文件: Clipper.cs 项目: msiyer/Pinta

        internal bool PointIsVertex(IntPoint pt, OutPt pp)
          OutPt pp2 = pp;
            if (PointsEqual(pp2.pt, pt)) return true;
            pp2 = pp2.next;
          while (pp2 != pp);
          return false;
文件: Clipper.cs 项目: msiyer/Pinta

        internal bool PointInPolygon(IntPoint pt, OutPt pp, bool UseFulllongRange)
          OutPt pp2 = pp;
          bool result = false;
          if (UseFulllongRange)
                  if ((((pp2.pt.Y <= pt.Y) && (pt.Y < pp2.prev.pt.Y)) ||
                      ((pp2.prev.pt.Y <= pt.Y) && (pt.Y < pp2.pt.Y))) &&
                      new Int128(pt.X - pp2.pt.X) < 
                      Int128.Int128Mul(pp2.prev.pt.X - pp2.pt.X,  pt.Y - pp2.pt.Y) / 
                      new Int128(pp2.prev.pt.Y - pp2.pt.Y))
                        result = !result;
                  pp2 = pp2.next;
              while (pp2 != pp);
                  if ((((pp2.pt.Y <= pt.Y) && (pt.Y < pp2.prev.pt.Y)) ||
                    ((pp2.prev.pt.Y <= pt.Y) && (pt.Y < pp2.pt.Y))) &&
                    (pt.X - pp2.pt.X < (pp2.prev.pt.X - pp2.pt.X) * (pt.Y - pp2.pt.Y) /
                    (pp2.prev.pt.Y - pp2.pt.Y))) result = !result;
                  pp2 = pp2.next;
              while (pp2 != pp);
          return result;
文件: Clipper.cs 项目: msiyer/Pinta

        private void ReversePolyPtLinks(OutPt pp)
            OutPt pp1;
            OutPt pp2;
            pp1 = pp;
                pp2 = pp1.next;
                pp1.next = pp1.prev;
                pp1.prev = pp2;
                pp1 = pp2;
            } while (pp1 != pp);
文件: Clipper.cs 项目: msiyer/Pinta

        private int PointCount(OutPt pts)
            if (pts == null) return 0;
            int result = 0;
            OutPt p = pts;
                p = p.next;
            while (p != pts);
            return result;
文件: Clipper.cs 项目: msiyer/Pinta

        private bool FirstIsBottomPt(OutPt btmPt1, OutPt btmPt2)
          OutPt p = btmPt1.prev;
          while (PointsEqual(p.pt, btmPt1.pt) && (p != btmPt1)) p = p.prev;
          double dx1p = Math.Abs(GetDx(btmPt1.pt, p.pt));
          p = btmPt1.next;
          while (PointsEqual(p.pt, btmPt1.pt) && (p != btmPt1)) p = p.next;
          double dx1n = Math.Abs(GetDx(btmPt1.pt, p.pt));

          p = btmPt2.prev;
          while (PointsEqual(p.pt, btmPt2.pt) && (p != btmPt2)) p = p.prev;
          double dx2p = Math.Abs(GetDx(btmPt2.pt, p.pt));
          p = btmPt2.next;
          while (PointsEqual(p.pt, btmPt2.pt) && (p != btmPt2)) p = p.next;
          double dx2n = Math.Abs(GetDx(btmPt2.pt, p.pt));
          return (dx1p >= dx2p && dx1p >= dx2n) || (dx1n >= dx2p && dx1n >= dx2n);
文件: Clipper.cs 项目: msiyer/Pinta

        private OutPt GetBottomPt(OutPt pp)
          OutPt dups = null;
          OutPt p = pp.next;
          while (p != pp)
            if (p.pt.Y > pp.pt.Y)
              pp = p;
              dups = null;
            else if (p.pt.Y == pp.pt.Y && p.pt.X <= pp.pt.X)
              if (p.pt.X < pp.pt.X)
                  dups = null;
                  pp = p;
              } else
                if (p.next != pp && p.prev != pp) dups = p;
            p = p.next;
          if (dups != null)
            //there appears to be at least 2 vertices at bottomPt so ...
            while (dups != p)
              if (!FirstIsBottomPt(p, dups)) pp = dups;
              dups = dups.next;
              while (!PointsEqual(dups.pt, pp.pt)) dups = dups.next;
          return pp;
文件: Clipper.cs 项目: msiyer/Pinta

        private OutPt InsertPolyPtBetween(OutPt p1, OutPt p2, IntPoint pt)
            OutPt result = new OutPt();
            result.pt = pt;
            if (p2 == p1.next)
                p1.next = result;
                p2.prev = result;
                result.next = p2;
                result.prev = p1;
            } else
                p2.next = result;
                p1.prev = result;
                result.next = p1;
                result.prev = p2;
            return result;
文件: Clipper.cs 项目: msiyer/Pinta

