        /// <summary>
        /// Gives possibility to read data from Revit data base and puts them into user element's objects and into user section's objects and into user common parameters.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="listElementData">List of user element objects.</param>
        /// <param name="parameters">User common parameters.</param>
        /// <param name="data">Acces to cref="ServiceData".</param>
        public void ReadFromRevitDB(List <ObjectDataBase> listElementData, CommonParametersBase parameters, Autodesk.Revit.DB.CodeChecking.ServiceData data)
            // read additional information from Revit data and store them in user objects derived from ElementDataBase and listed in listElementData

            Autodesk.Revit.DB.CodeChecking.NotificationService.ProgressStart(Resources.ResourceManager.GetString("ReadingGeometry"), listElementData.Count);
            ElementAnalyser elementAnalyser = new ElementAnalyser(GetInputDataUnitSystem());

            int step = 0;

            foreach (ObjectDataBase elemData in listElementData)
                Element element = data.Document.GetElement(elemData.ElementId);
                if (element != null)
                    switch (elemData.Category)

                    case Autodesk.Revit.DB.BuiltInCategory.OST_ColumnAnalytical:
                        ColumnElement elem = elemData as ColumnElement;
                        if (elem != null && !elem.Status.IsError())
                            elem.Info = elementAnalyser.Analyse(element);
                            if (elem.Info.Material.Characteristics.YoungModulus.X < Double.Epsilon)

                            MaterialConcreteCharacteristics concrete = (MaterialConcreteCharacteristics)elem.Info.Material.Characteristics.Specific;
                            if (concrete == null || concrete.Compression < Double.Epsilon)

                            foreach (SectionDataBase sectionDataBase in elem.ListSectionData)
                                ColumnSection sec = sectionDataBase as ColumnSection;
                                if (sec != null)
                                    sec.Info = elem.Info;

                    case Autodesk.Revit.DB.BuiltInCategory.OST_BeamAnalytical:
                        BeamElement elem = elemData as BeamElement;
                        if (elem != null && !elem.Status.IsError())
                            elementAnalyser.TSectionAnalysis = false;
                            LabelBeam labelBeam = elem.Label as LabelBeam;
                            if (labelBeam != null)
                                elementAnalyser.TSectionAnalysis = labelBeam.SlabBeamInteraction == BeamSectionType.WithSlabBeamInteraction;

                            elem.Info = elementAnalyser.Analyse(element);
                            if (elem.Info.Material.Characteristics.YoungModulus.X < Double.Epsilon)

                            MaterialConcreteCharacteristics concrete = (MaterialConcreteCharacteristics)elem.Info.Material.Characteristics.Specific;
                            if (concrete == null || concrete.Compression < Double.Epsilon)

                            foreach (SectionDataBase sectionDataBase in elem.ListSectionData)
                                BeamSection sec = sectionDataBase as BeamSection;
                                if (sec != null)
                                    sec.Info = elem.Info;
                Autodesk.Revit.DB.CodeChecking.NotificationService.ProgressStep(string.Format("{0:d}%", ++step * 100 / listElementData.Count));
                if (NotificationService.ProgressBreakInvoked())
        /// <summary>
        /// Example explaining how to use force modification for beam:
        /// additonal minimum bending moment over support M=0.1*Mmax in ULS
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="obj">cref="BeamElement" object or cref="ColumnElement" object.</param>
        private void ModifySupportForces(ObjectDataBase obj)
            BeamElement elem              = obj as BeamElement;
            double      maximumM          = Double.MinValue;
            double      maximumL          = Double.MinValue;
            double      minimumL          = Double.MaxValue;
            int         beginIndexSupport = -1;
            int         endIndexSupport   = -1;
            int         index             = 0;
            bool        isMaximumM        = false;

