        public string AddUrl(string uri, string type)
            var urlAlreadyAdded = (from u in Urls
                                  where u.URL == uri &&
                                        u.Type == type
                                  select u).FirstOrDefault();
            if (urlAlreadyAdded == null)
                var newHuid = new Huid(Name, Version, Arch.ToString(), this.Publisher.PublicKeyToken, uri, type);

                var urlToAdd = new Url() {URL = uri, Type = type, url_guid= (string)newHuid};
                return (string) newHuid;

            return urlAlreadyAdded.url_guid;
        private void addAssemblyGuidsAndIds()

            foreach (XmlElement e in SelectNodes(doc, "//in:Assembly"))
                var src = SelectSingleNode(e,"@Src").Value;

                var assmHuid = new Huid(PackageName, PackageVersion, PackageArch, PackagePubToken, src);
                addAttrib("component_guid", (string)assmHuid, e);

                var compId = CreateValidIdStr(assmHuid);
                addAttrib("component_id", compId, e);

                //we also add in proper Type, very simple to do

                if (e.Attributes["Arch"].Value == "x86" || e.Attributes["Arch"].Value == "x64")
                    e.SetAttribute("type", "win32");
                else if (e.Attributes["Arch"].Value == "any" && e.Attributes["Platform"].Value == "MSIL")
                    //its msil
                    e.SetAttribute("type", ".net");

        //TODO: Policy assemblies only really work on native assemblies, not .NET
        private void addPolicyAssemblyGuidsAndIds()
            var sl = roles.OfType<SharedLib>();
            var pas = from s in sl
                     from pa in s.Files.PolicyAssembly
                     select pa;

            foreach (var pa in pas)
                Huid assmHuid;
                if (pa.Arch == Arch.any)
                    pa.type = ".net";
                    assmHuid =  new Huid(PackageName, PackageVersion, PackageArch, PackagePubToken, pa.Src);

                    pa.type = "win32";
                    assmHuid = new Huid(PackageName, PackageVersion, PackageArch, PackagePubToken, pa.Manifest.Src);


                pa.component_guid = (string)assmHuid;

                var compId = CreateValidIdStr(assmHuid);
                pa.component_id = compId;

        /// <summary>
        /// Policy Assemblies are given Guids and Ids. Additionally their types are set.
        /// </summary>
        private void addPolicyAssemblyGuidsAndIds()
            foreach (XmlElement e in SelectNodes(doc, "//in:PolicyAssembly"))

                var src = (from XmlElement child in e.ChildNodes
                          where child.LocalName == "Manifest"
                          select child.Attributes["Src"].Value).FirstOrDefault();

                var assmHuid = new Huid(PackageName, PackageVersion, PackageArch, PackagePubToken, src);
                addAttrib("component_guid", (string)assmHuid, e);

                var compId = CreateValidIdStr(assmHuid);
                addAttrib("component_id", compId, e);

                //we also add in proper Type, very simple to do

                if (e.Attributes["Arch"].Value == "x86" || e.Attributes["Arch"].Value == "x64")
                    e.SetAttribute("type", "win32");
                else if (e.Attributes["Arch"].Value == "any" && e.Attributes["Platform"].Value == "MSIL")
                    //its msil
                    e.SetAttribute("type", ".net");

        //TODO: Why does the old version of this method check for ARCH?
        private void addFileGuidsAndIds()
            foreach (var f in outerFiles.Cast<FileType>())
                var fileHuid = new Huid(PackageName, PackageVersion, PackageArch, PackagePubToken, f.Src);
                f.component_guid = (string) fileHuid;

                var compid = CreateValidIdStr(fileHuid);
                f.component_id = compid;
        private void addInstallPropertyGuids()
            foreach (XmlElement e in SelectNodes(doc, "//in:InstallProperties/in:Property"))
                var parentHuid = e.ParentNode.ParentNode.Attributes["role_guid"].Value;
                var type = e.Attributes["Type"].Value;
                var link = e.Attributes["Link"].Value;
                var target = e.Attributes["Target"].Value;

