public override void OnEnter() { base.OnEnter(); CCSize s = Layer.VisibleBoundsWorldspace.Size; var progressTo = new CCProgressTo(2, 100); CCProgressTimer left = new CCProgressTimer(s_pPathSister1); left.Type = CCProgressTimerType.Bar; // Setup for a bar starting from the left since the midpoint is 0 for the x left.Midpoint = new CCPoint(0, 0); // Setup for a horizontal bar since the bar change rate is 0 for y meaning no vertical change left.BarChangeRate = new CCPoint(1, 0); AddChild(left); left.Position = new CCPoint(100, s.Height / 2); left.RepeatForever (progressTo); CCProgressTimer right = new CCProgressTimer(s_pPathSister2); right.Type = CCProgressTimerType.Bar; // Setup for a bar starting from the left since the midpoint is 1 for the x right.Midpoint = new CCPoint(1, 0); // Setup for a horizontal bar since the bar change rate is 0 for y meaning no vertical change right.BarChangeRate = new CCPoint(1, 0); AddChild(right); right.Position = new CCPoint(s.Width - 100, s.Height / 2); right.RepeatForever(progressTo); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Client.Common.Views.HUD.PopulationResource"/> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="fileName">PNG file name.</param> /// <param name="color">Fill color.</param> public PopulationResource(string fileName, CCColor3B color) : base() { m_background = new Button( fileName, fileName, OnTouched); AddChild(m_background); m_background.Sprite.Opacity = 100; // picture source // <div>Icons made by <a href="" title="Freepik">Freepik</a> // from <a href="" title="Flaticon"></a> // is licensed by <a href="" // title="Creative Commons BY 3.0">CC BY 3.0</a></div> m_progress = new CCProgressTimer(fileName); m_progress.Color = color; m_progress.Type = CCProgressTimerType.Bar; m_progress.BarChangeRate = new CCPoint(0.0f, 1.0f); m_progress.Midpoint = new CCPoint(0.0f, 0.0f); m_progress.PositionX = m_background.AnchorPoint.X; m_progress.PositionY = m_background.AnchorPoint.Y; m_background.AddChild(m_progress); Schedule(ShowRessource); }
public override void OnEnter() { base.OnEnter(); CCSize s = Layer.VisibleBoundsWorldspace.Size; var progressTo = new CCProgressTo(2, 100); /** * Our image on the left should be a radial progress indicator, clockwise */ CCProgressTimer left = new CCProgressTimer(new CCSprite(s_pPathBlock)); left.Type = CCProgressTimerType.Radial; AddChild(left); left.Midpoint = new CCPoint(0.25f, 0.75f); left.Position = new CCPoint(100, s.Height / 2); left.RepeatForever(progressTo); /** * Our image on the left should be a radial progress indicator, counter clockwise */ CCProgressTimer right = new CCProgressTimer(new CCSprite(s_pPathBlock)); right.Type = CCProgressTimerType.Radial; right.Midpoint = new CCPoint(0.75f, 0.25f); /** * Note the reverse property (default=NO) is only added to the right image. That's how * we get a counter clockwise progress. */ AddChild(right); right.Position = new CCPoint(s.Width - 100, s.Height / 2); right.RepeatForever(progressTo); }
public CCControlPotentiometer(string backgroundFile, string progressFile, string thumbFile) { var trackSprite = new CCSprite(backgroundFile); var thumbSprite = new CCSprite(thumbFile); var progressTimer = new CCProgressTimer(new CCSprite(progressFile)); minimumValue = 0.0f; maximumValue = 1.0f; value = minimumValue; ProgressTimer = progressTimer; ThumbSprite = thumbSprite; thumbSprite.Position = progressTimer.Position; AddChild(thumbSprite, 2); AddChild(progressTimer, 1); AddChild(trackSprite); ContentSize = trackSprite.ContentSize; // Register Touch Event var touchListener = new CCEventListenerTouchOneByOne(); touchListener.IsSwallowTouches = true; touchListener.OnTouchBegan = OnTouchBegan; touchListener.OnTouchMoved = OnTouchMoved; touchListener.OnTouchEnded = OnTouchEnded; AddEventListener(touchListener); }
