private static void SwapLogSupports(Model model) { model.AddStatements(@" @prefix log: <>. @prefix : <>. { :Paul :mother :Caroline } => { :Paul :parent :Caroline }. { { :Paul :mother :Caroline. :Paul :father :Frans. } log:supports { :Paul :parent :Caroline. }. } => { :result :supports true. }. ".ParseString()); // TODO: Fix the log:supports implementation var result = model.GetFact <bool>(Names.Example.CreateName("result"), Names.Example.CreateName("supports")); Console.WriteLine("Document semantics supports the rule: {0}", result); }
private static void SwapLogContent(Model model) { model.AddStatements(@" @prefix log: <>. @prefix : <>. { <Ontology/testData.n3> log:content ?content. } => { :content :is ?content. } ".ParseString()); var stream = (Stream)model.GetFact <object>(Names.Example.CreateName("content"), Names.Example.CreateName("is")); string content; using (var reader = new StreamReader(stream)) { content = reader.ReadToEnd(); } Console.WriteLine("Loaded content: {0} symbols", content.Length); }
private static void SwapMathSum(Model model) { model.AddStatements(@" @prefix math: <>. @prefix list: <>. @prefix : <>. { (?list (10 20)) list:append ?flatList. ?flatList math:sum ?y. } => { ?list :sum ?y. } ".ParseString()); var sum = model.GetFact <int>(new QName[] { 1.CreateLiteral(), 2.CreateLiteral() }.CreateLiteral(), Names.Example.CreateName("sum")); Console.WriteLine("Sum is: {0}", sum); }
private static void SwapStringNotLessThan(Model model) { model.AddStatements(@" @prefix string: <>. @prefix : <>. { ?x a :Person. ?y a :Person. ?x :firstName ?xfn. ?y :firstName ?yfn. ?xfn string:notLessThan ?yfn. } => { (?x ?y) :notLessThan true. } ".ParseString()); var notLessThan = model.GetFact <bool>(new[] { Names.Rita, Names.Paul }.CreateLiteral(), Names.Example.CreateName("notLessThan")); Console.WriteLine("notLessThan: {0}", notLessThan); }
private static void SwapStringNotMatches(Model model) { // Use .NET regex syntax for patterns. // Simple example: true if Person's first name matches the pattern // We use @in statements to indicate that ?x and ?pattern variables are always presented while querying the fact. model.AddStatements(@" @prefix string: <>. @prefix : <>. @in ?x, ?pattern. { ?x a :Person. ?x :firstName ?fn. ?fn string:notMatches ?pattern. } => { (?x ?pattern) :notMatchesPattern true. } ".ParseString()); var paulDoesntMatchPattern = model.GetFact <bool>(new[] { Names.Paul, @"Jack".CreateLiteral() }.CreateLiteral(), Names.Example.CreateName("notMatchesPattern")); Console.WriteLine("Paul's first name doesn't match 'Jack' pattern: {0}", paulDoesntMatchPattern); }
private static void SwapLogNotIncludes(Model model) { model.AddStatements(@" @prefix log: <>. @prefix : <>. { { :Paul :mother :Rita. :Paul :father :Frans. } -> ?family. ?family log:notIncludes { :Boston :weather :sunny }. } => {:result :notIncludes true}. ".ParseString()); var result = model.GetFact <bool>(Names.Example.CreateName("result"), Names.Example.CreateName("notIncludes")); Console.WriteLine("Document semantics does not include the rule: {0}", result); }
private static void SwapListLast(Model model) { model.AddStatements(@" @prefix list: <>. @prefix : <>. { ( :Frans :Caroline :Rita ) list:last ?z. } => { :Frans :lastMember ?z. } ".ParseString()); var rita = model.GetFact(Names.Frans, Names.Example.CreateName("lastMember")); Console.WriteLine("Found person: {0}", Helpers.Beautify(rita)); }
