private IEnumerator RestartGame() { if (isRestarting || isSolved || isClosing) { yield return(null); } if (iTween.Count() > 0) { iTween.Stop(); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.1f)); } playAudioEvent(settings.audioRestartButton); if (settings.restartParticleObj != null) { GameObject gameObject = UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate(settings.restartParticleObj, arrowContainer); gameObject.transform.localPosition = settings.restartOffset; gameObject.transform.localScale =; gameObject.layer = LayerMask.NameToLayer("UI"); ParticleSystem component = gameObject.GetComponent <ParticleSystem>(); if (component != null) { component.SetStartColor(settings.restartParticleColour); component.Play(); } } isRestarting = true; arrowLeft.transform.localScale =; arrowRight.transform.localScale =; arrowUp.transform.localScale =; arrowDown.transform.localScale =; setArrowState(arrowLeft, turnArrowOff); setArrowState(arrowRight, turnArrowOff); setArrowState(arrowUp, turnArrowOff); setArrowState(arrowDown, turnArrowOff); focusObj = null; oldFocus = null; previousSelection = null; isSolved = false; solveCount = 0; isAutoSelectDone = false; isMoving = false; isClosing = false; hasMadeMove = false; touchPositionOrigin = INVALID_COORDINATE; gameBoard = new BlockAndLockBoardData[settings.GridWidth, settings.GridHeight]; for (int i = 0; i < settings.GridHeight; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < settings.GridWidth; j++) { BlockAndLockBoardData blockAndLockBoardData = gameBoardSaved[j, i]; gameBoard[j, i] = blockAndLockBoardData; switch (blockAndLockBoardData.Category) { case PieceCategory.MoveableObject: { GameObject gameObject = moveableObjects[blockAndLockBoardData.Id]; gameObject.SetActive(value: true); Vector2 vector = GridToPosition(j, i); gameObject.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(vector.x, vector.y, 0f); BlockAndLockPiece component2 = gameObject.GetComponent <BlockAndLockPiece>(); if (component2 != null) { component2.Reset(); } break; } case PieceCategory.SolvePosition: { GameObject gameObject = solveObjects[blockAndLockBoardData.Id]; gameObject.SetActive(value: true); Vector2 vector = GridToPosition(j, i); gameObject.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(vector.x, vector.y, 0f); BlockAndLockPiece component2 = gameObject.GetComponent <BlockAndLockPiece>(); if (component2 != null) { component2.Reset(); } break; } } } } for (int k = 0; k < maxPieces; k++) { prevBoardData[k] = new BlockAndLockBoardData(PieceCategory.Empty, 0); } hasMadeMove = false; restartButton.SetActive(value: false); isRestarting = false; }
private void Update() { if (!hasInitalizedPuzzle || isSolved || isMoving || isRestarting || isClosing) { return; } Vector3 touchPosition; TouchPhaseExtended touchPhaseExtended = getTouchPhase(out touchPosition); if (moveableObjects.Count == 1 && !isAutoSelectDone) { touchPhaseExtended = TouchPhaseExtended.Ended; foreach (KeyValuePair <int, GameObject> moveableObject in moveableObjects) { focusObj = moveableObject.Value; } previousSelection = null; isAutoSelectDone = true; touchPosition = (oldPos = focusObj.transform.position); } RaycastHit hitInfo; switch (touchPhaseExtended) { case TouchPhaseExtended.Began: isTap = false; if (touchPositionOrigin == INVALID_COORDINATE) { touchPositionOrigin = touchPosition; } oldPos = touchPosition; focusHit = GetPixelHit(touchPosition); if (focusHit.collider != null) { focusObj = focusHit.collider.gameObject; } else { focusObj = null; } if (focusObj != oldFocus) { if (oldFocus != null) { BlockAndLockPiece component = oldFocus.GetComponent <BlockAndLockPiece>(); component.PixelMouseExit(); } if (focusObj != null) { BlockAndLockPiece component = focusObj.GetComponent <BlockAndLockPiece>(); component.PixelMouseOver(); } oldFocus = focusObj; } if (focusObj != null && bkgArtworkColl.Raycast(guiCam.ScreenPointToRay(touchPosition), out hitInfo, 500f)) { pickupOffset = focusObj.transform.position - hitInfo.point; pickupOffset.z = 0f; } break; case TouchPhaseExtended.Moved: if (focusObj != null && bkgArtworkColl.Raycast(guiCam.ScreenPointToRay(touchPosition), out hitInfo, 500f)) { BlockAndLockPiece component = focusObj.GetComponent <BlockAndLockPiece>(); Vector3 newPos = hitInfo.point + pickupOffset; newPos.z = 0f; if (newPos.x < xMin) { newPos.x = xMin; } else if (newPos.x > xMax) { newPos.x = xMax; } if (newPos.y < yMin) { newPos.y = yMin; } else if (newPos.y > yMax) { newPos.y = yMax; } component.PixelMouseDrag(newPos); } break; case TouchPhaseExtended.Ended: { if (!(focusObj != null)) { break; } if (Vector3.Distance(oldPos, touchPosition) < swipeThreshold) { isTap = true; } else { isTap = false; } BlockAndLockPiece component = focusObj.GetComponent <BlockAndLockPiece>(); if (component != null) { if (component.Category == PieceCategory.MoveableObject) { if (isTap) { Grid2 grid; if (focusObj == previousSelection) { grid = turnArrowOff; previousSelection = null; playAudioEvent(settings.audioDeselectPiece); } else { if (previousSelection != null) { previousSelection.GetComponent <BlockAndLockPiece>().PixelMouseTapped(touchPosition); } previousSelection = focusObj; grid = PositionToGrid(focusObj.transform.localPosition.x, focusObj.transform.localPosition.y); playAudioEvent(settings.audioSelectPiece); } component.PixelMouseTapped(touchPosition); setArrowState(arrowLeft, new Grid2(grid.x - 1, grid.y)); setArrowState(arrowRight, new Grid2(grid.x + 1, grid.y)); setArrowState(arrowUp, new Grid2(grid.x, grid.y - 1)); setArrowState(arrowDown, new Grid2(grid.x, grid.y + 1)); } else { float num = touchPosition.x - touchPositionOrigin.x; float num2 = touchPositionOrigin.y - touchPosition.y; component.Select(); Grid2 grid = PositionToGrid(focusObj.transform.localPosition.x, focusObj.transform.localPosition.y); Grid2 grid2 = new Grid2(grid.x, grid.y); GameObject gameObject; if (Mathf.Abs(num) >= Mathf.Abs(num2)) { gameObject = ((!(num < 0f)) ? arrowRight : arrowLeft); grid2.x += (int)Mathf.Sign(num); } else { gameObject = ((!(num2 < 0f)) ? arrowDown : arrowUp); grid2.y += (int)Mathf.Sign(num2); } if (isWithinGrid(grid2)) { if (previousSelection != null && previousSelection != focusObj) { component = previousSelection.GetComponent <BlockAndLockPiece>(); if (component != null) { component.Deselect(); } } BlockAndLockBoardData blockAndLockBoardData = gameBoard[grid2.x, grid2.y]; if (blockAndLockBoardData.Category == PieceCategory.Empty || blockAndLockBoardData.Category == PieceCategory.SolvePosition) { previousSelection = focusObj; focusObj = gameObject; component = gameObject.GetComponent <BlockAndLockPiece>(); } else { setArrowState(arrowLeft, new Grid2(grid.x - 1, grid.y)); setArrowState(arrowRight, new Grid2(grid.x + 1, grid.y)); setArrowState(arrowUp, new