        // common
        private void parseCommonArguments(string line)
            // line to parse:
            // common lineHeight=104 base=26 scaleW=1024 scaleH=512 pages=1 packed=0

            // Height
            int    index  = line.IndexOf("lineHeight=");
            int    index2 = line.IndexOf(' ', index);
            string value  = line.Substring(index, index2 - index);

            m_nCommonHeight = CCUtils.CCParseInt(value.Replace("lineHeight=", ""));

            // scaleW. sanity check
            index  = line.IndexOf("scaleW=") + "scaleW=".Length;
            index2 = line.IndexOf(' ', index);
            value  = line.Substring(index, index2 - index);
            //CCAssert(atoi(value.c_str()) <= CCConfiguration::sharedConfiguration()->getMaxTextureSize(), "CCLabelBMFont: page can't be larger than supported");
            // scaleH. sanity check
            index  = line.IndexOf("scaleH=") + "scaleH=".Length;
            index2 = line.IndexOf(' ', index);
            value  = line.Substring(index, index2 - index);
            //CCAssert(atoi(value.c_str()) <= CCConfiguration::sharedConfiguration()->getMaxTextureSize(), "CCLabelBMFont: page can't be larger than supported");
            // pages. sanity check
            index  = line.IndexOf("pages=") + "pages=".Length;
            index2 = line.IndexOf(' ', index);
            value  = line.Substring(index, index2 - index);
            //CCAssert(atoi(value.c_str()) == 1, "CCBitfontAtlas: only supports 1 page");

            // packed (ignore) What does this mean ??
        /* The layer recognizes some special properties, like cc_vertez */

        private void ParseInternalProperties()
            // if cc_vertex=automatic, then tiles will be rendered using vertexz

            m_fAlphaFuncValue = 0;

            string vertexz = PropertyNamed("cc_vertexz");

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(vertexz))
                // If "automatic" is on, then parse the "cc_alpha_func" too
                if (vertexz == "automatic")
                    m_bUseAutomaticVertexZ = true;
                    string alphaFuncVal = PropertyNamed("cc_alpha_func");
                    //float alphaFuncValue = 0.0f;
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(alphaFuncVal))
                        m_fAlphaFuncValue = CCUtils.CCParseFloat(alphaFuncVal);

                    //GLint alphaValueLocation = glGetUniformLocation(getShaderProgram().getProgram(), kCCUniformAlphaTestValue);

                    // NOTE: alpha test shader is hard-coded to use the equivalent of a glAlphaFunc(GL_GREATER) comparison
                    //getShaderProgram().setUniformLocationWith1f(alphaValueLocation, alphaFuncValue);
                    m_nVertexZvalue = CCUtils.CCParseInt(vertexz);
        private void parseCharacterDefinition(string line, ccBMFontDef characterDefinition)
            // line to parse:
            // char id=32   x=0     y=0     width=0     height=0     xoffset=0     yoffset=44    xadvance=14     page=0  chnl=0

            // Character ID
            int    index  = line.IndexOf("id=");
            int    index2 = line.IndexOf(' ', index);
            string value  = line.Substring(index, index2 - index);

            characterDefinition.charID = CCUtils.CCParseInt(value.Replace("id=", ""));
            //CCAssert(characterDefinition->charID < kCCBMFontMaxChars, "BitmpaFontAtlas: CharID bigger than supported");

            // Character x
            index  = line.IndexOf("x=");
            index2 = line.IndexOf(' ', index);
            value  = line.Substring(index, index2 - index);
            characterDefinition.rect.Origin.X = CCUtils.CCParseFloat(value.Replace("x=", ""));

            // Character y
            index  = line.IndexOf("y=");
            index2 = line.IndexOf(' ', index);
            value  = line.Substring(index, index2 - index);
            characterDefinition.rect.Origin.Y = CCUtils.CCParseFloat(value.Replace("y=", ""));

            // Character width
            index  = line.IndexOf("width=");
            index2 = line.IndexOf(' ', index);
            value  = line.Substring(index, index2 - index);
            characterDefinition.rect.Size.Width = CCUtils.CCParseFloat(value.Replace("width=", ""));

