/// <seealso cref="Com.Adobe.Xmp.XMPUtils.AppendProperties(Com.Adobe.Xmp.XMPMeta, Com.Adobe.Xmp.XMPMeta, bool, bool)"/> /// <param name="source">The source XMP object.</param> /// <param name="destination">The destination XMP object.</param> /// <param name="doAllProperties">Do internal properties in addition to external properties.</param> /// <param name="replaceOldValues">Replace the values of existing properties.</param> /// <param name="deleteEmptyValues">Delete destination values if source property is empty.</param> /// <exception cref="Com.Adobe.Xmp.XMPException">Forwards the Exceptions from the metadata processing</exception> public static void AppendProperties(XMPMeta source, XMPMeta destination, bool doAllProperties, bool replaceOldValues, bool deleteEmptyValues) { ParameterAsserts.AssertImplementation(source); ParameterAsserts.AssertImplementation(destination); XMPMetaImpl src = (XMPMetaImpl)source; XMPMetaImpl dest = (XMPMetaImpl)destination; for (Iterator it = src.GetRoot().IterateChildren(); it.HasNext();) { XMPNode sourceSchema = (XMPNode)it.Next(); // Make sure we have a destination schema node XMPNode destSchema = XMPNodeUtils.FindSchemaNode(dest.GetRoot(), sourceSchema.GetName(), false); bool createdSchema = false; if (destSchema == null) { destSchema = new XMPNode(sourceSchema.GetName(), sourceSchema.GetValue(), new PropertyOptions().SetSchemaNode(true)); dest.GetRoot().AddChild(destSchema); createdSchema = true; } // Process the source schema's children. for (Iterator ic = sourceSchema.IterateChildren(); ic.HasNext();) { XMPNode sourceProp = (XMPNode)ic.Next(); if (doAllProperties || !Utils.IsInternalProperty(sourceSchema.GetName(), sourceProp.GetName())) { AppendSubtree(dest, sourceProp, destSchema, replaceOldValues, deleteEmptyValues); } } if (!destSchema.HasChildren() && (createdSchema || deleteEmptyValues)) { // Don't create an empty schema / remove empty schema. dest.GetRoot().RemoveChild(destSchema); } } }
// EMPTY /// <summary> /// Parses the input source into an XMP metadata object, including /// de-aliasing and normalisation. /// </summary> /// <param name="input"> /// the input can be an <code>InputStream</code>, a <code>String</code> or /// a byte buffer containing the XMP packet. /// </param> /// <param name="options">the parse options</param> /// <returns>Returns the resulting XMP metadata object</returns> /// <exception cref="Com.Adobe.Xmp.XMPException">Thrown if parsing or normalisation fails.</exception> public static XMPMeta Parse(object input, ParseOptions options) { ParameterAsserts.AssertNotNull(input); options = options != null ? options : new ParseOptions(); XmlDocument document = ParseXml(input, options); bool xmpmetaRequired = options.GetRequireXMPMeta(); object[] result = new object[3]; result = FindRootNode(document, xmpmetaRequired, result); if (result != null && result[1] == XmpRdf) { XMPMetaImpl xmp = ParseRDF.Parse((XmlNode)result[0]); xmp.SetPacketHeader((string)result[2]); // Check if the XMP object shall be normalized if (!options.GetOmitNormalization()) { return(XMPNormalizer.Process(xmp, options)); } else { return(xmp); } } else { // no appropriate root node found, return empty metadata object return(new XMPMetaImpl()); } }
// EMPTY /// <seealso cref="Com.Adobe.Xmp.XMPUtils.CatenateArrayItems(Com.Adobe.Xmp.XMPMeta, string, string, string, string, bool)"/> /// <param name="xmp">The XMP object containing the array to be catenated.</param> /// <param name="schemaNS"> /// The schema namespace URI for the array. Must not be null or /// the empty string. /// </param> /// <param name="arrayName"> /// The name of the array. May be a general path expression, must /// not be null or the empty string. Each item in the array must /// be a simple string value. /// </param> /// <param name="separator"> /// The string to be used to separate the items in the catenated /// string. Defaults to "; ", ASCII semicolon and space /// (U+003B, U+0020). /// </param> /// <param name="quotes"> /// The characters to be used as quotes around array items that /// contain a separator. Defaults to '"' /// </param> /// <param name="allowCommas">Option flag to control the catenation.