 public static void AddOrUpdateLink(Person follower, Person leader)
     using (var db = new CloutContext())
         db.Following.AddOrUpdate(new Following { PersonId = follower.Id, FollowingId = leader.Id });
 public static IEnumerable<Person> GetFollowers(Person leader)
     using (var db = new CloutContext())
         return (from follower in db.Following
                 join person in db.Person on follower.PersonId equals person.Id
                 where follower.FollowingId == leader.Id
                 select person).ToList();
文件: Engine.cs 项目: wnossair/Clout
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the clout of person
        /// This is a recursive function which traverses the tree up to it's roots
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="leader">The current person's name for which clout is being calculated</param>
        /// <param name="processed">
        /// A list containing the persons for which clout has been processed
        /// This is needed in order to escape loops in the graph
        /// Example: A follows B, B follows A - the recursion will continue infinitely. 
        /// By keeping track of which nodes we already processed we avoid the loop and potential double processing
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>The number of followers for the users</returns>
        private static int GetClout(Person leader, ConcurrentBag<Person> processed = null)
            if (processed == null) processed = new ConcurrentBag<Person>(); // Not created yet? Create it
            if (processed.Contains(leader)) return 0; // Already processed? break the recursion without affecting the calculation


            var followers = DataAccess.GetFollowers(leader);

            // For each follower return the sum of 1 (for the node) and the clout of thier followers
            return followers.Sum(follower => 1 + GetClout(follower, processed));