public void EncodeStructuredModeMessage_V1Attributes() { var cloudEvent = new CloudEvent(CloudEventsSpecVersion.V1_0) { Data = "text", // Just so that it's reasonable to have a DataContentType DataContentType = "text/plain", DataSchema = new Uri("https://data-schema"), Id = "event-id", Source = new Uri("https://event-source"), Subject = "event-subject", Time = new DateTimeOffset(2021, 2, 19, 12, 34, 56, 789, TimeSpan.FromHours(1)), Type = "event-type" }; byte[] encoded = new JsonEventFormatter().EncodeStructuredModeMessage(cloudEvent, out var contentType); Assert.Equal("application/cloudevents+json; charset=utf-8", contentType.ToString()); JObject obj = ParseJson(encoded); var asserter = new JTokenAsserter { { "data", JTokenType.String, "text" }, { "datacontenttype", JTokenType.String, "text/plain" }, { "dataschema", JTokenType.String, "https://data-schema" }, { "id", JTokenType.String, "event-id" }, { "source", JTokenType.String, "https://event-source" }, { "specversion", JTokenType.String, "1.0" }, { "subject", JTokenType.String, "event-subject" }, { "time", JTokenType.String, "2021-02-19T12:34:56.789+01:00" }, { "type", JTokenType.String, "event-type" }, }; asserter.AssertProperties(obj, assertCount: true); }
public void EncodeStructured_BinaryData_DefaultContentTypeIsNotImplied() { var cloudEvent = new CloudEvent { Data = SampleBinaryData }.PopulateRequiredAttributes(); // If a CloudEvent to have binary data but no data content type, // the spec says the data should be placed in data_base64, but the content type // should *not* be defaulted to application/json, as clarified in var encoded = new JsonEventFormatter().EncodeStructuredModeMessage(cloudEvent, out var contentType); Assert.Equal("application/cloudevents+json; charset=utf-8", contentType.ToString()); JObject obj = ParseJson(encoded); var asserter = new JTokenAsserter { { "data_base64", JTokenType.String, SampleBinaryDataBase64 }, { "id", JTokenType.String, "test-id" }, { "source", JTokenType.String, "//test" }, { "specversion", JTokenType.String, "1.0" }, { "type", JTokenType.String, "test-type" }, }; asserter.AssertProperties(obj, assertCount: true); }
public void EncodeStructuredModeMessage_AllAttributeTypes() { var cloudEvent = new CloudEvent(AllTypesExtensions) { ["binary"] = SampleBinaryData, ["boolean"] = true, ["integer"] = 10, ["string"] = "text", ["timestamp"] = SampleTimestamp, ["uri"] = SampleUri, ["urireference"] = SampleUriReference }; // We're not going to check these. cloudEvent.PopulateRequiredAttributes(); JObject obj = EncodeAndParseStructured(cloudEvent); var asserter = new JTokenAsserter { { "binary", JTokenType.String, SampleBinaryDataBase64 }, { "boolean", JTokenType.Boolean, true }, { "integer", JTokenType.Integer, 10 }, { "string", JTokenType.String, "text" }, { "timestamp", JTokenType.String, SampleTimestampText }, { "uri", JTokenType.String, SampleUriText }, { "urireference", JTokenType.String, SampleUriReferenceText }, }; asserter.AssertProperties(obj, assertCount: false); }
public void EncodeStructuredModeMessage_JsonDataType_NumberSerialization() { var cloudEvent = new CloudEvent().PopulateRequiredAttributes(); cloudEvent.Data = 10; cloudEvent.DataContentType = "application/json"; JObject obj = EncodeAndParseStructured(cloudEvent); var asserter = new JTokenAsserter { { "data", JTokenType.Integer, 10 } }; asserter.AssertProperties(obj, assertCount: false); }
public void EncodeStructuredModeMessage_JsonDataType_ObjectSerialization() { var cloudEvent = new CloudEvent().PopulateRequiredAttributes(); cloudEvent.Data = new { Text = "simple text" }; cloudEvent.DataContentType = "application/json"; JObject obj = EncodeAndParseStructured(cloudEvent); JObject dataProperty = (JObject)obj["data"]; var asserter = new JTokenAsserter { { "Text", JTokenType.String, "simple text" } }; asserter.AssertProperties(dataProperty, assertCount: true); }
public void DecodeBinaryModeEventData_Json(string charset) { var encoding = Encoding.GetEncoding(charset); var bytes = encoding.GetBytes(new JObject { ["test"] = NonAsciiValue }.ToString()); var data = DecodeBinaryModeEventData(bytes, $"application/json; charset={charset}"); var obj = Assert.IsType <JObject>(data); var asserter = new JTokenAsserter { { "test", JTokenType.String, NonAsciiValue } }; asserter.AssertProperties(obj, assertCount: true); }