</param> /// <returns>Returns the string containing the catenated array items.</returns> /// <exception cref="Com.Adobe.Xmp.XMPException">Forwards the Exceptions from the metadata processing</exception> public static string CatenateArrayItems(XMPMeta xmp, string schemaNS, string arrayName, string separator, string quotes, bool allowCommas) { ParameterAsserts.AssertSchemaNS(schemaNS); ParameterAsserts.AssertArrayName(arrayName); ParameterAsserts.AssertImplementation(xmp); if (separator == null || separator.Length == 0) { separator = "; "; } if (quotes == null || quotes.Length == 0) { quotes = "\""; } XMPMetaImpl xmpImpl = (XMPMetaImpl)xmp; XMPNode arrayNode = null; XMPNode currItem = null; // Return an empty result if the array does not exist, // hurl if it isn't the right form. XMPPath arrayPath = XMPPathParser.ExpandXPath(schemaNS, arrayName); arrayNode = XMPNodeUtils.FindNode(xmpImpl.GetRoot(), arrayPath, false, null); if (arrayNode == null) { return(string.Empty); } else { if (!arrayNode.GetOptions().IsArray() || arrayNode.GetOptions().IsArrayAlternate()) { throw new XMPException("Named property must be non-alternate array", XMPErrorConstants.Badparam); } } // Make sure the separator is OK. CheckSeparator(separator); // Make sure the open and close quotes are a legitimate pair. char openQuote = quotes[0]; char closeQuote = CheckQuotes(quotes, openQuote); // Build the result, quoting the array items, adding separators. // Hurl if any item isn't simple. StringBuilder catinatedString = new StringBuilder(); for (Iterator it = arrayNode.IterateChildren(); it.HasNext();) { currItem = (XMPNode)it.Next(); if (currItem.GetOptions().IsCompositeProperty()) { throw new XMPException("Array items must be simple", XMPErrorConstants.Badparam); } string str = ApplyQuotes(currItem.GetValue(), openQuote, closeQuote, allowCommas); catinatedString.Append(str); if (it.HasNext()) { catinatedString.Append(separator); } } return(catinatedString.ToString()); }
/// <summary>Associates an alias name with an actual name.</summary> /// <remarks> /// Associates an alias name with an actual name. /// <p> /// Define a alias mapping from one namespace/property to another. Both /// property names must be simple names. An alias can be a direct mapping, /// where the alias and actual have the same data type. It is also possible /// to map a simple alias to an item in an array. This can either be to the /// first item in the array, or to the 'x-default' item in an alt-text array. /// Multiple alias names may map to the same actual, as long as the forms /// match. It is a no-op to reregister an alias in an identical fashion. /// Note: This method is not locking because only called by registerStandardAliases /// which is only called by the constructor. /// Note2: The method is only package-private so that it can be tested with unittests /// </remarks> /// <param name="aliasNS"> /// The namespace URI for the alias. Must not be null or the empty /// string. /// </param> /// <param name="aliasProp"> /// The name of the alias. Must be a simple name, not null or the /// empty string and not a general path expression. /// </param> /// <param name="actualNS"> /// The namespace URI for the actual. Must not be null or the /// empty string. /// </param> /// <param name="actualProp"> /// The name of the actual. Must be a simple name, not null or the /// empty string and not a general path expression. /// </param> /// <param name="aliasForm"> /// Provides options for aliases for simple aliases to array /// items. This is needed to know what kind of array to create if /// set for the first time via the simple alias. Pass /// <code>XMP_NoOptions</code>, the default value, for all /// direct aliases regardless of whether the actual data type is /// an array or not (see /// <see cref="Com.Adobe.Xmp.Options.AliasOptions"/> /// ). /// </param> /// <exception cref="Com.Adobe.Xmp.XMPException">for inconsistant aliases.