static void Main(string[] args) { // Array List // ArrayList list = new ArrayList(); Course c1 = new Course(); Course c2 = new Course(); Course c3 = new Course(); list.Add(c1); list.Insert(1, c2); int i = list.IndexOf(c1); // Console.WriteLine("Index of c1 is :"+i); int j = list.IndexOf(c2); // Console.WriteLine("Index of c2 is :" + j); bool a = list.Contains(c1); // Console.WriteLine("c1 is contain in this list "+a); bool b = list.Contains(c3); // Console.WriteLine("c3 is contain in this list "+b); //Hashtable// Hashtable ages = new Hashtable(); ages["Sabbir"] = 28; ages["Rahim"] = 21; ages["Karim"] = 25; // Console.WriteLine("Age of Sabbir " + ages["Sabbir"]); // we can't use for loop in Hashtable. We need Foeratch loop /* foreach (DictionaryEntry age in ages) * { * Console.WriteLine(age.Value); * } * * foreach (DictionaryEntry age in ages) * { * Console.WriteLine(age.Key); * } */ foreach (DictionaryEntry age in ages) { string c = (string)age.Key; int d = (int)age.Value; Console.WriteLine("{0} => {1}", c, d); } // Boxing int k = 10; object box = k; Console.WriteLine(k.GetType()); Course c5 = new Course(); box = c5; Console.WriteLine(c5.GetType()); // UnBoxing c5 = (Course)box; // Sorted List [ print sequenly] SortedList s1 = new SortedList(); s1["en-us"] = "United stste"; s1["en-uk"] = "United kingdom"; s1["bn"] = "Bangla"; s1["in"] = "India"; s1["ar"] = "Arabic"; foreach (DictionaryEntry s in s1) { string e = (string)s.Key; string f = (string)s.Value; Console.WriteLine("{0} => {1}", e, f); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { #region Fundamentos Pessoa p1; p1.nome = "ola1"; p1.idade = 10; Pessoa p2; p2.nome = "ola2"; p2.idade = 11; Pessoa p3; p3.nome = "ola3"; p3.idade = 10; Pessoa[] novo = new Pessoa[20]; novo[0] = p1; //novo[0] = "ola"; //é possível? string[] nomes = new string[] { "ola", "ole" }; #endregion #region ArrayList ArrayList aux = new ArrayList(); aux.Add("luis"); aux.Add("luis"); aux.Add(12); aux.Add(nomes); //aux.AddRange(nomes);//adiciona elementos no final do ArrayList aux.Add("benfica"); aux.Add(p2); aux.Add(p1); Console.WriteLine("Size= " + aux.Count); aux.Remove("luis"); Console.WriteLine("Index: " + aux.IndexOf(p1).ToString()); Console.WriteLine("Existe Benfica: " + aux.Contains("benfica")); //mostrar arrayList for (int i = 0; i < aux.Count; i++) { if (aux[i].GetType() == typeof(Pessoa)) { Pessoa p = (Pessoa)aux[i]; Console.WriteLine("{0} - {1}\n", p.nome, p.idade); } else { Console.WriteLine(aux[i].ToString()); } } //acrecsenta a Queue ao ArrayList //aux.AddRange(myQueue); ShowII(aux, '\n'); #endregion #region Queues // Declaring a Queue Queue q = new Queue(); // Adds an element at the end of Queue i.e. Enqueue operation q.Enqueue("Pankaj"); q.Enqueue(1); q.Enqueue(10.5); q.Enqueue(true); q.Enqueue('A'); q.Enqueue("Benfica"); q.Enqueue("Portinho"); q.Enqueue("Braguinha"); q.Enqueue(6000000); q.Enqueue("Tadinhos!!!"); //Get the number of elements present in the Queue Console.WriteLine("Count : {0}", q.Count); Console.WriteLine(); //Printing all the element of Queue Console.WriteLine("Elements in Queue : "); foreach (object obj in q) { Console.WriteLine(obj); } Console.WriteLine(); //Exploe ShowII //Returns the "next" of the Queue without removing Console.WriteLine("End element of Queue : {0}", q.Peek()); Console.WriteLine(); //Removes and Returns the end element of the Queue