public string InsertUnit(Unit sr) { string srr = string.Empty; UnitCreateDAO aDao=new UnitCreateDAO(); srr = aDao.InsertUnit(sr); return srr; }
public Unit GetUnitByUnitId(int unitId) { UnitCreateDAO aDao=new UnitCreateDAO(); Unit aUnit=new Unit(); aUnit = aDao.GetUnitByUnitId(unitId); return aUnit; }
public Unit GetUnitByUnitId(int unitId) { Unit aUnit = new Unit(); try { this.OpenConnection(); string sqlCommand = String.Format(SqlQueries.GetQuery(Query.GetUnitByUnitId),unitId); IDataReader oReader = this.ExecuteReader(sqlCommand); if (oReader != null) { while (oReader.Read()) { aUnit.UnitId = Convert.ToInt32(oReader["unit_id"]); aUnit.UnitName = oReader["unit_name"].ToString(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex + " Try Again"); } finally { this.CloseConnection(); } return aUnit; }
public string InsertUnit(Unit sr) { string ret = string.Empty; try { this.OpenConnection(); string sqlCommand = String.Format(SqlQueries.GetQuery(Query.InsertUnit), sr.UnitName); this.ExecuteNonQuery(sqlCommand); ret = "Unit Insert Sucessfully"; } catch { ret = "Please Try Again"; } finally { this.CloseConnection(); } return ret; }
private void unitButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string sr = string.Empty; sr = unitTextBox.Text; if(sr!="") { Unit aUnit=new Unit(); aUnit.UnitName = sr; UnitCreateBLL aBll=new UnitCreateBLL(); bool check = aBll.CheckExit(sr); if (!check) { unitCreatelabel.Visible = true; unitCreatelabel.Text = aBll.InsertUnit(aUnit); unitTextBox.Clear(); } else MessageBox.Show("Unit Already Exit"); } else MessageBox.Show("Please Check Your Input"); }
private void savebutton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { InventoryItem aItem=new InventoryItem(); aItem.ItemName = itemNametextBox.Text; aItem.CategoryId = Convert.ToInt32(categoryNamecomboBox.SelectedValue); Unit aUnit=new Unit(); aUnit = (Unit)(unitNamecomboBox.SelectedItem); aItem.UnitName =aUnit.UnitName; if (itemNametextBox.Text.Length != 0) { InventoryItemBLL aBll = new InventoryItemBLL(); bool check = aBll.CheckExit(aItem.ItemName); if (!check) { itemCreatelabel.Visible = true; itemCreatelabel.Text = aBll.InsertInventoryItem(aItem); itemNametextBox.Clear(); } else MessageBox.Show("Item Already Exit"); } else MessageBox.Show("Please Check Your Input"); }
private void savePurchasebutton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (expiredateTimePicker.Value.Date == DateTime.Now.Date) { DialogResult result = MessageBox.Show("Do you want to Empty Expire Date?", "Confirmation", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo); if (result == DialogResult.Yes) { } else if (result == DialogResult.No) { return; } } if (pricetextBox.Text.Length != 0 && paidPricetextBox.Text.Length != 0 && quantitytextBox.Text.Length != 0) { InventoryPurchase aInventoryPurchase = new InventoryPurchase(); InventoryCategory aCategory = new InventoryCategory(); InventoryItem aItem = new InventoryItem(); Supplier aSupplier = new Supplier(); Supplier aaSupplier = new Supplier(); Unit aUnit = new Unit(); //Add for purchase record aCategory = (InventoryCategory) categoryNamecomboBox.Items[categoryNamecomboBox.SelectedIndex]; SupplierBLL aSupplierBll = new SupplierBLL(); aSupplier = aSupplierBll.GetSupplierByid(Convert.ToInt32(supplierNamecomboBox.SelectedValue)); // aSupplier = (Supplier) supplierNamecomboBox.Items[supplierNamecomboBox.SelectedIndex]; if (aSupplier.PaidAmount > aSupplier.TotalAmount) { aSupplier.AdvanceAmount = aSupplier.PaidAmount - aSupplier.TotalAmount; } else aSupplier.DueAmount = aSupplier.TotalAmount - aSupplier.PaidAmount; aItem = (InventoryItem) itemNamecomboBox.Items[itemNamecomboBox.SelectedIndex]; aInventoryPurchase.Quantity = Convert.ToDouble(quantitytextBox.Text); aInventoryPurchase.Price = Convert.ToDouble(pricetextBox.Text); aInventoryPurchase.Date = DateTime.Now; aInventoryPurchase.Category = aCategory; aInventoryPurchase.Item = aItem; aaSupplier.PaidAmount = Convert.ToDouble(paidPricetextBox.Text); aInventoryPurchase.Supplier = aaSupplier; if (((aSupplier.DueAmount + Convert.ToDouble(pricetextBox.Text) - (Convert.ToDouble(paidPricetextBox.Text) + aSupplier.AdvanceAmount))) >= 0) aInventoryPurchase.Supplier.DueAmount = aSupplier.DueAmount + Convert.ToDouble(pricetextBox.Text) - (Convert.ToDouble(paidPricetextBox.Text) + aSupplier.AdvanceAmount); else aInventoryPurchase.Supplier.DueAmount = 0.0; if (((Convert.ToDouble(paidPricetextBox.Text) + aSupplier.AdvanceAmount) - (aSupplier.DueAmount + Convert.ToDouble(pricetextBox.Text))) >= 0) { aInventoryPurchase.Supplier.AdvanceAmount = (Convert.ToDouble(paidPricetextBox.Text) + aSupplier.AdvanceAmount) - (aSupplier.DueAmount + Convert.ToDouble(pricetextBox.Text)); } else aInventoryPurchase.Supplier.AdvanceAmount = 0.0; aInventoryPurchase.Supplier.Name = aSupplier.Name; aInventoryPurchase.Supplier.SupplierId = aSupplier.SupplierId; aUnit.UnitName = unittypelabel.Text; aInventoryPurchase.Unit = aUnit; CUserInfo aUserInfo= new CUserInfo(); aUserInfo.UserName= RMSGlobal.LogInUserName; aInventoryPurchase.PaymentType= paymentTypecomboBox.SelectedItem.ToString(); aInventoryPurchase.CUserInfo= aUserInfo; if (expiredateTimePicker.Value.Date == DateTime.Now.Date) { } else { aInventoryPurchase.ExpireDate = expiredateTimePicker.Value.Date; } string res = string.Empty; InventoryPurchaseBLL aInventoryPurchaseBll = new InventoryPurchaseBLL(); res = aInventoryPurchaseBll.InsertPurchase(aInventoryPurchase); if(res=="Purchase Insert Sucessfully") { //Add for Supplier Update aSupplier.TotalAmount += Convert.ToDouble(pricetextBox.Text); aSupplier.PaidAmount += Convert.ToDouble(paidPricetextBox.Text); aSupplierBll.UpdateSupplierForPurchase(aSupplier); //Add for Supplier payment report Supplier paymentSupplier=new Supplier(); paymentSupplier.PaidAmount = Convert.ToDouble(paidPricetextBox.Text); paymentSupplier.TotalAmount = Convert.ToDouble(pricetextBox.Text); paymentSupplier.SupplierId = aSupplier.SupplierId; paymentSupplier.PaymentType = paymentTypecomboBox.SelectedItem.ToString(); aSupplierBll.InsertIntosupplier_payment_reportForSupplierPaymentTrack(paymentSupplier); //Add for stock update Stock aStock=new Stock(); aStock.Category = aCategory; aStock.Item = aItem; aStock.Unit = aUnit; aStock.Stocks = Convert.ToDouble(quantitytextBox.Text); aStock.UnitPrice = Convert.ToDouble(pricetextBox.Text)/aStock.Stocks; StockBLL aStockBll=new StockBLL(); aStockBll.InsertStockOrUpdate(aStock); purchaseActionlabel.Visible = true; purchaseActionlabel.Text = res; Clear(); }else { purchaseActionlabel.Visible = true; purchaseActionlabel.Text = res; } }else { purchaseActionlabel.Visible = true; purchaseActionlabel.Text = "Please Check Your Input"; } } catch { MessageBox.Show("Try Again May Be Your Given Input Format Not Correct Please Given Again "); } }
