/// <summary> Links the source code from the source <c> sourceProj </c> file to the destination <c> destProj </c> file. /// <para> Tweaks relative file paths so the project can find them. </para> /// Adds a <c> <Link> </c> for the destination project Solution Explorer. </summary> internal void LinkCode() { string oldXml = destProjXml.ReadLinkedXml(); destProjXml.ClearOldLinkedCode(); var totalCodezLinked = 0; List <string> alreadyIncluded = (from sourceItemGroup in destProjXml.ItemGroups from sourceItem in sourceItemGroup.Elements() where !Settings.ItemElementsToSkip.Contains(sourceItem.Name.LocalName.ToLower()) select sourceItem.Attribute("Include") ?? sourceItem.Attribute("Exclude") into attrib where attrib != null select attrib.Value.ToLower()).ToList(); if (alreadyIncluded.Count > 1) { Log.WriteLine("These are already include so will not be linked...", ConsoleColor.White, ConsoleColor.DarkGray); Log.WriteLine(alreadyIncluded, ConsoleColor.Gray); } foreach (string sourcePath in SourceProjList) { var codezLinked = 0; try { string sourceProjAbsolutePath = PathMaker.IsAbsolutePath(sourcePath) ? sourcePath : Path.Combine(DestProjDirectory, sourcePath); string sourceProjDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(sourceProjAbsolutePath); string destDirectoryForRelativePath = DestProjDirectory.EndsWith("\\") ? DestProjDirectory : DestProjDirectory + "\\"; string linkRelativeSource = PathMaker.MakeRelativePath(destDirectoryForRelativePath, sourceProjAbsolutePath); var sourceProjParser = new SourceProjParser(sourceProjAbsolutePath); destProjXml.EndPlaceHolder.AddBeforeSelf(new XComment("Linked from " + linkRelativeSource)); Log.WriteLine("Recycling from: " + sourceProjAbsolutePath + Environment.NewLine + " to: " + DestProjAbsolutePath + Environment.NewLine, ConsoleColor.Cyan); foreach (XElement sourceItemGroup in sourceProjParser.ItemGroups) { var newLinkedItemGroup = new XElement(Settings.MSBuild + "ItemGroup"); foreach (XElement sourceItem in sourceItemGroup.Elements()) { string sourceElementName = sourceItem.Name.LocalName; if (Settings.ItemElementsToSkip.Contains(sourceElementName.ToLower())) { continue; } XAttribute attrib = sourceItem.Attribute("Include") ?? sourceItem.Attribute("Exclude"); if (attrib != null) { string originalSourcePath = attrib.Value; string trimmedOriginalSourcePath = originalSourcePath.Trim().ToLower(); if (alreadyIncluded.IndexOf(trimmedOriginalSourcePath) > -1) { Log.WriteLine("Skipped: " + originalSourcePath + Environment.NewLine + " from: " + sourceProjAbsolutePath + Environment.NewLine + "because there is a file with the same path in the destination project." + Environment.NewLine, ConsoleColor.Gray); continue; } List <string> include = InclusionsList.Where(i => Operators.LikeString(trimmedOriginalSourcePath, i, CompareMethod.Text)).ToList(); // OW my eyes! if (!InclusionsList.Any() || include.Any()) { if (!PathMaker.IsAbsolutePath(originalSourcePath)) { var sourcePathFromDestination = ""; try { string sourceFileName = Path.GetFileName(originalSourcePath); // wildcards blow up Path.GetFullPath() string originalFolder = originalSourcePath; List <string> excludedFiles = ExclusionsList.Where(x => x.Contains(sourceFileName.ToLower())).ToList(); // ExclusionsList.Where(x => Operators.LikeString(trimmedOriginalSourcePath, x, CompareMethod.Text)).ToList(); // OW my eyes! var excludedPaths = ExclusionsList.Where(x => x.Contains(originalSourcePath.ToLower())).ToArray(); if (excludedPaths?.Any() ?? false) { excludedFiles.AddRange(excludedPaths); } if (excludedFiles.Any()) { Log.WriteLine("Excluded: " + originalSourcePath + Environment.NewLine + " from: " + sourceProjAbsolutePath + Environment.NewLine + "because you said to Exclude: " + excludedFiles.FirstOrDefault(), ConsoleColor.White, ConsoleColor.DarkRed); continue; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sourceFileName)) { originalFolder = originalSourcePath.Replace(sourceFileName, ""); } string sourceAbsolutePath = Path.GetFullPath(sourceProjDirectory + "\\" + originalFolder) + sourceFileName; sourcePathFromDestination = PathMaker.MakeRelativePath(DestProjDirectory + "\\", sourceAbsolutePath); } catch (ArgumentException badArg) { if (badArg.Message.Contains("Illegal characters in path")) { if (Regex.IsMatch(originalSourcePath, @"^[a-zA-Z]:\\")) // is already an absolute path { sourcePathFromDestination = originalSourcePath; } else if (Regex.IsMatch(originalSourcePath, @"\*\*")) // it is **\*.* or something awkward like that. { string relativeFolderPathFromDestination = PathMaker.MakeRelativePath(DestProjDirectory + "\\", sourceProjDirectory); sourcePathFromDestination = relativeFolderPathFromDestination + "\\" + originalSourcePath; var linkElement = new XElement(Settings.MSBuild + "Link", @"%(RecursiveDir)%(Filename)%(Extension)"); sourceItem.Add(linkElement); } else { try { string originalFolder = originalSourcePath.Substring(0, originalSourcePath.LastIndexOf("\\")); string relativeFolderPathFromDestination = PathMaker.MakeRelativePath(DestProjDirectory + "\\", originalFolder); sourcePathFromDestination = relativeFolderPathFromDestination + originalSourcePath.Substring(originalSourcePath.LastIndexOf("\\")); } catch (Exception e) { App.Crash(e, "Recycling. GetFullPath: " + sourceProjDirectory + "\\" + originalSourcePath); } } } else { try { string originalFolder = originalSourcePath.Substring(0, originalSourcePath.LastIndexOf("\\")); string relativeFolderPathFromDestination = PathMaker.MakeRelativePath(DestProjDirectory + "\\", originalFolder); sourcePathFromDestination = relativeFolderPathFromDestination + originalSourcePath.Substring(originalSourcePath.LastIndexOf("\\")); } catch (Exception e) { App.Crash(e, "Recycling. GetFullPath: " + sourceProjDirectory + "\\" + originalSourcePath); } } } catch (Exception e) { App.Crash(e, "Recycling. GetFullPath: " + sourceProjDirectory + "\\" + originalSourcePath); } if (!Settings.ItemElementsDoNotMakeRelativePath.Contains(sourceElementName.ToLower())) { attrib.Value = sourcePathFromDestination; } } XElement[] links = sourceItem.Descendants(Settings.MSBuild + "Link").ToArray(); // Folders, mostly if (!(links.Any() || Settings.ItemElementsDoNotBreakLink.Contains(sourceElementName.ToLower()))) { var linkElement = new XElement(Settings.MSBuild + "Link", _linkPrefix + originalSourcePath); sourceItem.Add(linkElement); } foreach (XElement link in links) { link.Value = _linkPrefix + link.Value; } var dependentOn = sourceItem.Descendants(Settings.MSBuild + "DependentUpon").ToArray(); /*foreach (XElement dependent in dependentOn) * { * dependent.Value = _linkPrefix + dependent.Value; * sourceItem.Add(dependent); * }*/ newLinkedItemGroup.Add(sourceItem); codezLinked++; alreadyIncluded.Add(originalSourcePath); } else { Log.WriteLine("Excluded: " + originalSourcePath + Environment.NewLine + " from: " + sourceProjAbsolutePath + Environment.NewLine + "because it did not match anything on the Include: list " + Environment.NewLine, ConsoleColor.Gray, ConsoleColor.DarkRed); } } } if (newLinkedItemGroup.HasElements) { destProjXml.EndPlaceHolder.AddBeforeSelf(newLinkedItemGroup); } } destProjXml.EndPlaceHolder.AddBeforeSelf(new XComment("End Link from " + linkRelativeSource + Environment.NewLine + "Linked " + codezLinked + " codez.")); totalCodezLinked += codezLinked; // so we don't link things twice... destProjXml.Keepers.RemoveAll(k => k.Attribute("Include").Value.Contains(sourceProjDirectory)); // copy Source project Resources so *.resx files don't break. Warning: Last one wins so weird race condition lives here string sourceResources = sourceProjDirectory + "\\Resources"; if (Directory.Exists(sourceResources)) { string destResourcesPath = DestProjDirectory + "\\Resources"; Log.WriteLine($"Copying all Files from {sourceResources} to {destResourcesPath}.", ConsoleColor.Green); if (!Directory.Exists(destResourcesPath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(destResourcesPath); } foreach (string sourceFile in Directory.GetFiles(sourceResources)) { string destFile = destResourcesPath + "\\" + Path.GetFileName(sourceFile); if (File.Exists(destFile)) { long sourceSize = new FileInfo(sourceFile).Length; long destSize = new FileInfo(destFile).Length; if (sourceSize != destSize) // ie. it is probably a different file. { Log.WriteLine($"WARNING: Overwriting {destFile}", ConsoleColor.Red); Log.WriteLine($"Source: {sourceSize} bytes, Dest: {destSize} Bytes.", ConsoleColor.Yellow); } } File.Copy(sourceFile, Path.Combine(destResourcesPath, Path.GetFileName(sourceFile)), true); Log.WriteLine($"Copied {sourceFile}", ConsoleColor.Green); } Log.WriteLine($"Copied all Files from {sourceResources} to {destResourcesPath}." + Environment.NewLine, ConsoleColor.Green); } } catch (Exception e) { App.Crash(e, "Recycling " + sourcePath + " to " + DestProjAbsolutePath); } } // end foreach source project destProjXml.EndPlaceHolder.AddBeforeSelf(new XComment("End of Linked Code" + Environment.NewLine + "See CodeLinkerLog.txt for details. CodeLinker by " + Settings.SourceCodeUrl + " ")); if (oldXml != destProjXml.ReadLinkedXml()) { destProjXml.Save(); Log.WriteLine("Linked " + totalCodezLinked + " codez from " + SourceProjList.Count + " source Project(s).", ConsoleColor.Green); } else { Log.WriteLine("No changes, didn't save.", ConsoleColor.Cyan, ConsoleColor.DarkBlue); } Log.WriteLine("-------------------------------------------------------", ConsoleColor.DarkGray); Log.WriteLine(); }
/// <summary> Links the source code from the source <c>sourceProj</c> file to the destination <c>destProj</c> file. /// <para> Tweaks relative file paths so the project can find them. </para> /// Adds a <c><Link></c> for the destination project Solution Explorer.</summary> internal void LinkCode() { string oldXml = destProjXml.ReadLinkedXml(); destProjXml.ClearOldLinkedCode(); int totalCodezLinked = 0; foreach (string sourcePath in SourceProjList) { int codezLinked = 0; try { string sourceProjAbsolutePath = (PathMaker.IsAbsolutePath(sourcePath)) ? sourcePath : Path.Combine(DestProjDirectory, sourcePath); string sourceProjDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(sourceProjAbsolutePath); string destDirectoryForRelativePath = DestProjDirectory.EndsWith("\\") ? DestProjDirectory : DestProjDirectory + "\\"; string linkRelativeSource = PathMaker.MakeRelativePath(destDirectoryForRelativePath, sourceProjAbsolutePath); SourceProjParser sourceProjParser = new SourceProjParser(sourceProjAbsolutePath); destProjXml.EndPlaceHolder.AddBeforeSelf(new XComment("Linked from " + linkRelativeSource)); Log.WriteLine("Recycling from: " + sourceProjAbsolutePath + Environment.NewLine + " to: " + DestProjAbsolutePath + Environment.NewLine); foreach (XElement sourceItemGroup in sourceProjParser.ItemGroups) { XElement newLinkedItemGroup = new XElement(Settings.MSBuild + "ItemGroup"); foreach (XElement sourceItem in sourceItemGroup.Elements()) { string sourceElementName = sourceItem.Name.LocalName; if (Settings.ItemElementsToSkip.Contains(sourceElementName.ToLower())) { continue; } XAttribute attrib = sourceItem.Attribute("Include") ?? sourceItem.Attribute("Exclude"); if (attrib != null) { string originalSourcePath = attrib.Value; string trimmedOriginalSourcePath = originalSourcePath.Trim().ToLower(); IEnumerable <string> exclude = ExclusionsList.Where(x => Operators.LikeString(trimmedOriginalSourcePath, x, CompareMethod.Text)).ToList(); // OW my eyes! if (exclude.Any()) { Log.WriteLine("Excluded: " + originalSourcePath + Environment.NewLine + " from: " + sourceProjAbsolutePath + Environment.NewLine + "because you said to Exclude: " + exclude.FirstOrDefault() + Environment.NewLine); continue; } List <string> include = InclusionsList.Where(i => Operators.LikeString(trimmedOriginalSourcePath, i, CompareMethod.Text)).ToList(); // OW my eyes! if (!InclusionsList.Any() || include.Any()) { if (!PathMaker.IsAbsolutePath(originalSourcePath)) { string sourceAbsolutePath = ""; try { string sourceFileName = Path.GetFileName(originalSourcePath); // wildcards blow up Path.GetFullPath() string originalFolder = originalSourcePath; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sourceFileName)) { originalFolder = originalSourcePath.Replace(sourceFileName, ""); } sourceAbsolutePath = Path.GetFullPath(sourceProjDirectory + "\\" + originalFolder) + sourceFileName; } catch (Exception e) { App.Crash(e, "Recycling. GetFullPath: " + sourceProjDirectory + "\\" + originalSourcePath); } string relativePathFromDestination = PathMaker.MakeRelativePath(DestProjDirectory + "\\", sourceAbsolutePath); if (!Settings.ItemElementsDoNotMakeRelativePath.Contains(sourceElementName.ToLower())) { attrib.Value = relativePathFromDestination; } } IEnumerable <XElement> links = sourceItem.Descendants(Settings.MSBuild + "Link"); if (!(links.Any() || Settings.ItemElementsDoNotBreakLink.Contains(sourceElementName.ToLower()))) // Folders, mostly { XElement linkElement = new XElement(Settings.MSBuild + "Link", originalSourcePath); sourceItem.Add(linkElement); } newLinkedItemGroup.Add(sourceItem); codezLinked++; } else { Log.WriteLine("Excluded: " + originalSourcePath + Environment.NewLine + " from: " + sourceProjAbsolutePath + Environment.NewLine + "because it did not match anything on the Include: list " + Environment.NewLine); } } } if (newLinkedItemGroup.HasElements) { destProjXml.EndPlaceHolder.AddBeforeSelf(newLinkedItemGroup); } } destProjXml.EndPlaceHolder.AddBeforeSelf(new XComment("End Link from " + linkRelativeSource + Environment.NewLine + "Linked " + codezLinked + " codez.")); totalCodezLinked += codezLinked; destProjXml.Keepers.RemoveAll(k => k.Attribute("Include").Value.Contains(sourceProjDirectory)); } catch (Exception e) { App.Crash(e, "Recycling " + sourcePath + " to " + DestProjAbsolutePath); } } destProjXml.EndPlaceHolder.AddBeforeSelf(new XComment("End of Linked Code" + Environment.NewLine + "See CodeLinkerLog.txt for details. CodeLinker by " + Settings.SourceCodeUrl + " ")); if (oldXml != destProjXml.ReadLinkedXml()) { destProjXml.Save(); Log.WriteLine("Linked " + totalCodezLinked + " codez from " + SourceProjList.Count + " source Project(s)."); } else { Log.WriteLine("No changes, didn't save."); } Log.WriteLine("----------------------------"); Log.WriteLine(); }
