public static ScanningView Start(UIView View, RectangleF frame) { var _scanner = new ScanningView (frame); _scanner.AutoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizing.FlexibleWidth | UIViewAutoresizing.FlexibleHeight; _scanner.Alpha = 0; _scanner.StartScanning (); View.AddSubview (_scanner); UIView.BeginAnimations ("RetFadeIn"); _scanner.Alpha = 1; UIView.CommitAnimations (); return _scanner; }
public static ScanningView Start(UIView View, RectangleF frame) { var _scanner = new ScanningView(frame); _scanner.AutoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizing.FlexibleWidth | UIViewAutoresizing.FlexibleHeight; _scanner.Alpha = 0; _scanner.StartScanning(); View.AddSubview(_scanner); UIView.BeginAnimations("RetFadeIn"); _scanner.Alpha = 1; UIView.CommitAnimations(); return(_scanner); }
public void SetSources(params Source[] sources) { QuerySources = sources; SourceType = QuerySources.Length > 0 ? QuerySources[0].GetType() : typeof(News); // // Buttons to get to related sources // var allSources = new Source[0]; if (QuerySources != null && QuerySources.Length > 0) { allSources = Repo.Foreground.GetActiveSources(SourceType).OrderBy(s => s.GetDistinguisher()).ToArray(); } var n = allSources.Length; var buttons = new LcarsDef[n]; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { var s = allSources[i]; var b = new LcarsDef(); b.Caption = s.GetShortDistinguisher().ToUpperInvariant(); b.ComponentType = PossibleTypes[s.Id % PossibleTypes.Length]; b.Command = delegate { App.Inst.ShowSourceMessages(s); }; buttons[i] = b; } Info.CommandButtons = buttons; Info.MainTop.Caption = "ADD " + SourceTypes.GetTitle(SourceType); if (sources.Length == 1) { Info.MiscBtn.ComponentType = LcarsComponentType.DisplayFunction; if (App.Inst.IsIPad) { Info.MiscBtn.Caption = "REMOVE " + sources[0].GetShortDistinguisher().TruncateWords(15).ToUpperInvariant(); } else { Info.MiscBtn.Caption = "REMOVE"; } Info.MiscBtn.IsCommandable = true; } else { Info.MiscBtn.ComponentType = LcarsComponentType.Static; Info.MiscBtn.Caption = ""; Info.MiscBtn.IsCommandable = false; } UpdateTitle(); if (!_showingData && QuerySources.Length > 1 && PlayAnimation) { _scanner = new ScanningView(new RectangleF(0, 20, View.Frame.Width, View.Frame.Height - 20)); _scanner.AutoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizing.FlexibleWidth | UIViewAutoresizing.FlexibleHeight; _scanner.Alpha = 0; _scanner.StartScanning(); View.AddSubview(_scanner); UIView.BeginAnimations("RetFadeIn"); _scanner.Alpha = 1; UIView.CommitAnimations(); _showingData = true; } RefreshMessages(); }