        public static void printTestLabel(string sPrinter, string sLabelFormat)
            LabelSet lsLabels = new LabelSet();

            lsLabels.addPages(sLabelFormat, null);

            lPageList = lsLabels.lPages;

            PrintDocument pd = new PrintDocument();

            pd.PrinterSettings.PrinterName = sPrinter;


            pd.PrintPage += new PrintPageEventHandler(printLabelEvent);
         * When To Print Labels:
         * Main Label: Always printed for members and guests regardless of size
         * Security Label: Same for all label sizes only when needed, can have more than 1 printed via securitylabelsperchild
         * Guest Label: Gets put on the roles and has allergies (greater than or equal to 2 inch)
         * Allergy Label (less than 2 inch): Try to not use this one
         * Location Label: For guest only
         * NameTag label: Prints if not security label is requested
         * If Member (2 inch): Only 1 Label if label
         * If Guest (2 inch): Main, Guest, Security, Location (multiples of each can happen on request)
         * If Member (1 inch): Only 1 label unless more than 1 class
         * If Guess (1 inch): Main, Guest, Security, Location (multiples

        public static void doPrinting(IEnumerable <LabelInfo> q, bool bPrintSingle = false)
            LabelSet lsLabels   = new LabelSet();
            int      iLabelSize = PrinterHelper.getPageHeight(Program.Printer);

            // Adjust all records that are not members to have a "G" for Guest. Fix for iPad sending a "V" instead of a "G"
            foreach (var u in (from c in q where c.mv != "M" select c))
                u.mv = "G";

            var q2 = from c in q
                     where c.n > 0
                     orderby c.first ascending, c.hour descending
            group c by new { c.pid } into g
            select from c in g
            select c;

            if (bPrintSingle)
                string[] sFormats = PrinterHelper.SINGLE;

                foreach (var li in q2)
                    foreach (string sItem in sFormats)
                        lsLabels.addPages(PrinterHelper.fetchLabelFormat(sItem, iLabelSize), li.ToList <LabelInfo>());
                var extras = from e in q
                             where e.n > 1
                             where e.requiressecuritylabel == true
                             orderby e.first ascending, e.hour ascending
                group e by new { e.pid, e.org } into eg
                select from e in eg
                select e;

                var locs = from c in q
                           where c.mv != "M"
                           where c.age < 18
                           where c.n > 0
                           orderby c.first ascending, c.hour ascending
                group c by c.securitycode into g
                select from c in g
                select c;

                foreach (var li in q2)
                    int iPersonSecurityCount = PrinterHelper.getSecurityCount(li);

                    if (iPersonSecurityCount > 0 || li.First().age < 18)
                        string[] sFormats = PrinterHelper.MAIN;
                        foreach (string sItem in sFormats)
                            lsLabels.addPages(PrinterHelper.fetchLabelFormat(sItem, iLabelSize), li.ToList <LabelInfo>());

                        var guestIn = from gi in li
                                      where gi.mv != "M"
                                      select gi;

                        foreach (var guestLabel in guestIn)
                            string[] sGuestFormats = PrinterHelper.GUEST;
                            IEnumerable <LabelInfo> iGuestLabels = new [] { guestLabel };

                            foreach (string sItem in sGuestFormats)
                                lsLabels.addPages(PrinterHelper.fetchLabelFormat(sItem, iLabelSize), iGuestLabels.ToList <LabelInfo>());
                        string[] sFormats = PrinterHelper.NAMETAG;
                        foreach (string sItem in sFormats)
                            lsLabels.addPages(PrinterHelper.fetchLabelFormat(sItem, iLabelSize), li.ToList <LabelInfo>());

                foreach (var le in extras)
                    int iLabels = le.FirstOrDefault().n - 1;

                    for (int iX = 0; iX < iLabels; iX++)
                        lsLabels.addPages(PrinterHelper.fetchLabelFormat("Extra", iLabelSize), le.ToList <LabelInfo>());

                if (lsLabels.getCount() > 0)
                    int iSecurityCount = PrinterHelper.getSecurityCount(q);

                    if (iSecurityCount > 0)
                        var s = q2.First().Take(1).ToList <LabelInfo>();

                        for (int iX = 0; iX < iSecurityCount; iX++)
                            lsLabels.addPages(PrinterHelper.fetchLabelFormat("Security", iLabelSize), s);

                    if (Program.DisableLocationLabels == false)
                        foreach (var lc in locs)
                            lsLabels.addPages(PrinterHelper.fetchLabelFormat("Location", iLabelSize), lc.ToList <LabelInfo>());

            if (Settings1.Default.ExtraBlankLabel == true && q.Count() > 0)

