protected override void Initialize() { Map = new Map(); Camera = new Camera2D(Vector2.Zero, Map.Width - 800, Map.Height - 600); Car = new Car(new Vector2(XNAGame.I.Width / 2 + 50, XNAGame.I.Height / 2 + 50)); Wall = new Wall(new Vector2(XNAGame.I.Width / 2 + 50, XNAGame.I.Height / 2 + 500), 100, 16); info = new Text("", "Speed: 0 - Angle: 0", new Vector2(0, 20)); Music = new Music("track"); Music.Play(true); }
protected override void Initialize() { Background = new Sprite(new Vector2(0, 0)); Background.Texture = Cache.Picture("bgtitle"); Title = new Sprite(new Vector2(-900, 50)); Title.Texture = Cache.Picture("title"); Car = new Sprite(new Vector2(-300, 100)); Car.Texture = Cache.Texture("carBlue"); Music = new Music("mainmenu"); Music.Play(true); Music.Volume = 0.0f; Speedway = new Sample("speedway"); Speedway.Pitch = 0.2f; Help = new HelpText(new Vector2(400, 550)); Help.Alignment = TextAlignment.Center; Help.Color = Color.Red; Help.Outline = 1; Help.AddText("Start driving ASAP"); Help.AddText("Be the number one!"); Help.AddText("Change the game options"); Help.AddText("Exit the game"); Help.AddText("Sets the music volume level"); Help.AddText("Sets the sounds volume level"); Help.AddText("Switch between fullscreen and windowed"); Help.AddText("Return to the main menu"); Help.Index = 0; Help.Visible = false; MainMenu = new CoRe.GUI.WindowCommand.TextOnly(new Vector2(270, 350)); MainMenu.AddCommand("Quick Race", ClickQuickRace); MainMenu.AddCommand("Championship", ClickChampionship); MainMenu.AddCommand("Options", ClickOptions); MainMenu.AddCommand("Exit", (Command c) => { XNAGame.I.Finish(); }); MainMenu.Font = "Ethnocentric"; MainMenu.Spacing = 40; MainMenu.Outline = 2; MainMenu.MoveSound = "broumbroum__sf3-sfx-menu-select"; MainMenu.SelectSound = "runnerpack__menusel"; OptionMenu = new CoRe.GUI.WindowCommand.TextOnly(new Vector2(270, 350)); OptionMenu.AddCommand("Music Volume: "+((int)Music.DefaultVolume*100).ToString()+"%", ClickMusicVolume); OptionMenu.AddCommand("Sounds Volume: "+((int)Sample.DefaultVolume * 100).ToString() + "%", ClickSoundVolume); if (XNAGame.Instance.Graphics.IsFullScreen) { OptionMenu.AddCommand("Fullscreen: ON", ClickFullscreen); } else { OptionMenu.AddCommand("Fullscreen: OFF", ClickFullscreen); } OptionMenu.AddCommand("Back", ClickBack); OptionMenu.Font = "Ethnocentric"; OptionMenu.Spacing = 40; OptionMenu.Outline = 2; OptionMenu.MoveSound = "broumbroum__sf3-sfx-menu-select"; OptionMenu.SelectSound = "runnerpack__menusel"; MainMenu.Off(); OptionMenu.Off(); MainMenu.Position = new Vector2((XNAGame.I.Width - MainMenu.Width) / 2, 350); OptionMenu.Position = new Vector2((XNAGame.I.Width - OptionMenu.Width) / 2, 350); Speedway.Play(); }