public frmFight(Player first, Player second, frmMenu mainForm) { InitializeComponent(); MainForm = mainForm; prbarPlayerOne = new PPPProgressBar(755, 46, 461, 56); prbarPlayerTwo = new PPPProgressBar(49, 46, 461, 56); soundPunch = new SoundPlayer("punch.wav"); playerOneIsRight = true; // za da go prepoznae file-ot EyeOfTheTiger.wav // // EyeOfTheTiger.wav vo properties Copy to Output directory: copy if newer!!! //if(frmOptions.musicOn) // soundPlayer = new SoundPlayer("EyeOfTheTiger.wav"); bmBackground = new PPPBitmap(new Bitmap("CombatGameBackground.gif"), "CombatGameBackground.gif"); playerOne = first; playerOne.X = this.Right - playerOne.Width - 200; playerOne.Y = Player.StandPosition - playerOne.Height; playerOne.DirectionPlayer = Direction.LEFT; playerTwo = second; playerTwo.X = this.Left + playerTwo.Width + 200; playerTwo.Y = Player.StandPosition - playerOne.Height; playerTwo.DirectionPlayer = Direction.RIGHT; this.lblPlayerOneName.Text = playerOne.Name; this.lblPlayerTwoName.Text = playerTwo.Name; //if(soundPlayer != null) // soundPlayer.Play(); timer = new Timer(); timer.Interval = INTERVAL; timer.Tick += new EventHandler(timer_Tick); timer.Start(); update(); this.DoubleBuffered = true; Invalidate(); }
//Changes statePerson and attacks opponent public bool Attack(Player opponent) { this.statePerson = State.ATTACK; return IsSuccessfulAttack(opponent); }
//Changes statePerson and attacks opponent public bool AttackLeg(Player opponent) { this.statePerson = State.ATTACKLEG; if (Math.Abs(this.X - opponent.X) > 2*Width/3) { this.Move(this.DirectionPlayer); } return IsSuccessfulAttack(opponent); }
//Checks if the opponent was hurt public bool IsSuccessfulAttack(Player opponent) { if (this.DirectionPlayer == Direction.LEFT) { if (this.X-Width/2 < opponent.X+Width/3 && this.X-Width/2 > opponent.X-Width/3 && Math.Abs(this.Y-opponent.Y)<Height/4) { if (opponent.statePerson != State.DEFENSE && opponent.statePerson != State.KNEEL) { return true; } } } else if (this.DirectionPlayer == Direction.RIGHT) { if (this.X + Width / 2 > opponent.X - Width / 3 && this.X + Width / 2 < opponent.X+Width/3 && Math.Abs(this.Y - opponent.Y) < Height / 4) { if (opponent.statePerson != State.DEFENSE && opponent.statePerson != State.KNEEL) { return true; } } } return false; }
public void RightMagicAttack (Player player, Magic magic) { if (((magic.X + magic.Width / 2) > (player.X - player.Width/2 + 50)) && (magic.X - magic.Width/2 <= player.X - player.Width/2)) { if (!player.AvoidMagicAttack()) { if ((player.Y + player.Height / 2) >= (magic.Y - magic.Height / 2)) { player.DecreaseHealth(magic.Power); if (playerOneMagic == magic) { playerOneMagic = null; } else { playerTwoMagic = null; } } } } }
public void LeftMagicAttack (Player player, Magic magic) { if (((magic.X - magic.Width / 2) < (player.X + player.Width / 2)) && magic.X + Width / 2 >= player.X + player.Width / 2) { if (!player.AvoidMagicAttack()) { if (player.Y + player.Height / 2 >= (magic.Y - magic.Height / 2)) { player.DecreaseHealth(magic.Power); if (playerOneMagic == magic) { playerOneMagic = null; } else { playerTwoMagic = null; } } } } }
Image imgPlayerTwo = Image.FromFile("imgPlayerTwo.png"); // da se azurira public frmPickPlayer(frmMenu menu) { InitializeComponent(); MainMenu = menu; this.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.FixedDialog; bmBackground = new PPPBitmap(new Bitmap("CombatGameBackground.gif"), "CombatGameBackground.gif"); numPlayers = 4; pb1.Image = Image.FromFile("imgVikiPeeva.jpg"); pb2.Image = Image.FromFile("imgPetrovPetre.jpg"); pb3.Image = Image.FromFile("imgIgorPetrovski.jpg"); pb4.Image = Image.FromFile("imgDavidHorny.jpg"); firstDone = false; secDone = false; takenPb = new bool[numPlayers]; players = new Player[numPlayers]; magicTricks = new Magic[3]; pb = new PictureBox[numPlayers][]; pb[0] = new PictureBox[2]; pb[1] = new PictureBox[2]; pb[2] = new PictureBox[2]; pb[3] = new PictureBox[2]; pb[0][0] = pb1; pb[0][1] = pb1Parent; pb[1][0] = pb2; pb[1][1] = pb2Parent; pb[2][0] = pb3; pb[2][1] = pb3Parent; pb[3][0] = pb4; pb[3][1] = pb4Parent; takenPb[0] = takenPb[1] = true; currPosFirst = 0; currPosSec = 1; for (int i = 2; i < numPlayers; i++) { takenPb[i] = false; } magicTricks[0] = new Magic("Fire", 10, Image.FromFile("imgFireMagicTrans.png"), Image.FromFile("imgFireMagicTrans.png"),30); magicTricks[1] = new Magic("Hurricane", 10, Image.FromFile("imgHurrucainVerticalTrans.png"), Image.FromFile("imgHurrucainVerticalTrans.png"), 30); magicTricks[2] = new Magic("Lightning", 10, Image.FromFile("imgLightningMagicTrans.png"), Image.FromFile("imgLightningMagicTrans.png"), 30); players[0] = new Player("Viki","Zestoka",magicTricks[0],magicTricks[1],magicTricks[2]); players[1] = new Player("Petre", "Petre doagja od gradot Radovis.", magicTricks[0], magicTricks[1], magicTricks[2]); players[2] = new Player("Igor", "Jas sum Igor Petrovski, dzverot Tetovski.", magicTricks[0], magicTricks[1], magicTricks[2]); players[3] = new Player("David", "Jas sum Horny i mnogu sum crazy!", magicTricks[0], magicTricks[1], magicTricks[2]); this.fillPlayersImages(); players[0].SetCurrentImage(true); players[1].SetCurrentImage(false); players[2].SetCurrentImage(true); players[3].SetCurrentImage(false); pb1.BackColor = Color.Transparent; pb2.BackColor = Color.Red; pb3.BackColor = Color.Red; pb4.BackColor = Color.Red; pb1Parent.BackColor = Color.Yellow; pb2Parent.BackColor = Color.Green; pb3Parent.BackColor = Color.Transparent; pb4Parent.BackColor = Color.Transparent; lblPlayerOneDesc.Text = players[0].Description; lblPlayerTwoDesc.Text = players[1].Description; Invalidate(); }