/// <summary> Links the source code from the source <c>sourceProj</c> file to the destination <c>destProj</c> file. /// <para> Tweaks relative file paths so the project can find them. </para> /// Adds a <c><Link></c> for the destination project Solution Explorer.</summary> internal void LinkCode() { string oldXml = destProjXml.ReadLinkedXml(); destProjXml.ClearOldLinkedCode(); int totalCodezLinked = 0; foreach (string sourcePath in SourceProjList) { int codezLinked = 0; try { string sourceProjAbsolutePath = (PathMaker.IsAbsolutePath(sourcePath)) ? sourcePath : Path.Combine(DestProjDirectory, sourcePath); string sourceProjDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(sourceProjAbsolutePath); string destDirectoryForRelativePath = DestProjDirectory.EndsWith("\\") ? DestProjDirectory : DestProjDirectory + "\\"; string linkRelativeSource = PathMaker.MakeRelativePath(destDirectoryForRelativePath, sourceProjAbsolutePath); SourceProjParser sourceProjParser = new SourceProjParser(sourceProjAbsolutePath); destProjXml.EndPlaceHolder.AddBeforeSelf(new XComment("Linked from " + linkRelativeSource)); Log.WriteLine("Recycling from: " + sourceProjAbsolutePath + Environment.NewLine + " to: " + DestProjAbsolutePath + Environment.NewLine); foreach (XElement sourceItemGroup in sourceProjParser.ItemGroups) { XElement newLinkedItemGroup = new XElement(Settings.MSBuild + "ItemGroup"); foreach (XElement sourceItem in sourceItemGroup.Elements()) { string sourceElementName = sourceItem.Name.LocalName; if (Settings.ItemElementsToSkip.Contains(sourceElementName.ToLower())) { continue; } XAttribute attrib = sourceItem.Attribute("Include") ?? sourceItem.Attribute("Exclude"); if (attrib != null) { string originalSourcePath = attrib.Value; string trimmedOriginalSourcePath = originalSourcePath.Trim().ToLower(); IEnumerable<string> exclude = ExclusionsList.Where(x => Operators.LikeString(trimmedOriginalSourcePath, x, CompareMethod.Text)).ToList(); // OW my eyes! if (exclude.Any()) { Log.WriteLine("Excluded: " + originalSourcePath + Environment.NewLine + " from: " + sourceProjAbsolutePath + Environment.NewLine + "because you said to Exclude: " + exclude.FirstOrDefault() + Environment.NewLine); continue; } List<string> include = InclusionsList.Where(i => Operators.LikeString(trimmedOriginalSourcePath, i, CompareMethod.Text)).ToList(); // OW my eyes! if (!InclusionsList.Any() || include.Any()) { if (!PathMaker.IsAbsolutePath(originalSourcePath)) { string sourceAbsolutePath = ""; try { string sourceFileName = Path.GetFileName(originalSourcePath); // wildcards blow up Path.GetFullPath() string originalFolder = originalSourcePath; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sourceFileName)) { originalFolder = originalSourcePath.Replace(sourceFileName, ""); } sourceAbsolutePath = Path.GetFullPath(sourceProjDirectory + "\\" + originalFolder) + sourceFileName; } catch (Exception e) { App.Crash(e, "Recycling. GetFullPath: " + sourceProjDirectory + "\\" + originalSourcePath); } string relativePathFromDestination = PathMaker.MakeRelativePath(DestProjDirectory + "\\", sourceAbsolutePath); if (!Settings.ItemElementsDoNotMakeRelativePath.Contains(sourceElementName.ToLower())) { attrib.Value = relativePathFromDestination; } } IEnumerable<XElement> links = sourceItem.Descendants(Settings.MSBuild + "Link"); if (!