private static void SwapListMember(Model model) { model.AddStatements(@" @prefix list: <>. @prefix : <>. { ( :Frans :Caroline :Rita ) list:member ?z. } => { ?z :isMemberOf true. } ".ParseString()); var isMember = model.GetFact <bool>(Names.Frans, Names.Example.CreateName("isMemberOf")); Console.WriteLine("Is member: {0}", isMember); }
private static void SwapLogIncludes(Model model) { model.AddStatements(@" @prefix log: <>. @prefix : <>. { { :Paul :mother :Caroline. :Paul :father :Frans. } log:includes { :Paul :mother :Caroline. }. } => { :result :includes true. }. ".ParseString()); var result = model.GetFact <bool>(Names.Example.CreateName("result"), Names.Example.CreateName("includes")); Console.WriteLine("Document semantics includes the rule: {0}", result); }
private static void SwapMathGreaterThan(Model model) { model.AddStatements(@" @prefix math: <>. @prefix list: <>. @prefix : <>. { ?x math:greaterThan 6. } => { ?x :greaterThan true. } ".ParseString()); var greaterThan = model.GetFact <bool>(7.CreateLiteral(), Names.Example.CreateName("greaterThan")); Console.WriteLine("7 greater than 6: {0}", greaterThan); }
private static void SwapMathNotEqualTo(Model model) { model.AddStatements(@" @prefix math: <>. @prefix list: <>. @prefix : <>. { ?x math:notEqualTo 2. } => { ?x :notEqualTo true. } ".ParseString()); var notEqualTo = model.GetFact <bool>(1.CreateLiteral(), Names.Example.CreateName("notEqualTo")); Console.WriteLine("1 not equal to 2: {0}", notEqualTo); }
private static void SwapMathNotLessThan(Model model) { model.AddStatements(@" @prefix math: <>. @prefix list: <>. @prefix : <>. { ?x math:notLessThan 2. } => { ?x :notLessThan true. } ".ParseString()); var notLessThan = model.GetFact <bool>(5.CreateLiteral(), Names.Example.CreateName("notLessThan")); Console.WriteLine("5 not less than 2: {0}", notLessThan); }
private static void SwapMathQuotient(Model model) { model.AddStatements(@" @prefix math: <>. @prefix list: <>. @prefix : <>. { (?x 2) math:quotient ?z. } => { ?x :quotient ?z. } ".ParseString()); var quotient = model.GetFact <double>(5.CreateLiteral(), Names.Example.CreateName("quotient")); Console.WriteLine("Quotient is: {0}", quotient); }
private static void SwapMathRemainder(Model model) { model.AddStatements(@" @prefix math: <>. @prefix list: <>. @prefix : <>. { (?x 2) math:remainder ?z. } => { ?x :remainder ?z. } ".ParseString()); var remainder = model.GetFact <int>(5.CreateLiteral(), Names.Example.CreateName("remainder")); Console.WriteLine("Remainder is: {0}", remainder); }
private static void SwapListAppend(Model model) { // Append as result model.AddStatements(@" @prefix list: <>. @prefix : <>. { ?x :mother :Rita. ( (:Frans :Caroline) (?x :Rita) ) list:append ?family. } => { ?x :myFamily ?family } ".ParseString()); var family = model.GetFact(Names.Paul, Names.Example.CreateName("myFamily")).AsList(); Console.WriteLine("Found family: {0}", string.Join(", ", family.Select(Helpers.Beautify).ToArray())); // Append as condition model.AddStatements(@" @prefix list: <>. @prefix : <>. { ?x :mother :Rita. :Rita :mother ?z. ( (?x :Rita) (:Frans ?z) ) list:append (?x :Rita :Frans ?z). } => { ?x :inRelationWith ?z } ".ParseString()); var caroline = model.GetFact(Names.Paul, Names.Example.CreateName("inRelationWith")); Console.WriteLine("Found person: {0}", Helpers.Beautify(caroline)); }