        private bool FindSegment(ref OutPt pp, ref IntPoint pt1, ref IntPoint pt2)
            if (pp == null) return false;
            OutPt pp2 = pp;
            IntPoint pt1a = new IntPoint(pt1);
            IntPoint pt2a = new IntPoint(pt2);
                if (SlopesEqual(pt1a, pt2a, pp.pt, pp.prev.pt, true) &&
                    SlopesEqual(pt1a, pt2a, pp.pt, true) &&
                    GetOverlapSegment(pt1a, pt2a, pp.pt, pp.prev.pt, ref pt1, ref pt2))
                        return true;
            pp = pp.next;
            while (pp != pp2);
            return false;
文件: Clipper.cs 项目: msiyer/Pinta

        private void AddOutPt(TEdge e, IntPoint pt)
          bool ToFront = (e.side == EdgeSide.esLeft);
          if(  e.outIdx < 0 )
              OutRec outRec = CreateOutRec();
              outRec.idx = m_PolyOuts.Count -1;
              e.outIdx = outRec.idx;
              OutPt op = new OutPt();
              outRec.pts = op;
              outRec.bottomPt = op;
              op.pt = pt;
              op.idx = outRec.idx;
              op.next = op;
              op.prev = op;
              SetHoleState(e, outRec);
          } else
              OutRec outRec = m_PolyOuts[e.outIdx];
              OutPt op = outRec.pts, op2, opBot;
              if (ToFront && PointsEqual(pt, op.pt) || 
                  (!ToFront && PointsEqual(pt, op.prev.pt))) return;

              if ((e.side | outRec.sides) != outRec.sides)
                  //check for 'rounding' artefacts ...
                  if (outRec.sides == EdgeSide.esNeither && pt.Y == op.pt.Y)
                      if (ToFront)
                          if (pt.X == op.pt.X + 1) return;    //ie wrong side of bottomPt
                      else if (pt.X == op.pt.X - 1) return; //ie wrong side of bottomPt

                  outRec.sides = (EdgeSide)(outRec.sides | e.side);
                  if (outRec.sides == EdgeSide.esBoth)
                    //A vertex from each side has now been added.
                    //Vertices of one side of an output polygon are quite commonly close to
                    //or even 'touching' edges of the other side of the output polygon.
                    //Very occasionally vertices from one side can 'cross' an edge on the
                    //the other side. The distance 'crossed' is always less that a unit
                    //and is purely an artefact of coordinate rounding. Nevertheless, this
                    //results in very tiny self-intersections. Because of the way
                    //orientation is calculated, even tiny self-intersections can cause
                    //the Orientation function to return the wrong result. Therefore, it's
                    //important to ensure that any self-intersections close to BottomPt are
                    //detected and removed before orientation is assigned.

                    if (ToFront)
                      opBot = outRec.pts;
                      op2 = opBot.next; //op2 == right side
                      if (opBot.pt.Y != op2.pt.Y && opBot.pt.Y != pt.Y &&
                        ((opBot.pt.X - pt.X) / (opBot.pt.Y - pt.Y) <
                        (opBot.pt.X - op2.pt.X) / (opBot.pt.Y - op2.pt.Y)))
                          outRec.bottomFlag = opBot;
                      opBot = outRec.pts.prev;
                      op2 = opBot.next; //op2 == left side
                      if (opBot.pt.Y != op2.pt.Y && opBot.pt.Y != pt.Y &&
                        ((opBot.pt.X - pt.X) / (opBot.pt.Y - pt.Y) >
                        (opBot.pt.X - op2.pt.X) / (opBot.pt.Y - op2.pt.Y)))
                          outRec.bottomFlag = opBot;

              op2 = new OutPt();
              op2.pt = pt;
              op2.idx = outRec.idx;
              if (op2.pt.Y == outRec.bottomPt.pt.Y &&
                op2.pt.X < outRec.bottomPt.pt.X)
                  outRec.bottomPt = op2;
              op2.next = op;
              op2.prev = op.prev;
              op2.prev.next = op2;
              op.prev = op2;
              if (ToFront) outRec.pts = op2;
文件: Clipper.cs 项目: msiyer/Pinta

        private void DisposeOutPts(OutPt pp)
            if (pp == null) return;
            pp.prev.next = null;
            while (pp != null)
                pp = pp.next;
 private void DisposeOutPts(OutPt pp)
     if (pp == null) return;
     OutPt tmpPp = null;
     pp.prev.next = null;
     while (pp != null)
         tmpPp = pp;
         pp = pp.next;
         tmpPp = null;