private void DrawHelpCategoryRow(Rect catRect, HelpCategoryDef cat) { try { GUI.BeginGroup(catRect); if (catRect.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition)) { Widgets.DrawHighlight(catRect); } Rect imageRect = new Rect(Margin * 2, catRect.height / 2f - ArrowImageSize.y / 2f, ArrowImageSize.x, ArrowImageSize.y); Texture2D texture = cat.Expanded ? ArrowUpTex : ArrowDownTex; GUI.DrawTexture(imageRect, texture); Rect labelRect = new Rect(imageRect.xMax + Margin, 0f, catRect.width - imageRect.width - Margin * 3, catRect.height); Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft; Widgets.Label(labelRect, cat.LabelCap); Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.UpperLeft; GUI.color = Color.gray; Widgets.DrawLineHorizontal(0f, 0f, catRect.width); GUI.color = Color.white; if (Widgets.InvisibleButton(catRect)) { cat.Expanded = !cat.Expanded; } } finally { Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.UpperLeft; GUI.EndGroup(); } }
void DrawHelpCategory(Rect catRect, HelpCategoryDef cat) { GUI.BeginGroup(catRect); var catRowRect = new Rect(0f, 0f, catRect.width, EntryHeight); DrawHelpCategoryRow(catRowRect, cat); if (cat.Expanded) { float curY = EntryHeight; foreach (var helpDef in cat.HelpDefs) { var helpRect = new Rect( EntryIndent, curY, catRect.width, EntryHeight); DrawHelpRow(helpRect, helpDef); GUI.color = Color.gray; Widgets.DrawLineHorizontal(0f, curY, catRect.width); GUI.color = Color.white; curY += EntryHeight; } } Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.UpperLeft; GUI.EndGroup(); }
public void AddCategory(HelpCategoryDef def) { if (!helpCategories.Contains(def)) { helpCategories.Add(def); } }
public void DrawCatEntry(ref Vector2 cur, int nestLevel, Rect view, HelpCategoryDef catDef) { State curState = catDef.Expanded ? State.Expanded : State.Closed; if (DrawEntry(ref cur, nestLevel, view, catDef.LabelCap, curState)) { catDef.Expanded = !catDef.Expanded; } }
public void JumpTo(HelpDef helpDef) { Find.MainTabsRoot.SetCurrentTab(this.def); ResetFilter(); _jump = true; SelectedHelpDef = helpDef; HelpCategoryDef cat = DefDatabase <HelpCategoryDef> .AllDefsListForReading.First(hc => hc.HelpDefs.Contains(helpDef)); cat.Expanded = true; ModCategory mod = CachedHelpCategories.First(mc => mc.HelpCategories.Contains(cat)); mod.Expanded = true; }
static HelpCategoryDef HelpCategoryForKey( string key, string label, string modname ) { // Get help category var helpCategoryDef = DefDatabase< HelpCategoryDef >.GetNamed( key, false ); if( helpCategoryDef == null ) { // Create new designation help category helpCategoryDef = new HelpCategoryDef(); helpCategoryDef.defName = key; helpCategoryDef.keyDef = key; helpCategoryDef.label = label; helpCategoryDef.ModName = modname; DefDatabase<HelpCategoryDef>.Add( helpCategoryDef ); } return helpCategoryDef; }
static HelpDef HelpForResearch( ResearchProjectDef researchProjectDef, HelpCategoryDef category ) { var helpDef = new HelpDef(); helpDef.defName = researchProjectDef.defName + "_ResearchProjectDef_Help"; helpDef.keyDef = researchProjectDef.defName; helpDef.label = researchProjectDef.label; helpDef.category = category; var s = new StringBuilder(); s.AppendLine( researchProjectDef.description ); s.AppendLine(); #region Base Stats s.AppendLine( "AutoHelpTotalCost".Translate( researchProjectDef.totalCost.ToString() ) ); s.AppendLine(); #endregion #region Research, Buildings, Recipes and SowTags // Add research required var researchDefs = researchProjectDef.GetResearchRequirements(); BuildDefDescription( s, "AutoHelpListResearchRequired".Translate(), researchDefs.ConvertAll<Def>( def =>(Def)def ) ); // Add buildings it unlocks var thingDefs = researchProjectDef.GetThingsUnlocked(); BuildDefDescription( s, "AutoHelpListThingsUnlocked".Translate(), thingDefs.ConvertAll<Def>( def =>(Def)def ) ); // Add recipes it unlocks var recipeDefs = researchProjectDef.GetRecipesUnlocked( ref thingDefs ); BuildDefWithDefDescription( s, "AutoHelpListRecipesUnlocked".Translate(), "AutoHelpListRecipesOnThingsUnlocked".Translate(), recipeDefs.ConvertAll<Def>( def =>(Def)def ), thingDefs.ConvertAll<Def>( def =>(Def)def ) ); // Look in advanced research to add plants and sow tags it unlocks var sowTags = researchProjectDef.GetSowTagsUnlocked( ref thingDefs ); BuildDefWithStringDescription( s, "AutoHelpListPlantsUnlocked".Translate(), "AutoHelpListPlantsIn".Translate(), thingDefs.ConvertAll<Def>( def =>(Def)def ), sowTags ); #endregion #region Lockouts // Get advanced research which locks researchDefs = researchProjectDef.GetResearchedLockedBy(); BuildDefDescription( s, "AutoHelpListResearchLockout".Translate(), researchDefs.ConvertAll<Def>( def =>(Def)def ) ); #endregion helpDef.description = s.ToString(); return helpDef; }
public void AddCategory( HelpCategoryDef def ) { if( !_helpCategories.Contains( def ) ) { _helpCategories.Add( def ); } }