</exception> internal void RegisterAlias(string aliasNS, string aliasProp, string actualNS, string actualProp, AliasOptions aliasForm) { lock (this) { ParameterAsserts.AssertSchemaNS(aliasNS); ParameterAsserts.AssertPropName(aliasProp); ParameterAsserts.AssertSchemaNS(actualNS); ParameterAsserts.AssertPropName(actualProp); // Fix the alias options AliasOptions aliasOpts = aliasForm != null ? new AliasOptions(XMPNodeUtils.VerifySetOptions(aliasForm.ToPropertyOptions(), null).GetOptions()) : new AliasOptions(); if (p.Matcher(aliasProp).Find() || p.Matcher(actualProp).Find()) { throw new XMPException("Alias and actual property names must be simple", XMPErrorConstants.Badxpath); } // check if both namespaces are registered string aliasPrefix = GetNamespacePrefix(aliasNS); string actualPrefix = GetNamespacePrefix(actualNS); if (aliasPrefix == null) { throw new XMPException("Alias namespace is not registered", XMPErrorConstants.Badschema); } else { if (actualPrefix == null) { throw new XMPException("Actual namespace is not registered", XMPErrorConstants.Badschema); } } string key = aliasPrefix + aliasProp; // check if alias is already existing if (aliasMap.ContainsKey(key)) { throw new XMPException("Alias is already existing", XMPErrorConstants.Badparam); } else { if (aliasMap.ContainsKey(actualPrefix + actualProp)) { throw new XMPException("Actual property is already an alias, use the base property", XMPErrorConstants.Badparam); } } XMPAliasInfo aliasInfo = new _XMPAliasInfo_390(actualNS, actualPrefix, actualProp, aliasOpts); aliasMap.Put(key, aliasInfo); } }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Namespace Functions /// <seealso cref="Com.Adobe.Xmp.XMPSchemaRegistry.RegisterNamespace(string, string)"/> /// <exception cref="Com.Adobe.Xmp.XMPException"/> public string RegisterNamespace(string namespaceURI, string suggestedPrefix) { lock (this) { ParameterAsserts.AssertSchemaNS(namespaceURI); ParameterAsserts.AssertPrefix(suggestedPrefix); if (suggestedPrefix[suggestedPrefix.Length - 1] != ':') { suggestedPrefix += ':'; } if (!Utils.IsXMLNameNS(Sharpen.Runtime.Substring(suggestedPrefix, 0, suggestedPrefix.Length - 1))) { throw new XMPException("The prefix is a bad XML name", XMPErrorConstants.Badxml); } string registeredPrefix = (string)namespaceToPrefixMap.Get(namespaceURI); string registeredNS = (string)prefixToNamespaceMap.Get(suggestedPrefix); if (registeredPrefix != null) { // Return the actual prefix return(registeredPrefix); } else { if (registeredNS != null) { // the namespace is new, but the prefix is already engaged, // we generate a new prefix out of the suggested string generatedPrefix = suggestedPrefix; for (int i = 1; prefixToNamespaceMap.ContainsKey(generatedPrefix); i++) { generatedPrefix = Sharpen.Runtime.Substring(suggestedPrefix, 0, suggestedPrefix.Length - 1) + "_" + i + "_:"; } suggestedPrefix = generatedPrefix; } prefixToNamespaceMap.Put(suggestedPrefix, namespaceURI); namespaceToPrefixMap.Put(namespaceURI, suggestedPrefix); // Return the suggested prefix return(suggestedPrefix); } } }