public void EncodeBinaryModeEventData_JsonDataType_ObjectSerialization() { var cloudEvent = new CloudEvent().PopulateRequiredAttributes(); cloudEvent.Data = new { Text = "simple text" }; cloudEvent.DataContentType = "application/json"; byte[] bytes = new JsonEventFormatter().EncodeBinaryModeEventData(cloudEvent); JObject data = ParseJson(bytes); var asserter = new JTokenAsserter { { "Text", JTokenType.String, "simple text" } }; asserter.AssertProperties(data, assertCount: true); }
public void EncodeStructuredModeMessage_JsonDataType_JTokenObject() { var cloudEvent = new CloudEvent().PopulateRequiredAttributes(); cloudEvent.Data = new JObject { ["Key"] = "value" }; cloudEvent.DataContentType = "application/json"; JObject obj = EncodeAndParseStructured(cloudEvent); JObject dataProperty = (JObject)obj["data"] !; var asserter = new JTokenAsserter { { "Key", JTokenType.String, "value" } }; asserter.AssertProperties(dataProperty, assertCount: true); }
public void EncodeBatchModeMessage_TwoEvents() { var event1 = new CloudEvent().PopulateRequiredAttributes(); event1.Id = "event1"; event1.Data = "simple text"; event1.DataContentType = "text/plain"; var event2 = new CloudEvent().PopulateRequiredAttributes(); event2.Id = "event2"; var cloudEvents = new[] { event1, event2 }; var formatter = new JsonEventFormatter(); byte[] bytes = formatter.EncodeBatchModeMessage(cloudEvents, out var contentType); Assert.Equal("application/cloudevents-batch+json; charset=utf-8", contentType.ToString()); var array = ParseJsonArray(bytes); Assert.Equal(2, array.Count); var asserter1 = new JTokenAsserter { { "specversion", JTokenType.String, "1.0" }, { "id", JTokenType.String, event1.Id }, { "type", JTokenType.String, event1.Type }, { "source", JTokenType.String, "//test" }, { "data", JTokenType.String, "simple text" }, { "datacontenttype", JTokenType.String, event1.DataContentType } }; asserter1.AssertProperties((JObject)array[0], assertCount: true); var asserter2 = new JTokenAsserter { { "specversion", JTokenType.String, "1.0" }, { "id", JTokenType.String, event2.Id }, { "type", JTokenType.String, event2.Type }, { "source", JTokenType.String, "//test" }, }; asserter2.AssertProperties((JObject)array[1], assertCount: true); }
public void EncodeBinaryModeEventData_JsonDataType_CustomSerializer() { var cloudEvent = new CloudEvent().PopulateRequiredAttributes(); cloudEvent.Data = new { DateValue = new DateTime(2021, 2, 19, 12, 49, 34, DateTimeKind.Utc) }; cloudEvent.DataContentType = "application/json"; var serializer = new JsonSerializer { DateFormatString = "yyyy-MM-dd" }; var formatter = new JsonEventFormatter(serializer); var bytes = formatter.EncodeBinaryModeEventData(cloudEvent); JObject data = ParseJson(bytes); var asserter = new JTokenAsserter { { "DateValue", JTokenType.String, "2021-02-19" } }; asserter.AssertProperties(data, assertCount: true); }
public void EncodeStructuredModeMessage_JsonDataType_CustomSerializer() { var cloudEvent = new CloudEvent().PopulateRequiredAttributes(); cloudEvent.Data = new { DateValue = new DateTime(2021, 2, 19, 12, 49, 34, DateTimeKind.Utc) }; cloudEvent.DataContentType = "application/json"; var serializer = new JsonSerializer { DateFormatString = "yyyy-MM-dd" }; var formatter = new JsonEventFormatter(serializer); var encoded = formatter.EncodeStructuredModeMessage(cloudEvent, out _); JObject obj = ParseJson(encoded); JObject dataProperty = (JObject)obj["data"] !; var asserter = new JTokenAsserter { { "DateValue", JTokenType.String, "2021-02-19" } }; asserter.AssertProperties(dataProperty, assertCount: true); }
public void EncodeStructured_DefaultContentTypeToApplicationJson() { var cloudEvent = new CloudEvent { Data = new { Key = "value" } }.PopulateRequiredAttributes(); var encoded = new JsonEventFormatter().EncodeStructuredModeMessage(cloudEvent, out var contentType); Assert.Equal("application/cloudevents+json; charset=utf-8", contentType.ToString()); JObject obj = ParseJson(encoded); var asserter = new JTokenAsserter { { "data", JTokenType.Object, cloudEvent.Data }, { "datacontenttype", JTokenType.String, "application/json" }, { "id", JTokenType.String, "test-id" }, { "source", JTokenType.String, "//test" }, { "specversion", JTokenType.String, "1.0" }, { "type", JTokenType.String, "test-type" }, }; asserter.AssertProperties(obj, assertCount: true); }