public DataSet GetMinReqSettings() { return(With.Connection(c => { var helper = new MySqlHelper(c); using (GetPrices(c)) { return SqlBuilder .WithCommandText(@" select a.Address, p.PriceCode, p.RegionCode, ai.ControlMinReq, if(ai.MinReq > 0, ai.MinReq, p.MinReq) as MinReq from (Usersettings.Prices p, Customers.Users u) join Customers.Addresses a on a.ClientId = u.ClientId join Customers.Intersection i on i.PriceId = p.PriceCode and i.RegionId = p.RegionCode and i.ClientId = u.ClientId and a.LegalEntityId = i.LegalEntityId join Customers.AddressIntersection ai on ai.IntersectionId = i.Id and a.Id = ai.AddressId") .AddCriteria("u.Id = ?UserId") .AddOrder("a.Address") .ToCommand(helper) .AddParameter("userId", ServiceContext.User.Id) .Fill(); } })); }
public DataSet GetNamesFromCatalog(string[] name, string[] form, bool offerOnly, int limit, int selStart) { DataSet result = null; With.Connection(c => { var helper = new MySqlHelper(c); SqlBuilder builder; using (GetActivePrices(c)) { if (offerOnly) { builder = SqlBuilder.WithCommandText( @" SELECT distinct as FullCode,, cf.form FROM Catalogs.Catalog c JOIN Catalogs.CatalogNames cn on = c.nameid JOIN Catalogs.CatalogForms cf on = c.formid JOIN Catalogs.Products p on p.CatalogId = c.Id JOIN Farm.Core0 c0 on c0.ProductId = p.Id JOIN activeprices ap on ap.PriceCode = c0.PriceCode" ); } else { builder = SqlBuilder.WithCommandText( @" SELECT as FullCode,, cf.form FROM Catalogs.Catalog c JOIN Catalogs.CatalogNames cn on = c.nameid JOIN Catalogs.CatalogForms cf on = c.formid" ); } result = builder .AddInCriteria("cn.Name", name) .AddInCriteria("cf.Form", form) .AddCriteria("c.Hidden = 0") .Limit(limit, selStart) .ToCommand(helper) .Fill(); } }); return(result); }
public DataSet GetSupplierInfoById(int firmId) { return(With.Connection(c => { var helper = new MySqlHelper(c); using (GetPrices(c)) { return SqlBuilder .WithCommandText(@" select p.FirmCode SupplierId, p.PriceCode as PriceCode, p.PriceName as PriceName, p.PriceDate as PriceDate, rd.ContactInfo, rd.OperativeInfo, 0 as PublicUpCost, p.DisabledByClient, s.Name as FirmShortName, s.FullName as FirmFullName, rd.SupportPhone as RegionPhone, (select c.contactText from contacts.contact_groups cg join contacts.contacts c on cg.Id = c.ContactOwnerId where s.ContactGroupOwnerId = cg.ContactGroupOwnerId and cg.Type = 0 and c.Type = 1 limit 1) as Phone, s.Address as Address from prices p join Customers.Suppliers s on p.firmcode = s.Id join usersettings.regionaldata rd on rd.firmcode = s.Id and rd.regioncode = p.regioncode" ) .AddInCriteria("p.FirmCode", new int[] { firmId }) .ToCommand(helper) .Fill(); } })); }
public DataSet GetOffers(string[] rangeField, string[] rangeValue, bool newEar, string[] sortField, string[] sortOrder, int limit, int selStart) { var settings = Session.Load <OrderRules>(User.Client.Id); return(With.Connection(c => { var helper = new MySqlHelper(c); var columnNameMapping = new Dictionary <string, string>(StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) { { "offerid", "offers.Id" }, { "pricecode", "offers.PriceCode" }, { "fullcode", "p.CatalogId" }, { "name", "s.synonym" }, { "crname", "sfc.synonym" }, { "code", "c.Code" }, { "codecr", "c.CodeCr" }, { "unit", "c.Unit" }, { "volume", "c.Volume" }, { "quantity", "c.Quantity" }, { "note", "c.Note" }, { "period", "c.Period" }, { "doc", "c.Doc" }, { "junk", "c.Junk" }, { "cost", "offers.Cost" }, { "SupplierId", "ap.FirmCode" }, }; ValidateFieldNames(columnNameMapping, rangeField); ValidateFieldNames(columnNameMapping, sortField); ValidateSortDirection(sortOrder); var groupedValues = GroupValues(rangeField, rangeValue); if (rangeField != null && (rangeValue == null || rangeField.Length != rangeValue.Length)) { throw new Exception("Количество полей для фильтрации не совпадает с количеством значение по которым производится фильтрация"); } using (GetOffers(c)) { var builder = SqlBuilder .WithCommandText(@" SELECT offers.Id as OfferId, ap.FirmCode SupplierId, offers.PriceCode, p.CatalogId as FullCode, c.Code, c.CodeCr, s.synonym as Name, sfc.synonym as CrName, c.Unit, c.Volume, c.Quantity, c.Note, c.Period, c.Doc, c.Junk, c.RequestRatio, c.OrderCost MinOrderSum, c.MinOrderCount, max(cc.Cost) RegistryCost, c.VitallyImportant, offers.Cost, cl.Code as ClientCatalogId FROM core as offers JOIN farm.core0 as c on = join farm.Synonym s on c.synonymcode = s.synonymcode join usersettings.ActivePrices ap on ap.PriceCode = c.PriceCode left join farm.SynonymFirmCr sfc on sfc.SynonymFirmCrCode = c.synonymfirmcrcode join Catalogs.Products p on p.Id = c.ProductId left join farm.Core0 rp on rp.PriceCode = 4863 and rp.ProductId = c.ProductId and rp.CodeFirmCr <=> c.CodeFirmCr left join farm.CoreCosts cc on cc.Core_id = and cc.PC_CostCode = 8317 left join farm.Core0 cl on cl.ProductId = c.ProductId and cl.CodeFirmCr <=> c.CodeFirmCr and cl.PriceCode = ?mapPriceId" ); foreach (var pair in groupedValues) { builder.AddInCriteria(columnNameMapping[pair.Key], pair.Value); } return builder .Append("group by c.Id") .AddOrderMultiColumn(sortField, sortOrder) .Limit(limit, selStart) .ToCommand(helper) .AddParameter("mapPriceId", settings.CatalogMapPriceId) .Fill(); } })); }