public void AddCategory(HelpCategoryDef def) { _helpCategories.AddUnique(def); }
private void DrawHelpCategoryRow(Rect catRect, HelpCategoryDef cat) { try { GUI.BeginGroup(catRect); if (catRect.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition)) Widgets.DrawHighlight(catRect); Rect imageRect = new Rect(Margin * 2, catRect.height / 2f - ArrowImageSize.y / 2f, ArrowImageSize.x, ArrowImageSize.y); Texture2D texture = cat.Expanded ? ArrowUpTex : ArrowDownTex; GUI.DrawTexture(imageRect, texture); Rect labelRect = new Rect(imageRect.xMax + Margin, 0f, catRect.width - imageRect.width - Margin * 3, catRect.height); Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft; Widgets.Label(labelRect, cat.LabelCap); Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.UpperLeft; GUI.color = Color.gray; Widgets.DrawLineHorizontal(0f, 0f, catRect.width); GUI.color = Color.white; if (Widgets.InvisibleButton(catRect)) { cat.Expanded = !cat.Expanded; } } finally { Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.UpperLeft; GUI.EndGroup(); } }
static HelpDef HelpForRecipe( ThingDef thingDef, RecipeDef recipeDef, HelpCategoryDef category ) { var helpDef = new HelpDef(); helpDef.keyDef = recipeDef; helpDef.defName = helpDef.keyDef + "_RecipeDef_Help"; helpDef.label = recipeDef.label; helpDef.category = category; helpDef.description = recipeDef.description; #region Base Stats helpDef.HelpDetailSections.Add( new HelpDetailSection( null, new[] { "WorkAmount".Translate() + " : " + recipeDef.WorkAmountTotal( (ThingDef)null ).ToStringWorkAmount() } ) ); #endregion #region Skill Requirements if( !recipeDef.skillRequirements.NullOrEmpty() ) { helpDef.HelpDetailSections.Add( new HelpDetailSection( "MinimumSkills".Translate(), recipeDef.skillRequirements.Select( sr => sr.skill ).ToList().ConvertAll( sd => (Def)sd ), null, recipeDef.skillRequirements.Select( sr => sr.minLevel.ToString( "####0" ) ).ToArray() ) ); } #endregion #region Ingredients // List of ingredients if( !recipeDef.ingredients.NullOrEmpty() ) { // TODO: find the actual thingDefs of ingredients so we can use defs instead of strings. HelpDetailSection ingredients = new HelpDetailSection( "Ingredients".Translate(), recipeDef.ingredients.Select(ic => recipeDef.IngredientValueGetter.BillRequirementsDescription( ic )).ToArray()); helpDef.HelpDetailSections.Add( ingredients ); } #endregion #region Products // List of products if( !recipeDef.products.NullOrEmpty() ) { HelpDetailSection products = new HelpDetailSection( "AutoHelpListRecipeProducts".Translate(), recipeDef.products.Select(tc => tc.thingDef).ToList().ConvertAll(def => (Def)def), recipeDef.products.Select(tc => tc.count.ToString()).ToArray()); helpDef.HelpDetailSections.Add( products ); } #endregion #region Things & Research // Add things it's on var thingDefs = recipeDef.GetThingsCurrent(); if( !thingDefs.NullOrEmpty() ) { HelpDetailSection billgivers = new HelpDetailSection( "AutoHelpListRecipesOnThings".Translate(), thingDefs.ConvertAll<Def>(def => (Def)def)); helpDef.HelpDetailSections.Add( billgivers ); } // Add research required var researchDefs = recipeDef.GetResearchRequirements(); if( !researchDefs.NullOrEmpty() ) { HelpDetailSection requiredResearch = new HelpDetailSection( "AutoHelpListResearchRequired".Translate(), researchDefs); helpDef.HelpDetailSections.Add( requiredResearch ); } // What things is it on after research thingDefs = recipeDef.GetThingsUnlocked( ref researchDefs ); if( !thingDefs.NullOrEmpty() ) { HelpDetailSection recipesOnThingsUnlocked = new HelpDetailSection( "AutoHelpListRecipesOnThingsUnlocked".Translate(), thingDefs.ConvertAll<Def>(def => (Def)def)); helpDef.HelpDetailSections.Add( recipesOnThingsUnlocked ); if( !researchDefs.NullOrEmpty() ) { HelpDetailSection researchBy = new HelpDetailSection( "AutoHelpListResearchBy".Translate(), researchDefs.ConvertAll<Def>(def => (Def)def)); helpDef.HelpDetailSections.Add( researchBy ); } } // Get research which locks recipe thingDefs = recipeDef.GetThingsLocked( ref researchDefs ); if( !thingDefs.NullOrEmpty() ) { HelpDetailSection recipesOnThingsLocked = new HelpDetailSection( "AutoHelpListRecipesOnThingsLocked".Translate(), thingDefs.ConvertAll<Def>(def => (Def)def)); helpDef.HelpDetailSections.Add( recipesOnThingsLocked ); if( !researchDefs.NullOrEmpty() ) { HelpDetailSection researchBy = new HelpDetailSection( "AutoHelpListResearchBy".Translate(), researchDefs.ConvertAll<Def>(def => (Def)def)); helpDef.HelpDetailSections.Add( researchBy ); } } #endregion return helpDef; }
public void DrawCatEntry( ref Vector2 cur, int nestLevel, Rect view, HelpCategoryDef catDef ) { State curState = catDef.Expanded ? State.Expanded : State.Closed; if( DrawEntry( ref cur, nestLevel, view, catDef.LabelCap, curState ) ) { catDef.Expanded = !catDef.Expanded; } }