Grid2(grid.x, grid.y - 1)); setArrowState(arrowDown, new Grid2(grid.x, grid.y + 1)); previousSelection = focusObj; } } } } if (component.Category == PieceCategory.Arrow) { playAudioEvent(settings.audioArrowTapped); setArrowState(arrowLeft, turnArrowOff); setArrowState(arrowRight, turnArrowOff); setArrowState(arrowUp, turnArrowOff); setArrowState(arrowDown, turnArrowOff); Grid2 grid = PositionToGrid(previousSelection.transform.localPosition.x, previousSelection.transform.localPosition.y); int id = gameBoard[grid.x, grid.y].Id; Grid2 grid3; int num3; if ( == "ArrowLeft") { grid3 = new Grid2(-1, 0); num3 = grid.x; } else if ( == "ArrowRight") { grid3 = new Grid2(1, 0); num3 = settings.GridWidth - grid.x - 1; } else if ( == "ArrowUp") { grid3 = new Grid2(0, -1); num3 = grid.y; } else if ( == "ArrowDown") { grid3 = new Grid2(0, 1); num3 = settings.GridHeight - grid.y - 1; } else { grid3 = new Grid2(0, 0); num3 = 0; } Grid2 grid4 = new Grid2(grid.x, grid.y); Grid2 grid5 = new Grid2(grid.x, grid.y); bool flag = false; int num4 = 0; bool hitPiece = false; for (int i = 0; i < num3; i++) { grid4.x += grid3.x; grid4.y += grid3.y; num4++; BlockAndLockBoardData blockAndLockBoardData2 = gameBoard[grid4.x, grid4.y]; if (blockAndLockBoardData2.Category != 0) { bool flag2 = true; if (blockAndLockBoardData2.Category == PieceCategory.SolvePosition) { if (blockAndLockBoardData2.Id == id) { grid5 = new Grid2(grid4.x, grid4.y); flag = true; } else { flag2 = false; } } else { if (blockAndLockBoardData2.Category == PieceCategory.MoveableObject) { hitPiece = true; } num4--; } if (flag2) { break; } } grid5 = new Grid2(grid4.x, grid4.y); } currentContents = gameBoard[grid5.x, grid5.y]; float num5 = 0f; float num6 = settings.MoveTimePerCell; for (int i = 0; i < num4; i++) { num5 += num6; num6 -= settings.MoveDecayPerCell; } Vector2 vector = GridToPosition(grid5.x, grid5.y); Vector3 vector2 = new Vector3(vector.x, vector.y, 0f); isMoving = true; if (!hasMadeMove) { hasMadeMove = true; restartButton.SetActive(value: true); } playAudioEvent(settings.audioMovePiece); if (flag) { gameBoard[grid.x, grid.y] = prevBoardData[id]; int id2 = gameBoard[grid5.x, grid5.y].Id; iTween.MoveTo(previousSelection, iTween.Hash("islocal", true, "position", vector2, "easeType", settings.PieceMoveEaseType, "time", num5, "oncomplete", "onMovementLockComplete", "oncompleteparams", id2, "oncompletetarget", base.gameObject)); ParticleSystem component2 = previousSelection.GetComponent <ParticleSystem>(); float num7 = 1f; if (component2 != null) { num7 = component2.main.duration; } float delayTime = num5 + num7; CoroutineRunner.Start(checkIfPuzzleSolved(component, delayTime), this, "checkIfPuzzleSolved"); } else { gameBoard[grid5.x, grid5.y] = gameBoard[grid.x, grid.y]; gameBoard[grid.x, grid.y] = prevBoardData[id]; MoveData moveData = new MoveData(grid5, hitPiece); iTween.MoveTo(previousSelection, iTween.Hash("islocal", true, "position", vector2, "easeType", settings.PieceMoveEaseType, "time", num5, "oncomplete", "onMovementNonLockComplete", "oncompleteparams", moveData, "oncompletetarget", base.gameObject)); } prevBoardData[id] = currentContents; focusObj = null; } } touchPositionOrigin = INVALID_COORDINATE; break; } case TouchPhaseExtended.Canceled: break; case TouchPhaseExtended.Mouse: if (oldPos == touchPosition) { break; } oldPos = touchPosition; focusHit = GetPixelHit(touchPosition); if (focusHit.collider != null) { focusObj = focusHit.collider.gameObject; } else { focusObj = null; } if (!