private async void WeekGridView_Drop(object sender, DragEventArgs e) { bool success = false; StaffItem si = null; try { string itemIndexString = await e.Data.GetView().GetTextAsync("ItemNumber"); //which shift si = siList.ElementAt(int.Parse(itemIndexString)); success = true; } catch { //string itemIndexString = await e.Data.GetView().GetTextAsync("ItemNumber2"); //which shift //StaffItem si = siList2.ElementAt(int.Parse(itemIndexString)); success = false; } if (!success) { string itemIndexString = await e.Data.GetView().GetTextAsync("ItemNumber2"); //which shift si = siList2.ElementAt(int.Parse(itemIndexString)); } //////////////////////////////// //List<StaffItem> temp = (List<StaffItem>)WeekGridView.ItemsSource; //temp.ElementAt(0). //////////////////////////////// FrameworkElement root = Window.Current.Content as FrameworkElement; Point position = this.TransformToVisual(root).TransformPoint(e.GetPosition(this)); int newIndex = 0; // check items directly under the pointer foreach (var element in VisualTreeHelper.FindElementsInHostCoordinates(position, root)) { // assume horizontal orientation var container = element as ContentControl; if (container == null) { continue; } int tempIndex = WeekGridView.IndexFromContainer(container); if (tempIndex >= 0) { newIndex = tempIndex; // adjust index depending on pointer position Point center = container.TransformToVisual(root).TransformPoint(new Point(container.ActualWidth / 2, container.ActualHeight / 2)); if (position.Y > center.Y) { newIndex++; } break; } } if (newIndex < 0) { // if we haven't found item under the pointer, check items in the rectangle to the left from the pointer position foreach (var element in GetIntersectingItems(position, root)) { // assume horizontal orientation var container = element as ContentControl; if (container == null) { continue; } // int tempIndex = WeekGridView.ItemContainerGenerator.IndexFromContainer(container); int tempIndex = WeekGridView.IndexFromContainer(container); if (tempIndex < 0) { // we only need GridViewItems belonging to this GridView control // so skip all elements which are not continue; } Rect bounds = container.TransformToVisual(root).TransformBounds(new Rect(0, 0, container.ActualWidth, container.ActualHeight)); if (bounds.Left <= position.X && bounds.Top <= position.Y && tempIndex > newIndex) { //_currentOverGroup = GetItemGroup(container.Content); newIndex = tempIndex; // adjust index depending on pointer position if (position.Y > bounds.Top + container.ActualHeight / 2) { newIndex++; } if (bounds.Right > position.X && bounds.Bottom > position.Y) { break; } } } } if (newIndex < 0) { newIndex = 0; } if (newIndex >= empList.Count * 9) { newIndex = empList.Count * 9 - 1; } //empList = await User.ReadUsersList(); // await new MessageDialog(newIndex.ToString()).ShowAsync(); StaffItem selectedStaffItem = dList.ElementAt(newIndex); if (selectedStaffItem.workHours == null) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(si.workHours.TimeOffReason)) { //timeOff // WorkHours wh = new WorkHours() { EmployeeId = empList.ElementAt(SelectedString.i / 9).UserId,TimeOffFrom=, TimeSpan(23,0,0), TimeOffReason="Time Off"}; WorkHours wh = new WorkHours(); //wh = selectedStaffItem.workHours; wh.TimeOffReason = si.workHours.TimeOffReason; wh.TimeOffFrom =; wh.TimeOffTo = + new TimeSpan(23, 0, 0); wh.EmployeeId = empList.ElementAt(selectedStaffItem.i / 9).UserId; //Window.Current.CoreWindow.PointerCursor = new Windows.UI.Core.CoreCursor(Windows.UI.Core.CoreCursorType.Wait, 2); //myGrid.Opacity = 0.5; await WorkHours.InsertNewWorkHours(wh); fillWeeklyCalendar(); //myGrid.Opacity = 1; //Window.Current.CoreWindow.PointerCursor = new Windows.UI.Core.CoreCursor(Windows.UI.Core.CoreCursorType.Arrow, 2); } else { // Shift // WorkHours wh = new WorkHours() { EmployeeId = empList.ElementAt(SelectedString.i / 9).UserId, From = + ts1, To = + ts2 , OnCallOnly = false, BreakTimeFrom= new TimeSpan(8+count,0,0), BreakTimeTo=new TimeSpan(8+count+1,0,0),TimeOffReason=String.Empty }; WorkHours wh = new WorkHours(); //wh = selectedStaffItem.workHours; wh.From = + si.workHours.From.TimeOfDay; wh.To = (si.workHours.From.TimeOfDay.Hours != 23) ? +si.workHours.To.TimeOfDay : + si.workHours.To.TimeOfDay; wh.EmployeeId = empList.ElementAt(selectedStaffItem.i / 9).UserId; wh.OnCallOnly = false; wh.BreakTimeFrom = new TimeSpan(si.workHours.From.TimeOfDay.Hours + empList.Count, 0, 0); wh.BreakTimeTo = new TimeSpan(si.workHours.From.TimeOfDay.Hours + empList.Count + 1, 0, 0); wh.TimeOffReason = String.Empty; //Window.Current.CoreWindow.PointerCursor = new Windows.UI.Core.CoreCursor(Windows.UI.Core.CoreCursorType.Wait, 2); //myGrid.Opacity = 0.5; await WorkHours.InsertNewWorkHours(wh); fillWeeklyCalendar(); //myGrid.Opacity = 1; //Window.Current.CoreWindow.PointerCursor = new Windows.UI.Core.CoreCursor(Windows.UI.Core.CoreCursorType.Arrow, 2); } } else { await new MessageDialog("Conflict").ShowAsync(); } }