            // Character height
            index  = line.IndexOf("height=");
            index2 = line.IndexOf(' ', index);
            value  = line.Substring(index, index2 - index);
            characterDefinition.rect.Size.Height = CCUtils.CCParseFloat(value.Replace("height=", ""));

            // Character xoffset
            index  = line.IndexOf("xoffset=");
            index2 = line.IndexOf(' ', index);
            value  = line.Substring(index, index2 - index);
            characterDefinition.xOffset = CCUtils.CCParseInt(value.Replace("xoffset=", ""));

            // Character yoffset
            index  = line.IndexOf("yoffset=");
            index2 = line.IndexOf(' ', index);
            value  = line.Substring(index, index2 - index);
            characterDefinition.yOffset = CCUtils.CCParseInt(value.Replace("yoffset=", ""));

            // Character xadvance
            index  = line.IndexOf("xadvance=");
            index2 = line.IndexOf(' ', index);
            value  = line.Substring(index, index2 - index);
            characterDefinition.xAdvance = CCUtils.CCParseInt(value.Replace("xadvance=", ""));
 public static RenderTarget2D CreateRenderTarget(int width, int height, SurfaceFormat colorFormat, DepthFormat depthFormat,
                                                 RenderTargetUsage usage)
     if (!m_AllowNonPower2Textures)
         width  = CCUtils.CCNextPOT(width);
         height = CCUtils.CCNextPOT(height);
     return(new RenderTarget2D(graphicsDevice, width, height, false, colorFormat, depthFormat, 0, usage));
        public static Texture2D CreateTexture2D(int width, int height)
            PresentationParameters pp = graphicsDevice.PresentationParameters;

            if (!m_AllowNonPower2Textures)
                width  = CCUtils.CCNextPOT(width);
                height = CCUtils.CCNextPOT(height);
            return(new Texture2D(graphicsDevice, width, height, false, SurfaceFormat.Color));
        internal static int DeSerializeInt(StreamReader sr)
            string s = sr.ReadLine();

            if (s == null)
                CCLog.Log("DeSerializeInt: null");
        public int GetIntegerForKey(string pKey, int defaultValue)
            string value = getValueForKey(pKey);
            int    ret   = defaultValue;

            if (value != null)
                ret = CCUtils.CCParseInt(value);

        internal static CCSize DeSerializeSize(StreamReader sr)
            string x = sr.ReadLine();

            if (x == null)
                CCLog.Log("DeSerializeSize: null");
            CCSize pt = new CCSize();

            string[] s = x.Split(' ');
            pt.Width  = CCUtils.CCParseFloat(s[0]);
            pt.Height = CCUtils.CCParseFloat(s[1]);
        internal static CCPoint DeSerializePoint(StreamReader sr)
            string x = sr.ReadLine();

            if (x == null)
                CCLog.Log("DeSerializePoint: null");
            CCPoint pt = new CCPoint();

            string[] s = x.Split(' ');
            pt.X = CCUtils.CCParseFloat(s[0]);
            pt.Y = CCUtils.CCParseFloat(s[1]);
        private void parseKerningEntry(string line)
            // line to parse:
            // kerning first=121  second=44  amount=-7

            // first
            int    first;
            int    index  = line.IndexOf("first=");
            int    index2 = line.IndexOf(' ', index);
            string value  = line.Substring(index, index2 - index);

            first = CCUtils.CCParseInt(value.Replace("first=", ""));

            // second
            int second;

            index  = line.IndexOf("second=");
            index2 = line.IndexOf(' ', index);
            value  = line.Substring(index, index2 - index);
            second = CCUtils.CCParseInt(value.Replace("second=", ""));

