public static void setEnabled(Type patchType, bool enabled) { if (patchType.getAttr <HarmonyPatch>() is HarmonyPatch patch) // regular harmony patch { setEnabled(patchType, patch, enabled); } else if (patchType.checkAttr <PatchClassAttribute>()) // optional patch class { HarmonyHelper.patch(patchType, enabled); } }
static void setEnabled(Type patchType, HarmonyPatch patch, bool enabled) { $"OptionalPatches: setEnabled {patchType} => {enabled}".logDbg(); var method =; if (method == null) { "OptionalPatches: method is null!".logError(); return; } var prefix = patchType.method("Prefix"); var postfix = patchType.method("Postfix"); var transpiler = patchType.method("Transpiler"); var patches = HarmonyHelper.getPatchInfo(method); bool prefixActive = patches.isPatchedBy(prefix); bool postfixActive = patches.isPatchedBy(postfix); bool transpilerActive = patches.isPatchedBy(transpiler); if (enabled) { if (!prefixActive && !postfixActive && !transpilerActive) { HarmonyHelper.patch(method, prefix, postfix, transpiler); } } else { // need to check if this is actual patches to avoid unnecessary updates in harmony (with transpilers especially) if (prefixActive) { HarmonyHelper.unpatch(method, prefix); } if (postfixActive) { HarmonyHelper.unpatch(method, postfix); } if (transpilerActive) { HarmonyHelper.unpatch(method, transpiler); } } }
public static void setEnabled(Type patchType, bool val) { $"OptionalPatches: setEnabled {patchType} => {val}".logDbg(); if (!(patchType.getAttr <HarmonyPatch>() is HarmonyPatch patch)) { return; } var method =; if (method == null && $"OptionalPatches: method is null!".logError()) { return; } var prefix = patchType.method("Prefix"); var postfix = patchType.method("Postfix"); var transpiler = patchType.method("Transpiler"); var patches = HarmonyHelper.getPatchInfo(method);