private static void SwapTimeInSeconds(Model model) { model.AddStatements(@" @prefix time: <>. @prefix : <>. { ?x time:inSeconds ?y. } => { ?x :asSeconds ?y. } ".ParseString()); var unixTime = model.GetFact(DateTime.SpecifyKind(new DateTime(2010, 1, 1), DateTimeKind.Utc).CreateLiteral(), Names.Example.CreateName("asSeconds")); var seconds = model.GetFact(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(123456).CreateLiteral(), Names.Example.CreateName("asSeconds")); Console.WriteLine("Unix time: {0}", unixTime); Console.WriteLine("Seconds: {0}", seconds); }
private static void SwapLogEqualTo(Model model) { model.AddStatements(@" @prefix log: <>. @prefix : <>. :Paul :mother :Rita. :Paul :father :Frans. { ?x :mother ?y. ?x :father ?z. ?y log:equalTo :Rita. ?z == :Frans. } => { ?x :equalTo true }. ".ParseString()); var result = model.GetFact <bool>(Names.Paul, Names.Example.CreateName("equalTo")); Console.WriteLine("The subject's parents are Rita and Frans: {0}", result); }
private static void SwapLogUri(Model model) { model.AddStatements(@" @prefix log: <>. @prefix string: <>. @prefix : <>. { <> log:uri ?y. } => { :test :uriMatchesExample ?y. }. ".ParseString()); // TODO: fix the log:uri implementation var result = model.GetFact(Names.Example.CreateName("test"), Names.Example.CreateName("uriMatchesExample")); Console.WriteLine("Paul is in examples namespace: {0}", result); }
private static void SwapMathNegation(Model model) { // We must use @in to indicate input variables for the correct rule compilation. model.AddStatements(@" @prefix math: <>. @prefix : <>. @in ?x. { ?x math:negation ?y. } => { ?x :negated ?y. }. ".ParseString()); var negatedValue = model.GetFact <int>(1.CreateLiteral(), Names.Example.CreateName("negated")); Console.WriteLine("negation of 1 is: {0}", negatedValue); }
private static void SwapStringFormat(Model model) { model.AddStatements(@" @prefix string: <>. @prefix : <>. { ?x a :Person. ?x :firstName ?fn. ?x :lastName ?ln. (""{0} {1}"" ?fn ?ln) string:format ?z } => { ?x :fullName ?z. } ".ParseString()); var fullName = model.GetFact <string>(Names.Paul, Names.Example.CreateName("fullName")); Console.WriteLine("Full name: {0}", fullName); }
private static void SwapLogConjunction(Model model) { model.AddStatements(@" @prefix log: <>. @prefix : <>. { <Ontology/testData.n3> log:semantics ?testData. <Ontology/meta.n3> log:semantics ?meta. (?testData ?meta) log:conjunction ?formulae. ?formulae log:includes { ?x a :Person. }. } => { ?x :conjunction true. } ".ParseString()); var result = model.GetFact <bool>(Names.Paul, Names.Example.CreateName("conjunction")); Console.WriteLine("Conjunction result contains the statement: {0}", result); }
private static void SwapStringConcatenation(Model model) { model.AddStatements(@" @prefix string: <>. @prefix : <>. { ?x a :Person. ?x :firstName ?z. (?a ?b) string:concatenation ?z } => { (?a ?b) :concatFind ?x }. ".ParseString()); var paul = model.GetFact( new QName[] { "Pa".CreateLiteral(), "ul".CreateLiteral() }.CreateLiteral(), Names.Example.CreateName("concatFind")); Console.WriteLine("Found person: {0}", Helpers.Beautify(paul)); }
private static void SwapMathDifference(Model model) { model.AddStatements(@" @prefix math: <>. @prefix list: <>. @prefix : <>. { (?x ?y) math:difference ?z. } => { (?x ?y) :difference ?z. } ".ParseString()); var difference = model.GetFact <int>(new QName[] { 11.CreateLiteral(), 1.CreateLiteral() }.CreateLiteral(), Names.Example.CreateName("difference")); Console.WriteLine("Difference is: {0}", difference); }
