//***************penglei***************// //return :0:普通行,1:Input行,2:Update行,3:Delete行 public static int GF_RowType(FlexGrid_User fg, int iRow) { try { switch (fg.Rows[iRow].Caption) { case "插入": return(1); // return RowType.Input; case "修改": return(2); //return RowType.Update; case "删除": return(3); //return RowType.Delete; default: return(4); //return RowType.Normal; } } catch// (OverflowException ex) { //Throw New Exception("GF_RowType error:" & ex.Message) return(4); // RowType.Normal; } }
public static string FG_ColName(FlexGrid_User oFlexGrid, int ColIndex) { try { return(oFlexGrid.Cols[ColIndex].Caption); } catch (OverflowException ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString()); return(null); } }
private void DataDic_Activated(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (ssWhere.Cols.Count < 2) { this.Close(); return; } ssWhere_setting(); ssResult_setting(); if (GeneralCommon.DD_New.sWitch == "CUS" || GeneralCommon.DD_New.sWitch == "MS") { if (GeneralCommon.DD_New.DicRefType == "C") { for (int i = 0; i < GeneralCommon.DD_New.sContrl.Count; i++) { if (GeneralCommon.DD_New.sCtlAttr[i].ToString().Contains("R") || GeneralCommon.DD_New.sCtlAttr[i].ToString().Contains("P")) { ssWhere[1, Convert.ToInt32(GeneralCommon.DD_New.siCol[i])] = MasterCommon.GetControlValue(GeneralCommon.DD_New.sContrl[i]); } } } } else if (GeneralCommon.DD_New.sWitch == "SP") {//待检查 FlexGrid_User oFlexGrid = (FlexGrid_User)GeneralCommon.DD_New.sPname; if (GeneralCommon.DD_New.DicRefType == "C") { for (int i = 0; i < GeneralCommon.DD_New.sContrl.Count; i++) { if (GeneralCommon.DD_New.sCtlAttr[i].ToString().Contains("R") || GeneralCommon.DD_New.sCtlAttr[i].ToString().Contains("P")) { ssWhere[1, Convert.ToInt32(GeneralCommon.DD_New.siCol[i])] = SpreadCommon.GetCellValue((FlexGrid_User)GeneralCommon.DD_New.sPname, ((FlexGrid_User)GeneralCommon.DD_New.sPname).RowSel, ((C1.Win.C1FlexGrid.Column)GeneralCommon.DD_New.sContrl[i]).Index).ToString().Trim(); } } } // ssWhere[1,1] = oFlexGrid[oFlexGrid.RowSel, Convert.ToInt32(GeneralCommon.rControl[0].ToString())].ToString(); } ssWhere.Select(1, 1); this.BackColor = GeneralCommon.VbFormBKColor; }
private void ssResult2Ctl() { if (ssResult.Rows.Count > 1) { if (GeneralCommon.DD_New.sWitch == "MS" || GeneralCommon.DD_New.sWitch == "CUS") { /* 控件F4涉及到两个信息 CD/CD_NAME两个信息分别填写在TextBox的两个部分. */ /* rControl[1] 保存CD, rControl[2] 保存CD_NAME. * */ int i = 0; string CtlAtt = ""; for (i = 0; i < GeneralCommon.DD_New.sContrl.Count; i++) { CtlAtt = GeneralCommon.DD_New.sCtlAttr[i].ToString().ToUpper(); if (CtlAtt.Contains("I")) { Control Ctr = (Control)GeneralCommon.DD_New.sContrl[i]; MasterCommon.SetControlValue(Ctr, ssResult[ssResult.RowSel, Convert.ToInt32(GeneralCommon.DD_New.siCol[i])].ToString()); } } } else { FlexGrid_User oFlexGrid = (FlexGrid_User)GeneralCommon.DD_New.sPname; /* 只将代码赋值给原来的F4列上. */ // oFlexGrid[oFlexGrid.RowSel, oFlexGrid.ColSel] = ssResult[ssResult.RowSel, 1].ToString(); int i = 0; string CtlAtt = ""; for (i = 0; i < GeneralCommon.DD_New.sContrl.Count; i++) { CtlAtt = GeneralCommon.DD_New.sCtlAttr[i].ToString().ToUpper(); if (CtlAtt.Contains("I")) { // Control Ctr = (Control)GeneralCommon.DD_New.sContrl[i]; SpreadCommon.SetCellValue(oFlexGrid, oFlexGrid.RowSel, ((C1.Win.C1FlexGrid.Column)GeneralCommon.DD_New.sContrl[i]).Index, ssResult[ssResult.RowSel, Convert.ToInt32(GeneralCommon.DD_New.siCol[i])].ToString()); } } } } }
