        /// <summary>
        /// Generates a string based on the given regular expression
        /// if any nodes are prepended with \i, then one of these nodes will be chosen
        /// at random to be invalidated
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="random">Random object to use for generation</param>
        /// <param name="regex">Regular expression used to generate the string</param>
        /// <returns>generated string</returns>
        public static string NextString(Random random, string regex)
            //reset the static variables
            RECompiler.IsInvalidSection = false;
            RECompiler.InvalidNode = null;

            //construct the RegEx tree
            RECompiler compiler = new RECompiler();
            RENode node = compiler.Compile(regex);

            //search for a signal to invalidate a node
            if (regex.IndexOf("\\i", StringComparison.Ordinal) != -1)
                //something should have been invalidated
                //select a node to invalidate
                if (RECompiler.InvalidableNodes.Count == 0)
                    throw new ArgumentException("Asked to generate invalid: Impossible to invalidate");
                RECompiler.InvalidNode = RECompiler.InvalidableNodes[random.Next(RECompiler.InvalidableNodes.Count)];

                //Mark REOrNodes and RERepeatNodes to ensure that the invalid node will be part of the string

            //generate and return the string
            string result = node.Generate(random);

            if (RECompiler.InvalidNode != null)
                //confirm that the generated string is invalid (e.g. [a-z]|[^a-z] will always fail)
                Regex compare = new Regex("^" + regex.Replace("\\i", "") + "$");
                if (compare.IsMatch(result))
                    throw new ArgumentException(regex + ": Did not generate invalid string: " + result);

            return result;
        //Compile [:alpha:] [:punct:] etc
        internal RENode CompileMacro(int index, int len)
            AssertParse(len >= 0, "Cannot parse macro.");
            string substr = mRegex.ToString().Substring(index, len);
            string expanded = null;

            switch (substr)
                case "alnum": expanded = "[a-zA-Z0-9]"; break;
                case "alpha": expanded = "[a-zA-Z]"; break;
                case "upper": expanded = "[A-Z]"; break;
                case "lower": expanded = "[a-z]"; break;
                case "digit": expanded = "[0-9]"; break;
                case "xdigit": expanded = "[A-F0-9a-f]"; break;
                case "space": expanded = "[ \t]"; break;
                case "print": expanded = "[\\x20-\\x7F]"; break;
                case "punct": expanded = "[,;.!'\"]"; break;
                case "graph": expanded = "[\\x80-\\xFF]"; break;
                case "cntrl": expanded = "[]"; break;
                case "blank": expanded = "[ \t\r\n\f]"; break;
                case "guid": expanded = "[A-F0-9]{8}(-[A-F0-9]{4}){3}-[A-F0-9]{12}"; break;
                default: AssertParse(false, "Cannot parse macro."); break;

            RECompiler subcompiler = new RECompiler();
            return subcompiler.Compile(expanded);