private static void SwapLogSupports(Model model) { model.AddStatements(@" @prefix log: <>. @prefix : <>. { :Paul :mother :Caroline } => { :Paul :parent :Caroline }. { { :Paul :mother :Caroline. :Paul :father :Frans. } log:supports { :Paul :parent :Caroline. }. } => { :result :supports true. }. ".ParseString()); // TODO: Fix the log:supports implementation var result = model.GetFact<bool>(Names.Example.CreateName("result"), Names.Example.CreateName("supports")); Console.WriteLine("Document semantics supports the rule: {0}", result); }
private static void SwapStringMatches(Model model) { // Use .NET regex syntax for patterns. // Simple example: true if Person's first name matches the pattern // We use @in statements to indicate that ?x and ?pattern variables are always presented while querying the fact. model.AddStatements(@" @prefix string: <>. @prefix : <>. @in ?x, ?pattern. { ?x a :Person. ?x :firstName ?fn. ?fn string:matches ?pattern. } => { (?x ?pattern) :matchesPattern true. } ".ParseString()); var paulMatchesPattern = model.GetFact<bool>(new[] { Names.Paul, @".aul".CreateLiteral() }.CreateLiteral(), Names.Example.CreateName("matchesPattern")); Console.WriteLine("Paul's first name matches '.aul' pattern: {0}", paulMatchesPattern); // Complex example: return the persons whose first name matches the pattern. model.AddStatements(@" @prefix string: <>. @prefix list: <>. @prefix : <>. @in ?list, ?pattern. { ?list list:member ?x. ?x a :Person. ?x :firstName ?fn. ?fn string:matches ?pattern. } => { (?list ?pattern) :matchedPersons ?x. } ".ParseString()); var matchedPersons = model.GetFacts( new QName[] { new[] { Names.Paul, Names.Rita, Names.Frans, Names.Caroline }.CreateLiteral(), @"[iu]+".CreateLiteral() }.CreateLiteral(), Names.Example.CreateName("matchedPersons")); Console.WriteLine("Matched persons: {0}", string.Join(", ", matchedPersons.Select(Helpers.Beautify))); }
private static void SwapStringFormat(Model model) { model.AddStatements(@" @prefix string: <>. @prefix : <>. { ?x a :Person. ?x :firstName ?fn. ?x :lastName ?ln. (""{0} {1}"" ?fn ?ln) string:format ?z } => { ?x :fullName ?z. } ".ParseString()); var fullName = model.GetFact<string>(Names.Paul, Names.Example.CreateName("fullName")); Console.WriteLine("Full name: {0}", fullName); }
private static void SwapMathSum(Model model) { model.AddStatements(@" @prefix math: <>. @prefix list: <>. @prefix : <>. { (?list (10 20)) list:append ?flatList. ?flatList math:sum ?y. } => { ?list :sum ?y. } ".ParseString()); var sum = model.GetFact<int>(new QName[] { 1.CreateLiteral(), 2.CreateLiteral() }.CreateLiteral(), Names.Example.CreateName("sum")); Console.WriteLine("Sum is: {0}", sum); }
private static void SwapLogConjunction(Model model) { model.AddStatements(@" @prefix log: <>. @prefix : <>. { <Ontology/testData.n3> log:semantics ?testData. <Ontology/meta.n3> log:semantics ?meta. (?testData ?meta) log:conjunction ?formulae. ?formulae log:includes { ?x a :Person. }. } => { ?x :conjunction true. } ".ParseString()); var result = model.GetFact<bool>(Names.Paul, Names.Example.CreateName("conjunction")); Console.WriteLine("Conjunction result contains the statement: {0}", result); }
private static void SwapStringNotLessThan(Model model) { model.AddStatements(@" @prefix string: <>. @prefix : <>. { ?x a :Person. ?y a :Person. ?x :firstName ?xfn. ?y :firstName ?yfn. ?xfn string:notLessThan ?yfn. } => { (?x ?y) :notLessThan true. } ".ParseString()); var notLessThan = model.GetFact<bool>(new[] { Names.Rita, Names.Paul }.CreateLiteral(), Names.Example.CreateName("notLessThan")); Console.WriteLine("notLessThan: {0}", notLessThan); }