                var propHuid = new Huid(PackageName, PackageVersion, PackageArch, PackagePubToken, "property", parentHuid, type, link, target);
                addAttrib("prop_guid", (string)propHuid, e);
        private void addAssemblyGuidsAndIds()
            var assms = from r in roles
                        where r.GetType() == typeof (SharedLib)
                        from a in ((SharedLib) r).Files.Assembly
                        select a;

            foreach (var a in assms)
                var src = a.Src;

                var assmHuid = new Huid(PackageName, PackageVersion, PackageArch, PackagePubToken, src);
                a.component_guid = (string) assmHuid;

                var compId = CreateValidIdStr(assmHuid);
                a.component_id = compId;

                //we also add in proper Type, very simple to do

                if (a.Arch == Arch.x86 || a.Arch == Arch.x64)
                    a.type = "win32";

                else if (a.Arch == Arch.any )
                    a.type = ".net";
        internal XmlNode SelectSingleNode(XmlNode n, string xpath)
            return n.SelectSingleNode(xpath, nsMgr);

        internal XmlNodeList SelectNodes(XmlNode n, string xpath)
            return n.SelectNodes(xpath, nsMgr);

        /// <summary>
        /// Gets all the files in the package that don't belong to an assembly or the independent files.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>an XmlNodeList containing all the nodes corresponding to the independent files</returns>
        private XmlNodeList getIndependentFiles()
            //get immediate children of SharedLib
            string xpathStr = "/in:Package/in:SharedLib/in:Files/in:File";
            //get nonimmediate children of SharedLib
            xpathStr += "|/in:Package/in:SharedLib/in:Files/in:Folder//in:File";

            //get immediate children of DevLib
            xpathStr +=  "|/in:Package/in:DeveloperLib/in:Includes/in:File";
            //get nonimmediate children of DevLib
            xpathStr +=  "|/in:Package/in:DeveloperLib/in:Includes//in:File";
            //get LibFiles
            xpathStr += "|/in:Package/in:DeveloperLib/in:Includes//in:LibFile";
            xpathStr += "|/in:Package/in:DeveloperLib/in:Includes//in:LibFile";

            //get immediate children of SourceCode
            xpathStr +=  "|/in:Package/in:SourceCode/in:CodeFiles/in:File";
            //get nonimmediate children of SourceCode
            xpathStr +=  "|/in:Package/in:SourceCode/in:CodeFiles/in:Folder//in:File";

            xpathStr += "|/in:Package/in:AppRole/in:AppFiles/in:File";
            xpathStr += "|/in:Package/in:AppRole/in:AppFiles/in:ExeFile";
            xpathStr += "|/in:Package/in:AppRole/in:AppFiles/in:Folder//in:File";

            return SelectNodes(doc, xpathStr);
        /// <summary>
        /// Takes Huid and turns it into a valid Msi Id. May be the most evil code ever written.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="h">a Huid that you want to turn into an Msi Id</param>
        /// <returns>an Id string corresponding to h</returns>
        private static String CreateValidIdStr(Huid h)
            return "s_" + ((string)h).MakeSafeDirectoryId().Replace("{","").Replace("}","");
        private int main(string[] args)
            var options = args.Switches();
            var parameters = args.Parameters();

            #region Parse Options

                foreach (string arg in options.Keys)
                    IEnumerable<string> argumentParameters = options[arg];

                    switch (arg)
                        /* global switches */
                        case "load-config":
                            // all ready done, but don't get too picky.
                        case "nologo":

                        case "verbose":
                            verbose = true;

                        case "help":
                            return Help();

                        case "cert-file":
                            certFile = argumentParameters.First();
                        case "cert-pass":
                            certPass = argumentParameters.First();
                        case "msm-dir":
                            msmDir = argumentParameters.First();
                        case "version":
                            version = argumentParameters.First();



                _candle = new ProcessUtility(ProgramFinder.ProgramFilesAndDotNet.ScanForFile("candle.exe"));
                _light = new ProcessUtility(ProgramFinder.ProgramFilesAndDotNet.ScanForFile("light.exe"));