static HelpDef HelpForRecipe( ThingDef thingDef, RecipeDef recipeDef, HelpCategoryDef category ) { var helpDef = new HelpDef(); helpDef.keyDef = thingDef.defName +"_" + recipeDef.defName; helpDef.defName = helpDef.keyDef + "_RecipeDef_Help"; helpDef.label = recipeDef.label; helpDef.category = category; var s = new StringBuilder(); s.AppendLine( recipeDef.description ); s.AppendLine(); #region Base Stats s.AppendLine( "WorkAmount".Translate() + " : " + GenText.ToStringWorkAmount( recipeDef.WorkAmountTotal( (ThingDef) null ) ) ); s.AppendLine(); #endregion #region Skill Requirements if( ( recipeDef.skillRequirements != null )&& ( recipeDef.skillRequirements.Count > 0 ) ) { s.AppendLine( "MinimumSkills".Translate() ); foreach( var sr in recipeDef.skillRequirements ) { s.Append( "\t" ); s.AppendLine( "BillRequires".Translate( new object[] { sr.minLevel.ToString( "####0" ), sr.skill.label.ToLower() } ) ); } s.AppendLine(); } #endregion #region Ingredients // List of ingredients if( ( recipeDef.ingredients != null )&& ( recipeDef.ingredients.Count > 0 ) ) { s.Append( "Ingredients".Translate() ); s.AppendLine( ":" ); foreach( var ing in recipeDef.ingredients ) { if( !GenText.NullOrEmpty( ing.filter.Summary ) ) { s.Append( "\t" ); s.AppendLine( recipeDef.IngredientValueGetter.BillRequirementsDescription( ing ) ); } } s.AppendLine(); } #endregion #region Products // List of products if( ( recipeDef.products != null )&& ( recipeDef.products.Count > 0 ) ) { s.AppendLine( "AutoHelpListRecipeProducts".Translate() ); foreach( var ing in recipeDef.products ) { s.Append( "\t" ); s.Append( ing.thingDef.LabelCap ); s.Append( " : " ); s.AppendLine( ing.count.ToString() ); } s.AppendLine(); } #endregion #region Things & Research // Add things it's on var thingDefs = recipeDef.GetThingsCurrent(); BuildDefDescription( s, "AutoHelpListRecipesOnThings".Translate(), thingDefs.ConvertAll<Def>( def => (Def)def ) ); // Add research required var researchDefs = recipeDef.GetResearchRequirements(); BuildDefDescription( s, "AutoHelpListResearchRequired".Translate(), researchDefs ); // What things is it on after research thingDefs = recipeDef.GetThingsUnlocked( ref researchDefs ); BuildDefWithDefDescription( s, "AutoHelpListRecipesOnThingsUnlocked".Translate(), "AutoHelpListResearchBy".Translate(), thingDefs.ConvertAll<Def>( def => (Def)def ), researchDefs.ConvertAll<Def>( def => (Def)def ) ); // Get research which locks recipe thingDefs = recipeDef.GetThingsLocked( ref researchDefs ); BuildDefWithDefDescription( s, "AutoHelpListRecipesOnThingsLocked".Translate(), "AutoHelpListResearchBy".Translate(), thingDefs.ConvertAll<Def>( def => (Def)def ), researchDefs.ConvertAll<Def>( def => (Def)def ) ); #endregion helpDef.description = s.ToString(); return helpDef; }
static HelpDef HelpForBuildable( BuildableDef buildableDef, HelpCategoryDef category ) { var helpDef = new HelpDef(); helpDef.defName = buildableDef.defName + "_BuildableDef_Help"; helpDef.keyDef = buildableDef.defName; helpDef.label = buildableDef.label; helpDef.category = category; var s = new StringBuilder(); s.AppendLine( buildableDef.description ); s.AppendLine(); #region Base Stats // Look at base stats foreach( var stat in buildableDef.statBases ) { s.Append( stat.stat.LabelCap ); s.Append( " : " ); s.AppendLine( stat.stat.ValueToString( stat.value, stat.stat.toStringNumberSense ) ); } s.AppendLine(); #endregion #region ThingDef Specific var thingDef = buildableDef as ThingDef; if( thingDef != null ) { #region Ingestible Stats // Look at base stats if( thingDef.IsNutritionSource ) { if( thingDef.ingestible.nutrition > 0.0001f ) { s.Append( "Nutrition".Translate() ); s.Append( " : " ); s.AppendLine( thingDef.ingestible.nutrition.ToString( "0.###" ) ); } if( > 0.0001f ) { s.Append( "Joy".Translate() ); s.Append( " : " ); s.AppendLine( "0.###" ) ); } s.AppendLine(); } #endregion #region Body Part Stats if( ( !thingDef.thingCategories.NullOrEmpty() )&& ( thingDef.thingCategories.Contains( ThingCategoryDefOf.BodyPartsAndImplants ) )&& ( thingDef.IsImplant() ) ) { var hediffDef = thingDef.GetImplantHediffDef(); #region Efficiency if( hediffDef.addedPartProps != null ) { s.Append( "BodyPartEfficiency".Translate() ); s.Append( " : " ); s.AppendLine( hediffDef.addedPartProps.partEfficiency.ToString( "P0" ) ); s.AppendLine(); } #endregion #region Capacities if( ( !hediffDef.stages.NullOrEmpty() )&& ( hediffDef.stages.Exists( stage => ( ( !stage.capMods.NullOrEmpty() ) ) ) ) ) { foreach( var hediffStage in hediffDef.stages ) { if( !hediffStage.capMods.NullOrEmpty() ) { foreach( var c in hediffStage.capMods ) { s.Append( c.capacity.LabelCap ); if( c.offset > 0 ) { s.Append( " : +" ); } else { s.Append( " : " ); } s.AppendLine( c.offset.ToString( "P0" ) ); } } } s.AppendLine(); } #endregion #region Components (Melee attack) if( ( !hediffDef.comps.NullOrEmpty() )&& ( hediffDef.comps.Exists( p => ( ( p.compClass == typeof( HediffComp_VerbGiver ) ) ) ) ) ) { foreach( var comp in hediffDef.comps ) { if( comp.compClass == typeof( HediffComp_VerbGiver ) ) { if( !comp.verbs.NullOrEmpty() ) { foreach( var verb in comp.verbs ) { if( verb.verbClass == typeof( Verb_MeleeAttack ) ) { s.AppendLine( "MeleeAttack".Translate( verb.meleeDamageDef.label ) ); s.Append( "\t" ); s.Append( "MeleeWarmupTime".Translate() ); s.Append( " : " ); s.AppendLine( verb.defaultCooldownTicks.ToString() ); s.Append( "\t" ); s.Append( "StatsReport_MeleeDamage".Translate() ); s.Append( " : " ); s.AppendLine( verb.meleeDamageBaseAmount.ToString() ); s.AppendLine(); } } } } } } #endregion #region Body part fixed or replaced var recipeDef = thingDef.GetImplantRecipeDef(); if( !recipeDef.appliedOnFixedBodyParts.NullOrEmpty() ) { s.Append( "AutoHelpSurgeryFixOrReplace".Translate() ); s.AppendLine( ":" ); foreach( var b in recipeDef.appliedOnFixedBodyParts ) { s.Append( "\t" ); s.AppendLine( b.LabelCap ); } s.AppendLine(); } #endregion } #endregion #region Stuff Cost // What stuff can it be made from? if( thingDef.costStuffCount > 0 ) { s.AppendLine( "AutoHelpStuffCost".Translate( thingDef.costStuffCount.ToString() ) ); BuildDefDescription( s, "AutoHelpListStuffCategories".Translate(), thingDef.stuffCategories.ConvertAll<Def>( def => (Def)def ) ); } #endregion #region Cost List // What other things are required? if( ( thingDef.costList != null )&& ( thingDef.costList.Count > 0 ) ) { s.Append( "AutoHelpThingCost".Translate() ); s.AppendLine( ":" ); foreach( var tc in thingDef.costList ) { s.Append( "\t" ); s.Append( tc.thingDef.LabelCap ); s.Append( " : " ); s.AppendLine( tc.count.ToString() ); } s.AppendLine(); } #endregion #region Recipes & Research // Get list of recipes var recipeDefs = thingDef.AllRecipes; BuildDefDescription( s, "AutoHelpListRecipes".Translate(), recipeDefs.ConvertAll<Def>( def => (Def)def ) ); // Add list of required research var researchDefs = buildableDef.GetResearchRequirements(); BuildDefDescription( s, "AutoHelpListResearchRequired".Translate(), researchDefs.ConvertAll<Def>( def => (Def)def ) ); // Build help for unlocked recipes associated with building recipeDefs = thingDef.GetRecipesUnlocked( ref researchDefs ); BuildDefWithDefDescription( s, "AutoHelpListRecipesUnlocked".Translate(), "AutoHelpListResearchBy".Translate(), recipeDefs.ConvertAll<Def>( def => (Def)def ), researchDefs.ConvertAll<Def>( def => (Def)def ) ); // Build help for locked recipes associated with building recipeDefs = thingDef.GetRecipesLocked( ref researchDefs ); BuildDefWithDefDescription( s, "AutoHelpListRecipesLocked".Translate(), "AutoHelpListResearchBy".Translate(), recipeDefs.ConvertAll<Def>( def => (Def)def ), researchDefs.ConvertAll<Def>( def => (Def)def ) ); #endregion #region Facilities // Get list of facilities that effect it var affectedBy = thingDef.GetCompProperties( typeof( CompAffectedByFacilities ) ); if( ( affectedBy != null )&& ( affectedBy.linkableFacilities != null )&& ( affectedBy.linkableFacilities.Count > 0 ) ) { BuildDefDescription( s, "AutoHelpListFacilitiesAffecting".Translate(), affectedBy.linkableFacilities.ConvertAll<Def>( def => (Def)def ) ); } // Get list of buildings effected by it if( thingDef.HasComp( typeof( CompFacility ) ) ) { var effectsBuildings = DefDatabase< ThingDef >.AllDefsListForReading .Where( f => ( ( f.HasComp( typeof( CompAffectedByFacilities ) ) )&& ( f.GetCompProperties( typeof( CompAffectedByFacilities ) ) != null )&& ( f.GetCompProperties( typeof( CompAffectedByFacilities ) ).linkableFacilities != null )&& ( f.GetCompProperties( typeof( CompAffectedByFacilities ) ).linkableFacilities.Contains( thingDef ) ) ) ).ToList(); if( ( effectsBuildings != null )&& ( effectsBuildings.Count > 0 ) ) { var facilityProperties = thingDef.GetCompProperties( typeof( CompFacility ) ); s.AppendLine( "AutoHelpMaximumAffected".Translate( facilityProperties.maxSimultaneous.ToString() ) ); // Look at stats modifiers foreach( var stat in facilityProperties.statOffsets ) { s.Append( stat.stat.LabelCap ); s.Append( " : " ); s.AppendLine( stat.stat.ValueToString( stat.value, stat.stat.toStringNumberSense ) ); } s.AppendLine(); BuildDefDescription( s, "AutoHelpListFacilitiesAffected".Translate(), effectsBuildings.ConvertAll<Def>( def => (Def)def ) ); } } #endregion #region Joy // Get valid joy givers var joyGiverDefs = DefDatabase< JoyGiverDef >.AllDefsListForReading .Where( j => ( ( j.thingDef == thingDef )&& ( j.jobDef != null ) ) ).ToList(); if( !joyGiverDefs.NullOrEmpty() ) { s.AppendLine( "AutoHelpListJoyActivities".Translate() ); foreach( var joyGiverDef in joyGiverDefs ) { // Get job driver stats s.Append( "\t" ); s.AppendLine( joyGiverDef.jobDef.reportString ); s.Append( "\t" ); s.AppendLine( "AutoHelpMaximumParticipants".Translate( joyGiverDef.jobDef.joyMaxParticipants.ToString() ) ); s.Append( "\t" ); s.AppendLine( "AutoHelpJoyKind".Translate( joyGiverDef.jobDef.joyKind.LabelCap ) ); if( joyGiverDef.jobDef.joySkill != null ) { s.Append( "\t" ); s.AppendLine( "AutoHelpJoySkill".Translate( joyGiverDef.jobDef.joySkill.LabelCap ) ); } } s.AppendLine(); } #endregion } #endregion helpDef.description = s.ToString(); return helpDef; }
