public static AdminRegisterForStudentViewModel Create(IRepository repository, RegistrationModel registrationModel)
            Check.Require(repository != null, "Repository is required.");
            Check.Require(registrationModel != null, "registrationModel is required.");

            var viewModel = new AdminRegisterForStudentViewModel()
                RegistrationModel = registrationModel,
                Majors = repository.OfType<MajorCode>().GetAll(),
                Ceremonies = repository.OfType<Ceremony>().Queryable.Where(a=>a.TermCode == TermService.GetCurrent()).ToList(),

            return viewModel;
        // not sure if these are even used
        //public IEnumerable<Ceremony> Ceremonies { get; private set; }
        public static RegistrationModel Create(IRepository repository, IList<Ceremony> ceremonies, Student student, Registration registration = null, List<CeremonyParticipation> ceremonyParticipations = null, bool edit = false, bool admin = false)
            var viewModel = new RegistrationModel
                                    States = repository.OfType<State>().GetAll(),

                                    Registration = registration ?? new Registration() {Student = student},
                                    Student = student,
                                    //Ceremonies = ceremonies,
                                    FutureTerms = repository.OfType<vTermCode>().Queryable.Where(a=>a.EndDate > DateTime.UtcNow.ToPacificTime())

            // since the change to using a drop down, this is somewhat unnecessary, but should we move back to checkboxes, it would be a simple change
            var specialNeeds = repository.OfType<SpecialNeed>().Queryable.Where(a=>a.IsActive).ToList();
            viewModel.FullSpecialNeeds = specialNeeds;
            if (viewModel.Registration.Id != 0 && viewModel.Registration.SpecialNeeds != null)
                viewModel.SpecialNeedsOld = new MultiSelectList(specialNeeds, "Id", "Name", registration.SpecialNeeds.Select(a=>a.Id).ToList());
                viewModel.SpecialNeedsOld = new MultiSelectList(specialNeeds, "Id", "Name");

            var participations = new List<CeremonyParticipation>();

            if (ceremonyParticipations == null)
                // populate in any ceremonies that the student has registered for
                if (registration != null)
                    foreach (var a in registration.RegistrationParticipations)
                        if (!participations.Any(b => b.Major == a.Major))
                            var part = CreateCeremonyParticipation(participations.Count, edit, student, a.Major, a.Ceremony, registration, null, repository);
                            if (part != null) participations.Add(part);

                foreach (var major in student.Majors)
                    Ceremony ceremony = GetCeremony(repository, major);

                    if (ceremony != null && !participations.Any(a => a.Ceremony == ceremony))
                        var part = CreateCeremonyParticipation(participations.Count, edit, student, major, ceremony, registration, null, repository, admin);
                        if (part != null)
                // fill in the majors
                for (var i = 0; i < ceremonyParticipations.Count; i++)
                    var part = ceremonyParticipations[i];
                    part.MajorCodes = part.Ceremony.Majors.OrderBy(x => x.MajorName).ToList();
                    part.Index = i;

                participations = ceremonyParticipations;

            viewModel.Participations = participations;

            return viewModel;