            // amount
            int amount;

            index  = line.IndexOf("amount=");
            index2 = line.IndexOf(' ', index);
            value  = line.Substring(index);
            amount = CCUtils.CCParseInt(value.Replace("amount=", ""));

                var element = new tKerningHashElement();
                element.amount = amount;
                element.key    = (first << 16) | (second & 0xffff);
                m_pKerningDictionary.Add(element.key, element);
            catch (Exception ex)
                CCLog.Log("Failed to parse font line: {0}", line);
        public static CCSize CCSizeFromString(string pszContent)
            CCSize ret = new CCSize();

                List <string> strs = new List <string>();
                if (!CCUtils.SplitWithForm(pszContent, strs))

                float width  = CCUtils.CCParseFloat(strs[0]);
                float height = CCUtils.CCParseFloat(strs[1]);

                ret = new CCSize(width, height);
            } while (false);

        public static CCPoint CCPointFromString(string pszContent)
            CCPoint ret = CCPoint.Zero;

                List <string> strs = new List <string>();
                if (!CCUtils.SplitWithForm(pszContent, strs))

                float x = CCUtils.CCParseFloat(strs[0]);
                float y = CCUtils.CCParseFloat(strs[1]);

                ret.X = x;
                ret.Y = y;
            } while (false);

        // info face
        private void parseInfoArguments(string line)
            // possible lines to parse:
            // info face="Script" size=32 bold=0 italic=0 charset="" unicode=1 stretchH=100 smooth=1 aa=1 padding=1,4,3,2 spacing=0,0 outline=0
            // info face="Cracked" size=36 bold=0 italic=0 charset="" unicode=0 stretchH=100 smooth=1 aa=1 padding=0,0,0,0 spacing=1,1

            // padding
            int    index  = line.IndexOf("padding=");
            int    index2 = line.IndexOf(' ', index);
            string value  = line.Substring(index, index2 - index);

            value = value.Replace("padding=", "");
            string[] temp = value.Split(',');
            m_tPadding.top    = CCUtils.CCParseInt(temp[0]);
            m_tPadding.right  = CCUtils.CCParseInt(temp[1]);
            m_tPadding.bottom = CCUtils.CCParseInt(temp[2]);
            m_tPadding.left   = CCUtils.CCParseInt(temp[3]);

            //CCLOG("cocos2d: padding: %d,%d,%d,%d", m_tPadding.left, m_tPadding.top, m_tPadding.right, m_tPadding.bottom);
        public void StartElement(object ctx, string name, string[] atts)
            CCTMXMapInfo pTMXMapInfo   = this;
            string       elementName   = name;
            var          attributeDict = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            if (atts != null && atts[0] != null)
                for (int i = 0; i + 1 < atts.Length; i += 2)
                    string key   = atts[i];
                    string value = atts[i + 1];
                    attributeDict.Add(key, value);
            if (elementName == "map")
                string version = attributeDict["version"];
                if (version != "1.0")
                    CCLog.Log("cocos2d: TMXFormat: Unsupported TMX version: {0}", version);
                string orientationStr = attributeDict["orientation"];
                if (orientationStr == "orthogonal")
                    pTMXMapInfo.Orientation = (int)(CCTMXOrientation.Ortho);
                else if (orientationStr == "isometric")
                    pTMXMapInfo.Orientation = (int)(CCTMXOrientation.Iso);
                else if (orientationStr == "hexagonal")
                    pTMXMapInfo.Orientation = (int)(CCTMXOrientation.Hex);
                    CCLog.Log("cocos2d: TMXFomat: Unsupported orientation: {0}", pTMXMapInfo.Orientation);

                CCSize sMapSize;
                sMapSize.Width      = CCUtils.CCParseFloat(attributeDict["width"]);
                sMapSize.Height     = CCUtils.CCParseFloat(attributeDict["height"]);
                pTMXMapInfo.MapSize = sMapSize;

                CCSize sTileSize;
                sTileSize.Width      = CCUtils.CCParseFloat(attributeDict["tilewidth"]);
                sTileSize.Height     = CCUtils.CCParseFloat(attributeDict["tileheight"]);
                pTMXMapInfo.TileSize = sTileSize;

