        public SourceForm(ProjectForm projectform, ref CodePortingTrackerSourceFile srcdata)
            PrjForm = projectform;
            src     = srcdata;

            openToolStripMenuItem.BackColor       = ConvertLineStateToColor(LineState.Open);
            inProgressToolStripMenuItem.BackColor = ConvertLineStateToColor(LineState.Progress);
            doneToolStripMenuItem.BackColor       = ConvertLineStateToColor(LineState.Done);
            SourceForm_SizeChanged(this, null);

            Text += " - " + System.IO.Path.GetFileName(Filename);

            // load, validate and update file data
            rtb.LoadFile(Filename, RichTextBoxStreamType.PlainText);
            if (src.LineCount == 0) // new files loaded the first time
                src.LineCount = rtb.Lines.Length;
            else if (src.LineCount != rtb.Lines.Length) // file changed?
                DialogResult result = MessageBox.Show("The source file has changed in the meantime:" + Environment.NewLine +
                                                      "\"" + Filename + "\"" + Environment.NewLine +
                                                      "Do you want to continue working on the changed file?" + Environment.NewLine +
                                                      "OK = Accept new file (saved data may not match with new file)" + Environment.NewLine +
                                                      "Cancel = Abort loading the file", "Warning!", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);

                if (result != DialogResult.OK)
                    throw new Exception();

                if (rtb.Lines.Length < src.LineCount) // lines were removed?
                    src.LineCount = rtb.Lines.Length; // cut length

                    // Remove cut off blocks from list
                    BlockState DummyBlock = new BlockState();
                    DummyBlock.Line  = 0;
                    DummyBlock.Len   = 0;
                    DummyBlock.State = LineState.Unknown;;
                    src.LineCount = rtb.Lines.Length;  // increase length

            // Load block data into rich text box..
            foreach (BlockState block in src.Blocks)
                int LineStart = block.Line;
                int LineEnd   = block.Line + block.Len - 1;

                int SelectionStart  = rtb.GetFirstCharIndexFromLine(LineStart);
                int SelectionLength = rtb.GetFirstCharIndexFromLine(LineEnd) + rtb.Lines[LineEnd].Length - SelectionStart;
                rtb.Select(SelectionStart, SelectionLength);
                rtb.SelectionBackColor = ConvertLineStateToColor(block.State);
            rtb.Select(0, 0);

            statusbar.Text = "File \"" + Filename + "\" loaded!";
        private void InsertBlockState(BlockState InsertBlock)
            // Create linear array for each line..
            int MaxLines = src.LineCount;

            LineState[] linestates = new LineState[MaxLines];

            // Initlialize the array..
            for (int i = 0; i < linestates.Length; i++)
                linestates[i] = LineState.Unknown;

            // Load data we already have..
            foreach (BlockState block in src.Blocks)
                for (int i = block.Line; i < block.Line + block.Len; i++)
                    linestates[i] = block.State;

            // Update data with new block states..
            for (int i = InsertBlock.Line; i < InsertBlock.Line + InsertBlock.Len; i++)
                linestates[i] = InsertBlock.State;

            // Refill blocks with latest data..
            LineState state     = LineState.Unknown;
            int       linestart = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < linestates.Length; i++)
                if (state != linestates[i])                                        // state changes, so we can create the previous block
                    if ((state != LineState.Unknown) && (state != LineState.Open)) // filter useful states..
                        // Create and add actual block..
                        BlockState block = new BlockState();
                        block.Line  = linestart;
                        block.Len   = i - linestart;
                        block.State = state;

                    // start collecting new block
                    state     = linestates[i];
                    linestart = i;
            // in case one block was added, take for last one since previous loop will not insert last block:
            if ((state != LineState.Unknown) && (state != LineState.Open)) // filter useful states..
                // Create and add actual block..
                BlockState block = new BlockState();
                block.Line  = linestart;
                block.Len   = (linestates.Length - 1) - linestart + 1;
                block.State = state;

            // Update how many lines are marked as Done..
            src.LinesDone = 0;
            foreach (BlockState block in src.Blocks)
                if (block.State == LineState.Done)
                    src.LinesDone += block.Len;