/* Function: Start * Attempts to start the engine instance. Returns whether it was successful, and if it wasn't, puts any errors that * prevented it on the list. If you wish to try to start it again, call <Dispose()> and <Create()> first. */ public bool Start(Errors.ErrorList errors, Config.ProjectConfig commandLineConfig) { if (config.Start(errors, commandLineConfig) == false) { return(false); } Path gracefulExitFilePath = config.WorkingDataFolder + "/GracefulExit.nd"; if (System.IO.File.Exists(gracefulExitFilePath)) { config.ReparseEverything = true; config.RebuildAllOutput = true; } else { BinaryFile gracefulExitFile = new BinaryFile(); gracefulExitFile.OpenForWriting(gracefulExitFilePath); gracefulExitFile.WriteByte(0); gracefulExitFile.Close(); } return( commentTypes.Start(errors) && languages.Start(errors) && comments.Start(errors) && links.Start(errors) && searchIndex.Start(errors) && output.Start(errors) && codeDB.Start(errors) && fileProcessor.Start(errors) && files.Start(errors) ); }
/* Function: Start * Attempts to start the engine instance. Returns whether it was successful, and if it wasn't, puts any errors that prevented * it on the list. If you wish to try to start it again, <Dispose()> of the instance object and create another one. */ public bool Start(Errors.ErrorList errors, Config.ProjectConfig commandLineConfig) { if (config.Start(errors, commandLineConfig) == false) { return(false); } Path gracefulExitFilePath = config.WorkingDataFolder + "/GracefulExit.nd"; if (System.IO.File.Exists(gracefulExitFilePath)) { startupIssues |= StartupIssues.NeedToStartFresh; } else { BinaryFile gracefulExitFile = new BinaryFile(); gracefulExitFile.OpenForWriting(gracefulExitFilePath); gracefulExitFile.WriteByte(0); gracefulExitFile.Close(); } return( commentTypes.Start_Stage1(errors) && languages.Start_Stage1(errors) && commentTypes.Start_Stage2(errors) && languages.Start_Stage2(errors) && comments.Start(errors) && links.Start(errors) && styles.Start(errors) && output.Start(errors) && codeDB.Start(errors) && files.Start(errors) ); }