/// <seealso cref="Com.Adobe.Xmp.XMPUtils.RemoveProperties(Com.Adobe.Xmp.XMPMeta, string, string, bool, bool)"/> /// <param name="xmp">The XMP object containing the properties to be removed.</param> /// <param name="schemaNS"> /// Optional schema namespace URI for the properties to be /// removed. /// </param> /// <param name="propName">Optional path expression for the property to be removed.</param> /// <param name="doAllProperties"> /// Option flag to control the deletion: do internal properties in /// addition to external properties. /// </param> /// <param name="includeAliases"> /// Option flag to control the deletion: Include aliases in the /// "named schema" case above. /// </param> /// <exception cref="Com.Adobe.Xmp.XMPException">If metadata processing fails</exception> public static void RemoveProperties(XMPMeta xmp, string schemaNS, string propName, bool doAllProperties, bool includeAliases) { ParameterAsserts.AssertImplementation(xmp); XMPMetaImpl xmpImpl = (XMPMetaImpl)xmp; if (propName != null && propName.Length > 0) { // Remove just the one indicated property. This might be an alias, // the named schema might not actually exist. So don't lookup the // schema node. if (schemaNS == null || schemaNS.Length == 0) { throw new XMPException("Property name requires schema namespace", XMPErrorConstants.Badparam); } XMPPath expPath = XMPPathParser.ExpandXPath(schemaNS, propName); XMPNode propNode = XMPNodeUtils.FindNode(xmpImpl.GetRoot(), expPath, false, null); if (propNode != null) { if (doAllProperties || !Utils.IsInternalProperty(expPath.GetSegment(XMPPath.StepSchema).GetName(), expPath.GetSegment(XMPPath.StepRootProp).GetName())) { XMPNode parent = propNode.GetParent(); parent.RemoveChild(propNode); if (parent.GetOptions().IsSchemaNode() && !parent.HasChildren()) { // remove empty schema node parent.GetParent().RemoveChild(parent); } } } } else { if (schemaNS != null && schemaNS.Length > 0) { // Remove all properties from the named schema. Optionally include // aliases, in which case // there might not be an actual schema node. // XMP_NodePtrPos schemaPos; XMPNode schemaNode = XMPNodeUtils.FindSchemaNode(xmpImpl.GetRoot(), schemaNS, false); if (schemaNode != null) { if (RemoveSchemaChildren(schemaNode, doAllProperties)) { xmpImpl.GetRoot().RemoveChild(schemaNode); } } if (includeAliases) { // We're removing the aliases also. Look them up by their // namespace prefix. // But that takes more code and the extra speed isn't worth it. // Lookup the XMP node // from the alias, to make sure the actual exists. XMPAliasInfo[] aliases = XMPMetaFactory.GetSchemaRegistry().FindAliases(schemaNS); for (int i = 0; i < aliases.Length; i++) { XMPAliasInfo info = aliases[i]; XMPPath path = XMPPathParser.ExpandXPath(info.GetNamespace(), info.GetPropName()); XMPNode actualProp = XMPNodeUtils.FindNode(xmpImpl.GetRoot(), path, false, null); if (actualProp != null) { XMPNode parent = actualProp.GetParent(); parent.RemoveChild(actualProp); } } } } else { // Remove all appropriate properties from all schema. In this case // we don't have to be // concerned with aliases, they are handled implicitly from the // actual properties. for (Iterator it = xmpImpl.GetRoot().IterateChildren(); it.HasNext();) { XMPNode schema = (XMPNode)it.Next(); if (RemoveSchemaChildren(schema, doAllProperties)) { it.Remove(); } } } } }
/// <summary> /// see /// <see cref="Com.Adobe.Xmp.XMPUtils.SeparateArrayItems(Com.Adobe.Xmp.XMPMeta, string, string, string, Com.Adobe.Xmp.Options.PropertyOptions, bool)"/> /// </summary> /// <param name="xmp">The XMP object containing the array to be updated.</param> /// <param name="schemaNS"> /// The schema namespace URI for the array. Must not be null or /// the empty string. /// </param> /// <param name="arrayName"> /// The name of the array. May be a general path expression, must /// not be null or the empty string. Each item in the array must /// be a simple string value. /// </param> /// <param name="catedStr">The string to be separated into the array items.</param> /// <param name="arrayOptions">Option flags to control the separation.