public override void OnEnter() { base.OnEnter(); CCSize s = Layer.VisibleBoundsWorldspace.Size; var progressTo = new CCProgressTo(6, 100); var tint = new CCSequence(new CCTintTo (1, 255, 0, 0), new CCTintTo (1, 0, 255, 0), new CCTintTo (1, 0, 0, 255)); var fade = new CCSequence(new CCFadeTo (1.0f, 0), new CCFadeTo (1.0f, 255)); CCProgressTimer left = new CCProgressTimer(new CCSprite(s_pPathSister1)); left.Type = CCProgressTimerType.Bar; // Setup for a bar starting from the bottom since the midpoint is 0 for the y left.Midpoint = new CCPoint(0.5f, 0.5f); // Setup for a vertical bar since the bar change rate is 0 for x meaning no horizontal change left.BarChangeRate = new CCPoint(1, 0); AddChild(left); left.Position = new CCPoint(100, s.Height / 2); left.RepeatForever(progressTo); left.RepeatForever(tint); left.AddChild(new CCLabelTtf("Tint", "arial", 20.0f)); CCProgressTimer middle = new CCProgressTimer(new CCSprite(s_pPathSister2)); middle.Type = CCProgressTimerType.Bar; // Setup for a bar starting from the bottom since the midpoint is 0 for the y middle.Midpoint = new CCPoint(0.5f, 0.5f); // Setup for a vertical bar since the bar change rate is 0 for x meaning no horizontal change middle.BarChangeRate = new CCPoint(1, 1); AddChild(middle); middle.Position = new CCPoint(s.Width / 2, s.Height / 2); middle.RepeatForever(progressTo); middle.RepeatForever(fade); middle.AddChild(new CCLabelTtf("Fade", "arial", 20.0f)); CCProgressTimer right = new CCProgressTimer(new CCSprite(s_pPathSister2)); right.Type = CCProgressTimerType.Bar; // Setup for a bar starting from the bottom since the midpoint is 0 for the y right.Midpoint = new CCPoint(0.5f, 0.5f); // Setup for a vertical bar since the bar change rate is 0 for x meaning no horizontal change right.BarChangeRate = new CCPoint(0, 1); AddChild(right); right.Position = new CCPoint(s.Width - 100, s.Height / 2); right.RepeatForever(progressTo); right.RepeatForever(tint); right.RepeatForever(fade); right.AddChild(new CCLabelTtf("Tint and Fade", "arial", 20.0f)); }
protected override void InitialiseScenes() { if (Layer == null || Viewport == null) { return; } base.InitialiseScenes(); SetupTransition(); // create a transparent color layer // in which we are going to add our rendertextures var bounds = Layer.VisibleBoundsWorldspace; CCRect viewportRect = Viewport.ViewportInPixels; // create the second render texture for outScene CCRenderTexture texture = new CCRenderTexture(bounds.Size, viewportRect.Size); texture.Position = bounds.Center; texture.AnchorPoint = CCPoint.AnchorMiddle; // Temporarily add render texture to get layer/scene properties Layer.AddChild(texture); texture.Visible = false; // Render outScene to its texturebuffer texture.BeginWithClear(0, 0, 0, 1); SceneNodeContainerToBeModified.Visit(); texture.End(); texture.Visible = true; // No longer want to render texture RemoveChild(texture); // Since we've passed the outScene to the texture we don't need it. if (SceneNodeContainerToBeModified == OutSceneNodeContainer) { HideOutShowIn(); } CCProgressTimer node = ProgressTimerNodeWithRenderTexture(texture); // create the blend action var layerAction = new CCProgressFromTo(Duration, From, To); // add the layer (which contains our two rendertextures) to the scene AddChild(node, 2, SceneRadial); // run the blend action node.RunAction(layerAction); }
public PlayerBar(CSKEntity player) { Portrait = player.Portrait; Portrait.AnchorPoint = new CCPoint(0, 0); AddChild(Portrait); LifeBar = new CCProgressTimer("bar/green_health_bar.png"); LifeBar.Color = CCColor3B.Blue; LifeBar.PositionX = Portrait.BoundingBox.Size.Width + 10; LifeBar.Type = CCProgressTimerType.Bar; LifeBar.AnchorPoint = new CCPoint(0, 0); AddChild(LifeBar); }
protected override void InitialiseScenes() { if (Layer == null) { return; } base.InitialiseScenes(); SetupTransition(); // create a transparent color layer // in which we are going to add our rendertextures var bounds = Layer.VisibleBoundsWorldspace; CCRect viewportRect = new CCRect(Viewport.Bounds); // create the second render texture for outScene CCRenderTexture texture = new CCRenderTexture(bounds.Size, viewportRect.Size); texture.Sprite.Position = bounds.Center; texture.Sprite.AnchorPoint = CCPoint.AnchorMiddle; // Render outScene to its texturebuffer texture.BeginWithClear(0, 0, 0, 255); var worldTransform = SceneNodeContainerToBeModified.AffineWorldTransform; SceneNodeContainerToBeModified.Visit(ref worldTransform); texture.End(); // Since we've passed the outScene to the texture we don't need it. if (SceneNodeContainerToBeModified == OutSceneNodeContainer) { HideOutShowIn(); } CCProgressTimer node = ProgressTimerNodeWithRenderTexture(texture); // create the blend action var layerAction = new CCProgressFromTo(Duration, From, To); // add the layer (which contains our two rendertextures) to the scene Layer.AddChild(node, 2); // run the blend action node.RunAction(layerAction); }