            PrinterHelper.printAllLabels(Program.Printer, lsLabels);
         * When To Print Labels:
         * Main Label: Always printed for members and guests regardless of size
         * Security Label: Same for all label sizes only when needed, can have more than 1 printed via securitylabelsperchild
         * Guest Label: Gets put on the roles and has allergies (greater than or equal to 2 inch)
         * Allergy Label (less than 2 inch): Try to not use this one
         * Location Label: For guest only
         * NameTag label: Prints if not security label is requested
         * If Member (2 inch): Only 1 Label if label
         * If Guest (2 inch): Main, Guest, Security, Location (multiples of each can happen on request)
         * If Member (1 inch): Only 1 label unless more than 1 class
         * If Guess (1 inch): Main, Guest, Security, Location (multiples
        public static void doPrinting(IEnumerable<LabelInfo> q, bool bPrintSingle = false)
            LabelSet lsLabels = new LabelSet();
            int iLabelSize = PrinterHelper.getPageHeight(Program.Printer);

            // Adjust all records that are not members to have a "G" for Guest. Fix for iPad sending a "V" instead of a "G"
            foreach (var u in (from c in q where c.mv != "M" select c)) { u.mv = "G"; }

            var q2 = from c in q
                        where c.n > 0
                        orderby c.first ascending, c.hour descending
                        group c by new { c.pid } into g
                        select from c in g
                                 select c;

            if (bPrintSingle)
                string[] sFormats = PrinterHelper.SINGLE;

                foreach (var li in q2)
                    foreach (string sItem in sFormats)
                        lsLabels.addPages(PrinterHelper.fetchLabelFormat(sItem, iLabelSize), li.ToList<LabelInfo>());
                var extras = from e in q
                                 where e.n > 1
                                 where e.requiressecuritylabel == true
                                 orderby e.first ascending, e.hour ascending
                                 group e by new { e.pid, e.org } into eg
                                 select from e in eg
                                          select e;

                var locs = from c in q
                              where c.mv != "M"
                              where c.age < 13
                              where c.n > 0
                              orderby c.first ascending, c.hour ascending
                              group c by c.securitycode into g
                              select from c in g
                                        select c;

                foreach (var li in q2)
                    int iPersonSecurityCount = PrinterHelper.getSecurityCount(li);

                    if (iPersonSecurityCount > 0 || li.First().age < 13)
                        string[] sFormats = PrinterHelper.MAIN;
                        foreach (string sItem in sFormats)
                            lsLabels.addPages(PrinterHelper.fetchLabelFormat(sItem, iLabelSize), li.ToList<LabelInfo>());

                        var guestIn = from gi in li
                                          where gi.mv != "M"
                                          select gi;

                        foreach (var guestLabel in guestIn)
                            string[] sGuestFormats = PrinterHelper.GUEST;
                            IEnumerable<LabelInfo> iGuestLabels = new[] { guestLabel };

                            foreach (string sItem in sGuestFormats)
                                lsLabels.addPages(PrinterHelper.fetchLabelFormat(sItem, iLabelSize), iGuestLabels.ToList<LabelInfo>());

                        string[] sFormats = PrinterHelper.NAMETAG;
                        foreach (string sItem in sFormats)
                            lsLabels.addPages(PrinterHelper.fetchLabelFormat(sItem, iLabelSize), li.ToList<LabelInfo>());

                foreach (var le in extras)
                    int iLabels = le.FirstOrDefault().n - 1;

                    for (int iX = 0; iX < iLabels; iX++)
                        lsLabels.addPages(PrinterHelper.fetchLabelFormat("Extra", iLabelSize), le.ToList<LabelInfo>());

                if (lsLabels.getCount() > 0)
                    int iSecurityCount = PrinterHelper.getSecurityCount(q);

                    if (iSecurityCount > 0)
                        var s = q2.First().Take(1).ToList<LabelInfo>();

                        for (int iX = 0; iX < iSecurityCount; iX++)
                            lsLabels.addPages(PrinterHelper.fetchLabelFormat("Security", iLabelSize), s);

                    if (Program.DisableLocationLabels == false)
                        foreach (var lc in locs)
                            lsLabels.addPages(PrinterHelper.fetchLabelFormat("Location", iLabelSize), lc.ToList<LabelInfo>());

            if (Settings1.Default.ExtraBlankLabel == true && q.Count() > 0) lsLabels.addBlank();

            PrinterHelper.printAllLabels(Program.Printer, lsLabels);
        public static void printTestLabel(string sPrinter, string sLabelFormat)
            LabelSet lsLabels = new LabelSet();
            lsLabels.addPages(sLabelFormat, null);

            lPageList = lsLabels.lPages;

            PrintDocument pd = new PrintDocument();
            pd.PrinterSettings.PrinterName = sPrinter;


            pd.PrintPage += new PrintPageEventHandler(printLabelEvent);