private static void SwapMathNotEqualTo(Model model) { model.AddStatements(@" @prefix math: <>. @prefix list: <>. @prefix : <>. { ?x math:notEqualTo 2. } => { ?x :notEqualTo true. } ".ParseString()); var notEqualTo = model.GetFact<bool>(1.CreateLiteral(), Names.Example.CreateName("notEqualTo")); Console.WriteLine("1 not equal to 2: {0}", notEqualTo); }
private static void SwapLogNotEqualTo(Model model) { model.AddStatements(@" @prefix log: <>. @prefix : <>. :Paul :mother :Rita. :Paul :father :Frans. :Caroline :mother :Greta. :Caroline :father :Dirk. { ?x :mother ?y. ?x :father ?z. ?y log:notEqualTo :Rita. ?z != :Frans. } => { ?x :notEqualTo true }. ".ParseString()); var result = model.GetFact<bool>(Names.Caroline, Names.Example.CreateName("notEqualTo")); Console.WriteLine("The subject's parents are not Rita and Frans: {0}", result); }
private static void SwapMathNotLessThan(Model model) { model.AddStatements(@" @prefix math: <>. @prefix list: <>. @prefix : <>. { ?x math:notLessThan 2. } => { ?x :notLessThan true. } ".ParseString()); var notLessThan = model.GetFact<bool>(5.CreateLiteral(), Names.Example.CreateName("notLessThan")); Console.WriteLine("5 not less than 2: {0}", notLessThan); }
private static void SwapMathQuotient(Model model) { model.AddStatements(@" @prefix math: <>. @prefix list: <>. @prefix : <>. { (?x 2) math:quotient ?z. } => { ?x :quotient ?z. } ".ParseString()); var quotient = model.GetFact<double>(5.CreateLiteral(), Names.Example.CreateName("quotient")); Console.WriteLine("Quotient is: {0}", quotient); }
private static void SwapLogSemantics(Model model) { model.AddStatements(@" @prefix log: <>. @prefix : <>. :Paul :mother :Caroline. { <> log:semantics ?M. ?M log:includes { :Paul :mother :Caroline. }. } => { :result :semantics true. }. ".ParseString()); var result = model.GetFact<bool>(Names.Example.CreateName("result"), Names.Example.CreateName("semantics")); Console.WriteLine("Document semantics includes the rule: {0}", result); }
private static void SwapListMember(Model model) { model.AddStatements(@" @prefix list: <>. @prefix : <>. { ( :Frans :Caroline :Rita ) list:member ?z. } => { ?z :isMemberOf true. } ".ParseString()); var isMember = model.GetFact<bool>(Names.Frans, Names.Example.CreateName("isMemberOf")); Console.WriteLine("Is member: {0}", isMember); }
private static void SwapLogNotIncludes(Model model) { model.AddStatements(@" @prefix log: <>. @prefix : <>. { { :Paul :mother :Rita. :Paul :father :Frans. } -> ?family. ?family log:notIncludes { :Boston :weather :sunny }. } => {:result :notIncludes true}. ".ParseString()); var result = model.GetFact<bool>(Names.Example.CreateName("result"), Names.Example.CreateName("notIncludes")); Console.WriteLine("Document semantics does not include the rule: {0}", result); }
private static void SwapStringNotMatches(Model model) { // Use .NET regex syntax for patterns. // Simple example: true if Person's first name matches the pattern // We use @in statements to indicate that ?x and ?pattern variables are always presented while querying the fact. model.AddStatements(@" @prefix string: <>. @prefix : <>. @in ?x, ?pattern. { ?x a :Person. ?x :firstName ?fn. ?fn string:notMatches ?pattern. } => { (?x ?pattern) :notMatchesPattern true. } ".ParseString()); var paulDoesntMatchPattern = model.GetFact<bool>(new[] { Names.Paul, @"Jack".CreateLiteral() }.CreateLiteral(), Names.Example.CreateName("notMatchesPattern")); Console.WriteLine("Paul's first name doesn't match 'Jack' pattern: {0}", paulDoesntMatchPattern); }