</param> /// <param name="preserveCommas">Flag if commas shall be preserved</param> /// <exception cref="Com.Adobe.Xmp.XMPException">Forwards the Exceptions from the metadata processing</exception> public static void SeparateArrayItems(XMPMeta xmp, string schemaNS, string arrayName, string catedStr, PropertyOptions arrayOptions, bool preserveCommas) { ParameterAsserts.AssertSchemaNS(schemaNS); ParameterAsserts.AssertArrayName(arrayName); if (catedStr == null) { throw new XMPException("Parameter must not be null", XMPErrorConstants.Badparam); } ParameterAsserts.AssertImplementation(xmp); XMPMetaImpl xmpImpl = (XMPMetaImpl)xmp; // Keep a zero value, has special meaning below. XMPNode arrayNode = SeparateFindCreateArray(schemaNS, arrayName, arrayOptions, xmpImpl); // Extract the item values one at a time, until the whole input string is done. string itemValue; int itemStart; int itemEnd; int nextKind = UckNormal; int charKind = UckNormal; char ch = (char)0; char nextChar = (char)0; itemEnd = 0; int endPos = catedStr.Length; while (itemEnd < endPos) { // Skip any leading spaces and separation characters. Always skip commas here. // They can be kept when within a value, but not when alone between values. for (itemStart = itemEnd; itemStart < endPos; itemStart++) { ch = catedStr[itemStart]; charKind = ClassifyCharacter(ch); if (charKind == UckNormal || charKind == UckQuote) { break; } } if (itemStart >= endPos) { break; } if (charKind != UckQuote) { // This is not a quoted value. Scan for the end, create an array // item from the substring. for (itemEnd = itemStart; itemEnd < endPos; itemEnd++) { ch = catedStr[itemEnd]; charKind = ClassifyCharacter(ch); if (charKind == UckNormal || charKind == UckQuote || (charKind == UckComma && preserveCommas)) { continue; } else { if (charKind != UckSpace) { break; } else { if ((itemEnd + 1) < endPos) { ch = catedStr[itemEnd + 1]; nextKind = ClassifyCharacter(ch); if (nextKind == UckNormal || nextKind == UckQuote || (nextKind == UckComma && preserveCommas)) { continue; } } } } // Anything left? break; } // Have multiple spaces, or a space followed by a // separator. itemValue = Sharpen.Runtime.Substring(catedStr, itemStart, itemEnd); } else { // Accumulate quoted values into a local string, undoubling // internal quotes that // match the surrounding quotes. Do not undouble "unmatching" // quotes. char openQuote = ch; char closeQuote = GetClosingQuote(openQuote); itemStart++; // Skip the opening quote; itemValue = string.Empty; for (itemEnd = itemStart; itemEnd < endPos; itemEnd++) { ch = catedStr[itemEnd]; charKind = ClassifyCharacter(ch); if (charKind != UckQuote || !IsSurroundingQuote(ch, openQuote, closeQuote)) { // This is not a matching quote, just append it to the // item value. itemValue += ch; } else { // This is a "matching" quote. Is it doubled, or the // final closing quote? // Tolerate various edge cases like undoubled opening // (non-closing) quotes, // or end of input. if ((itemEnd + 1) < endPos) { nextChar = catedStr[itemEnd + 1]; nextKind = ClassifyCharacter(nextChar); } else { nextKind = UckSemicolon; nextChar = (char)unchecked ((int)(0x3B)); } if (ch == nextChar) { // This is doubled, copy it and skip the double. itemValue += ch; // Loop will add in charSize. itemEnd++; } else { if (!IsClosingingQuote(ch, openQuote, closeQuote)) { // This is an undoubled, non-closing quote, copy it. itemValue += ch; } else { // This is an undoubled closing quote, skip it and // exit the loop. itemEnd++; break; } } } } } // Add the separated item to the array. // Keep a matching old value in case it had separators. int foundIndex = -1; for (int oldChild = 1; oldChild <= arrayNode.GetChildrenLength(); oldChild++) { if (itemValue.Equals(arrayNode.GetChild(oldChild).GetValue())) { foundIndex = oldChild; break; } } XMPNode newItem = null; if (foundIndex < 0) { newItem = new XMPNode(XMPConstConstants.ArrayItemName, itemValue, null); arrayNode.AddChild(newItem); } } }