        static void CreateCogBlockVolume()
            int width  = 256;
            int height = 32;
            int depth  = 256;

            CogBlockVolumeData data = Cubiquity.VolumeDataAsset.CreateEmptyVolumeData <CogBlockVolumeData>(new Region(0, 0, 0, width - 1, height - 1, depth - 1));

            GameObject obj = CogBlockVolume.CreateGameObject(data);

            // And select it, so the user can get straight on with editing.
            Selection.activeGameObject = obj;

            int            floorThickness = 8;
            QuantizedColor floorColor     = CubSub.HexColor.QuantHex("FF5555FF");

            for (int z = 0; z <= depth - 1; z++)
                for (int y = 0; y < floorThickness; y++)
                    for (int x = 0; x <= width - 1; x++)
                        data.SetVoxel(x, y, z, floorColor);
        /// <summary>
        /// When using code to create a new CogBlockVolume, we have to set up a game object with a few different scripts. This little function handles that for us, producing
        /// a game object that has all the correct renderers/colliders/etc.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>A game object with the correct renderer/collider/and</returns>
        /// <param name="data">This is the VolumeData object which you want to render, (.asset) attached to a corresponding .vdb. Pass in 'null' to start off rendering nothing.</param>

        public static GameObject CreateGameObject(CogBlockVolumeData data)
            //Le Game object!
            GameObject newObject = new GameObject("New CogBlock Volume");

            //add on the volume component :3 and then use evil powers to immediately append the data to the returned volume object, muahahah!!
            newObject.AddComponent <CogBlockVolume>().data = data;

            //Add the other important components
            /*CogBlockVolumeRenderer volRend = */ newObject.AddComponent <CogBlockVolumeRenderer>();
            newObject.AddComponent <CogBlockVolumeCollider>();

            /*//initialize the volume renderer so that it's normals face in the correct direction
             * if(volRend != null) //I miss actionscript with lazy evaluation so I could string these all together in one big if..
             * {
             *      if(volRend.material != null)
             *      {
             *              // We compute surface normals using derivative operations in the fragment shader, but for some reason
             *              // these are backwards on Linux. We can correct for this in the shader by setting the multiplier below.
             *              float normalMultiplier = -1.0f;
             *              float normalMultiplier = 1.0f;
             *              volRend.material.SetFloat("normalMultiplier", normalMultiplier);
             *      }
             * }*/

        void OnWizardCreate()
            CogBlockVolumeData data = Cubiquity.VolumeDataAsset.CreateEmptyVolumeData <CogBlockVolumeData>(new Region(0, 0, 0, width - 1, height - 1, depth - 1));

            if (generateFloor)
                // Create a floor so the volume data is actually visible in the editor.
                int            floorThickness = 8;
                QuantizedColor floorColor     = new QuantizedColor(255, 192, 192, 255);

                for (int z = 0; z <= depth - 1; z++)
                    for (int y = 0; y < floorThickness; y++)
                        for (int x = 0; x <= width - 1; x++)
                            data.SetVoxel(x, y, z, floorColor);
        static void CreateCogBlockVolumeDataAssetFromVoxelDatabase()
            // Resulting path already contains UNIX-style seperators (even on Wondows).
            String toVDB   = EditorUtility.OpenFilePanel("Choose a Voxel Database (.vdb) file to load", CubSub.Paths.VDBFiles, "vdb");
            String toAsset = CubSub.Paths.VoxelDatabases + "/New CogBlock Volume Data From File.asset";

            if (toVDB.Length == 0)

            // Pass through to the other (deeper) version of the method.
            VolumeData data = VolumeData.CreateFromVoxelDatabase <CogBlockVolumeData>(toVDB, VolumeData.WritePermissions.ReadWrite);

            //to stop future errors and data corruption in the event a path cannot be opened.
            if (data == null)

            if (File.Exists(toAsset))
                //check out if this is a ColoredCubesVolumeData or not
                CogBlockVolumeData oldData = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(toAsset, typeof(CogBlockVolumeData)) as CogBlockVolumeData;

                if (oldData != null)
                    Debug.Log("A stray .asset file has been found with an identical name but with a .vdb at " + oldData.fullPathToVoxelDatabase + " Will attempt to shutdown and overwrite the .asset without harming the .vdb");

                    //again, this little bugger is going to help me refresh all the ColoredCubesVolumes at the end
                    //replacer.Add (pathVDB, oldData);

                    //I'm going out on a limb here to see if this works... If it doesn't, we can fudge around a little
                    //more or just try to fail gracefully.

                    //I am on the fence about whether I want to relink this data. And I don't think I do. After all, our previous foreach iterator
                    //would have found this current oldData if there wasn't a mixmatch with vdbs.
                    Debug.Log("An .asset of a different type (non CogBlockVolumeData) has been found at the save location. Attempting to overwrite it.");

                //now let's try and delete the asset itself so we get no linking errors...

            String pathAsset = CubSub.Paths.RootToDirectory(Application.dataPath, toAsset);

            Debug.Log("Trying to save .asset at: " + pathAsset);

            //Create the asset
            AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(data, pathAsset);

            //Do some selection/saving/cleanup
            Selection.activeObject = data;