(links.Any() || Settings.ItemElementsDoNotBreakLink.Contains(sourceElementName.ToLower()))) // Folders, mostly { XElement linkElement = new XElement(Settings.MSBuild + "Link", originalSourcePath); sourceItem.Add(linkElement); } newLinkedItemGroup.Add(sourceItem); codezLinked++; } else { Log.WriteLine("Excluded: " + originalSourcePath + Environment.NewLine + " from: " + sourceProjAbsolutePath + Environment.NewLine + "because it did not match anything on the Include: list " + Environment.NewLine); } } } if (newLinkedItemGroup.HasElements) { destProjXml.EndPlaceHolder.AddBeforeSelf(newLinkedItemGroup); } } destProjXml.EndPlaceHolder.AddBeforeSelf(new XComment("End Link from " + linkRelativeSource + Environment.NewLine + "Linked " + codezLinked + " codez.")); totalCodezLinked += codezLinked; destProjXml.Keepers.RemoveAll(k => k.Attribute("Include").Value.Contains(sourceProjDirectory)); } catch (Exception e) { App.Crash(e, "Recycling " + sourcePath + " to " + DestProjAbsolutePath); } } destProjXml.EndPlaceHolder.AddBeforeSelf(new XComment("End of Linked Code" + Environment.NewLine + "See CodeLinkerLog.txt for details. CodeLinker by " + Settings.SourceCodeUrl + " ")); if (oldXml != destProjXml.ReadLinkedXml()) { destProjXml.Save(); Log.WriteLine("Linked " + totalCodezLinked + " codez from " + SourceProjList.Count + " source Project(s)."); } else { Log.WriteLine("No changes, didn't save."); } Log.WriteLine("----------------------------"); Log.WriteLine(); }
/// <summary> Links the source code from the source <c> sourceProj </c> file to the destination <c> destProj </c> file. /// <para> Tweaks relative file paths so the project can find them. </para> /// Adds a <c> <Link> </c> for the destination project Solution Explorer. </summary> internal void LinkCode() { string oldXml = destProjXml.ReadLinkedXml(); destProjXml.ClearOldLinkedCode(); var totalCodezLinked = 0; List<string> alreadyIncluded = (from sourceItemGroup in destProjXml.ItemGroups from sourceItem in sourceItemGroup.Elements() where !Settings.ItemElementsToSkip.Contains(sourceItem.Name.LocalName.ToLower()) select sourceItem.Attribute("Include") ?? sourceItem.Attribute("Exclude") into attrib where attrib != null select attrib.Value.ToLower()).ToList(); if (alreadyIncluded.Count > 1) { Log.WriteLine("These are already include so will not be linked..."); Log.WriteLine(alreadyIncluded); } foreach (string sourcePath in SourceProjList) { var codezLinked = 0; try { string sourceProjAbsolutePath = PathMaker.IsAbsolutePath(sourcePath) ? sourcePath : Path.Combine(DestProjDirectory, sourcePath); string sourceProjDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(sourceProjAbsolutePath); string destDirectoryForRelativePath = DestProjDirectory.EndsWith("\\") ? DestProjDirectory : DestProjDirectory + "\\"; string linkRelativeSource = PathMaker.MakeRelativePath(destDirectoryForRelativePath, sourceProjAbsolutePath); var sourceProjParser = new SourceProjParser(sourceProjAbsolutePath); destProjXml.EndPlaceHolder.AddBeforeSelf(new XComment("Linked from " + linkRelativeSource)); Log.WriteLine("Recycling from: " + sourceProjAbsolutePath + Environment.NewLine + " to: " + DestProjAbsolutePath + Environment.NewLine); foreach (XElement sourceItemGroup in sourceProjParser.ItemGroups) { var newLinkedItemGroup = new XElement(Settings.MSBuild + "ItemGroup"); foreach (XElement sourceItem in sourceItemGroup.Elements()) { string sourceElementName = sourceItem.Name.LocalName; if (Settings.ItemElementsToSkip.Contains(sourceElementName.ToLower())) continue; XAttribute attrib = sourceItem.Attribute("Include") ?? sourceItem.Attribute("Exclude"); if (attrib != null) { string originalSourcePath = attrib.Value; string trimmedOriginalSourcePath = originalSourcePath.Trim().ToLower(); IEnumerable<string> exclude = ExclusionsList.Where(x => Operators.LikeString(trimmedOriginalSourcePath, x, CompareMethod.Text)).ToList(); // OW my eyes! if (exclude.Any()) { Log.WriteLine("Excluded: " + originalSourcePath + Environment.NewLine + " from: " + sourceProjAbsolutePath + Environment.NewLine + "because you said to Exclude: " + exclude.FirstOrDefault() + Environment.NewLine); continue; } if (alreadyIncluded.IndexOf(trimmedOriginalSourcePath) > -1) { Log.WriteLine("Skipped: " + originalSourcePath + Environment.NewLine + " from: " + sourceProjAbsolutePath + Environment.NewLine + "because there is a file with the same path in the destination project." + Environment.NewLine); continue; } List<string> include = InclusionsList.Where(i => Operators.LikeString(trimmedOriginalSourcePath, i, CompareMethod.Text)).ToList(); // OW my eyes! if (!InclusionsList.Any() || include.Any()) { if (!PathMaker.IsAbsolutePath(originalSourcePath)) { var sourcePathFromDestination = ""; try { string sourceFileName = Path.GetFileName(originalSourcePath); // wildcards blow up Path.GetFullPath() string originalFolder = originalSourcePath; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sourceFileName)) originalFolder = originalSourcePath.Replace(sourceFileName, ""); string sourceAbsolutePath = Path.GetFullPath(sourceProjDirectory + "\\" + originalFolder) + sourceFileName; sourcePathFromDestination = PathMaker.MakeRelativePath(DestProjDirectory + "\\", sourceAbsolutePath); } catch (ArgumentException badArg) { if (badArg.Message.Contains("Illegal characters in path")) { if (Regex.IsMatch(originalSourcePath, @"^[a-zA-Z]:\\")) // is already an absolute path sourcePathFromDestination = originalSourcePath; else if (Regex.IsMatch(originalSourcePath, @"\*\*")) // it is **\*.* or something awkward like that. { string relativeFolderPathFromDestination = PathMaker.MakeRelativePath(DestProjDirectory + "\\", sourceProjDirectory); sourcePathFromDestination = relativeFolderPathFromDestination + "\\" + originalSourcePath; var linkElement = new XElement(Settings.MSBuild + "Link", @"%(RecursiveDir)%(Filename)%(Extension)"); sourceItem.Add(linkElement); } else { try { string originalFolder = originalSourcePath.Substring(0, originalSourcePath.LastIndexOf("\\")); string relativeFolderPathFromDestination = PathMaker.MakeRelativePath(DestProjDirectory + "\\", originalFolder); sourcePathFromDestination = relativeFolderPathFromDestination + originalSourcePath.Substring(originalSourcePath.LastIndexOf("\\")); } catch (Exception e) { App.Crash(e, "Recycling. GetFullPath: " + sourceProjDirectory + "\\" + originalSourcePath); } } } else { try { string originalFolder = originalSourcePath.Substring(0, originalSourcePath.LastIndexOf("\\")); string