private Transaction ReaderToReadInventoryTransaction(IDataReader aReader) { Transaction aTransaction=new Transaction(); InventoryCategory aCategory = new InventoryCategory(); InventoryItem aItem = new InventoryItem(); Unit aUnit = new Unit(); CUserInfo aCUserInfo = new CUserInfo(); Stock aStock = new Stock(); try { aTransaction.TransactionId = Convert.ToInt32(aReader["transaction_id"]); } catch { } try { aTransaction.TransactionType = (aReader["transaction_type"]).ToString(); } catch { } try { aTransaction.TransactionDate = Convert.ToDateTime((aReader["date"])); } catch { } try { aTransaction.TransactionAmount = Convert.ToDouble(aReader["total_price"]); } catch { } try { aTransaction.DamageReport = (aReader["damage_report"]).ToString(); } catch { } try { aCategory.CategoryId = Convert.ToInt32(aReader["category_id"]); } catch { } try { aCategory.CategoryName = aReader["category_name"].ToString(); } catch { } try { aItem.ItemId = Convert.ToInt32(aReader["item_id"]); } catch { } try { aItem.ItemName = (aReader["item_name"]).ToString(); } catch { } try { aUnit.UnitName = (aReader["unit"]).ToString(); } catch { } try { aCUserInfo.UserName = ((aReader["user_name"])).ToString(); } catch { } try { aCUserInfo.UserName = ((aReader["user_name"])).ToString(); } catch { } try { aStock.Stocks = Convert.ToDouble(aReader["quantity"]); } catch { } try { aStock.UnitPrice = Convert.ToDouble(aReader["unit_price"]); } catch { } aTransaction.Category = aCategory; aTransaction.Item = aItem; aTransaction.Unit = aUnit; aTransaction.UserInfo = aCUserInfo; aTransaction.Stock = aStock; return aTransaction; }
private InventoryPurchase ReaderToReadInventoryPurchase(IDataReader aReader) { InventoryPurchase aInventoryPurchase = new InventoryPurchase(); InventoryCategory aCategory=new InventoryCategory(); InventoryItem aItem=new InventoryItem(); Supplier aSupplier=new Supplier(); Unit aUnit = new Unit(); CUserInfo aCUserInfo=new CUserInfo(); try { aCategory.CategoryId = Convert.ToInt32(aReader["category_id"]); } catch { } try { aCategory.CategoryName = aReader["category_name"].ToString(); } catch { } try { aItem.ItemId = Convert.ToInt32(aReader["item_id"]); } catch { } try { aItem.ItemName = (aReader["item_name"]).ToString(); } catch { } try { aSupplier.SupplierId = Convert.ToInt32(aReader["supplier_id"]); } catch { } try { aSupplier.Name =(aReader["supplier_name"]).ToString(); } catch { } try { aInventoryPurchase.PurchaseId = Convert.ToInt32((aReader["purchase_id"])); } catch { } try { aInventoryPurchase.Quantity = Convert.ToDouble((aReader["quantity"])); } catch { } try { aUnit.UnitName = (aReader["unit"]).ToString(); } catch { } try { aInventoryPurchase.Price = Convert.ToDouble((aReader["total_price"])); } catch { } try { aSupplier.PaidAmount = Convert.ToDouble((aReader["paid_amount"])); } catch { } try { aSupplier.AdvanceAmount = Convert.ToDouble((aReader["advance_amount"])); } catch { } try { aSupplier.DueAmount = Convert.ToDouble((aReader["due_amount"])); } catch { } try { aInventoryPurchase.Date = Convert.ToDateTime((aReader["date"])); } catch { } try { aInventoryPurchase.PaymentType = ((aReader["payment_type"])).ToString(); } catch { } try { aCUserInfo.UserName = ((aReader["user_name"])).ToString(); } catch { } try { aInventoryPurchase.ExpireDate = Convert.ToDateTime((aReader["ExpireDate"])); } catch { } aInventoryPurchase.Category = aCategory; aInventoryPurchase.Item = aItem; aInventoryPurchase.Supplier = aSupplier; aInventoryPurchase.Unit = aUnit; aInventoryPurchase.CUserInfo = aCUserInfo; return aInventoryPurchase; // DateTime aTime = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1); }