         * If you want to attempt a manual merge, this would be the way to do it.
         * Note that in general, manual merges work best if you have "union" type of merges where taking
         * the highest value is the best resolution (i.e. high scores on a level, stars per level,
         * unlocked levels, etc.)
        void resolveSnapshot(SnapshotMetadata conflictingSnapshotBase, SnapshotMetadata conflictingSnapshotRemote, string conflictId)
            Console.WriteLine("Resolving snapshot conflicts: {0} >> {1}", conflictingSnapshotBase, conflictingSnapshotRemote);

            conflictingSnapshotBase.Read(async delegate(NSData baseData, NSError baseError) {
                if (baseError == null)
                    conflictingSnapshotRemote.Read(async delegate(NSData remoteData, NSError remoteError) {
                        if (remoteError == null)
                            var baseInv   = StarInventory.FromCloudData(baseData);
                            var remoteInv = StarInventory.FromCloudData(remoteData);
                            var merged    = new StarInventory();

                            for (int world = 1; world <= 20; world++)
                                for (int level = 1; level <= 12; level++)
                                    var baseStars   = baseInv.GetStars(world, level);
                                    var remoteStars = remoteInv.GetStars(world, level);
                                    var maxStars    = Math.Max(baseStars, remoteStars);
                                    if (maxStars > 0)
                                        Console.WriteLine("Level {0}-{1} had {2} stars on base, {3} stars on remote. Merging to {4}",
                                                          world, level, baseStars, remoteStars, maxStars);
                                        merged.SetStars(maxStars, world, level);

                            // We have a merged data set, we need to create a merged metadata change
                            var change = new SnapshotMetadataChange();
                            change.SnapshotDescription = "Merged save data";
                            change.PlayedTime          = Math.Max(conflictingSnapshotBase.PlayedTime, conflictingSnapshotRemote.PlayedTime);

                            var mergedData = merged.GetCloudData();

                            //                            [base resolveWithMetadataChange:change conflictId:conflictId data:mergedData completionHandler:^(GPGSnapshotMetadata *snapshotMetadata, NSError *error) {
                            //                                if (!error) {
                            //                                    // Once we're done, we need to re-read the returned snapshot in case there are further
                            //                                    // conflicts waiting to be merged
                            //                                    [self loadSnapshot:snapshotMetadata];
                            //                                }
                            //                            }];
//        - (void)readCurrentSnapshot {
//            [self.currentSnapshotMetadata readWithCompletionHandler:^(NSData *data, NSError *error) {
//                if (!error) {
//                    NSLog(@"Successfully read %d blocks", (int) data.length);
//                    self.inventory = [GCATStarInventory starInventoryFromCloudData:data];
//                    [self.screenViewController allDoneWithCloud];
//                } else {
//                    NSLog(@"Error while loading snapshot data: %@", error);
//                    NSLog(@"Error description: %@", [error description]);
//                }
//            }];
//        }

        void readCurrentSnapshot()
            CurrentSnapshotMetadata.Read(async delegate(NSData data, NSError error) {
                if (error == null)
                    Console.WriteLine("Successfully read {0} blocks", data.Length);
                    Inventory = StarInventory.FromCloudData(data);
                    Console.WriteLine("Error while loading snapshot data: {0}", error);
                    Console.WriteLine("Error description: {0}", error.Description);
 public Model()
     StarSaveSlot = NSNumber.FromInt32(0);
     Inventory    = new StarInventory();