                _signTool = new ProcessUtility(ProgramFinder.ProgramFilesAndDotNet.ScanForFile("signTool.exe"));

                var pfxStore = PfxStoreLoader.Load(certFile, certPass);
                if (pfxStore != null)
                    var codeSigningCert = pfxStore.FindCodeSigningCert();
                    if (codeSigningCert == null)
                        return Fail("No code signing certificate found.");
                    return Fail("Couldn't open the certificate file.");

                var files = Directory.EnumerateFiles(msmDir, "*.msm", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly);
                var groups = from f in files
                             let fi = new FileInfo(f)
                             where fi.Name.StartsWith("Microsoft") && !fi.Name.Contains("Debug")
                             let version = new String(fi.Name.Split('_')[1].Substring(2).TakeAllBut(1).ToArray())
                             group f by version into versions
                             select new
                                 Version = versions.Key,
                                 ArchGroups = (from a in versions

                                               let possArch = new String(a.TakeAllBut(4).TakeFromEnd(3).ToArray())

                                               group a by possArch into archs
                                               select new
                                                   Arch = archs.Key,
                                                   Files = archs


                foreach (var g in groups)
                    var vers = g.Version;

                    if (version == null || version.ExtendVersion() == vers.ExtendVersion())

                        foreach (var a in g.ArchGroups)
                            Console.WriteLine("Building {0} for {1}".format(vers, a.Arch));
                            var outputFile = "{0}-{1}-{2}.msi".format("VC", vers.ExtendVersion(), a.Arch);
                            XDocument wix;
                            var huid = new Huid("Visual C/C++ Runtime Library", vers.ExtendVersion(), a.Arch, "");

                            using (var reader = new StringReader(Resources.WixTemplate))
                                wix = XDocument.Load(reader);

                            var productTag = wix.Descendants("Product").First();

                            var targetDir = (from d in productTag.Descendants()
                                             where d.Name == "Directory" &&
                                                 d.Attribute("Id").Value == "TARGETDIR"
                                             select d).First();

                            productTag.SetAttributeValue("Name", "Visual C/C++ Runtime Library");
                            productTag.SetAttributeValue("Version", vers.ExtendVersion());
                            productTag.SetAttributeValue("Manufacturer", "Microsoft");
                            productTag.SetAttributeValue("Id", huid.ToString());

                            int counter = 0;
                            var ids = new List<int>();
                            foreach (var f in a.Files)
                                    new XElement("Merge",
                                        new XAttribute("Id", "VC" + counter),
                                        new XAttribute("SourceFile", f),
                                        new XAttribute("DiskId", "1"),
                                        new XAttribute("Language", "0")));

                            var feature = productTag.Descendants("Feature").First();
                            foreach (var i in ids)
                                    new XElement("MergeRef",
                                        new XAttribute("Id", "VC" + i)));

                            var packageTag = productTag.Descendants("Package").First();
                            packageTag.SetAttributeValue("Platform", a.Arch);

                            //add the Wix namespace
                            XNamespace wixNS = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/2006/wi";

                            foreach (var n in wix.Descendants())
                                n.Name = wixNS + n.Name.LocalName;

                            var tempPrefix = Path.GetTempFileName();
                            File.WriteAllText(tempPrefix + ".wxs", wix.ToString());

                            if (_candle.Exec("-nologo -sw1075 -out {0}.wixobj {0}.wxs", tempPrefix) != 0)
                                return Fail(_candle.StandardOut);

                            //we suppress the lack of UpgradeCode warning since we don't use them
                            if (_light.Exec("-nologo -sw1076 -out {1} {0}.wixobj", tempPrefix, outputFile) != 0)
                                return Fail(_light.StandardOut);

                            if (!signFile(outputFile))
                                return Fail("Couldn't sign file");



            catch (ConsoleException e)
                return Fail("   {0}", e.Message);
            catch (Exception e)
                return Fail("   {0}", e.Message);

            return 0;