static HelpDef HelpForAdvancedResearch( AdvancedResearchDef advancedResearchDef, HelpCategoryDef category ) { var helpDef = new HelpDef(); helpDef.defName = advancedResearchDef.defName + "_AdvancedResearchDef_Help"; helpDef.keyDef = advancedResearchDef.defName; helpDef.label = advancedResearchDef.label; if( advancedResearchDef.helpCategoryDef == null ) { advancedResearchDef.helpCategoryDef = category; } if( advancedResearchDef.IsHelpEnabled ) { helpDef.category = advancedResearchDef.helpCategoryDef; } var s = new StringBuilder(); s.AppendLine( advancedResearchDef.description ); s.AppendLine(); #region Base Stats s.AppendLine( "AutoHelpTotalCost".Translate( advancedResearchDef.TotalCost.ToString() ) ); s.AppendLine(); #endregion #region Research, Buildings, Recipes and SowTags // Add research required var researchDefs = advancedResearchDef.GetResearchRequirements(); BuildDefDescription( s, "AutoHelpListResearchRequired".Translate(), researchDefs.ConvertAll<Def>( def =>(Def)def ) ); // Add buildings it unlocks var thingDefs = advancedResearchDef.GetThingsUnlocked(); BuildDefDescription( s, "AutoHelpListThingsUnlocked".Translate(), thingDefs.ConvertAll<Def>( def =>(Def)def ) ); // Add recipes it unlocks var recipeDefs = advancedResearchDef.GetRecipesUnlocked( ref thingDefs ); BuildDefWithDefDescription( s, "AutoHelpListRecipesUnlocked".Translate(), "AutoHelpListRecipesOnThings".Translate(), recipeDefs.ConvertAll<Def>( def =>(Def)def ), thingDefs.ConvertAll<Def>( def =>(Def)def ) ); // Add plants and sow tags it unlocks var sowTags = advancedResearchDef.GetSowTagsUnlocked( ref thingDefs ); BuildDefWithStringDescription( s, "AutoHelpListPlantsUnlocked".Translate(), "AutoHelpListPlantsIn".Translate(), thingDefs.ConvertAll<Def>( def =>(Def)def ), sowTags ); #endregion #region Lockouts // Add buildings it locks thingDefs = advancedResearchDef.GetThingsLocked(); BuildDefDescription( s, "AutoHelpListThingsLocked".Translate(), thingDefs.ConvertAll<Def>( def =>(Def)def ) ); // Add recipes it locks recipeDefs = advancedResearchDef.GetRecipesLocked( ref thingDefs ); BuildDefWithDefDescription( s, "Prevents recipes:", "AutoHelpListRecipesOnThings".Translate(), recipeDefs.ConvertAll<Def>( def =>(Def)def ), thingDefs.ConvertAll<Def>( def =>(Def)def ) ); // Add plants and sow tags it locks sowTags = advancedResearchDef.GetSowTagsLocked( ref thingDefs ); BuildDefWithStringDescription( s, "AutoHelpListPlantsLocked".Translate(), "AutoHelpListPlantsIn".Translate(), thingDefs.ConvertAll<Def>( def =>(Def)def ), sowTags ); #endregion helpDef.description = s.ToString(); advancedResearchDef.HelpDef = helpDef; return helpDef; }
static HelpDef HelpForAdvancedResearch( AdvancedResearchDef advancedResearchDef, HelpCategoryDef category ) { var helpDef = new HelpDef(); helpDef.defName = advancedResearchDef.defName + "_AdvancedResearchDef_Help"; helpDef.keyDef = advancedResearchDef; helpDef.label = advancedResearchDef.label; helpDef.description = advancedResearchDef.description; if( advancedResearchDef.helpCategoryDef == null ) { advancedResearchDef.helpCategoryDef = category; } if( advancedResearchDef.IsHelpEnabled ) { helpDef.category = advancedResearchDef.helpCategoryDef; } #region Base Stats HelpDetailSection totalCost = new HelpDetailSection( null, new [] {"AutoHelpTotalCost".Translate( advancedResearchDef.TotalCost.ToString() )}); helpDef.HelpDetailSections.Add( totalCost ); #endregion #region Research, Buildings, Recipes and SowTags // Add research required var researchDefs = advancedResearchDef.GetResearchRequirements(); if( !researchDefs.NullOrEmpty() ) { HelpDetailSection researchRequired = new HelpDetailSection( "AutoHelpListResearchRequired".Translate(), researchDefs.ConvertAll<Def>( def =>(Def)def ) ); helpDef.HelpDetailSections.Add( researchRequired ); } // Add buildings it unlocks var thingDefs = advancedResearchDef.GetThingsUnlocked(); if( !thingDefs.NullOrEmpty() ) { HelpDetailSection thingsUnlocked = new HelpDetailSection( "AutoHelpListThingsUnlocked".Translate(), thingDefs.ConvertAll<Def>( def =>(Def)def ) ); helpDef.HelpDetailSections.Add( thingsUnlocked ); } // Add recipes it unlocks var recipeDefs = advancedResearchDef.GetRecipesUnlocked( ref thingDefs ); if( (!recipeDefs.NullOrEmpty()) && (!thingDefs.NullOrEmpty()) ) { HelpDetailSection recipesUnlocked = new HelpDetailSection( "AutoHelpListRecipesUnlocked".Translate(), recipeDefs.ConvertAll<Def>( def =>(Def)def ) ); helpDef.HelpDetailSections.Add( recipesUnlocked ); HelpDetailSection recipesOnThingsUnlocked = new HelpDetailSection( "AutoHelpListRecipesOnThings".Translate(), thingDefs.ConvertAll<Def>(def => (Def)def)); helpDef.HelpDetailSections.Add( recipesOnThingsUnlocked ); } // Add plants and sow tags it unlocks var sowTags = advancedResearchDef.GetSowTagsUnlocked( ref