(focusObj != oldFocus)) { break; } if (oldFocus != null) { BlockAndLockPiece component = oldFocus.GetComponent <BlockAndLockPiece>(); if (component != null) { component.PixelMouseExit(); } } if (focusObj != null) { BlockAndLockPiece component = focusObj.GetComponent <BlockAndLockPiece>(); if (component != null) { component.PixelMouseOver(); } } oldFocus = focusObj; break; case TouchPhaseExtended.NoEvent: break; case TouchPhaseExtended.Stationary: break; } }
public bool PuzzleInit() { dispatcher.DispatchEvent(new UIDisablerEvents.DisableUIElement("Joystick")); rectTransform = GetComponent <RectTransform>(); rectTransform.localPosition = new Vector3(0f, 0f, -100f); swipeThreshold = Screen.dpi * 0.4f; if (swipeThreshold <= 0f) { swipeThreshold = 50f; } focusObj = null; oldFocus = null; hasInitalizedPuzzle = false; isSolved = false; pieceCount = 0; solveCount = 0; hasMadeMove = false; isTap = false; solveObjects.Clear(); moveableObjects.Clear(); settings = base.gameObject.GetComponentInParent <BlockAndLockSettings>(); if (settings == null) { throw new MissingComponentException("Could not find BlockAndLockSettings component"); } UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate(settings.AudioPrefab, base.transform); settings.MarkerTopLeft.SetActive(value: false); settings.MarkerBottomRight.SetActive(value: false); gameBoard = new BlockAndLockBoardData[settings.GridWidth, settings.GridHeight]; for (int i = 0; i < settings.GridHeight; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < settings.GridWidth; j++) { gameBoard[j, i] = new BlockAndLockBoardData(PieceCategory.Empty, 0); } } for (int k = 0; k < maxPieces; k++) { prevBoardData[k] = new BlockAndLockBoardData(PieceCategory.Empty, 0); } bkgArtworkObj = base.gameObject.transform.Find("Common/Bkg common").gameObject; if (checkWasFound(bkgArtworkObj, "common background artwork")) { bkgArtworkColl = bkgArtworkObj.GetComponent <Collider>(); if (bkgArtworkColl == null) { Log.LogError(this, $"BlockAndLock - could not find collider on background artwork"); return(false); } bkgArtworkObj.layer = LayerMask.NameToLayer("UI"); } beginArtworkObj = base.gameObject.transform.Find("Begin/Begin artwork").gameObject; if (checkWasFound(beginArtworkObj, "beginning artwork")) { beginArtworkObj.layer = LayerMask.NameToLayer("UI"); } completedArtworkObj = base.gameObject.transform.Find("Completed/Completed Artwork").gameObject; if (checkWasFound(completedArtworkObj, "completed artwork")) { completedArtworkObj.layer = LayerMask.NameToLayer("UI"); completedArtworkObj.SetActive(value: false); } completedAnchorObj = base.gameObject.transform.Find("Completed/Completed particles anchor").gameObject; if (checkWasFound(completedAnchorObj, "Completed particles anchor")) { completedAnchorObj.layer = LayerMask.NameToLayer("UI"); } restartButton = base.gameObject.transform.Find("RestartBtn").gameObject; if (checkWasFound(restartButton, "restart button")) { restartButton.layer = LayerMask.NameToLayer("UI"); restartButton.SetActive(value: false); fieldRestart = restartButton.GetComponentInChildren <Text>(); if (checkWasFound(fieldRestart, "text field on the restart button")) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.RestartToken)) { throw new Exception("BlockAndLock - token for Restart text must be set"); } fieldRestart.text = Service.Get <Localizer>().GetTokenTranslation(settings.RestartToken).ToUpper(); } } arrowContainer = base.gameObject.transform.Find("Arrows"); if (checkWasFound(arrowContainer, "arrow container")) { foreach (Transform item in arrowContainer) { GameObject gameObject = item.transform.gameObject; if (uniqueNames.Contains( { Log.LogError(this, $"Found duplicate arrow piece '{}'. Please make them unique"); return(false); } if ( == "ArrowLeft") { arrowLeft = gameObject; } else if ( == "ArrowRight") { arrowRight = gameObject; } else if ( == "ArrowUp") { arrowUp = gameObject; } else { if (!( == "ArrowDown")) { Log.LogError(this, $"Piece '{}' is not an expected name. Please rename or delete it"); return(false); } arrowDown = gameObject; } uniqueNames.Add(; if (gameObject.GetComponent <Collider>() == null) { gameObject.AddComponent <BoxCollider>(); } BlockAndLockPiece blockAndLockPiece = gameObject.GetComponent <BlockAndLockPiece>(); gameObject.layer = LayerMask.NameToLayer("UI"); if (blockAndLockPiece == null) { blockAndLockPiece = gameObject.AddComponent <BlockAndLockPiece>(); } blockAndLockPiece.Init(PieceCategory.Arrow); } } solveContainer = base.gameObject.transform.Find("Solve Positions"); int result; if (checkWasFound(solveContainer, "solve container")) { foreach (Transform item2 in solveContainer) { GameObject gameObject = item2.transform.gameObject; if (uniqueNames.Contains( { Log.LogError(this, $"'{}'. Please make them unique"); return(false); } Grid2 grid = PositionToGrid(gameObject.transform.localPosition.x, gameObject.transform.localPosition.y); if (gameBoard[grid.x, grid.y].Category != 0) { Log.LogError(this, $"'{}' can't go into grid position ({grid.x}, {grid.y}), it's not empty."); return(false); } uniqueNames.Add(; Match match = Regex.Match(, "\\(([0-9]+)\\)", RegexOptions.None); if (match.Success) { if (!int.TryParse(match.Groups[1].Value, out result)) { Log.LogError(this, string.Format("'{0}' cannot parse matched value of (1)'.",, match.Groups[1].Value)); return(false); } gameBoard[grid.x, grid.y] = new BlockAndLockBoardData(PieceCategory.SolvePosition, result); if (gameObject.GetComponent <Collider>() == null) { gameObject.AddComponent <BoxCollider>(); } gameObject.layer = LayerMask.NameToLayer("UI"); solveObjects.Add(result, gameObject); BlockAndLockPiece blockAndLockPiece = gameObject.GetComponent <BlockAndLockPiece>(); if (blockAndLockPiece == null) { blockAndLockPiece = gameObject.AddComponent <BlockAndLockPiece>(); } blockAndLockPiece.Init(PieceCategory.SolvePosition); continue; } Log.LogError(this, string.Format("'{0}' doesn't have an id, should be named like 'SolvedPostion (1)'.",, grid.x, grid.y)); return(false); } } moveableContainer = base.gameObject.transform.Find("Moveable Positions"); if (moveableContainer == null) { Log.LogError(this, $"could not find moveable container object"); return(false); } foreach (Transform item3 in moveableContainer) { GameObject gameObject = item3.transform.gameObject; if (uniqueNames.Contains( { Log.LogError(this, $"Found duplicate start piece '{}'. Please make them unique"); return(false); } Grid2 grid = PositionToGrid(gameObject.transform.localPosition.x, gameObject.transform.localPosition.y); if (gameBoard[grid.x, grid.y].Category != 0) { Log.LogError(this, $"'{}' can't go into grid position ({grid.x}, {grid.y}), it's not empty."); return(false); } uniqueNames.Add(; Match match = Regex.Match(, "\\(([0-9]+)\\)", RegexOptions.None); if (match.Success) { if (!int.TryParse(match.Groups[1].Value, out result)) { Log.LogError(this, string.Format("'{0}' cannot parse matched value of (1)'.",, match.Groups[1].Value)); return(false); } gameBoard[grid.x, grid.y] = new BlockAndLockBoardData(PieceCategory.MoveableObject, result); if (gameObject.GetComponent <Collider>() == null) { gameObject.AddComponent <BoxCollider>(); } gameObject.layer = LayerMask.NameToLayer("UI"); moveableObjects.Add(result, gameObject); BlockAndLockPiece blockAndLockPiece = gameObject.GetComponent <BlockAndLockPiece>(); if (blockAndLockPiece == null) { blockAndLockPiece = gameObject.AddComponent <BlockAndLockPiece>(); } blockAndLockPiece.Init(PieceCategory.MoveableObject); continue; } Log.LogError(this, string.Format("'{0}' doesn't have an id, should be named like 'StartPostion (1)'.",, grid.x, grid.y)); return(false); } obstacleContainer = base.gameObject.transform.Find("Obstacle Positions"); if (obstacleContainer == null) { Log.LogError(this, $"could not find obstacle container"); return(false); } foreach (Transform item4 in obstacleContainer) { GameObject gameObject = item4.transform.gameObject; if (uniqueNames.Contains( { Log.LogError(this, $"Found duplicate obstacle piece '{}'. Please make them unique"); return(false); } Grid2 grid = PositionToGrid(gameObject.transform.localPosition.x, gameObject.transform.localPosition.y); if (gameBoard[grid.x, grid.y].Category != 0) { Log.LogError(this, $"'{}' can't go into grid position ({grid.x}, {grid.y}), it's not empty."); return(false); } uniqueNames.Add(; Match match = Regex.Match(, "\\(([0-9]+)\\)", RegexOptions.None); if (match.Success) { if (!int.TryParse(match.Groups[1].Value, out result)) { Log.LogError(this, string.Format("'{0}' cannot parse matched value of (1)'.",, match.Groups[1].Value)); return(false); } gameBoard[grid.x, grid.y] = new BlockAndLockBoardData(PieceCategory.Obstacle, result); if (gameObject.GetComponent <Collider>() == null) { gameObject.AddComponent <BoxCollider>(); } gameObject.layer = LayerMask.NameToLayer("UI"); BlockAndLockPiece blockAndLockPiece = gameObject.GetComponent <BlockAndLockPiece>(); if (blockAndLockPiece == null) { blockAndLockPiece = gameObject.AddComponent <BlockAndLockPiece>(); } blockAndLockPiece.Init(PieceCategory.Obstacle); continue; } Log.LogError(this, string.Format("'O_o\t BlockAndLockController.Start: ''{0}' doesn't have an id, should be named like 'ObstaclePostion (1)'.",, grid.x, grid.y)); return(false); } if (moveableObjects.Count != solveObjects.Count) { Log.LogError(this, $"the number of moveable positions and solve positions must match ({moveableObjects.Count} != {solveObjects.Count})"); return(false); } pieceCount = solveObjects.Count; guiCam = GameObject.Find("PopupCamera").GetComponentInChildren <Camera>(); if (guiCam == null) { Log.LogError(this, $"Can't find the GUI camera"); return(false); } CalculateScreenExtents(); gameBoardSaved = new BlockAndLockBoardData[settings.GridWidth, settings.GridHeight]; for (int i = 0; i < settings.GridHeight; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < settings.GridWidth; j++) { gameBoardSaved[j, i] = gameBoard[j, i]; } } touchPositionOrigin = INVALID_COORDINATE; hasInitalizedPuzzle = true; return(true); }