                // The parent element is now "map"
                pTMXMapInfo.ParentElement = (int)CCTMXProperty.Map;
            else if (elementName == "tileset")
                // If this is an external tileset then start parsing that

                if (attributeDict.Keys.Contains("source"))
                    string externalTilesetFilename = attributeDict["source"];

                    externalTilesetFilename = CCFileUtils.FullPathFromRelativeFile(externalTilesetFilename, pTMXMapInfo.TMXFileName);

                    m_uCurrentFirstGID = uint.Parse(attributeDict["firstgid"]);

                    var tileset = new CCTMXTilesetInfo();

                    tileset.m_sName = attributeDict["name"];

                    if (m_uCurrentFirstGID == 0)
                        tileset.m_uFirstGid = uint.Parse(attributeDict["firstgid"]);
                        tileset.m_uFirstGid = m_uCurrentFirstGID;
                        m_uCurrentFirstGID  = 0;

                    if (attributeDict.Keys.Contains("spacing"))
                        tileset.m_uSpacing = int.Parse(attributeDict["spacing"]);

                    if (attributeDict.Keys.Contains("margin"))
                        tileset.m_uMargin = int.Parse(attributeDict["margin"]);

                    CCSize s;
                    s.Width             = CCUtils.CCParseFloat(attributeDict["tilewidth"]);
                    s.Height            = CCUtils.CCParseFloat(attributeDict["tileheight"]);
                    tileset.m_tTileSize = s;

            else if (elementName == "tile")
                CCTMXTilesetInfo info = pTMXMapInfo.Tilesets.LastOrDefault();
                var dict = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                pTMXMapInfo.ParentGID = (info.m_uFirstGid + uint.Parse(attributeDict["id"]));
                pTMXMapInfo.TileProperties.Add(pTMXMapInfo.ParentGID, dict);

                pTMXMapInfo.ParentElement = (int)CCTMXProperty.Tile;
            else if (elementName == "layer")
                var layer = new CCTMXLayerInfo();
                layer.Name = attributeDict["name"];

                CCSize s;
                s.Width         = CCUtils.CCParseFloat(attributeDict["width"]);
                s.Height        = CCUtils.CCParseFloat(attributeDict["height"]);
                layer.LayerSize = s;

                layer.Tiles = new uint[(int)s.Width * (int)s.Height];

                if (attributeDict.Keys.Contains("visible"))
                    string visible = attributeDict["visible"];
                    layer.Visible = !(visible == "0");
                    layer.Visible = true;

                if (attributeDict.Keys.Contains("opacity"))
                    string opacity = attributeDict["opacity"];
                    layer.Opacity = (byte)(255 * CCUtils.CCParseFloat(opacity));
                    layer.Opacity = 255;

                float x = attributeDict.Keys.Contains("x") ? CCUtils.CCParseFloat(attributeDict["x"]) : 0;
                float y = attributeDict.Keys.Contains("y") ? CCUtils.CCParseFloat(attributeDict["y"]) : 0;
                layer.Offset = new CCPoint(x, y);


                // The parent element is now "layer"
                pTMXMapInfo.ParentElement = (int)CCTMXProperty.Layer;
            else if (elementName == "objectgroup")
                var objectGroup = new CCTMXObjectGroup();
                objectGroup.GroupName = attributeDict["name"];

                CCPoint positionOffset = CCPoint.Zero;
                if (attributeDict.ContainsKey("x"))
                    positionOffset.X = CCUtils.CCParseFloat(attributeDict["x"]) * pTMXMapInfo.TileSize.Width;
                if (attributeDict.ContainsKey("y"))
                    positionOffset.Y = CCUtils.CCParseFloat(attributeDict["y"]) * pTMXMapInfo.TileSize.Height;
                objectGroup.PositionOffset = positionOffset;


                // The parent element is now "objectgroup"
                pTMXMapInfo.ParentElement = (int)CCTMXProperty.ObjectGroup;
            else if (elementName == "image")
                CCTMXTilesetInfo tileset = pTMXMapInfo.Tilesets.LastOrDefault();