thingDefs ); if( (!sowTags.NullOrEmpty()) && (!thingDefs.NullOrEmpty()) ) { HelpDetailSection plantsUnlocked = new HelpDetailSection( "AutoHelpListPlantsUnlocked".Translate(), thingDefs.ConvertAll<Def>( def =>(Def)def ) ); helpDef.HelpDetailSections.Add( plantsUnlocked ); HelpDetailSection recipesOnThingsUnlocked = new HelpDetailSection( "AutoHelpListPlantsIn".Translate(), sowTags.ToArray() ); helpDef.HelpDetailSections.Add( recipesOnThingsUnlocked ); } #endregion #region Lockouts // Add buildings it locks thingDefs = advancedResearchDef.GetThingsLocked(); if( !thingDefs.NullOrEmpty() ) { HelpDetailSection thingsLocked = new HelpDetailSection( "AutoHelpListThingsLocked".Translate(), thingDefs.ConvertAll<Def>( def =>(Def)def ) ); helpDef.HelpDetailSections.Add( thingsLocked ); } // Add recipes it locks recipeDefs = advancedResearchDef.GetRecipesLocked( ref thingDefs ); if( (!recipeDefs.NullOrEmpty()) && (!thingDefs.NullOrEmpty()) ) { HelpDetailSection recipesLocked = new HelpDetailSection( "AutoHelpListRecipesLocked".Translate(), recipeDefs.ConvertAll<Def>( def =>(Def)def ) ); helpDef.HelpDetailSections.Add( recipesLocked ); HelpDetailSection recipesOnThings = new HelpDetailSection( "AutoHelpListRecipesOnThings".Translate(), thingDefs.ConvertAll<Def>( def =>(Def)def ) ); helpDef.HelpDetailSections.Add( recipesOnThings ); } // Add plants and sow tags it locks sowTags = advancedResearchDef.GetSowTagsLocked( ref thingDefs ); if( (!sowTags.NullOrEmpty()) && (!thingDefs.NullOrEmpty()) ) { HelpDetailSection plantsLocked = new HelpDetailSection( "AutoHelpListPlantsLocked".Translate(), thingDefs.ConvertAll<Def>( def =>(Def)def ) ); helpDef.HelpDetailSections.Add( plantsLocked ); HelpDetailSection plantsIn = new HelpDetailSection( "AutoHelpListPlantsIn".Translate(), sowTags.ToArray() ); helpDef.HelpDetailSections.Add( plantsIn ); } #endregion advancedResearchDef.HelpDef = helpDef; return helpDef; }
static HelpDef HelpForResearch( ResearchProjectDef researchProjectDef, HelpCategoryDef category ) { var helpDef = new HelpDef(); helpDef.defName = researchProjectDef.defName + "_ResearchProjectDef_Help"; helpDef.keyDef = researchProjectDef; helpDef.label = researchProjectDef.label; helpDef.category = category; helpDef.description = researchProjectDef.description; #region Base Stats HelpDetailSection totalCost = new HelpDetailSection(null, new [] { "AutoHelpTotalCost".Translate(researchProjectDef.totalCost.ToString()) }); helpDef.HelpDetailSections.Add( totalCost ); #endregion #region Research, Buildings, Recipes and SowTags // Add research required var researchDefs = researchProjectDef.GetResearchRequirements(); if( !researchDefs.NullOrEmpty() ) { HelpDetailSection researchRequirements = new HelpDetailSection( "AutoHelpListResearchRequired".Translate(), researchDefs.ConvertAll<Def>(def => (Def)def)); helpDef.HelpDetailSections.Add( researchRequirements ); } // Add research unlocked //CCL_Log.Message(researchProjectDef.label, "getting unlocked research"); researchDefs = researchProjectDef.GetResearchUnlocked(); if( !researchDefs.NullOrEmpty() ) { HelpDetailSection reseachUnlocked = new HelpDetailSection( "AutoHelpListResearchLeadsTo".Translate(), researchDefs.ConvertAll<Def>(def => (Def)def)); helpDef.HelpDetailSections.Add( reseachUnlocked ); } // Add buildings it unlocks var thingDefs = researchProjectDef.GetThingsUnlocked(); if( !thingDefs.NullOrEmpty() ) { HelpDetailSection thingsUnlocked = new HelpDetailSection( "AutoHelpListThingsUnlocked".Translate(), thingDefs.ConvertAll<Def>(def => (Def)def)); helpDef.HelpDetailSections.Add( thingsUnlocked ); } // Add recipes it unlocks var recipeDefs = researchProjectDef.GetRecipesUnlocked( ref thingDefs ); if( (!recipeDefs.NullOrEmpty()) && (!thingDefs.NullOrEmpty()) ) { HelpDetailSection recipesUnlocked = new HelpDetailSection( "AutoHelpListRecipesUnlocked".Translate(), recipeDefs.ConvertAll<Def>(def => (Def)def)); helpDef.HelpDetailSections.Add( recipesUnlocked ); HelpDetailSection recipesOnThingsUnlocked = new HelpDetailSection( "AutoHelpListRecipesOnThingsUnlocked".Translate(), thingDefs.ConvertAll<Def>(def => (Def)def)); helpDef.HelpDetailSections.Add( recipesOnThingsUnlocked ); } // Look in advanced research to add plants and sow tags it unlocks var sowTags = researchProjectDef.GetSowTagsUnlocked( ref thingDefs ); if( (!sowTags.NullOrEmpty()) && (!thingDefs.NullOrEmpty()) ) { HelpDetailSection plantsUnlocked = new HelpDetailSection( "AutoHelpListPlantsUnlocked".Translate(), thingDefs.ConvertAll<Def>( def =>(Def)def )); helpDef.HelpDetailSections.Add( plantsUnlocked ); HelpDetailSection plantsIn = new HelpDetailSection( "AutoHelpListPlantsIn".Translate(), sowTags.ToArray()); helpDef.HelpDetailSections.Add( plantsIn ); } #endregion #region Lockouts // Get advanced research which locks researchDefs = researchProjectDef.GetResearchedLockedBy(); if( !researchDefs.NullOrEmpty() ) { HelpDetailSection researchLockout = new HelpDetailSection( "AutoHelpListResearchLockout".Translate(), researchDefs.ConvertAll<Def>( def =>(Def)def ) ); helpDef.HelpDetailSections.Add( researchLockout ); } #endregion return helpDef; }
