public virtual void Extract(sbyte[] segmentBytes, Com.Drew.Metadata.Metadata metadata, JpegSegmentType segmentType)
			if (segmentBytes == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("segmentBytes cannot be null");
			if (metadata == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("metadata cannot be null");
			if (segmentType == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("segmentType cannot be null");
				ByteArrayReader reader = new ByteArrayReader(segmentBytes);
				// Check for the header preamble
					if (!reader.GetString(0, JpegExifSegmentPreamble.Length).Equals(JpegExifSegmentPreamble))
						// TODO what do to with this error state?
						System.Console.Error.Println("Invalid JPEG Exif segment preamble");
				catch (IOException e)
					// TODO what do to with this error state?
					Sharpen.Runtime.PrintStackTrace(e, System.Console.Error);
				// Read the TIFF-formatted Exif data
				new TiffReader().ProcessTiff(reader, new ExifTiffHandler(metadata, _storeThumbnailBytes), JpegExifSegmentPreamble.Length);
			catch (TiffProcessingException e)
				// TODO what do to with this error state?
				Sharpen.Runtime.PrintStackTrace(e, System.Console.Error);
			catch (IOException e)
				// TODO what do to with this error state?
				Sharpen.Runtime.PrintStackTrace(e, System.Console.Error);
 public virtual void ProcessChunk([NotNull] string fourCC, [NotNull] sbyte[] payload)
     //        System.out.println("Chunk " + fourCC + " " + payload.length + " bytes");
     if (fourCC.Equals("EXIF"))
         new ExifReader().Extract(new ByteArrayReader(payload), _metadata);
         if (fourCC.Equals("ICCP"))
             new IccReader().Extract(new ByteArrayReader(payload), _metadata);
             if (fourCC.Equals("XMP "))
                 new XmpReader().Extract(payload, _metadata);
                 if (fourCC.Equals("VP8X") && payload.Length == 10)
                     RandomAccessReader reader = new ByteArrayReader(payload);
                         // Flags
                         //                boolean hasFragments = reader.getBit(0);
                         bool isAnimation = reader.GetBit(1);
                         //                boolean hasXmp = reader.getBit(2);
                         //                boolean hasExif = reader.getBit(3);
                         bool hasAlpha = reader.GetBit(4);
                         //                boolean hasIcc = reader.getBit(5);
                         // Image size
                         int widthMinusOne = reader.GetInt24(4);
                         int heightMinusOne = reader.GetInt24(7);
                         WebpDirectory directory = new WebpDirectory();
                         directory.SetInt(WebpDirectory.TagImageWidth, widthMinusOne + 1);
                         directory.SetInt(WebpDirectory.TagImageHeight, heightMinusOne + 1);
                         directory.SetBoolean(WebpDirectory.TagHasAlpha, hasAlpha);
                         directory.SetBoolean(WebpDirectory.TagIsAnimation, isAnimation);
                     catch (IOException e)
                         Sharpen.Runtime.PrintStackTrace(e, System.Console.Error);
		public virtual Face[] GetDetectedFaces()
			sbyte[] bytes = GetByteArray(TagFaceDetectionInfo);
			if (bytes == null)
				return null;
			RandomAccessReader reader = new ByteArrayReader(bytes);
				int faceCount = reader.GetUInt16(0);
				if (faceCount == 0)
					return null;
				Face[] faces = new Face[faceCount];
				for (int i = 0; i < faceCount; i++)
					int offset = 2 + i * 8;
					faces[i] = new Face(reader.GetUInt16(offset), reader.GetUInt16(offset + 2), reader.GetUInt16(offset + 4), reader.GetUInt16(offset + 6), null, null);
				return faces;
			catch (IOException)
				return null;
		public virtual Face[] GetRecognizedFaces()
			sbyte[] bytes = GetByteArray(TagFaceRecognitionInfo);
			if (bytes == null)
				return null;
			RandomAccessReader reader = new ByteArrayReader(bytes);
				int faceCount = reader.GetUInt16(0);
				if (faceCount == 0)
					return null;
				Face[] faces = new Face[faceCount];
				for (int i = 0; i < faceCount; i++)
					int offset = 4 + i * 44;
					string name = Sharpen.Extensions.Trim(reader.GetString(offset, 20, "ASCII"));
					string age = Sharpen.Extensions.Trim(reader.GetString(offset + 28, 20, "ASCII"));
					faces[i] = new Face(reader.GetUInt16(offset + 20), reader.GetUInt16(offset + 22), reader.GetUInt16(offset + 24), reader.GetUInt16(offset + 26), name, Age.FromPanasonicString(age));
				return faces;
			catch (IOException)
				return null;
		/// <summary>Version specifically for dealing with XMP found in JPEG segments.</summary>
		/// <remarks>
		/// Version specifically for dealing with XMP found in JPEG segments. This form of XMP has a peculiar preamble, which
		/// must be removed before parsing the XML.
		/// </remarks>
		/// <param name="segmentBytes">The byte array from which the metadata should be extracted.</param>
		/// <param name="metadata">
		/// The
		/// <see cref="Com.Drew.Metadata.Metadata"/>
		/// object into which extracted values should be merged.
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="segmentType">
		/// The
		/// <see cref="Com.Drew.Imaging.Jpeg.JpegSegmentType"/>
		/// being read.
		/// </param>
		public virtual void Extract(sbyte[] segmentBytes, Com.Drew.Metadata.Metadata metadata, JpegSegmentType segmentType)
			XmpDirectory directory = metadata.GetOrCreateDirectory<XmpDirectory>();
			// XMP in a JPEG file has a 29 byte preamble which is not valid XML.
			int preambleLength = 29;
			// check for the header length
			if (segmentBytes.Length <= preambleLength + 1)
				directory.AddError(Sharpen.Extensions.StringFormat("Xmp data segment must contain at least %d bytes", preambleLength + 1));
			ByteArrayReader reader = new ByteArrayReader(segmentBytes);
			string preamble = Sharpen.Runtime.GetStringForBytes(segmentBytes, 0, preambleLength);
			if (!"\x0".Equals(preamble))
				directory.AddError("XMP data segment doesn't begin with ''");
			sbyte[] xmlBytes = new sbyte[segmentBytes.Length - preambleLength];
			System.Array.Copy(segmentBytes, 29, xmlBytes, 0, xmlBytes.Length);
			Extract(xmlBytes, metadata);