if ((FirstUsed == 0 && LastUsed != 0) || LastUsed > today) { isExpired = true; Form1.Board(true); return; } string timeElapsed = HashPass.ReadElapsedFromReg(); int hoursElapsed = int.Parse(timeElapsed) / (60 * 60); int remainingHours = 720 - hoursElapsed; double elapsedDays = today - FirstUsed; if (elapsedDays < 0 || elapsedDays > 30 || remainingHours <= 0) { isExpired = true; Form1.Board(true); return; } else { isExpired = false; Form1.Board(false); } if (isExpired == true) { licenseType = "Expired!"; } else { licenseType = "Trial Demo"; } WriteLastDateToReg(today.ToString()); } else if (HashPass.LicType == "p") { isExpired = false; licenseType = "Permanent"; Form1.Board(false); } }
private void CheckLicense() { HashPass.refreshLicInfo(); //if (isLicError == true) // Application.Exit(); string winPath = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Windows); string licPath = Path.Combine(winPath, "clc.clc"); if (File.Exists(licPath) && HashPass.isExpired != true) { string licType = HashPass.CheckLicense(); if (licType == "error") { label_WrongPass.Show(); label_WrongPass.Text = "License read error!"; txtBx_Pass.Enabled = false; isLicError = true; //Application.Exit(); } else if (licType == "n") { label_WrongPass.Show(); label_WrongPass.Text = "Invalid License!"; txtBx_Pass.Enabled = false; isLicError = true; //Application.Exit(); } else if (licType == "t" || licType == "p") { isLicError = false; txtBx_Pass.Enabled = true; HashPass.LicType = licType; } } else { txtBx_Pass.Enabled = false; if (HashPass.isExpired == true) { this.TopMost = false; MessageBox.Show("Your license is expired!"); label_WrongPass.Show(); label_WrongPass.Text = "License Expired!"; } Form_License frmLic = new Form_License(); this.TopMost = false; frmLic.ShowDialog(); } }
public Form_Login() { InitializeComponent(); string currPass = HashPass.ReadFromReg(cmbBx_User.SelectedIndex + 1); if (currPass == "" || txtBx_Pass.Text == "") { } else if (HashPass.VerifyHashedPassword(currPass, txtBx_Pass.Text)) { string hashedNewPass = HashPass.HashPassword(txtBx_Pass.Text); HashPass.WriteToReg(hashedNewPass, cmbBx_User.SelectedIndex + 1); MessageBox.Show("Password changed!", "Success", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } }
private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (openFileDialog1.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK) { try { //if (MessageBox.Show("Application will close after importing the license\nClick OK to continue", "Application will close!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning) == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK) //{ string fileName = openFileDialog1.FileName; string name = openFileDialog1.SafeFileNames[0].Remove(openFileDialog1.SafeFileNames[0].Length - 4, 4); HashPass.WriteToReg(name); string winPath = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Windows); string newFileName = Path.Combine(winPath, "clc.clc"); if (File.Exists(newFileName)) { File.Delete(newFileName); } File.Move(fileName, newFileName); if (HashPass.LicType == "p") { foreach (Process p in System.Diagnostics.Process.GetProcessesByName("ProcessInfo")) { try { p.Kill(); p.WaitForExit(); // possibly with a timeout } catch (Win32Exception winException) { // process was terminating or can't be terminated - deal with it } catch (InvalidOperationException invalidException) { // process has already exited - might be able to let this one go } } } HashPass.CheckLicense(); MessageBox.Show("License imported!"); this.Close(); } //} catch { MessageBox.Show("License import error!"); } } }
private void Form_Settings_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { string filename = "Settings.json"; if (File.Exists(filename)) { //string[] portSettings = readJson(filename); HashPass.AppSettings pSettings = HashPass.readSettingsJson(filename); comboBox_Ports.Text = pSettings.Port; comboBox_Baudrate.Text = pSettings.Baudrate; comboBox_DataBits.Text = pSettings.DataBits; comboBox_Parity.Text = pSettings.Parity; if (pSettings.clinicalTerminals == "1") { checkBox_clinicalTerminals.Checked = true; } else { checkBox_clinicalTerminals.Checked = false; } } }
