The frame is the metafile size set by the author.
This member function is similar to Metafile.GetBounds().
public void ToByteArray_CorrectFrame() { Bill bill = SampleData.CreateExample4(); bill.Format.OutputSize = OutputSize.A4PortraitSheet; using MetafileCanvas canvas = new MetafileCanvas(QRBill.A4PortraitWidth, QRBill.A4PortraitHeight, "Helvetica, Arial, \"Liberation Sans\""); QRBill.Draw(bill, canvas); EmfMetaInfo metaInfo = new EmfMetaInfo(canvas.ToByteArray()); Assert.Equal(257, metaInfo.NumRecords); var scale = metaInfo.Dpi / 25.4f; // Returns the frame in pixels var frame = metaInfo.GetFrame(); Assert.Equal(0, frame.Left); Assert.Equal(0, frame.Top); int expectedWidth = (int)(QRBill.A4PortraitWidth * scale); Assert.InRange(frame.Right, expectedWidth - 2, expectedWidth + 2); int expectedHeight = (int)(QRBill.A4PortraitHeight * scale); Assert.InRange(frame.Bottom, expectedHeight - 2, expectedHeight + 2); }