            foreach (SectionDataBase sd in elem.ListSectionData)
                BeamSection     sec       = sd as BeamSection;
                CalcPointLinear calcPoint = sec.CalcPoint as CalcPointLinear;
                if (calcPoint != null)
                    if (maximumL < calcPoint.CoordRelative)
                        maximumL        = calcPoint.CoordRelative;
                        endIndexSupport = index;
                    if (minimumL > calcPoint.CoordRelative)
                        minimumL          = calcPoint.CoordRelative;
                        beginIndexSupport = index;
                if (sec != null)
                    foreach (InternalForcesBase forces in sec.ListInternalForces)
                        InternalForcesLinear f = forces as InternalForcesLinear;
                        if (f != null)
                            if (f.Forces.LimitState == ForceLimitState.Uls)
                                if (maximumM < f.Forces.MomentMy)
                                    maximumM   = f.Forces.MomentMy;
                                    isMaximumM = true;
            if (isMaximumM)
                if (beginIndexSupport > -1)
                    BeamSection bs = elem.ListSectionData[beginIndexSupport] as BeamSection;
                    if (bs != null)
                        InternalForcesLinear f = new InternalForcesLinear();
                        f.Forces.LimitState = ForceLimitState.Uls;
                        f.Forces.MomentMy   = 0.1 * maximumM;
                if (endIndexSupport > -1)
                    BeamSection bs = elem.ListSectionData[endIndexSupport] as BeamSection;
                    if (bs != null)
                        InternalForcesLinear f = new InternalForcesLinear();
                        f.Forces.LimitState = ForceLimitState.Uls;
                        f.Forces.MomentMy   = 0.1 * maximumM;
        /// <summary>
        /// Runs calculation\operations for cref="BeamSection" and cref="ColumnSection".
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="obj">cref="BeamSection" object or cref="ColumnSection" object.</param>
        /// <returns>Result of calculation.</returns>
        public bool Run(ObjectDataBase obj)
            SectionDataBase sectionData = obj as SectionDataBase;

            if (obj != null)
                CommonParameters commParams = Parameters as CommonParameters;

                ForceResultsCache cache = null;
                if (commParams != null)
                    cache = commParams.ResultCache;

                Section sec = null;

                switch (sectionData.Category)

                case Autodesk.Revit.DB.BuiltInCategory.OST_ColumnAnalytical:
                    if (sectionData is ColumnSection)
                        ColumnSection section = sectionData as ColumnSection;

                        if (section.Info != null)
                            SectionsInfo secInfo = section.Info.Sections.AtTheBeg;

                            if (secInfo.Sections.Count > 0)
                                sec = secInfo.Sections[0];

                case Autodesk.Revit.DB.BuiltInCategory.OST_BeamAnalytical:
                    if (sectionData is BeamSection && sectionData.Label is LabelBeam)
                        BeamSection section = sectionData as BeamSection;
                        LabelBeam   label   = sectionData.Label as LabelBeam;

                        if (section.Info != null)
                            SectionsInfo secInfo = section.Info.Sections.AtTheBeg;

                            if (secInfo.Sections.Count > 0)
                                sec = secInfo.Sections[0];

                                if (label.SlabBeamInteraction == ConcreteTypes.BeamSectionType.WithSlabBeamInteraction && section.Info.Slabs != null && section.Info.Slabs.TSection != null)
                                    int    nbrPoints      = (sec.Contour != null && sec.Contour.Points != null) ? sec.Contour.Points.Count : 0;
                                    double relativeX      = (section.CalcPoint as CalcPointLinear).CoordRelative;
                                    double maxFlangeWidth = 0.5 * section.Info.SectionsParams.AtThePoint(relativeX).Dimensions.h;
                                    sec = section.Info.Slabs.TSection.GetContour(relativeX, maxFlangeWidth, maxFlangeWidth);
                                    if (sec.Contour.Points.Count != nbrPoints)
                                        section.IsTSection = true;

                switch (sectionData.Category)

                case Autodesk.Revit.DB.BuiltInCategory.OST_ColumnAnalytical:
                case Autodesk.Revit.DB.BuiltInCategory.OST_BeamAnalytical:
                    if (sectionData is LinearSection)
                        LinearSection section = sectionData as LinearSection;

                        if (sec != null && sec.Contour != null)
                            foreach (Autodesk.Revit.DB.XYZ p in sec.Contour.Points)
                                section.Geometry.Add(p.X, p.Y);

                            Autodesk.Revit.DB.XYZ pmin = sec.GetMinimumBoundary();
                            Autodesk.Revit.DB.XYZ pmax = sec.GetMaximumBoundary();
                            section.Width  = Math.Abs(pmin.X - pmax.X);
                            section.Height = Math.Abs(pmin.Y - pmax.Y);

