/// <summary> /// Method - Get list of all users /// </summary> /// <returns>Employee</returns> public List<RideRequest> GetActiveRideRequests() { try { using (connection) { requestList = new List<RideRequest>(); connection = new SqlConnection(DAL.ConnectionString); string sqlSelectString = "SELECT userid, fromAddress, toAddress, pickupDate, pickupTime, status, recID from [RideRequests] where status = 1"; command = new SqlCommand(sqlSelectString, connection); command.Connection.Open(); SqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) { RideRequest rideRequest = new RideRequest(); User user = new User(); rideRequest.UserID = reader[0].ToString(); rideRequest.OriginAddress = reader[1].ToString(); rideRequest.DestinationAddress = reader[2].ToString(); rideRequest.PickupDate = Convert.ToString(reader[3]); rideRequest.PickupTime = Convert.ToString(reader[4]); rideRequest.Status = Convert.ToInt32(reader[5].ToString()); rideRequest.RecID = Convert.ToInt64(reader[6]); user = userDAL.GetUser(rideRequest.UserID); rideRequest.Requestor = user; requestList.Add(rideRequest); } command.Connection.Close(); return requestList; } } catch (Exception ex) { // err.ErrorMessage = ex.Message.ToString(); throw; } }
public List<RideOffer> GetActiveOffers(Int64 requestRecID) { try { using (connection) { rideOffersList = new List<RideOffer>(); connection = new SqlConnection(DAL.ConnectionString); string sqlSelectString = "SELECT RideRequestRecID, DriverUserID, Notes, Status from [RideOffers] where Status in (1, 2) and RideRequestRecID = " + requestRecID; command = new SqlCommand(sqlSelectString, connection); command.Connection.Open(); SqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) { RideOffer rideOffer = new RideOffer(); User user = new User(); rideOffer.RideRequestRecID = Convert.ToInt64(reader[0]); rideOffer.DriverUserID = reader[1].ToString(); rideOffer.Notes = reader[2].ToString(); rideOffer.Status = Convert.ToInt32(reader[3]); user = userDAL.GetUser(rideOffer.DriverUserID); rideOffer.Driver = user; rideOffersList.Add(rideOffer); } command.Connection.Close(); return rideOffersList; } } catch (Exception ex) { // err.ErrorMessage = ex.Message.ToString(); throw; } }
public bool insert(User user) { bool isInserted; try { using (connection) { userList = new List<User>(); connection = new SqlConnection(DAL.ConnectionString); string sqlSelectString = "INSERT into [User] (firstname, lastname, userid, password, phone, streetaddress, city, zipcode, state) values('" + user.FirstName + "','" + user.LastName + "','" + user.UserID + "','" + user.Password + "','" + user.Phone + "','" + user.StreetAddress + "','" + user.City + "','" + user.ZipCode + "','" + user.State+ "')"; command = new SqlCommand(sqlSelectString, connection); command.Connection.Open(); int totalRowsAffected = command.ExecuteNonQuery(); command.Connection.Close(); isInserted = totalRowsAffected > 0; return isInserted; } } catch (Exception ex) { // err.ErrorMessage = ex.Message.ToString(); throw; } }
/// <summary> /// Database SELECT - Get a User /// </summary> /// <param name="ID"></param> /// <returns></returns> public User GetUser(string userId) { User user = new User(); try { using (connection) { connection = new SqlConnection(DAL.ConnectionString); string sqlSelectString = "SELECT firstname, lastname, userid, phone, streetaddress, zipcode, city, state, password from [User] where userid = '" + userId + "'"; command = new SqlCommand(sqlSelectString, connection); command.Connection.Open(); SqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader(); if (reader.Read()) { user.FirstName = reader[0].ToString(); user.LastName = reader[1].ToString(); user.UserID = reader[2].ToString(); user.Phone = reader[3].ToString(); user.StreetAddress = reader[4].ToString(); user.ZipCode = reader[5].ToString(); user.City = reader[6].ToString(); user.State = reader[7].ToString(); user.Password = reader[8].ToString(); } command.Connection.Close(); return user; } } catch (Exception ex) { // err.ErrorMessage = ex.Message.ToString(); throw; } }
/// <summary> /// Method - Get list of all users /// </summary> /// <returns>Employee</returns> private List<User> GetUsers() { try { using (connection) { userList = new List<User>(); connection = new SqlConnection(DAL.ConnectionString); string sqlSelectString = "SELECT firstname, lastname, userid, phone from [User]"; command = new SqlCommand(sqlSelectString, connection); command.Connection.Open(); SqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) { User user = new User(); user.FirstName = reader[0].ToString(); user.LastName = reader[1].ToString(); user.UserID = reader[2].ToString(); user.Phone = reader[3].ToString(); userList.Add(user); } command.Connection.Close(); return userList; } } catch (Exception ex) { // err.ErrorMessage = ex.Message.ToString(); throw; } }