i.e. Dequeue operation object TopElement = q.Dequeue(); Console.WriteLine("Removing End element of Queue = {0}\nNow End element of Queue = {1}\n", TopElement, q.Peek()); //Determines whether an element present or not in the Queue if (q.Contains("Benfica")) { Console.WriteLine("O Glorioso!"); } else { Console.WriteLine("Não é clube..."); } //Copies all queue to a new Array(object) Object[] ob = q.ToArray(); Console.WriteLine(); foreach (object obj in ob) { Console.WriteLine(obj); } //Adjust queue size...Trim the Queue q.TrimToSize(); //More... ShowII(q, '\n'); Console.WriteLine("(Peek) \t{0}", q.Peek()); Console.WriteLine("(Dequeue)\t{0}", q.Dequeue()); ShowII(q, '\n'); //Removes all the element from Queue q.Clear(); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Count : {0}", q.Count); Console.ReadKey(); #endregion #region Stacks // Declaring a stack Stack st = new Stack(); // Inserting an element at the top of stack i.e. Push operation st.Push("Benfica"); st.Push(1); st.Push(10.5); st.Push(true); st.Push('A'); //Get the number of elements contained in the stack Console.WriteLine("Count : {0}", st.Count); Console.WriteLine(); //Printing all the element of stack Console.WriteLine("Element in stack : "); foreach (object obj in st) { Console.WriteLine(obj); } Console.WriteLine(); //Returns the topmost element of the stack without removing Console.WriteLine("Top most element of stack : {0}", st.Peek()); Console.WriteLine(); //Removes and Returns the topmost element of the stack i.e. Pop operation Object TopElement1 = st.Pop(); Console.WriteLine("Removing Top element of Stack = {0}\nNow Top element of stack = {1}\n", TopElement1, st.Peek()); //Determines whether an element present or not in the stack if (st.Contains("Benfica")) { Console.WriteLine("O maior"); } else { Console.WriteLine("Que clube estranho..."); } //Copies the stack to a new Array(object) Object[] ob1 = st.ToArray(); Console.WriteLine(); foreach (object obj in ob1) { Console.WriteLine(obj); } //Removes all the element from stack st.Clear(); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Count : {0}", st.Count); Console.ReadKey(); #endregion #region OrdenarCollections ArrayList n = new ArrayList(); n.Add(12); n.Add(24); n.Add(7); n.Sort(); n.Add("ola"); //n.Add(new Pessoa()); Console.WriteLine("Antes de Ordenar"); Show(n); //n.Sort(); //comparar do mesmo tipo...OK! Console.ReadKey(); //n.Sort(); // Porque falha? n.Sort(new MyComparer(SortDirecc.Asc)); Console.WriteLine("Depois de Ordenar"); Show(n); Console.ReadKey(); //#endregion #endregion #region Ordenar MyArrayList //MyArrayList m = new MyArrayList(); MyArrayList m = new MyArrayList(2); //Capacidade multiplos de 2 //m.MyArr.Add("ola"); m.MyArr.Add(p1); m.MyArr.Add(p2); m.MyArr.Add(p1); //A Capacidade (capacity) duplica sempre que se esgota a reservada inicialmente //m.MyArr.Sort( m.MyArr.Insert(0, p3); //Insere na posição 0...shift rigth das existentes m.MyArr.Remove(p1); m.MyArr.Add(p1); //m.MyArr.Remove(p1); //Antes de ordenar m.ShowCollection(); m.MyArr.Sort(new MyComparer()); //para ordenar é necessário um "IComparer //depois de ordenar m.ShowCollection(); Console.WriteLine("Existe P1? " + m.MyArr.Contains(p1).ToString()); Console.WriteLine("Em que posição está P2?" + m.MyArr.IndexOf(p2).ToString()); Console.WriteLine("Capacidade: " + m.MyArr.Capacity.ToString()); Console.WriteLine("Elementos: " + m.MyArr.Count.ToString()); Console.WriteLine(m.ShowCollectionAdvanced().ToString()); #endregion #region Hashtable I Hashtable ht = new Hashtable(); //inicializar //Hashtable ht = new Hashtable() { { 1, 2 }, { 2, "ok" } }; //Adding item into HashTable ht.Add(1, "Benfica"); ht.Add(12, "Porto"); ht.Add(8, "Braga"); ht.Add(4, "Outro"); Console.WriteLine("Count : {0}", ht.Count); if (ht.ContainsValue("Benfica")) { Console.WriteLine("Benfica existe na HashTable"); } else { ht.Add(5, "Benfica"); } //Get a collection of values Console.WriteLine("Valores :"); ICollection values = ht.Values; foreach (string str in values) { Console.WriteLine(str); } //Get a collection of Keys Console.WriteLine("Chaves:"); ICollection keys = ht.Keys; foreach (int i in keys) { Console.WriteLine("Key: " + i + " Value: " + ht[i]); } ; ht.Remove(3); ht.Clear(); // Put keys in an ArrayList. ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList(ht.Keys); foreach (int key in arrayList) { Console.WriteLine(key); } Console.ReadKey(); #endregion #region HashTable II MyHashTable h = new MyHashTable(); //h.MyHash.Add(p1.nome, p1); //h.MyHash.Add(p2.nome, p2); //Console.WriteLine(((Pessoa)(h.MyHash[p1.nome])).nome); //Console.WriteLine("Contem chave ? " + h.MyHash.ContainsKey(p3.nome)); //Console.WriteLine("Número de chaves ? " + h.MyHash.Count.ToString()); //h.MyHash.Clear() //limpa hash Console.WriteLine(h.ShowHash()); Console.WriteLine(h.MyGetHashCode(p1.nome, 50)); Console.WriteLine(h.MyGetHashCode(p2.nome, 50)); Console.WriteLine(h.MyGetHashCode(p3.nome, 50)); h.MyInsert(p1); h.MyInsert(p2); h.MyInsert(p3); h.MyInsert(p1); //colisão! #endregion #region Arrays Array a = Array.CreateInstance(typeof(string), 20); a.SetValue("Benfica", 0); a.SetValue("Porto", 1); string s1 = (string)a.GetValue(0); #endregion #region SortedList Console.WriteLine("\nSortedList\n"); SortedList sl = new SortedList(); sl.Add(1, "Benfica"); sl.Add(3, "Porto"); sl.Add(4, "Braguinha"); sl.Add(2, "Sporting"); Console.WriteLine("Número de Elementos : {0}", sl.Count); if (sl.ContainsValue("Benfica")) { Console.WriteLine("Benfica é o maior"); } else { sl.Add(1, "Benfica"); } Console.WriteLine("Valor e chave na posição 3 = {0} , {1}", sl.GetByIndex(3), sl.GetKey(3)); //Percorre a SortedList...mostra todas as chaves Console.Write("Chaves: "); foreach (int i in sl.Keys) { Console.Write(i + " "); } //Agrupa pares (k,v) IList keys1 = sl.GetKeyList(); IList values1 = sl.GetValueList(); Console.WriteLine("\nValores :"); foreach (object obj in values1) { Console.WriteLine(obj); } //Or Console.WriteLine("\nChaves: Valores :"); foreach (object obj in keys1) { Console.WriteLine("Chave: " + obj + " Valor: " + sl[obj]); } Console.WriteLine("Index do Porto é : {0}", sl.IndexOfValue("Porto")); //Mostra todos os pares (k,v) foreach (object obj in keys1) { Console.WriteLine("Key: {0} - Valor: {1}\n", obj, sl[obj]); } //Remover //remove elemento com chave 3 sl.Remove(3); // Remove um elemento num determinado index sl.RemoveAt(2); //? Console.ReadKey(); #endregion #region Carros ArrayList carros = new ArrayList(); carros.Add(new Carro("19-12-12")); carros.Add(new Carro("12-12-13")); carros.Add(new Carro("13-12-12")); foreach (Carro c in carros) { Console.WriteLine("Mat= " + c.matricula); } carros.Sort(new MyComparer()); foreach (Carro c in carros) { Console.WriteLine("Mat= " + c.matricula); } #endregion }