                        if (cache != null)
                            IList <ForceLoadCaseDescriptor> loadCaseDescriptors = cache.GetLoadCaseDescriptors();
                            List <double> vFx = cache.GetForceForPoint(sectionData.ElementId, loadCaseDescriptors, sectionData.CalcPoint, ForceType.Fx);
                            List <double> vFy = cache.GetForceForPoint(sectionData.ElementId, loadCaseDescriptors, sectionData.CalcPoint, ForceType.Fy);
                            List <double> vFz = cache.GetForceForPoint(sectionData.ElementId, loadCaseDescriptors, sectionData.CalcPoint, ForceType.Fz);
                            List <double> vMx = cache.GetForceForPoint(sectionData.ElementId, loadCaseDescriptors, sectionData.CalcPoint, ForceType.Mx);
                            List <double> vMy = cache.GetForceForPoint(sectionData.ElementId, loadCaseDescriptors, sectionData.CalcPoint, ForceType.My);
                            List <double> vMz = cache.GetForceForPoint(sectionData.ElementId, loadCaseDescriptors, sectionData.CalcPoint, ForceType.Mz);

                            List <double> vUx = cache.GetForceForPoint(sectionData.ElementId, loadCaseDescriptors, sectionData.CalcPoint, ForceType.Ux);
                            List <double> vUy = cache.GetForceForPoint(sectionData.ElementId, loadCaseDescriptors, sectionData.CalcPoint, ForceType.Uy);
                            List <double> vUz = cache.GetForceForPoint(sectionData.ElementId, loadCaseDescriptors, sectionData.CalcPoint, ForceType.Uz);

                            int i = -1;
                            foreach (ForceLoadCaseDescriptor cas in loadCaseDescriptors)
                                InternalForcesLinear    linForces = new InternalForcesLinear();
                                InternalForcesContainer forces    = new InternalForcesContainer();

                                forces.CaseName   = cas.Name;
                                forces.LimitState = cas.State;

                                forces.ForceFx      = vFx.Count == 0 ? 0.0 : vFx[i];
                                forces.ForceFy      = vFy.Count == 0 ? 0.0 : vFy[i];
                                forces.ForceFz      = vFz.Count == 0 ? 0.0 : vFz[i];
                                forces.MomentMx     = vMx.Count == 0 ? 0.0 : vMx[i];
                                forces.MomentMy     = vMy.Count == 0 ? 0.0 : vMy[i];
                                forces.MomentMz     = vMz.Count == 0 ? 0.0 : vMz[i];
                                forces.DeflectionUx = vUx.Count == 0 ? 0.0 : vUx[i];
                                forces.DeflectionUy = vUy.Count == 0 ? 0.0 : vUy[i];
                                forces.DeflectionUz = vUz.Count == 0 ? 0.0 : vUz[i];

                                linForces.Forces = forces;

        /// <summary>
        /// Runs calculation\operations for cref="BeamElement".
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="obj">cref="BeamElement".</param>
        /// <returns>Result of calculation.</returns>
        public bool Run(ObjectDataBase obj)
            ElementDataBase elementData = obj as ElementDataBase;

            if (obj != null)
                BeamElement objBeam = obj as BeamElement;
                if (objBeam != null)
                    CodeCheckingConcreteExample.Main.ResultBeam res = elementData.Result as CodeCheckingConcreteExample.Main.ResultBeam;
                    if (res != null)
                        double young     = objBeam.Info.Material.Characteristics.YoungModulus.X;
                        double maxCoef   = 0;
                        double stifCoef  = 0.0;
                        double avrCoef   = 0.0;
                        int    sectionNo = 0;
                        foreach (SectionDataBase sd in elementData.ListSectionData)
                            BeamSection sec = sd as BeamSection;

                            if (sec != null)
                                if (sec.MinStiffness > Double.Epsilon)
                                    CalcPointLinear calcPoint = sec.CalcPoint as CalcPointLinear;
                                    double          Iy        = sec.Info.SectionsParams.AtThePoint(calcPoint.CoordRelative).Characteristics.Iy;
                                    stifCoef = (Iy * young) / sec.MinStiffness;
                                    stifCoef = 0;
                                maxCoef  = Math.Max(maxCoef, stifCoef);
                                avrCoef += stifCoef;
                        double finStiffnes = 0;
                        if (stifCoef > Double.Epsilon)
                            avrCoef    /= sectionNo;
                            finStiffnes = 0.5 * (maxCoef + avrCoef);
                            objBeam.AddFormatedWarning(new ResultStatusMessage("Calculation of deflections was not performed."));
                        foreach (SectionDataBase sd in elementData.ListSectionData)
                            BeamSection sec = sd as BeamSection;
                            if (sec != null)
                                sec.StiffnesCoeff = finStiffnes;