static void ResolveThingDefList( List< ThingDef > thingDefs, HelpCategoryDef category ) { // Get help database var helpDefs = DefDatabase< HelpDef >.AllDefsListForReading; // Scan through defs and auto-generate help foreach( var thingDef in thingDefs ) { // Find an existing entry var helpDef = helpDefs.Find( h => ( ( h.keyDef == thingDef.defName ) ) ); if( helpDef == null ) { // Make a new one helpDef = HelpForBuildable( thingDef, category ); // Inject the def if( helpDef != null ) { DefDatabase< HelpDef >.Add( helpDef ); } } } }
private void DrawHelpCategory(Rect catRect, HelpCategoryDef cat) { try { GUI.BeginGroup(catRect); Rect catRowRect = new Rect(0f, 0f, catRect.width, EntryHeight); DrawHelpCategoryRow(catRowRect, cat); if (cat.Expanded) { float curY = EntryHeight; foreach (var helpDef in cat.HelpDefs) { Rect helpRect = new Rect(EntryIndent, curY, catRect.width, EntryHeight); DrawHelpRow(helpRect, helpDef); GUI.color = Color.gray; Widgets.DrawLineHorizontal(0f, curY, catRect.width); GUI.color = Color.white; curY += EntryHeight; } } } finally { Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.UpperLeft; GUI.EndGroup(); } }
public void AddCategory( HelpCategoryDef def ) { _helpCategories.AddUnique( def ); }
static HelpDef HelpForBuildable( BuildableDef buildableDef, HelpCategoryDef category ) { var helpDef = new HelpDef(); helpDef.defName = buildableDef.defName + "_BuildableDef_Help"; helpDef.keyDef = buildableDef; helpDef.label = buildableDef.label; helpDef.category = category; helpDef.description = buildableDef.description; #region Base Stats // Look at base stats HelpDetailSection baseStats = new HelpDetailSection( null, buildableDef.statBases.Select(sb => sb.stat).ToList().ConvertAll(def => (Def)def), null, buildableDef.statBases.Select(sb => sb.stat.ValueToString(sb.value, sb.stat.toStringNumberSense)).ToArray()); helpDef.HelpDetailSections.Add( baseStats ); #endregion #region ThingDef Specific var thingDef = buildableDef as ThingDef; if( thingDef != null ) { #region Ingestible Stats // Look at base stats if( thingDef.IsNutritionSource ) { string[] ingestibleStats = { "Nutrition".Translate() + ": " + thingDef.ingestible.nutrition.ToString( "0.###" ), "Joy".Translate() + ": " + "0.###" ) }; helpDef.HelpDetailSections.Add( new HelpDetailSection( null, ingestibleStats ) ); } #endregion #region Body Part Stats if( (!thingDef.thingCategories.NullOrEmpty()) && (thingDef.thingCategories.Contains( ThingCategoryDefOf.BodyPartsAndImplants )) && (thingDef.IsImplant()) ) { var hediffDef = thingDef.GetImplantHediffDef(); #region Efficiency if( hediffDef.addedPartProps != null ) { helpDef.HelpDetailSections.Add( new HelpDetailSection( "BodyPartEfficiency".Translate(), new[] { hediffDef.addedPartProps.partEfficiency.ToString( "P0" ) } ) ); } #endregion #region Capacities if( (!hediffDef.stages.NullOrEmpty()) && (hediffDef.stages.Exists( stage => ( (!stage.capMods.NullOrEmpty()) ) )) ) { HelpDetailSection capacityMods = new HelpDetailSection( "CapacityModifiers".Translate(), hediffDef.stages.Where(s => !s.capMods.NullOrEmpty()) .SelectMany(s => s.capMods) .Select(cm => cm.capacity) .ToList() .ConvertAll(def => (Def)def), null, hediffDef.stages .Where(s => !s.capMods.NullOrEmpty()) .SelectMany(s => s.capMods) .Select( cm => (cm.offset > 0 ? ": +" : ": ") + cm.offset.ToString("P0")) .ToArray()); helpDef.HelpDetailSections.Add( capacityMods ); } #endregion #region Components (Melee attack) if( (!hediffDef.comps.NullOrEmpty()) && (hediffDef.comps.Exists( p => ( (p.compClass == typeof( HediffComp_VerbGiver )) ) )) ) { foreach( var comp in hediffDef.comps ) { if( comp.compClass == typeof( HediffComp_VerbGiver ) ) { if( !comp.verbs.NullOrEmpty() ) { foreach( var verb in comp.verbs ) { if( verb.verbClass == typeof( Verb_MeleeAttack ) ) { helpDef.HelpDetailSections.Add( new HelpDetailSection( "MeleeAttack".Translate( verb.meleeDamageDef.label ), new[] { "MeleeWarmupTime".Translate() + verb.defaultCooldownTicks, "StatsReport_MeleeDamage".Translate() + verb.meleeDamageBaseAmount } ) ); } } } } } } #endregion #region Body part fixed or replaced var recipeDef = thingDef.GetImplantRecipeDef(); if( !recipeDef.appliedOnFixedBodyParts.NullOrEmpty() ) { helpDef.HelpDetailSections.Add( new HelpDetailSection( "AutoHelpSurgeryFixOrReplace".Translate(), recipeDef.appliedOnFixedBodyParts.ToList().ConvertAll( def => (Def)def ) ) ); } #endregion } #endregion #region Cost List // What other things are required? if( !thingDef.costList.NullOrEmpty() ) { HelpDetailSection costs = new HelpDetailSection( "AutoHelpCost".Translate(), thingDef.costList.Select(tc => tc.thingDef).ToList().ConvertAll(def => (Def)def), null, thingDef.costList.Select(tc => ": " + tc.count.ToString()).ToArray()); helpDef.HelpDetailSections.Add( costs ); } #endregion #region Stuff Cost // What stuff can it be made from? if( (thingDef.costStuffCount > 0) && (!thingDef.stuffCategories.NullOrEmpty()) ) { helpDef.HelpDetailSections.Add( new HelpDetailSection( "AutoHelpStuffCost".Translate( thingDef.costStuffCount.ToString() ), thingDef.stuffCategories.ToList().ConvertAll( def => (Def)def ) ) ); } #endregion #region Recipes & Research // Get list of recipes var recipeDefs = thingDef.AllRecipes; if( !recipeDefs.NullOrEmpty() ) { HelpDetailSection recipes = new HelpDetailSection( "AutoHelpListRecipes".Translate(), recipeDefs.ConvertAll(def => (Def)def)); helpDef.HelpDetailSections.Add( recipes ); } // Add list of required research var researchDefs = buildableDef.GetResearchRequirements(); if( !researchDefs.NullOrEmpty() ) { HelpDetailSection reqResearch = new HelpDetailSection( "AutoHelpListResearchRequired".Translate(), researchDefs.ConvertAll(def => (Def)def)); helpDef.HelpDetailSections.Add( reqResearch ); } // Build help for unlocked recipes associated with building recipeDefs = thingDef.GetRecipesUnlocked( ref researchDefs ); if( (!recipeDefs.NullOrEmpty()) && (!researchDefs.NullOrEmpty()) ) { HelpDetailSection unlockRecipes = new HelpDetailSection( "AutoHelpListRecipesUnlocked".Translate(), recipeDefs.ConvertAll<Def>(def => (Def)def)); HelpDetailSection researchBy = new HelpDetailSection( "AutoHelpListResearchBy".Translate(), researchDefs.ConvertAll<Def>(def => (Def)def)); helpDef.HelpDetailSections.Add( unlockRecipes ); helpDef.HelpDetailSections.Add( researchBy ); } // Build help for locked recipes associated with building recipeDefs = thingDef.GetRecipesLocked( ref researchDefs ); if( (!recipeDefs.NullOrEmpty()) && (!researchDefs.NullOrEmpty()) ) { HelpDetailSection unlockRecipes = new HelpDetailSection( "AutoHelpListRecipesLocked".Translate(), recipeDefs.ConvertAll<Def>(def => (Def)def)); HelpDetailSection researchBy = new HelpDetailSection( "AutoHelpListResearchBy".Translate(), researchDefs.ConvertAll<Def>(def => (Def)def)); helpDef.HelpDetailSections.Add( unlockRecipes ); helpDef.HelpDetailSections.Add( researchBy ); } #endregion #region Facilities // Get list of facilities that effect it var affectedBy = thingDef.GetCompProperties( typeof( CompAffectedByFacilities ) ); if( (affectedBy != null) && (!affectedBy.linkableFacilities.NullOrEmpty()) ) { HelpDetailSection facilitiesAffecting = new HelpDetailSection( "AutoHelpListFacilitiesAffecting".Translate(), affectedBy.linkableFacilities.ConvertAll<Def>(def => (Def)def)); } // Get list of buildings effected by it if( thingDef.HasComp( typeof( CompFacility ) ) ) { var effectsBuildings = DefDatabase< ThingDef >.AllDefsListForReading .Where( f => ( ( f.HasComp( typeof( CompAffectedByFacilities ) ) )&& ( f.GetCompProperties( typeof( CompAffectedByFacilities ) ) != null )&& ( f.GetCompProperties( typeof( CompAffectedByFacilities ) ).linkableFacilities != null )&& ( f.GetCompProperties( typeof( CompAffectedByFacilities ) ).linkableFacilities.Contains( thingDef ) ) ) ).ToList(); if( !effectsBuildings.NullOrEmpty() ) { var facilityProperties = thingDef.GetCompProperties( typeof( CompFacility ) ); List<string> facilityStats = new List<string>(); facilityStats.Add( "AutoHelpMaximumAffected".Translate( facilityProperties.maxSimultaneous.ToString() ) ); // Look at stats modifiers foreach( var stat in facilityProperties.statOffsets ) { facilityStats.Add( stat.stat.LabelCap + ": " + stat.stat.ValueToString( stat.value, stat.stat.toStringNumberSense ) ); } HelpDetailSection facilityDetailSection = new HelpDetailSection( "AutoHelpFacilityStats".Translate(), facilityStats.ToArray()); HelpDetailSection facilitiesAffected = new HelpDetailSection( "AutoHelpListFacilitiesAffected".Translate(), effectsBuildings.ConvertAll<Def>(def => (Def)def)); helpDef.HelpDetailSections.Add( facilityDetailSection ); helpDef.HelpDetailSections.Add( facilitiesAffected ); } } #endregion #region Joy // Get valid joy givers var joyGiverDefs = DefDatabase< JoyGiverDef >.AllDefsListForReading .Where( j => ( ( j.thingDef == thingDef )&& ( j.jobDef != null ) ) ).ToList(); if( !joyGiverDefs.NullOrEmpty() ) { List<string> joyStats = new List<string>(); foreach( var joyGiverDef in joyGiverDefs ) { // Get job driver stats joyStats.Add( joyGiverDef.jobDef.reportString ); joyStats.Add( "AutoHelpMaximumParticipants".Translate( joyGiverDef.jobDef.joyMaxParticipants.ToString() ) ); joyStats.Add( "AutoHelpJoyKind".Translate( joyGiverDef.jobDef.joyKind.LabelCap ) ); if( joyGiverDef.jobDef.joySkill != null ) { joyStats.Add( "AutoHelpJoySkill".Translate( joyGiverDef.jobDef.joySkill.LabelCap ) ); } } HelpDetailSection joyDetailSection = new HelpDetailSection( "AutoHelpListJoyActivities".Translate(), joyStats.ToArray()); helpDef.HelpDetailSections.Add( joyDetailSection ); } #endregion } #endregion return helpDef; }