public void CreateOrGetTextSpan_ShouldGetAnExistingTextSpan_WhenItHasAlreadyBeenDefined() { // Given var underTest = new DefaultTextManager("Hello World!"); var start = new TextPosition(0, 0); var stop = new TextPosition(0, 12); var textSpan = underTest.CreateOrGetTextSpan(start, stop); // When var result = underTest.CreateOrGetTextSpan(start, stop); // Then Assert.That(result, Is.SameAs(textSpan)); }
public void CreateOrGetTextSpan_ShouldCreateANewTextSpan_WhenItHasNotInitializedYet() { // Given var underTest = new DefaultTextManager("Hello World!"); var start = new TextPosition(0, 0); var stop = new TextPosition(0, 12); // When var result = underTest.CreateOrGetTextSpan(start, stop); // Then Assert.That(result, Is.EqualTo(new TextSpan(start, stop))); }
public void GetValue_ShouldReturnSelectedTextBySpan_WhenSpanStartAndStopAreInSameLines() { // Given var underTest = new DefaultTextManager("Hello World!"); var start = new TextPosition(0, 0); var stop = new TextPosition(0, 5); var textSpan = underTest.CreateOrGetTextSpan(start, stop); // When var result = underTest.GetValue(textSpan); // Then Assert.That(result, Is.EqualTo("Hello")); }
public void GetValue_ShouldReturnSelectedTextBySpan_WhenSpanStartAndStopAreInDifferentLines() { // Given var text = multiLineText("Hello World!", "How is it going?", "We are programming on a very exciting project.", "Come and join us!"); var underTest = new DefaultTextManager(text); var start = new TextPosition(0, 6); var stop = new TextPosition(1, 6); var textSpan = underTest.CreateOrGetTextSpan(start, stop); // When var result = underTest.GetValue(textSpan); // Then Assert.That(result, Is.EqualTo(multiLineText("World!", "How is"))); }
public void SetValue_ShouldSetSelectedTextBySpanToGivenValue_WhenSpanStartAndStopAreInSameLinesAndThereIsNoConflictBetweenSpans() { // Given var text = multiLineText("Hello World!", "How is it going?", "We are working on a very exciting project.", "Come and join us!"); var underTest = new DefaultTextManager(text); var start = new TextPosition(0, 0); var stop = new TextPosition(0, 5); var textSpan = underTest.CreateOrGetTextSpan(start, stop); // When underTest.SetValue("Hi", textSpan); var result = new { Span = underTest.GetValue(textSpan), Text = underTest.GetText() }; // Then Assert.That(result, Is.EqualTo(new { Span = "Hi", Text = multiLineText("Hi World!", "How is it going?", "We are working on a very exciting project.", "Come and join us!") })); }
public void SetValue_ShouldHandleHugeAmountTextSpans(Int32 lines) { // Given var textBuilder = new StringBuilder(); for (var i = 0; i < lines; i++) { textBuilder.AppendLine("one,two,three,four"); } var underTest = new DefaultTextManager(textBuilder.ToString()); var spans = new List<TextSpan>(); for (var i = 0; i < lines; i++) { spans.Add(underTest.CreateOrGetTextSpan(new TextPosition(i, 0), new TextPosition(i, 3))); underTest.CreateOrGetTextSpan(new TextPosition(i, 4), new TextPosition(i, 7)); } // When var watch = Stopwatch.StartNew(); foreach (var span in spans) { underTest.SetValue("onetwo", span); } watch.Stop(); // Then Console.WriteLine(watch.Elapsed); }
public void SetValue_ShouldSetSelectedTextBySpanToGivenValueAndUpdateTextRangesInTheSameLine_WhenSpanStartAndStopAreInDifferentLinesAndColumnsAndThereAreMultipleSpansWithoutConflict() { // Given var text = multiLineText("Hello World!", "How is it going?", "We are working on a very exciting project.", "Come and join us!"); var underTest = new DefaultTextManager(text); var firstSpan = underTest.CreateOrGetTextSpan(new TextPosition(0, 0), new TextPosition(1, 3)); var secondSpan = underTest.CreateOrGetTextSpan(new TextPosition(1, 4), new TextPosition(1, 6)); // When underTest.SetValue("Where", firstSpan); var result = new { Spans = new[] { underTest.GetValue(firstSpan), underTest.GetValue(secondSpan) }, Text = underTest.GetText() }; // Then Assert.That(result.Spans, Is.EquivalentTo(new[] { "Where", "is" })); var expectedText = multiLineText("Where is it going?", "We are working on a very exciting project.", "Come and join us!"); Assert.That(result.Text, Is.EqualTo(expectedText)); }
public void SetValue_ShouldSetSelectedTextBySpanToGivenValue_WhenSpanStartAndStopAreInSameLinesAndColumnsAndThereAreMultipleSpansWithoutConflict() { // Given var text = multiLineText("Hello World!", "How is it going?", "We are working on a very exciting project.", "Come and join us!"); var underTest = new DefaultTextManager(text); var helloSpan = underTest.CreateOrGetTextSpan(new TextPosition(0, 0), new TextPosition(0, 5)); var worldSpan = underTest.CreateOrGetTextSpan(new TextPosition(0, 6), new TextPosition(0, 11)); // When underTest.SetValue("WORLD", worldSpan); var result = new { Spans = new[] {underTest.GetValue(helloSpan), underTest.GetValue(worldSpan)}, Text = underTest.GetText() }; // Then Assert.That(result.Spans, Is.EquivalentTo(new[] {"Hello", "WORLD"})); var expectedText = multiLineText("Hello WORLD!", "How is it going?", "We are working on a very exciting project.", "Come and join us!"); Assert.That(result.Text, Is.EqualTo(expectedText)); }