private static HashSet <ResourceData> ScanObjectData(NodeObjectData parentNodeData) { PropertyAccessorHandler[] resourceProperties = parentNodeData.GetResourceProperties(); HashSet <ResourceData> hashSet = new HashSet <ResourceData>(); if (resourceProperties != null) { PropertyAccessorHandler[] array = resourceProperties; for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++) { PropertyAccessorHandler propertyAccessorHandler = array[i]; ResourceItemData resourceItemData = propertyAccessorHandler.GetValue(parentNodeData, null) as ResourceItemData; if (resourceItemData != null) { hashSet.Add(resourceItemData); } } } if (parentNodeData.Children != null) { foreach (NodeObjectData current in parentNodeData.Children) { hashSet.UnionWith(GameProjectContent.ScanObjectData(current)); } } return(hashSet); }
private static PropertyAccessorHandler[] CreateProperties(Type type) { PropertyInfo[] properties = type.GetProperties(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public); PropertyAccessorHandler[] array = new PropertyAccessorHandler[properties.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++) { array[i] = new PropertyAccessorHandler(properties[i]); } return(array); }
private static PropertyAccessorHandler[] CreateProperties(Type type) { PropertyInfo[] properties = type.GetProperties(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public); PropertyAccessorHandler[] propertyAccessorHandlerArray = new PropertyAccessorHandler[properties.Length]; for (int index = 0; index < propertyAccessorHandlerArray.Length; ++index) { propertyAccessorHandlerArray[index] = new PropertyAccessorHandler(properties[index]); } return(propertyAccessorHandlerArray); }
private static bool UpdateResourcesInObjectData(NodeObjectData parentNodeData, ChangedResourceCollection changedResourceCollection) { PropertyAccessorHandler[] resourceProperties = parentNodeData.GetResourceProperties(); bool result; if (resourceProperties == null) { result = false; } else { bool flag = false; PropertyAccessorHandler[] array = resourceProperties; for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++) { PropertyAccessorHandler propertyAccessorHandler = array[i]; ResourceItemData resourceItemData = propertyAccessorHandler.GetValue(parentNodeData, null) as ResourceItemData; if (!(resourceItemData == null)) { ResourceFile resourceFile = null; if (changedResourceCollection.TryGetValue(resourceItemData, out resourceFile)) { if (resourceFile != null) { resourceItemData.Update(resourceFile.GetResourceData()); } else { propertyAccessorHandler.SetValue(parentNodeData, null, null); } if (!flag) { flag = true; } } } } if (parentNodeData.Children != null) { foreach (NodeObjectData current in parentNodeData.Children) { bool flag2 = GameProjectContent.UpdateResourcesInObjectData(current, changedResourceCollection); if (!flag && flag2) { flag = flag2; } } } result = flag; } return(result); }
private static NodeObject ConvertObject(NodeObjectData objectData, GameProjectLoadResult gResult, Dictionary <int, VisualObject> objectDictionary) { Type viewModelType = Services.ProjectsService.DataModelManager.GetViewModelType(objectData.GetType()); NodeObject nodeObject = Activator.CreateInstance(viewModelType, true) as NodeObject; NodeObject result; if (nodeObject == null) { result = null; } else { nodeObject.IsAutoSize = objectData.IsAutoSize; PropertyAccessorHandler[] properties = objectData.GetProperties(); PropertyAccessorHandler[] array = properties; for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++) { PropertyAccessorHandler propertyAccessorHandler = array[i]; string propertyName = propertyAccessorHandler.PropertyName; if (!(propertyName == "Children")) { PropertyInfo property = nodeObject.GetType().GetProperty(propertyName); object obj = propertyAccessorHandler.GetValue(objectData, null); if (property != null && obj != null) { object value = obj; if (!property.PropertyType.Equals(propertyAccessorHandler.PropertyType)) { if (!(obj is IDataConvert)) { string message = string.Format("Property type are not same, the item is {0}, ViewType is {1}, DataType is {2}, Can use IDataConvert interface to convert.", nodeObject.GetType().Name, property.PropertyType.Name, propertyAccessorHandler.PropertyType.Name); throw new InvalidCastException(message); } value = ((IDataConvert)obj).CreateViewModel(); } property.SetValue(nodeObject, value, null); } } } if (!objectDictionary.ContainsKey(nodeObject.ActionTag)) { objectDictionary.Add(nodeObject.ActionTag, nodeObject); } if (objectData != null) { ((IDataInitialize)objectData).DataInitialize(nodeObject); } Type type = nodeObject.GetType(); if (gResult.TypeIndex.ContainsKey(type)) { if (nodeObject.ObjectIndex > gResult.TypeIndex[type]) { gResult.TypeIndex[type] = nodeObject.ObjectIndex; } } else { gResult.TypeIndex.Add(type, nodeObject.ObjectIndex); } if (objectData.Children != null) { foreach (NodeObjectData current in objectData.Children) { NodeObject item = GameProjectLoader.ConvertObject(current, gResult, objectDictionary); nodeObject.Children.Add(item); } } nodeObject.IsAutoSize = false; result = nodeObject; } return(result); }