public static C1.Win.C1FlexGrid.Column FG_ColObjectFind(FlexGrid_User oFlexGrid, string sColName) { try { foreach (C1.Win.C1FlexGrid.Column col in oFlexGrid.Cols) { if (sColName == col.Caption) { return(col); } } GeneralCommon.Gp_MsgBoxDisplay("未找到指定列名!"); return(null); } catch (OverflowException ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString()); return(null); } }
private void cmd_selection_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // int iColCount = 0; if (ssResult.Rows.Count >= 1) { if (GeneralCommon.DD.sWitch == "MS") { /* 控件F4涉及到两个信息 CD/CD_NAME两个信息分别填写在TextBox的两个部分. */ /* rControl[1] 保存CD, rControl[2] 保存CD_NAME. */ ((System.Windows.Forms.TextBox)(GeneralCommon.rControl[0])).Text = ssResult[ssResult.RowSel, 1].ToString(); ((System.Windows.Forms.TextBox)(GeneralCommon.rControl[1])).Text = ssResult[ssResult.RowSel, 2].ToString(); } else { FlexGrid_User oFlexGrid = (FlexGrid_User)GeneralCommon.DD.sPname; /* 只将代码赋值给原来的F4列上. */ oFlexGrid[oFlexGrid.RowSel, oFlexGrid.ColSel] = ssResult[ssResult.RowSel, 1].ToString(); } } this.Close(); }
public static string GF_CellFind(FlexGrid_User oFlexGrid, string iColName) { try { if (oFlexGrid.Rows.Count > 0 && oFlexGrid.RowSel < 1) { oFlexGrid.RowSel = 0; } int icol = FG_ColIndexFind(oFlexGrid, iColName); if (icol > 0) { return(oFlexGrid.Rows[oFlexGrid.RowSel][icol].ToString()); } else { return(string.Empty); } } catch (OverflowException ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString()); return(""); } }
private void DataDic_Activated(object sender, EventArgs e) { int iColCount = 0; SpreadCommon SpreadCommon = new SpreadCommon(); ssWhere_setting(); ssResult_setting(); if (GeneralCommon.DD.DataDicType == "ETC") { // Control F4 Call if (GeneralCommon.DD.sWitch == "MS") { for (iColCount = 0; iColCount < GeneralCommon.rControl.Count; iColCount++) { ssWhere[0, iColCount] = GeneralCommon.rControl[iColCount].ToString(); } } //SpreadSheet F4 Call else { FlexGrid_User oFlexGrid = (FlexGrid_User)GeneralCommon.DD.sPname; for (iColCount = 0; iColCount < GeneralCommon.rControl.Count; iColCount++) { ssWhere[0, 0] = oFlexGrid[oFlexGrid.RowSel, Convert.ToInt32(GeneralCommon.rControl[iColCount].ToString())].ToString(); } } } else { if (GeneralCommon.DD.sWitch == "MS") { ssWhere[1, 1] = ((System.Windows.Forms.TextBox)(GeneralCommon.rControl[0])).Text; } else { FlexGrid_User oFlexGrid = (FlexGrid_User)GeneralCommon.DD.sPname; ssWhere[1, 1] = oFlexGrid[oFlexGrid.RowSel, Convert.ToInt32(GeneralCommon.rControl[0].ToString())].ToString(); } switch (GeneralCommon.DD.DataDicType) { case "M": //Common Code switch (GeneralCommon.DD.nameType) { case "1": ssWhere.ColSel = 1; break; case "2": ssWhere.ColSel = 2; break; case "3": ssWhere.ColSel = 3; break; case "4": ssWhere.ColSel = 4; break; } break; case "A": ssWhere.ColSel = 1; break; case "EMP": ssWhere.ColSel = 1; break; case "PGM": ssWhere.ColSel = 1; break; case "CUST": ssWhere.ColSel = 1; break; case "MAT": ssWhere.ColSel = 1; break; } if (GeneralCommon.DD.sWitch == "MS") { if (GeneralCommon.rControl.Count > 0) { ssWhere[1, 2] = ((System.Windows.Forms.TextBox)(GeneralCommon.rControl[1])).Text; } } else { FlexGrid_User oFlexGrid = (FlexGrid_User)GeneralCommon.DD.sPname; if (GeneralCommon.rControl.Count > 0) { ssWhere[1, 2] = oFlexGrid[oFlexGrid.RowSel, Convert.ToInt32(GeneralCommon.rControl[0].ToString())].ToString(); } } } this.BackColor = GeneralCommon.VbFormBKColor; }
public static void Gp_Sp_SendData(FlexGrid_User oFlexGrid, string Indata, int iRow, int iCol) { oFlexGrid.Rows[iRow][iCol] = Indata; }
public static void Gp_Sp_SendData(FlexGrid_User oFlexGrid, string Indata, int iRow, string iColName) { Gp_Sp_SendData(oFlexGrid, Indata, iRow, FG_ColIndexFind(oFlexGrid, iColName)); }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // 1.ID : Gf_DD_Display // 2.Input Value : Conn Connection, sQuery String, [MsgChk Boolean] // 3.Return Value : Boolean // 4.Create Date : // 5.Modify Date : // 6.Comment : Data Dictionary Result Data Display //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- public static bool Gf_Common_DD(Keys KeyCode) { SpreadCommon SpreadCommon = new SpreadCommon(); string sOld_Code = ""; string sNew_Code = ""; // string sOld_Name = ""; string sNew_Name = ""; /* 如果退出F4窗口. */ if (KeyCode == Keys.Return || KeyCode == Keys.Escape || GeneralCommon.GF_DbConnect() == false) { GeneralCommon.Gp_DD_New_Clear(); return(false); } GeneralCommon.DD_New.DicRefType = "C"; //Active Form DataDic Call try { if (GeneralCommon.DD_New.sWitch == "MS" || GeneralCommon.DD_New.sWitch == "CUS") { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(GeneralCommon.DD_New.sCusCode)) { GeneralCommon.DD_New.sQuery = GeneralCommon.DD_New.sCusCode; GeneralCommon.DD_New.sWhere = ""; } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(GeneralCommon.DD_New.sPrcoCode)) { string callSql = "{call " + GeneralCommon.DD_New.sPrcoCode + "("; string Par = ""; for (int i = 0; i < GeneralCommon.DD_New.sContrl.Count; i++) { if (GeneralCommon.DD_New.sCtlAttr[i].ToString().ToUpper().Contains("R")) { Par += "'" + MasterCommon.GetControlValue(GeneralCommon.DD_New.sContrl[i]).ToString().Replace("'", "''") + "',"; } } if (Par.Length > 0) { Par = Par.Substring(0, Par.Length - 1); } callSql = callSql + Par + ")}"; GeneralCommon.DD_New.sQuery = callSql; GeneralCommon.DD_New.sWhere = ""; } else { string sQuery_temp = " "; string sWhere_after = ""; string sWhere_before = ""; string sOrder_Temp = " "; if (GeneralCommon.DD_New.sKeyName.Trim().Length > 0 && GeneralCommon.DD_New.sKey.Trim().Length > 0) { sWhere_before = "where " + GeneralCommon.DD_New.sKeyName.Trim() + "='" + GeneralCommon.DD_New.sKey.Trim() + "' and "; } else { sWhere_before = "where "; } GeneralCommon.DD_New.sQuery = " SELECT "; //拼Where 后面的限制条件 和 Select 后的字段 for (int i = 0; i < GeneralCommon.DD_New.sContrl.Count; i++) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Convert.ToString(GeneralCommon.DD_New.sBackName[i]))) { if (GeneralCommon.DD_New.sCtlAttr[i].ToString().ToUpper().Contains("R") && !GeneralCommon.DD_New.sCtlAttr[i].ToString().ToUpper().Contains("P")) { sWhere_after += "and nvl(" + GeneralCommon.DD_New.sBackName[i].ToString().Trim() + ",f_nullvalue('" + GeneralCommon.DD_New.sBackTableName + "','" + GeneralCommon.DD_New.sBackName[i].ToString().Trim() + "')) LIKE '%" + MasterCommon.GetControlValue(GeneralCommon.DD_New.sContrl[i]).ToString().Trim().Replace("'", "''") + "%' "; } else if (GeneralCommon.DD_New.sCtlAttr[i].ToString().ToUpper().Contains("P")) { sWhere_after += "and " + GeneralCommon.DD_New.sBackName[i].ToString().Trim() + " LIKE '%" + MasterCommon.GetControlValue(GeneralCommon.DD_New.sContrl[i]).ToString().Trim().Replace("'", "''") + "%' "; sOrder_Temp += " " + GeneralCommon.DD_New.sBackName[i].ToString().Trim() + " Asc ,"; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Convert.ToString(GeneralCommon.DD_New.sColName[i]))) { sQuery_temp += " " + GeneralCommon.DD_New.sBackName[i] + " \" " + GeneralCommon.DD_New.sBackName[i] + " \","; } sQuery_temp += " " + GeneralCommon.DD_New.sBackName[i] + " \" " + GeneralCommon.DD_New.sColName[i] + " \","; } } GeneralCommon.DD_New.sQuery += sQuery_temp.Substring(0, sQuery_temp.Length - 1) + " FROM " + GeneralCommon.DD_New.sBackTableName + " "; GeneralCommon.DD_New.sQuery += sWhere_before; sWhere_after += " "; // if (!sWhere_before.Contains("=")) { sWhere_after = sWhere_after.Substring(4); } GeneralCommon.DD_New.sWhere += sWhere_after + " "; GeneralCommon.DD_New.sWhere += " " + GeneralCommon.DD_New.sJoin; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(GeneralCommon.DD_New.sOrderBy)) { GeneralCommon.DD_New.sWhere += " " + GeneralCommon.DD_New.sOrderBy; } else { GeneralCommon.DD_New.sWhere += " order by " + sOrder_Temp.Substring(0, sOrder_Temp.Length - 1); } } } else {//带检查 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(GeneralCommon.DD_New.sCusCode)) { GeneralCommon.DD_New.sQuery = GeneralCommon.DD_New.sCusCode; GeneralCommon.DD_New.sWhere = ""; } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(GeneralCommon.DD_New.sPrcoCode)) { string callSql = "{call " + GeneralCommon.DD_New.sPrcoCode + "("; string Par = ""; for (int i = 0; i < GeneralCommon.DD_New.sContrl.Count; i++) { if (GeneralCommon.DD_New.sCtlAttr[i].ToString().ToUpper().Contains("R")) { Par += "'" + SpreadCommon.GetColValue((C1.Win.C1FlexGrid.Column)GeneralCommon.DD_New.sContrl[i]).ToString().Replace("'", "''") + "',"; } } if (Par.Length > 0) { Par = Par.Substring(0, Par.Length - 1); } callSql = callSql + Par + ")}"; GeneralCommon.DD_New.sQuery = callSql; GeneralCommon.DD_New.sWhere = ""; } else { string sQuery_temp = " "; string sWhere_after = ""; string sWhere_before = ""; string sOrder_Temp = " "; if (GeneralCommon.DD_New.sKeyName.Trim().Length > 0 && GeneralCommon.DD_New.sKey.Trim().Length > 0) { sWhere_before = "where " + GeneralCommon.DD_New.sKeyName.Trim() + "='" + GeneralCommon.DD_New.sKey.Trim() + "' "; } else { sWhere_before = "where "; } GeneralCommon.DD_New.sQuery = " SELECT "; //拼Where 后面的限制条件 和 Select 后的字段 for (int i = 0; i < GeneralCommon.DD_New.sContrl.Count; i++) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Convert.ToString(GeneralCommon.DD_New.sBackName[i]))) { if (GeneralCommon.DD_New.sCtlAttr[i].ToString().ToUpper().Contains("R") && !GeneralCommon.DD_New.sCtlAttr[i].ToString().ToUpper().Contains("P")) { sWhere_after += "and nvl(" + GeneralCommon.DD_New.sBackName[i].ToString().Trim() + ",'%') LIKE '%" + SpreadCommon.GetCellValue((FlexGrid_User)GeneralCommon.DD_New.sPname, ((FlexGrid_User)GeneralCommon.DD_New.sPname).RowSel, ((C1.Win.C1FlexGrid.Column)GeneralCommon.DD_New.sContrl[i]).Index).ToString().Trim().Replace("'", "''") + "%' "; } else if (GeneralCommon.DD_New.sCtlAttr[i].ToString().ToUpper().Contains("P")) { sWhere_after += "and " + GeneralCommon.DD_New.sBackName[i].ToString().Trim() + " LIKE '%" + SpreadCommon.GetCellValue((FlexGrid_User)GeneralCommon.DD_New.sPname, ((FlexGrid_User)GeneralCommon.DD_New.sPname).RowSel, ((C1.Win.C1FlexGrid.Column)GeneralCommon.DD_New.sContrl[i]).Index).ToString().Trim().Replace("'", "''") + "%' "; sOrder_Temp += " " + GeneralCommon.DD_New.sBackName[i].ToString().Trim() + " Asc ,"; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Convert.ToString(GeneralCommon.DD_New.sColName[i]))) { sQuery_temp += " " + GeneralCommon.DD_New.sBackName[i] + " \" " + GeneralCommon.DD_New.sBackName[i] + " \","; } sQuery_temp += " " + GeneralCommon.DD_New.sBackName[i] + " \" " + GeneralCommon.DD_New.sColName[i] + " \","; } } GeneralCommon.DD_New.sQuery += sQuery_temp.Substring(0, sQuery_temp.Length - 1) + " FROM " + GeneralCommon.DD_New.sBackTableName + " "; GeneralCommon.DD_New.sQuery += sWhere_before; sWhere_after += " "; // if (!sWhere_before.Contains("=")) { sWhere_after = sWhere_after.Substring(4); } GeneralCommon.DD_New.sWhere += sWhere_after + " "; GeneralCommon.DD_New.sWhere += " " + GeneralCommon.DD_New.sJoin; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(GeneralCommon.DD_New.sOrderBy)) { GeneralCommon.DD_New.sWhere += " " + GeneralCommon.DD_New.sOrderBy; } else { GeneralCommon.DD_New.sWhere += " order by " + sOrder_Temp.Substring(0, sOrder_Temp.Length - 1); } } //FlexGrid_User oFlexGrid = (FlexGrid_User)GeneralCommon.DD_New.sPname; ///* 取出当前单元格编辑的内容. */ //sOld_Code = "";//oFlexGrid[oFlexGrid.RowSel, Convert.ToInt32(GeneralCommon.rControl[0])].ToString(); //GeneralCommon.DD_New.sQuery = " SELECT CD \"代码\", CD_SHORT_NAME \"代码简称\", CD_NAME \"代码名称\", "; //GeneralCommon.DD_New.sQuery += " CD_SHORT_ENG \"代码英文简称\", CD_FULL_ENG \"代码英文名称\" FROM TZ_CD "; //GeneralCommon.DD_New.sQuery += " WHERE CD_MANA_NO = '" + GeneralCommon.DD.sKey.Trim() + "' "; //GeneralCommon.DD_New.sWhere += " and CD LIKE '" + sOld_Code.Trim() + "%' "; ///* 判断当前传入查询参数的个数. */ //if (GeneralCommon.rControl.Count > 0) //{ // //sOld_Code = oFlexGrid[oFlexGrid.RowSel, Convert.ToInt32(((System.Windows.Forms.TextBox)(GeneralCommon.rControl[2])).Text)].ToString(); // sOld_Code = oFlexGrid[oFlexGrid.RowSel, Convert.ToInt32(GeneralCommon.rControl[0])].ToString(); // //} // GeneralCommon.DD_New.sWhere += " and NVL(CD_NAME,'%') LIKE '" + sOld_Name.Trim() + "%' "; // GeneralCommon.DD_New.sWhere += " AND CD != ' ' "; // GeneralCommon.DD_New.sWhere += " AND APLY_STD = '1' "; // if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(GeneralCommon.DD_New.sJoin)) // { // GeneralCommon.DD_New.sWhere += " and " + GeneralCommon.DD_New.sJoin + "Order by CD"; // } //} } if (Gf_DD_Display(GeneralCommon.DD_New.sQuery + GeneralCommon.DD_New.sWhere, false)) { /* F4 窗口退出处理程序 [FlexGrid中的F4功能] */ if (GeneralCommon.DD_New.sWitch == "SP") { /* 如果当前为 Spread F4 控件. */ FlexGrid_User oFlexGrid = (FlexGrid_User)GeneralCommon.DD_New.sPname; sNew_Code = oFlexGrid[oFlexGrid.RowSel, Convert.ToInt32((GeneralCommon.rControl[0]))].ToString(); if (GeneralCommon.rControl.Count > 0) { sNew_Name = oFlexGrid[oFlexGrid.RowSel, Convert.ToInt32((GeneralCommon.rControl[0]))].ToString(); } switch (oFlexGrid.Rows[oFlexGrid.RowSel].Caption) { case "插入": break; case "删除": break; case "修改": break; default: { //ss.ActiveSheet.RowHeader.Cells[ss.ActiveSheet.ActiveRowIndex, 0].Text = "Update"; oFlexGrid.Rows[oFlexGrid.RowSel].Caption = "修改"; break; } } if (GeneralCommon.DD_New.sSelect) { if (sOld_Code != sNew_Code) { SpreadCommon.Gp_Sp_UpdateMark(oFlexGrid, true); } } } } GeneralCommon.Gp_DD_New_Clear(); return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { GeneralCommon.Gp_DD_Clear(); GeneralCommon.Gp_MsgBoxDisplay("DataDic 查询出错啦...!!!" + ex.Message, "I"); return(false); } }
public static bool Gf_Common_DD(System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection Conn, Keys KeyCode) { SpreadCommon SpreadCommon = new SpreadCommon(); // int iCollCnt; string sOld_Code = ""; string sNew_Code = ""; string sOld_Name = string.Empty, sNew_Name = string.Empty; /* 如果退出F4窗口. */ if (GeneralCommon.GF_DbConnect() == false || KeyCode == Keys.Return || KeyCode == Keys.Escape) { GeneralCommon.Gp_DD_Clear(); // int rCount = GeneralCommon.rControl.Count; GeneralCommon.rControl.RemoveRange(0, GeneralCommon.rControl.Count); GeneralCommon.DD.sPname = null; return(false); } if (GeneralCommon.rControl.Count == 0 || GeneralCommon.DD.nameType == "") { GeneralCommon.Gp_MsgBoxDisplay("DataDic 参数有错误...!!!", "I"); GeneralCommon.Gp_DD_Clear(); // int rCount = GeneralCommon.rControl.Count; GeneralCommon.rControl.RemoveRange(0, GeneralCommon.rControl.Count); //for (iCollCnt = 1; iCollCnt <= rCount; iCollCnt++) //{ // GeneralCommon.rControl.Remove(1); //} GeneralCommon.DD.sPname = null; return(false); } GeneralCommon.DD.DataDicType = "M"; //Common Code GeneralCommon.DD.DicRefType = "C"; //Active Form DataDic Call try { if (GeneralCommon.DD.sWitch == "MS" || GeneralCommon.DD.sWitch == "CUS") { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(GeneralCommon.DD.sCusCode)) { GeneralCommon.DD.sQuery = GeneralCommon.DD.sCusCode; GeneralCommon.DD.sWhere = ""; } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(GeneralCommon.DD.sPrcoCode)) { string callSql = "{call " + GeneralCommon.DD.sPrcoCode + "(";// +iType + "',"; string Par = ""; for (int i = 0; i < GeneralCommon.DD.sParameters.Count; i++) { Par += "'" + GeneralCommon.DD.sParameters[i].ToString().Replace("'", "''") + "',"; } if (Par.Length > 0) { Par = Par.Substring(0, Par.Length - 1); } callSql = callSql + Par + ")}"; GeneralCommon.DD.sQuery = callSql; GeneralCommon.DD.sWhere = ""; } else { GeneralCommon.DD.sQuery = " SELECT CD \"代码\" "; switch (GeneralCommon.DD.nameType) { case "1": { GeneralCommon.DD.sQuery += " ,CD_SHORT_NAME \"代码简称\""; break; } case "2": { GeneralCommon.DD.sQuery += " , CD_NAME \"代码名称\""; break; } case "3": { GeneralCommon.DD.sQuery += " ,CD_SHORT_ENG \"代码英文简称\""; break; } case "4": { GeneralCommon.DD.sQuery += " , CD_FULL_ENG \"代码英文名称\""; break; } } // GeneralCommon.DD.sQuery = " SELECT CD \"代码\" ";//CD_SHORT_NAME \"代码简称\", CD_NAME \"代码名称\", "; GeneralCommon.DD.sQuery += " FROM TZ_CD "; GeneralCommon.DD.sQuery += " WHERE CD_MANA_NO = '" + GeneralCommon.DD.sKey.Trim() + "' "; /* 选择查询条件, 公共代码. */ GeneralCommon.DD.sWhere += " and CD LIKE '" + ((System.Windows.Forms.TextBox)(GeneralCommon.rControl[0])).Text.Trim() + "%' "; if (GeneralCommon.rControl.Count > 0) { /* 选择查询的内容 CD_NAME显示的内容. */ switch (GeneralCommon.DD.nameType) { case "1": { GeneralCommon.DD.sWhere += " and NVL(CD_SHORT_NAME,'%') LIKE '%" + ((System.Windows.Forms.TextBox)(GeneralCommon.rControl[1])).Text + "%'"; break; } case "2": { GeneralCommon.DD.sWhere += " and NVL(CD_NAME,'%') LIKE '%" + ((System.Windows.Forms.TextBox)(GeneralCommon.rControl[1])).Text + "%'"; break; } case "3": { GeneralCommon.DD.sWhere += " and NVL(CD_SHORT_ENG,'%') LIKE '%" + ((System.Windows.Forms.TextBox)(GeneralCommon.rControl[1])).Text + "%'"; break; } case "4": { GeneralCommon.DD.sWhere += " and NVL(CD_FULL_ENG,'%') LIKE '%" + ((System.Windows.Forms.TextBox)(GeneralCommon.rControl[1])).Text + "%'"; break; } } } GeneralCommon.DD.sWhere += " and CD <> ' ' "; GeneralCommon.DD.sWhere += " and APLY_STD = '1' "; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(GeneralCommon.DD.sJoin)) { GeneralCommon.DD.sWhere += " and " + GeneralCommon.DD.sJoin + "Order by CD"; } } } else { FlexGrid_User oFlexGrid = (FlexGrid_User)GeneralCommon.DD.sPname; /* 取出当前单元格编辑的内容. */ sOld_Code = "";//oFlexGrid[oFlexGrid.RowSel, Convert.ToInt32(GeneralCommon.rControl[0])].ToString(); GeneralCommon.DD.sQuery = " SELECT CD \"代码\", CD_SHORT_NAME \"代码简称\", CD_NAME \"代码名称\", "; GeneralCommon.DD.sQuery += " CD_SHORT_ENG \"代码英文简称\", CD_FULL_ENG \"代码英文名称\" FROM TZ_CD "; GeneralCommon.DD.sQuery += " WHERE CD_MANA_NO = '" + GeneralCommon.DD.sKey.Trim() + "' "; GeneralCommon.DD.sWhere += " and CD LIKE '" + sOld_Code.Trim() + "%' "; /* 判断当前传入查询参数的个数. */ if (GeneralCommon.rControl.Count > 0) { //sOld_Code = oFlexGrid[oFlexGrid.RowSel, Convert.ToInt32(((System.Windows.Forms.TextBox)(GeneralCommon.rControl[2])).Text)].ToString(); sOld_Code = oFlexGrid[oFlexGrid.RowSel, Convert.ToInt32(GeneralCommon.rControl[0])].ToString(); switch (GeneralCommon.DD.nameType) { case "1": { GeneralCommon.DD.sWhere += " and NVL(CD_SHORT_NAME,'%') LIKE '" + sOld_Name.Trim() + "%' "; break; } case "2": { GeneralCommon.DD.sWhere += " and NVL(CD_NAME,'%') LIKE '" + sOld_Name.Trim() + "%' "; break; } case "3": { GeneralCommon.DD.sWhere += " and NVL(CD_SHORT_ENG,'%') LIKE '" + sOld_Name.Trim() + "%' "; break; } case "4": { GeneralCommon.DD.sWhere += " and NVL(CD_FULL_ENG,'%') LIKE '" + sOld_Name.Trim() + "%' "; break; } /* 如果没有当前的附加条件. */ default: break; } GeneralCommon.DD.sWhere += " AND CD != ' ' "; GeneralCommon.DD.sWhere += " AND APLY_STD = '1' "; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(GeneralCommon.DD.sJoin)) { GeneralCommon.DD.sWhere += " and " + GeneralCommon.DD.sJoin + "Order by CD"; } } } //Join //if (GeneralCommon.DD.sJoin != "") //{ // if (GeneralCommon.DD.sJoin != null) // { // } //} if (Gf_DD_Display(Conn, GeneralCommon.DD.sQuery + GeneralCommon.DD.sWhere, false)) { /* F4 窗口退出处理程序 [FlexGrid中的F4功能] */ if (GeneralCommon.DD.sWitch == "SP") { /* 如果当前为 Spread F4 控件. */ FlexGrid_User oFlexGrid = (FlexGrid_User)GeneralCommon.DD.sPname; sNew_Code = oFlexGrid[oFlexGrid.RowSel, Convert.ToInt32((GeneralCommon.rControl[0]))].ToString(); if (GeneralCommon.rControl.Count > 0) { sNew_Name = oFlexGrid[oFlexGrid.RowSel, Convert.ToInt32((GeneralCommon.rControl[0]))].ToString(); } switch (oFlexGrid.Rows[oFlexGrid.RowSel].Caption) { case "插入": break; case "删除": break; case "修改": break; default: { //ss.ActiveSheet.RowHeader.Cells[ss.ActiveSheet.ActiveRowIndex, 0].Text = "Update"; oFlexGrid.Rows[oFlexGrid.RowSel].Caption = "修改"; break; } } if (GeneralCommon.DD.sSelect) { if (sOld_Code != sNew_Code) { SpreadCommon.Gp_Sp_UpdateMark(oFlexGrid, true); } } } } #region /* 清空变量. */ GeneralCommon.Gp_DD_Clear(); // int rCount = GeneralCommon.rControl.Count; GeneralCommon.rControl.RemoveRange(0, GeneralCommon.rControl.Count); //for (iCollCnt = 1; iCollCnt <= rCount; iCollCnt++) //{ // GeneralCommon.rControl.Remove(1); //} GeneralCommon.DD.sPname = null; // GeneralCommon.DD.sWitch = ""; // GeneralCommon.DD.sSelect = false; // GeneralCommon.DD.sPname = ""; // GeneralCommon.DD.sWhere = ""; #endregion //// int rCount1 = GeneralCommon.rControl.Count; // GeneralCommon.rControl.RemoveRange(0, GeneralCommon.rControl.Count); return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { GeneralCommon.Gp_DD_Clear(); // int rCount = GeneralCommon.rControl.Count; GeneralCommon.rControl.RemoveRange(0, GeneralCommon.rControl.Count); //for (iCollCnt = 1; iCollCnt <= rCount; iCollCnt++) //{ // GeneralCommon.rControl.Remove(1); //} GeneralCommon.DD.sPname = null; // GeneralCommon.rControl.RemoveRange(0, GeneralCommon.rControl.Count); //MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString()); GeneralCommon.Gp_MsgBoxDisplay("DataDic 查询出错啦...!!!" + ex.Message, "I"); return(false); } }