private void BuildInjectionPlan(INode n, IDictionary <INode, InjectionPlan> memo) { if (memo.ContainsKey(n)) { InjectionPlan p = null; memo.TryGetValue(n, out p); if (BUILDING == p) { StringBuilder loopyList = new StringBuilder("["); foreach (INode node in memo.Keys) { InjectionPlan p1 = null; memo.TryGetValue(node, out p1); if (p1 == BUILDING) { loopyList.Append(" " + node.GetFullName()); } } loopyList.Append(" ]"); throw new ClassHierarchyException("Detected loopy constructor involving " + loopyList.ToString()); } else { return; } } memo.Add(n, BUILDING); InjectionPlan ip = null; if (n is INamedParameterNode) { INamedParameterNode np = (INamedParameterNode)n; object boundInstance = ParseBoundNamedParameter(np); object defaultInstance = this.classHierarchy.ParseDefaultValue(np); object instance = boundInstance != null ? boundInstance : defaultInstance; if (instance is INode) { BuildInjectionPlan((INode)instance, memo); InjectionPlan sp = null; memo.TryGetValue((INode)instance, out sp); if (sp != null) { ip = new Subplan(n, 0, new InjectionPlan[] { sp }); } } else if (instance is ISet <object> ) { ISet <object> entries = (ISet <object>)instance; ISet <InjectionPlan> plans = new MonotonicSet <InjectionPlan>(); foreach (object entry in entries) { if (entry is IClassNode) { BuildInjectionPlan((IClassNode)entry, memo); InjectionPlan p2 = null; memo.TryGetValue((INode)entry, out p2); if (p2 != null) { plans.Add(p2); } } else { plans.Add(new CsInstance(n, entry)); } } ip = new SetInjectionPlan(n, plans); } else { ip = new CsInstance(np, instance); } } else if (n is IClassNode) { IClassNode cn = (IClassNode)n; // Any (or all) of the next four values might be null; that's fine. object cached = GetCachedInstance(cn); IClassNode boundImpl = this.configuration.GetBoundImplementation(cn); IClassNode defaultImpl = ParseDefaultImplementation(cn); IClassNode ec = this.configuration.GetBoundConstructor(cn); ip = BuildClassNodeInjectionPlan(cn, cached, ec, boundImpl, defaultImpl, memo); } else if (n is IPackageNode) { throw new ArgumentException( "Request to instantiate Java package as object"); } else { throw new IllegalStateException( "Type hierarchy contained unknown node type!:" + n); } memo[n] = ip; }
public object InjectFromPlan(InjectionPlan plan) { if (!plan.IsFeasible()) { throw new InjectionException("Cannot inject " + plan.GetNode().GetFullName() + ": " + plan.ToCantInjectString()); } if (plan.IsAmbiguous()) { throw new InjectionException("Cannot inject " + plan.GetNode().GetFullName() + " " + plan.ToCantInjectString()); } if (plan is InjectionFuturePlan) { InjectionFuturePlan fut = (InjectionFuturePlan)plan; string key = fut.GetNode().GetFullName(); try { //we will see if we need to introduce T to replace object InjectionFuture ret = new InjectionFuture(this, classHierarchy.ClassForName(fut.GetNode().GetFullName())); pendingFutures.Add(ret); return(ret); } catch (TypeLoadException e) { throw new InjectionException("Could not get class for " + key); } } else if (plan.GetNode() is IClassNode && null != GetCachedInstance((IClassNode)plan.GetNode())) { return(GetCachedInstance((IClassNode)plan.GetNode())); } else if (plan is CsInstance) { // TODO: Must be named parameter node. Check. // throw new IllegalStateException("Instance from plan not in Injector's set of instances?!?"); return(((CsInstance)plan).instance); } else if (plan is Constructor) { Constructor constructor = (Constructor)plan; object[] args = new object[constructor.GetArgs().Length]; InjectionPlan[] argPlans = constructor.GetArgs(); for (int i = 0; i < argPlans.Length; i++) { args[i] = InjectFromPlan(argPlans[i]); } try { concurrentModificationGuard = true; object ret; try { IConstructorDef def = (IConstructorDef)constructor.GetConstructorDef(); ConstructorInfo c = GetConstructor(def); if (aspect != null) { ret = aspect.Inject(def, c, args); } else { ret = c.Invoke(args); } } catch (ArgumentException e) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("Internal Tang error? Could not call constructor " + constructor.GetConstructorDef() + " with arguments ["); foreach (Object o in args) { sb.Append("\n\t" + o); } sb.Append("]"); throw new IllegalStateException(sb.ToString(), e); } if (ret is IExternalConstructor) { ret = ((IExternalConstructor)ret).NewInstance(); } instances.Add(constructor.GetNode(), ret); return(ret); } catch (Exception e) { throw new InjectionException("Could not invoke constructor: " + plan, e); //check what exception might be got and refine it } finally { concurrentModificationGuard = false; } } else if (plan is Subplan) { Subplan ambiguous = (Subplan)plan; return(InjectFromPlan(ambiguous.GetDelegatedPlan())); } else if (plan is SetInjectionPlan) { SetInjectionPlan setPlan = (SetInjectionPlan)plan; ISet <object> ret = new MonotonicSet <object>(); foreach (InjectionPlan subplan in setPlan.GetEntryPlans()) { ret.Add(InjectFromPlan(subplan)); } return(ret); } else { throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown plan type: " + plan); } }
private void BuildInjectionPlan(INode n, IDictionary<INode, InjectionPlan> memo) { if (memo.ContainsKey(n)) { InjectionPlan p = null; memo.TryGetValue(n, out p); if (BUILDING == p) { StringBuilder loopyList = new StringBuilder("["); foreach (INode node in memo.Keys) { InjectionPlan p1 = null; memo.TryGetValue(node, out p1); if(p1 == BUILDING) { loopyList.Append(" " + node.GetFullName()); } } loopyList.Append(" ]"); throw new ClassHierarchyException("Detected loopy constructor involving " + loopyList.ToString()); } else { return; } } memo.Add(n, BUILDING); InjectionPlan ip = null; if (n is INamedParameterNode) { INamedParameterNode np = (INamedParameterNode)n; object boundInstance = ParseBoundNamedParameter(np); object defaultInstance = this.classHierarchy.ParseDefaultValue(np); object instance = boundInstance != null ? boundInstance : defaultInstance; if (instance is INode) { BuildInjectionPlan((INode)instance, memo); InjectionPlan sp = null; memo.TryGetValue((INode)instance, out sp); if (sp != null) { ip = new Subplan(n, 0, new InjectionPlan[] {sp}); } } else if(instance is ISet<object>) { ISet<object> entries = (ISet<object>) instance; ISet<InjectionPlan> plans = new MonotonicSet<InjectionPlan>(); foreach (object entry in entries) { if(entry is IClassNode) { BuildInjectionPlan((IClassNode)entry, memo); InjectionPlan p2 = null; memo.TryGetValue((INode)entry, out p2); if (p2 != null) { plans.Add(p2); } } else { plans.Add(new CsInstance(n, entry)); } } ip = new SetInjectionPlan(n, plans); } else { ip = new CsInstance(np, instance); } } else if (n is IClassNode) { IClassNode cn = (IClassNode) n; // Any (or all) of the next four values might be null; that's fine. object cached = GetCachedInstance(cn); IClassNode boundImpl = this.configuration.GetBoundImplementation(cn); IClassNode defaultImpl = ParseDefaultImplementation(cn); IClassNode ec = this.configuration.GetBoundConstructor(cn); ip = BuildClassNodeInjectionPlan(cn, cached, ec, boundImpl, defaultImpl, memo); } else if (n is IPackageNode) { throw new ArgumentException( "Request to instantiate Java package as object"); } else { throw new IllegalStateException( "Type hierarchy contained unknown node type!:" + n); } memo[n] = ip; }