protected override CCProgressTimer ProgressTimerNodeWithRenderTexture(CCRenderTexture texture) { var bounds = Layer.VisibleBoundsWorldspace; CCProgressTimer node = new CCProgressTimer(texture.Sprite); // but it is flipped upside down so we flip the sprite //node.Sprite.IsFlipY = true; node.Type = CCProgressTimerType.Radial; // Return the radial type that we want to use node.ReverseDirection = true; node.Percentage = 100; node.Position = new CCPoint(bounds.Origin.X + bounds.Size.Width / 2, bounds.Size.Height / 2); node.AnchorPoint = CCPoint.AnchorMiddle; return(node); }
protected override CCProgressTimer ProgressTimerNodeWithRenderTexture(CCRenderTexture texture) { var bounds = Layer.VisibleBoundsWorldspace; CCProgressTimer node = new CCProgressTimer(texture.Sprite); // but it is flipped upside down so we flip the sprite //node.Sprite.IsFlipY = true; node.Type = CCProgressTimerType.Bar; node.Midpoint = new CCPoint(0.5f, 0.5f); node.BarChangeRate = new CCPoint(1, 1); node.Percentage = 100; node.Position = new CCPoint(bounds.Origin.X + bounds.Size.Width / 2, bounds.Size.Height / 2); node.AnchorPoint = CCPoint.AnchorMiddle; return(node); }
public override void OnEnter() { base.OnEnter(); CCSize s = Layer.VisibleBoundsWorldspace.Size; var progressTo = new CCProgressTo(6, 100); CCSpriteFrameCache.SharedSpriteFrameCache.AddSpriteFrames("zwoptex/grossini.plist"); CCSprite sprite = new CCSprite("grossini_dance_01.png"); CCProgressTimer left = new CCProgressTimer(sprite); left.Type = CCProgressTimerType.Bar; // Setup for a bar starting from the bottom since the midpoint is 0 for the y left.Midpoint = new CCPoint(0.5f, 0.5f); // Setup for a vertical bar since the bar change rate is 0 for x meaning no horizontal change left.BarChangeRate = new CCPoint(1, 0); AddChild(left); left.Position = new CCPoint(100, s.Height / 2); left.RepeatForever(progressTo); CCProgressTimer middle = new CCProgressTimer(new CCSprite("grossini_dance_02.png")); middle.Type = CCProgressTimerType.Bar; // Setup for a bar starting from the bottom since the midpoint is 0 for the y middle.Midpoint = new CCPoint(0.5f, 0.5f); // Setup for a vertical bar since the bar change rate is 0 for x meaning no horizontal change middle.BarChangeRate = new CCPoint(1, 1); AddChild(middle); middle.Position = new CCPoint(s.Width / 2, s.Height / 2); middle.RepeatForever(progressTo); CCProgressTimer right = new CCProgressTimer(new CCSprite("grossini_dance_03.png")); right.Type = CCProgressTimerType.Radial; // Setup for a bar starting from the bottom since the midpoint is 0 for the y right.Midpoint = new CCPoint(0.5f, 0.5f); // Setup for a vertical bar since the bar change rate is 0 for x meaning no horizontal change right.BarChangeRate = new CCPoint(0, 1); AddChild(right); right.Position = new CCPoint(s.Width - 100, s.Height / 2); right.RepeatForever(progressTo); }
public override void OnEnter() { base.OnEnter(); CCSize s = Layer.VisibleBoundsWorldspace.Size; var progressTo = new CCProgressTo(2, 100); CCProgressTimer left = new CCProgressTimer(s_pPathSister1); left.Type = CCProgressTimerType.Radial; AddChild(left); left.Position = new CCPoint(100, s.Height / 2); left.RepeatForever(progressTo); CCProgressTimer right = new CCProgressTimer(s_pPathBlock); right.Type = CCProgressTimerType.Radial; right.ReverseDirection = true; AddChild(right); right.Position = new CCPoint(s.Width - 100, s.Height / 2); right.RepeatForever(progressTo); }
protected override CCProgressTimer ProgressTimerNodeWithRenderTexture(CCRenderTexture texture) { var bounds = Layer.VisibleBoundsWorldspace; CCProgressTimer node = new CCProgressTimer(texture.Sprite); // but it is flipped upside down so we flip the sprite //node.Sprite.IsFlipY = true; node.Type = CCProgressTimerType.Radial; // Return the radial type that we want to use node.ReverseDirection = false; node.Percentage = 100; node.Position = new CCPoint(bounds.Origin.X + bounds.Size.Width / 2, bounds.Size.Height / 2); node.AnchorPoint = CCPoint.AnchorMiddle; return node; }
protected override CCProgressTimer ProgressTimerNodeWithRenderTexture(CCRenderTexture texture) { var bounds = Layer.VisibleBoundsWorldspace; CCProgressTimer node = new CCProgressTimer(texture.Sprite); // but it is flipped upside down so we flip the sprite //node.Sprite.IsFlipY = true; node.Type = CCProgressTimerType.Bar; node.Midpoint = new CCPoint(0.5f, 0.5f); node.BarChangeRate = new CCPoint(1, 1); node.Percentage = 100; node.Position = new CCPoint(bounds.Origin.X + bounds.Size.Width / 2, bounds.Size.Height / 2); node.AnchorPoint = CCPoint.AnchorMiddle; return node; }