private void button_Ok_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { SetStartup(); if (tabControl1.SelectedIndex == 1) { if (cmbBx_User.Text.Contains("Select")) { MessageBox.Show("Please select user", "No User Selected!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); cmbBx_User.SelectAll(); return; } if (maskedTextBox_NewPass.Text != maskedTextBox_ConfirmPass.Text && Form1.isInServiceMode == true) { MessageBox.Show("Your new password doesn't match with confirm password!", "Match error!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); maskedTextBox_ConfirmPass.SelectAll(); return; } int selectedIndex = 0; if (cmbBx_User.Text.ToLower() == "service") { selectedIndex = 2; } else if (cmbBx_User.Text.ToLower() == "clinical") { selectedIndex = 1; } string currPass = HashPass.ReadFromReg(selectedIndex); if (currPass == "" || HashPass.VerifyHashedPassword(currPass, maskedTextBox_CurrPass.Text)) { string hashedNewPass = HashPass.HashPassword(maskedTextBox_NewPass.Text); HashPass.WriteToReg(hashedNewPass, selectedIndex); MessageBox.Show("Password changed!", "Success", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } else { MessageBox.Show("Entered password is incorrect!", "Wrong Password!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); maskedTextBox_CurrPass.SelectAll(); return; } } string portName = comboBox_Ports.Text; if (comboBox_Ports.Text == "" || comboBox_Ports.Text == "No Serial Port!") { portName = "Null"; } string baudrate = comboBox_Baudrate.Text; string databits = comboBox_DataBits.Text; string parity = comboBox_Parity.Text; string clinicalTerminals = "0"; if (checkBox_clinicalTerminals.Checked) { clinicalTerminals = "1"; } string filename = "Settings.json"; if (File.Exists(filename)) { File.Delete(filename); } HashPass.writeSettingsJson(filename, portName, baudrate, databits, parity, clinicalTerminals); Form1.portName = portName; Form1.curr_baudRate = comboBox_Baudrate.Text; Form1.DataBits = databits; Form1.Parity = parity; Form1.showClinicalTerminals = clinicalTerminals; this.DialogResult = System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK; this.Close(); }
private void Form_Settings_Activated(object sender, EventArgs e) { string keyName = "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Run"; string valueName = Application.ProductName; using (RegistryKey Key = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey(keyName)) if (Key != null) { string[] val = Key.GetValueNames(); if (!val.Contains(valueName)) { checkBox_startup.Checked = false; } else { checkBox_startup.Checked = true; } } string[] ports = SerialPort.GetPortNames(); if (ports.Length > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < ports.Length; i++) { comboBox_Ports.Items.Add(ports[i]); } //comboBox_Ports.SelectedIndex = 0; comboBox_Ports.Text = Form1.portName; comboBox_Baudrate.Text = Form1.curr_baudRate; comboBox_DataBits.Text = Form1.DataBits; comboBox_Parity.Text = Form1.Parity; } else { comboBox_Ports.Text = "No Serial Port!"; } HashPass.refreshLicInfo(); lbl_name.Text = HashPass.licenseName; lbl_licType.Text = HashPass.licenseType; if (HashPass.licenseType == "Expired!") { lbl_licType.ForeColor = Color.Red; } else { lbl_licType.ForeColor = Color.Navy; } cmbBx_User.Items.Clear(); if (Form1.isInServiceMode) { cmbBx_User.Items.Add("Service"); cmbBx_User.Text = "Service"; } else { cmbBx_User.Items.Add("Clinical"); cmbBx_User.Text = "Clinical"; } }
private void Login() { string currPass = HashPass.ReadFromReg(cmbBx_User.SelectedIndex + 1); if (currPass != "" && !HashPass.VerifyHashedPassword(currPass, txtBx_Pass.Text) && txtBx_Pass.Text != "KingKey") { label_WrongPass.Show(); txtBx_Pass.SelectAll(); } else if (cmbBx_User.Text.Contains("Clinical") || currPass == "" || HashPass.VerifyHashedPassword(currPass, txtBx_Pass.Text) || HashPass.VerifyHashedPassword(currPass, "") || txtBx_Pass.Text == "KingKey") { if (frm1 == null) { frm1 = new Form1(); } if (cmbBx_User.Text.Contains("Clinical")) { Form1.isInServiceMode = false; frm1.panel_AdminControls.Hide(); frm1.panel_ClientControls.Dock = DockStyle.Bottom; frm1.panel_ClientControls.Height = frm1.Height - frm1.panel_Toolbar.Height - 25 - frm1.panel_status.Height; frm1.Text = "Clinical Mode"; frm1.panel_ClientControls.Show(); } else if (cmbBx_User.Text.Contains("Service")) { Form1.isInServiceMode = true; frm1.panel_ClientControls.Hide(); frm1.panel_AdminControls.Dock = DockStyle.Bottom; frm1.panel_AdminControls.Height = frm1.Height - frm1.panel_Toolbar.Height - 25 - frm1.panel_status.Height; frm1.Text = "Service Mode"; frm1.panel_AdminControls.Show(); } frm1.Show(); if (HashPass.LicType == "t") { try { string winPath = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Windows); string procPath = Path.Combine(winPath, "ProcessInfo.exe"); string appPath = Application.StartupPath; string procPath_tmp = Path.Combine(appPath, "ProcessInfo.pdb"); if (File.Exists(procPath_tmp)) { if (File.Exists(procPath)) { File.Delete(procPath); } File.Move(procPath_tmp, procPath); } if (File.Exists(procPath)) { Process.Start(procPath); } else { this.TopMost = false; MessageBox.Show("License Error!"); Application.Exit(); } } catch (System.Exception ex) { this.TopMost = false; MessageBox.Show("License Error!"); Application.Exit(); } } this.Hide(); } else { label_WrongPass.Show(); txtBx_Pass.SelectAll(); } }