                // build full path
                string imagename = attributeDict["source"];
                tileset.m_sSourceImage = CCFileUtils.FullPathFromRelativeFile(imagename, pTMXMapInfo.TMXFileName);
            else if (elementName == "data")
                string encoding    = attributeDict.ContainsKey("encoding") ? attributeDict["encoding"] : "";
                string compression = attributeDict.ContainsKey("compression") ? attributeDict["compression"] : "";

                if (encoding == "base64")
                    int layerAttribs = pTMXMapInfo.LayerAttribs;
                    pTMXMapInfo.LayerAttribs      = layerAttribs | (int)CCTMXLayerAttrib.Base64;
                    pTMXMapInfo.StoringCharacters = true;

                    if (compression == "gzip")
                        layerAttribs             = pTMXMapInfo.LayerAttribs;
                        pTMXMapInfo.LayerAttribs = layerAttribs | (int)CCTMXLayerAttrib.Gzip;
                    else if (compression == "zlib")
                        layerAttribs             = pTMXMapInfo.LayerAttribs;
                        pTMXMapInfo.LayerAttribs = layerAttribs | (int)CCTMXLayerAttrib.Zlib;
                    Debug.Assert(compression == "" || compression == "gzip" || compression == "zlib", "TMX: unsupported compression method");
                Debug.Assert(pTMXMapInfo.LayerAttribs != (int)CCTMXLayerAttrib.None,
                             "TMX tile map: Only base64 and/or gzip/zlib maps are supported");
            else if (elementName == "object")
                CCTMXObjectGroup objectGroup = pTMXMapInfo.ObjectGroups.LastOrDefault();

                // The value for "type" was blank or not a valid class name
                // Create an instance of TMXObjectInfo to store the object and its properties
                var dict = new Dictionary <string, string>();

                var pArray = new[] { "name", "type", "width", "height", "gid" };

                for (int i = 0; i < pArray.Length; i++)
                    string key = pArray[i];
                    if (attributeDict.ContainsKey(key))
                        dict.Add(key, attributeDict[key]);

                // But X and Y since they need special treatment
                // X

                int x = int.Parse(attributeDict["x"]) + (int)objectGroup.PositionOffset.X;
                dict.Add("x", x.ToString());

                int y = int.Parse(attributeDict["y"]) + (int)objectGroup.PositionOffset.Y;
                // Correct y position. (Tiled uses Flipped, cocos2d uses Standard)
                y = (int)(pTMXMapInfo.MapSize.Height * pTMXMapInfo.TileSize.Height) - y -
                    (attributeDict.ContainsKey("height") ? int.Parse(attributeDict["height"]) : 0);
                dict.Add("y", y.ToString());

                // Add the object to the objectGroup

                // The parent element is now "object"
                pTMXMapInfo.ParentElement = (int)CCTMXProperty.Object;
            else if (elementName == "property")
                if (pTMXMapInfo.ParentElement == (int)CCTMXProperty.None)
                    CCLog.Log("TMX tile map: Parent element is unsupported. Cannot add property named '{0}' with value '{1}'",
                              attributeDict["name"], attributeDict["value"]);
                else if (pTMXMapInfo.ParentElement == (int)CCTMXProperty.Map)
                    // The parent element is the map
                    string value = attributeDict["value"];
                    string key   = attributeDict["name"];
                    pTMXMapInfo.Properties.Add(key, value);
                else if (pTMXMapInfo.ParentElement == (int)CCTMXProperty.Layer)
                    // The parent element is the last layer
                    CCTMXLayerInfo layer = pTMXMapInfo.Layers.LastOrDefault();
                    string         value = attributeDict["value"];
                    string         key   = attributeDict["name"];
                    // Add the property to the layer
                    layer.Properties.Add(key, value);
                else if (pTMXMapInfo.ParentElement == (int)CCTMXProperty.ObjectGroup)
                    // The parent element is the last object group
                    CCTMXObjectGroup objectGroup = pTMXMapInfo.ObjectGroups.LastOrDefault();
                    string           value       = attributeDict["value"];
                    string           key         = attributeDict["name"];
                    objectGroup.Properties.Add(key, value);
                else if (pTMXMapInfo.ParentElement == (int)CCTMXProperty.Object)
                    // The parent element is the last object
                    CCTMXObjectGroup            objectGroup = pTMXMapInfo.ObjectGroups.LastOrDefault();
                    Dictionary <string, string> dict        = objectGroup.Objects.LastOrDefault();

