static void Main()

            fmMain = new FormMain();

        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new Logic for the program.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="box">The drawing area.</param>
        /// <param name="fmMain">The main window.</param>
        /// <param name="logger">The ListView to display the vector coordinates.</param>
        public Logic(PictureBox box, FormMain fmMain, ListView logger)
            gc = new GraphicCore(box);

            this.ShowCoordinates = true;

            this.UseCohenSutherlandAlgorithm = false;

            this.fmMain = fmMain;

            _trianglePointCount = 0;
            _linePointCount = 0;

            drawingMode = DrawingMode.Points;

            this.lvLogger = logger;

            box.MouseUp += new MouseEventHandler(box_MouseUp);
            box.MouseMove += new MouseEventHandler(box_MouseMove);
            box.SizeChanged += new EventHandler(box_SizeChanged);

            lvLogger.SelectedIndexChanged += new EventHandler(lvLogger_SelectedIndexChanged);

            lvLogger.Click += new EventHandler(lvLogger_Click);
            lvLogger.KeyUp += new KeyEventHandler(lvLogger_KeyUp);
            lvLogger.KeyDown += new KeyEventHandler(lvLogger_KeyDown);

            //1. corner: left top
            //2. corner right bottom
            ClippingWindow = new myRectangle(new Vector(box.Width / 4, 3 * box.Height / 4, false), new Vector(3 * (box.Width / 4), (box.Height / 4), false));
