public CodeineMessageIPs(byte subType, PackedDeviceInformations pdi) { if (pdi == null) throw new ArgumentException("PackedDeviceInformations must not be null"); if (subType == (byte)_t_MSGSUBTYPE.kMSGSetIPs) { this.msgType = _t_CDMSG.kMSGIPs; this.subType = subType; this.pdi = pdi; } else throw new ArgumentException("Can only call this constructor with type _t_MSGSET.kMSGSetIPs"); }
public CodeineMessageIPs(byte[] data) : base(data) { if (this.msgType != _t_CDMSG.kMSGIPs) throw new ArgumentException("Data does not represent a CodeineMessageIPs"); if (this.subType == (byte)_t_MSGSUBTYPE.kMSGGetIPs) { this.pdi = null; } if (this.subType == (byte)_t_MSGSUBTYPE.kMSGSetIPs) { byte[] bytes = new byte[data.Length - 2]; Array.Copy(data, 2, bytes, 0, data.Length - 2); this.pdi = new PackedDeviceInformations(bytes); } }