                    string propertyName  = attributeDict["name"];
                    string propertyValue = attributeDict["value"];
                    dict.Add(propertyName, propertyValue);
                else if (pTMXMapInfo.ParentElement == (int)CCTMXProperty.Tile)
                    Dictionary <string, string> dict = pTMXMapInfo.TileProperties[pTMXMapInfo.ParentGID];

                    string propertyName  = attributeDict["name"];
                    string propertyValue = attributeDict["value"];
                    dict.Add(propertyName, propertyValue);
            else if (elementName == "polygon")
                // find parent object's dict and add polygon-points to it
                CCTMXObjectGroup objectGroup = m_pObjectGroups.LastOrDefault();
                var dict = objectGroup.Objects.LastOrDefault();

                // get points value string
                var value = attributeDict["points"];
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
                    var pPointsArray = new List <CCPoint>();
                    var pointPairs   = value.Split(' ');

                    foreach (var pontPair in pointPairs)
                        //TODO: Parse points
                        //CCPoint point;
                        //point.X = x + objectGroup.PositionOffset.X;
                        //point.Y = y + objectGroup.PositionOffset.Y;


                    //dict.Add("points", pPointsArray);
            else if (elementName == "polyline")
                // find parent object's dict and add polyline-points to it
                // CCTMXObjectGroup* objectGroup = (CCTMXObjectGroup*)m_pObjectGroups->lastObject();
                // CCDictionary* dict = (CCDictionary*)objectGroup->getObjects()->lastObject();
                // TODO: dict->setObject:[attributeDict objectForKey:@"points"] forKey:@"polylinePoints"];
        public static CCRect CCRectFromString(string pszContent)
            CCRect result = CCRect.Zero;

                if (pszContent == null)

                string content = pszContent;

                // find the first '{' and the third '}'
                int nPosLeft  = content.IndexOf('{');
                int nPosRight = content.IndexOf('}');
                for (int i = 1; i < 3; ++i)
                    if (nPosRight == -1)
                    nPosRight = content.IndexOf('}', nPosRight + 1);
                if (nPosLeft == -1 || nPosRight == -1)
                content = content.Substring(nPosLeft + 1, nPosRight - nPosLeft - 1);
                int nPointEnd = content.IndexOf('}');
                if (nPointEnd == -1)
                nPointEnd = content.IndexOf(',', nPointEnd);
                if (nPointEnd == -1)

                // get the point string and size string
                string pointStr = content.Substring(0, nPointEnd);
                string sizeStr  = content.Substring(nPointEnd + 1);
                //, content.Length - nPointEnd
                // split the string with ','
                List <string> pointInfo = new List <string>();

                if (!CCUtils.SplitWithForm(pointStr, pointInfo))
                List <string> sizeInfo = new List <string>();
                if (!CCUtils.SplitWithForm(sizeStr, sizeInfo))

                float x      = CCUtils.CCParseFloat(pointInfo[0]);
                float y      = CCUtils.CCParseFloat(pointInfo[1]);
                float width  = CCUtils.CCParseFloat(sizeInfo[0]);
                float height = CCUtils.CCParseFloat(sizeInfo[1]);

                result = new CCRect(x, y, width, height);
            } while (false);

        public bool Parse(string str, int length)
            TextReader textReader = new StringReader(str);
            var        setting    = new XmlReaderSettings();