private static void SwapLogContent(Model model) { model.AddStatements(@" @prefix log: <>. @prefix : <>. { <Ontology/testData.n3> log:content ?content. } => { :content :is ?content. } ".ParseString()); var stream = (Stream)model.GetFact<object>(Names.Example.CreateName("content"), Names.Example.CreateName("is")); string content; using (var reader = new StreamReader(stream)) { content = reader.ReadToEnd(); } Console.WriteLine("Loaded content: {0} symbols", content.Length); }
private static void SwapMathNegation(Model model) { // We must use @in to indicate input variables for the correct rule compilation. model.AddStatements(@" @prefix math: <>. @prefix : <>. @in ?x. { ?x math:negation ?y. } => { ?x :negated ?y. }. ".ParseString()); var negatedValue = model.GetFact<int>(1.CreateLiteral(), Names.Example.CreateName("negated")); Console.WriteLine("negation of 1 is: {0}", negatedValue); }
private static void SwapMathGreaterThan(Model model) { model.AddStatements(@" @prefix math: <>. @prefix list: <>. @prefix : <>. { ?x math:greaterThan 6. } => { ?x :greaterThan true. } ".ParseString()); var greaterThan = model.GetFact<bool>(7.CreateLiteral(), Names.Example.CreateName("greaterThan")); Console.WriteLine("7 greater than 6: {0}", greaterThan); }
private static void SwapMathDifference(Model model) { model.AddStatements(@" @prefix math: <>. @prefix list: <>. @prefix : <>. { (?x ?y) math:difference ?z. } => { (?x ?y) :difference ?z. } ".ParseString()); var difference = model.GetFact<int>(new QName[] { 11.CreateLiteral(), 1.CreateLiteral() }.CreateLiteral(), Names.Example.CreateName("difference")); Console.WriteLine("Difference is: {0}", difference); }
private static void SwapStringMatches(Model model) { // Use .NET regex syntax for patterns. // Simple example: true if Person's first name matches the pattern // We use @in statements to indicate that ?x and ?pattern variables are always presented while querying the fact. model.AddStatements(@" @prefix string: <>. @prefix : <>. @in ?x, ?pattern. { ?x a :Person. ?x :firstName ?fn. ?fn string:matches ?pattern. } => { (?x ?pattern) :matchesPattern true. } ".ParseString()); var paulMatchesPattern = model.GetFact <bool>(new[] { Names.Paul, @".aul".CreateLiteral() }.CreateLiteral(), Names.Example.CreateName("matchesPattern")); Console.WriteLine("Paul's first name matches '.aul' pattern: {0}", paulMatchesPattern); // Complex example: return the persons whose first name matches the pattern. model.AddStatements(@" @prefix string: <>. @prefix list: <>. @prefix : <>. @in ?list, ?pattern. { ?list list:member ?x. ?x a :Person. ?x :firstName ?fn. ?fn string:matches ?pattern. } => { (?list ?pattern) :matchedPersons ?x. } ".ParseString()); var matchedPersons = model.GetFacts( new QName[] { new[] { Names.Paul, Names.Rita, Names.Frans, Names.Caroline }.CreateLiteral(), @"[iu]+".CreateLiteral() }.CreateLiteral(), Names.Example.CreateName("matchedPersons")); Console.WriteLine("Matched persons: {0}", string.Join(", ", matchedPersons.Select(Helpers.Beautify))); }
private static void SwapMathRemainder(Model model) { model.AddStatements(@" @prefix math: <>. @prefix list: <>. @prefix : <>. { (?x 2) math:remainder ?z. } => { ?x :remainder ?z. } ".ParseString()); var remainder = model.GetFact<int>(5.CreateLiteral(), Names.Example.CreateName("remainder")); Console.WriteLine("Remainder is: {0}", remainder); }