relativeFolderPathFromDestination = PathMaker.MakeRelativePath(DestProjDirectory + "\\", originalFolder); sourcePathFromDestination = relativeFolderPathFromDestination + originalSourcePath.Substring(originalSourcePath.LastIndexOf("\\")); } catch (Exception e) { App.Crash(e, "Recycling. GetFullPath: " + sourceProjDirectory + "\\" + originalSourcePath); } } } catch (Exception e) { App.Crash(e, "Recycling. GetFullPath: " + sourceProjDirectory + "\\" + originalSourcePath); } if (!Settings.ItemElementsDoNotMakeRelativePath.Contains(sourceElementName.ToLower())) attrib.Value = sourcePathFromDestination; } IEnumerable<XElement> links = sourceItem.Descendants(Settings.MSBuild + "Link"); if (!(links.Any() || Settings.ItemElementsDoNotBreakLink.Contains(sourceElementName.ToLower()))) // Folders, mostly { var linkElement = new XElement(Settings.MSBuild + "Link", originalSourcePath); sourceItem.Add(linkElement); } newLinkedItemGroup.Add(sourceItem); codezLinked++; alreadyIncluded.Add(originalSourcePath); } else { Log.WriteLine("Excluded: " + originalSourcePath + Environment.NewLine + " from: " + sourceProjAbsolutePath + Environment.NewLine + "because it did not match anything on the Include: list " + Environment.NewLine); } } } if (newLinkedItemGroup.HasElements) destProjXml.EndPlaceHolder.AddBeforeSelf(newLinkedItemGroup); } destProjXml.EndPlaceHolder.AddBeforeSelf(new XComment("End Link from " + linkRelativeSource + Environment.NewLine + "Linked " + codezLinked + " codez.")); totalCodezLinked += codezLinked; // so we don't link things twice... destProjXml.Keepers.RemoveAll(k => k.Attribute("Include").Value.Contains(sourceProjDirectory)); // copy Source project Resources so *.resx files don't break. Warning: Last one wins so weird race condition lives here string sourceResources = sourceProjDirectory + "\\Resources"; if (Directory.Exists(sourceResources)) { string destResourcesPath = DestProjDirectory + "\\Resources"; Log.WriteLine($"Copying all Files from {sourceResources} to {destResourcesPath}."); if (!Directory.Exists(destResourcesPath)) Directory.CreateDirectory(destResourcesPath); foreach (string sourceFile in Directory.GetFiles(sourceResources)) { string destFile = destResourcesPath + "\\" + Path.GetFileName(sourceFile); if (File.Exists(destFile)) { long sourceSize = new FileInfo(sourceFile).Length; long destSize = new FileInfo(destFile).Length; if (sourceSize != destSize) // ie. it is probably a different file. { Log.WriteLine($"WARNING: Overwriting {destFile}"); Log.WriteLine($"Source: {sourceSize} bytes, Dest: {destSize} Bytes."); } } File.Copy(sourceFile, Path.Combine(destResourcesPath, Path.GetFileName(sourceFile)), true); Log.WriteLine($"Copied {sourceFile}"); } Log.WriteLine($"Copied all Files from {sourceResources} to {destResourcesPath}." + Environment.NewLine); } } catch (Exception e) { App.Crash(e, "Recycling " + sourcePath + " to " + DestProjAbsolutePath); } } // end foreach source project destProjXml.EndPlaceHolder.AddBeforeSelf(new XComment("End of Linked Code" + Environment.NewLine + "See CodeLinkerLog.txt for details. CodeLinker by " + Settings.SourceCodeUrl + " ")); if (oldXml != destProjXml.ReadLinkedXml()) { destProjXml.Save(); Log.WriteLine("Linked " + totalCodezLinked + " codez from " + SourceProjList.Count + " source Project(s)."); } else Log.WriteLine("No changes, didn't save."); Log.WriteLine("----------------------------"); Log.WriteLine(); }