#if !PSM
            setting.DtdProcessing = DtdProcessing.Ignore;
            XmlReader xmlReader = XmlReader.Create(textReader, setting);
            int       dataindex = 0;

            int Width  = 0;
            int Height = 0;

            while (xmlReader.Read())
                string name = xmlReader.Name;

                switch (xmlReader.NodeType)
                case XmlNodeType.Element:

                    string[] attrs = null;

                    if (name == "map")
                        Width  = CCUtils.CCParseInt(xmlReader.GetAttribute("width"));
                        Height = CCUtils.CCParseInt(xmlReader.GetAttribute("height"));

                    if (xmlReader.HasAttributes)
                        attrs = new string[xmlReader.AttributeCount * 2];
                        int i = 0;
                        attrs[0] = xmlReader.Name;
                        attrs[1] = xmlReader.Value;
                        i       += 2;

                        while (xmlReader.MoveToNextAttribute())
                            attrs[i]     = xmlReader.Name;
                            attrs[i + 1] = xmlReader.Value;
                            i           += 2;

                        // Move the reader back to the element node.
                    StartElement(this, name, attrs);

                    byte[] buffer = null;

                    //read data content of tmx file
                    if (name == "data")
                        if (attrs != null)
                            string encoding = "";
                            for (int i = 0; i < attrs.Length; i++)
                                if (attrs[i] == "encoding")
                                    encoding = attrs[i + 1];

                            if (encoding == "base64")
                                int dataSize = (Width * Height * 4) + 1024;
                                buffer = new byte[dataSize];
                                xmlReader.ReadElementContentAsBase64(buffer, 0, dataSize);
                                string value = xmlReader.ReadElementContentAsString();
                                buffer = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(value);

                        TextHandler(this, buffer, buffer.Length);
                        EndElement(this, name);
                    else if (name == "key" || name == "integer" || name == "real" || name == "string")
                        string value = xmlReader.ReadElementContentAsString();
                        buffer = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(value);
                        TextHandler(this, buffer, buffer.Length);
                        EndElement(this, name);
                    else if (xmlReader.IsEmptyElement)
                        EndElement(this, name);

                case XmlNodeType.EndElement:
                    EndElement(this, xmlReader.Name);


        public static void Init(GraphicsDevice graphicsDevice)
            CCDrawManager.graphicsDevice = graphicsDevice;

            spriteBatch = new SpriteBatch(graphicsDevice);

            m_defaultEffect = new BasicEffect(graphicsDevice);

            PrimitiveEffect = new BasicEffect(graphicsDevice)
                TextureEnabled     = false,
                VertexColorEnabled = true

            m_DepthEnableStencilState = new DepthStencilState
                DepthBufferEnable      = true,
                DepthBufferWriteEnable = true,
                TwoSidedStencilMode    = true

            m_DepthDisableStencilState = new DepthStencilState
                DepthBufferEnable = false
            List <string> extensions = CCUtils.GetGLExtensions();
            foreach (string s in extensions)
                switch (s)
                case "GL_OES_depth24":
                    m_PlatformDepthFormat = DepthFormat.Depth24;

                case "GL_IMG_texture_npot":
                    m_AllowNonPower2Textures = true;

                case "GL_NV_depth_nonlinear":     // nVidia Depth 16 non-linear
                    m_PlatformDepthFormat = DepthFormat.Depth16;

                case "GL_NV_texture_npot_2D_mipmap":     // nVidia - nPot textures and mipmaps
                    m_AllowNonPower2Textures = true;
            PresentationParameters pp = graphicsDevice.PresentationParameters;
            //pp.RenderTargetUsage = RenderTargetUsage.PreserveContents;
            //_renderTarget = new RenderTarget2D(graphicsDevice, pp.BackBufferWidth, (int)pp.BackBufferHeight, false, pp.BackBufferFormat, pp.DepthStencilFormat, pp.MultiSampleCount, RenderTargetUsage.PreserveContents);

            m_fScaleY           = 1.0f;
            m_fScaleX           = 1.0f;
            m_eResolutionPolicy = ResolutionPolicy.UnKnown;

            m_obViewPortRect = new CCRect(0, 0, pp.BackBufferWidth, pp.BackBufferHeight);
            m_obScreenSize   = m_obDesignResolutionSize = m_obViewPortRect.Size;
