        /// <summary>
        /// 年度成果类型分布
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public List <YearAndCountOutPut> GetStatisticalByNianDuChengGuoLeiXingFenBu(string staryear, string endyear)
            using (var db = new OperationManagerDbContext())
                string strsql = @" SELECT DISTINCT CAST(YEAR(issued)AS NVARCHAR) AS year FROM dbo.StaticProductions WHERE YEAR(issued) BETWEEN '" + staryear + "' AND '" + endyear + "'  ORDER BY year desc";

                List <string> list = db.Database.SqlQuery <string>(strsql).ToList();
                //Dictionary<string, List<YearAndCount>> diclist = new Dictionary<string, List<YearAndCount>>();

                List <YearAndCountOutPut> output = new List <YearAndCountOutPut>();
                for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)
                    YearAndCountOutPut op  = new YearAndCountOutPut();
                    string             sql = @" select resulttype,CAST(YEAR(issued)AS NVARCHAR) as year ,count(*) as count from StaticProductions sp
where  year(sp.issued) like '%" + list[i] + "%'  group by resulttype,year(sp.issued)";

                    List <YearAndCount> listm = db.Database.SqlQuery <YearAndCount>(sql).ToList();
                    op.Year          = list[i];
                    op.CollegeResult = listm;
                    // diclist.Add(list[i], listm);

        /// <summary>
        /// 作者SCI发文量TOP100/作者CSCD发文量TOP100
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public List <YearAndCountOutPut> GetStatisticalByZuoZheSCIOrCSCDTop100(string staryear, string endyear, string sciorcscd)
            using (var db = new OperationManagerDbContext())
                string sql = @" select top 100 us.SurnameChinese+us.NameChinese as year,count(*)as count from Relation_UserClaimWorks u 
 left join StaticProductions sp on u.ProductionID=sp.ProductionID
 left join [User] us on us.uuid=u.SysUserID
 where UserClaimWorksStatus=2
 and year(sp.issued)  between '" + staryear + "' and '" + endyear + "' and sp.dataset like '%" + sciorcscd + "%' group by us.SurnameChinese+us.NameChinese order by count desc";
                List <YearAndCount> list = db.Database.SqlQuery <YearAndCount>(sql).ToList();

                List <YearAndCountOutPut> output = new List <YearAndCountOutPut>();
                for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)
                    YearAndCountOutPut op = new YearAndCountOutPut();
                    op.Year = list[i].Year;
                    YearAndCount ya = list[i];
                    op.CollegeResult = new List <YearAndCount>();

        /// <summary>
        /// 年度论文院所收录情况排名---/年度论文科系收录情况排名
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="collegetype">院系类型 1 院系,2科系</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public List <YearAndCountOutPut> GetTongJiByNDChengGuoYuanSuoPaiMing(string collegetype, string top, int pageSize, int curPage)
            using (var db = new OperationManagerDbContext())
                string sqlstr = @"SELECT DISTINCT CAST(YEAR(issued)AS NVARCHAR)  AS year FROM dbo.StaticProductions  ORDER BY year desc";

                List <string>             list = db.Database.SqlQuery <string>(sqlstr).Take(pageSize * curPage).Skip(pageSize * (curPage - 1)).ToList();
                List <YearAndCountOutPut> list_outputReport = new List <YearAndCountOutPut>();
                // Dictionary<string, List<SysCollegeResult>> diclist = new Dictionary<string, List<SysCollegeResult>>();
                for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)
                    YearAndCountOutPut report = new YearAndCountOutPut();

                    string sql = @" SELECT TOP " + top + " sc.CID,sc.CollegeName  as Year,COUNT(*) AS count FROM dbo.SYS_College sc   LEFT JOIN dbo.[User] u ON (u.UnitID=sc.CID OR u.DeptID=sc.CID) LEFT JOIN dbo.Relation_UserClaimWorks ruw ON ruw.SysUserID = u.UUID  LEFT join  dbo.StaticProductions sp ON ruw.ProductionID = sp.ProductionID  where sc.CollegeType=" + collegetype + " and year(sp.issued) like '%" + list[i] + "%' GROUP BY  sc.CID,sc.CollegeName  ORDER BY sc.CID ASC , count DESC";
                    List <YearAndCount> lis = db.Database.SqlQuery <YearAndCount>(sql).ToList();
                    report.Year = list[i];
                    if (lis.Count > 0)
                        report.CollegeResult = lis;
                        //diclist.Add(list[i], lis);

        /// <summary>
        /// 年度论文收录情况统计
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public List <YearAndCountOutPut> GetTongJiByNDLunWenShoulu(string departid, string staryear, string endyear, string indexed)
            using (var db = new OperationManagerDbContext())
                string strsql = @" SELECT DISTINCT CAST(YEAR(issued)AS NVARCHAR) AS year FROM dbo.StaticProductions WHERE YEAR(issued) BETWEEN '" + staryear + "' AND '" + endyear + "'  ORDER BY year desc";

                List <string> list = db.Database.SqlQuery <string>(strsql).ToList();
                // Dictionary<string, List<YearAndCount>> diclist = new Dictionary<string, List<YearAndCount>>();

                List <YearAndCountOutPut> output = new List <YearAndCountOutPut>();
                for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)
                    YearAndCountOutPut op  = new YearAndCountOutPut();
                    string             sql = @" SELECT tt.indexed AS resulttype, CAST(YEAR(issued)AS NVARCHAR) AS year ,COUNT(-1) AS count FROM StaticProductions tt 
WHERE  YEAR(tt.issued) like '%" + list[i] + "%' AND tt.indexed LIKE'%" + indexed + "%' ";
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(departid))
                        //  sql += " AND tt.jigouyuanxiCode='" + departid + "'";

                    sql += " group by year(tt.issued),tt.indexed ORDER BY year DESC ";

                    var listm = db.Database.SqlQuery <YearAndCount>(sql).ToList();;
                    //  diclist.Add(list[i], listm);
                    op.Year          = list[i];
                    op.CollegeResult = listm;