private async void Button_Click_2(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)//Night { WorkHours wh = SelectedString.workHours; if ((bool)NightShiftCheckBox.IsChecked && wh == null) { List<WorkHours> whList = await WorkHours.ReadListAsync(); int count = whList.Where(w => w.From.ToString("MMMM dd, yyyy").Equals("MMMM dd, yyyy")) && w.From.TimeOfDay.Hours == 15).Count(); TimeSpan ts1 = new TimeSpan(23, 0, 0); TimeSpan ts2 = new TimeSpan(7, 0, 0); wh = new WorkHours() { EmployeeId = empList.ElementAt(SelectedString.i / 9).UserId, From = + ts1, To = + ts2, OnCallOnly = false, BreakTimeFrom = new TimeSpan(0 + count, 0, 0), BreakTimeTo = new TimeSpan(0 + count + 1, 0, 0), TimeOffReason = String.Empty }; //Window.Current.CoreWindow.PointerCursor = new Windows.UI.Core.CoreCursor(Windows.UI.Core.CoreCursorType.Wait, 2); //myGrid.Opacity = 0.5; await WorkHours.InsertNewWorkHours(wh); fillWeeklyCalendar(); //myGrid.Opacity = 1; //Window.Current.CoreWindow.PointerCursor = new Windows.UI.Core.CoreCursor(Windows.UI.Core.CoreCursorType.Arrow, 2); } else if (!(bool)NightShiftCheckBox.IsChecked) { //Window.Current.CoreWindow.PointerCursor = new Windows.UI.Core.CoreCursor(Windows.UI.Core.CoreCursorType.Wait, 2); //myGrid.Opacity = 0.5; await WorkHours.DeleteWorkHours(wh); fillWeeklyCalendar(); //myGrid.Opacity = 1; //Window.Current.CoreWindow.PointerCursor = new Windows.UI.Core.CoreCursor(Windows.UI.Core.CoreCursorType.Arrow, 2); } }
private async void Button_Click_4(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) //time off { WorkHours wh = SelectedString.workHours; if ((bool)TimeOffCheckBox.IsChecked && wh == null) { wh = new WorkHours() { EmployeeId = empList.ElementAt(SelectedString.i / 9).UserId, TimeOffFrom =, TimeOffTo = + new TimeSpan(23, 0, 0), TimeOffReason = "Time Off" }; //Window.Current.CoreWindow.PointerCursor = new Windows.UI.Core.CoreCursor(Windows.UI.Core.CoreCursorType.Wait, 2); //myGrid.Opacity = 0.5; await WorkHours.InsertNewWorkHours(wh); fillWeeklyCalendar(); //myGrid.Opacity = 1; //Window.Current.CoreWindow.PointerCursor = new Windows.UI.Core.CoreCursor(Windows.UI.Core.CoreCursorType.Arrow, 2); } else if (!(bool)TimeOffCheckBox.IsChecked) { //Window.Current.CoreWindow.PointerCursor = new Windows.UI.Core.CoreCursor(Windows.UI.Core.CoreCursorType.Wait, 2); //myGrid.Opacity = 0.5; await WorkHours.DeleteWorkHours(wh); fillWeeklyCalendar(); //myGrid.Opacity = 1; //Window.Current.CoreWindow.PointerCursor = new Windows.UI.Core.CoreCursor(Windows.UI.Core.CoreCursorType.Arrow, 2); } }
public void fillDragMenuGridView2() { //List<WorkHours> whList = new List<WorkHours>(); siList2 = new List<StaffItem>(); //WorkHours wh = new WorkHours() { From = new DateTime(0001, 01, 01) + new TimeSpan(7, 0, 0), To = new DateTime(0001, 01, 01) + new TimeSpan(15, 0, 0) }; //StaffItem si = new StaffItem() { workHours = wh, Color = "#99FF99" }; //siList2.Add(si); //WorkHours wh2 = new WorkHours() { From = new DateTime(0001, 01, 01) + new TimeSpan(15, 0, 0), To = new DateTime(0001, 01, 01) + new TimeSpan(23, 0, 0) }; //StaffItem si1 = new StaffItem() { workHours = wh2, Color = "#99CCFF" }; //siList2.Add(si1); //WorkHours wh3 = new WorkHours() { From = new DateTime(0001, 01, 01) + new TimeSpan(23, 0, 0), To = new DateTime(0001, 01, 01) + new TimeSpan(7, 0, 0) }; //StaffItem si2 = new StaffItem() { workHours = wh3, Color = "Wheat" }; WorkHours wh = new WorkHours() { TimeOffReason = "Time Off" }; StaffItem si = new StaffItem() { workHours = wh }; siList2.Add(si); wh = new WorkHours() { TimeOffReason = "Vacation" }; si = new StaffItem() { workHours = wh }; siList2.Add(si); wh = new WorkHours() { TimeOffReason = "Business Related" }; si = new StaffItem() { workHours = wh }; siList2.Add(si); wh = new WorkHours() { TimeOffReason = "Sick Leave" }; si = new StaffItem() { workHours = wh }; siList2.Add(si); wh = new WorkHours() { TimeOffReason = "Family Emergency" }; si = new StaffItem() { workHours = wh }; siList2.Add(si); wh = new WorkHours() { TimeOffReason = "Absent" }; si = new StaffItem() { workHours = wh }; siList2.Add(si); DragMenuGridView2.ItemsSource = siList2; }
public void fillDragMenuGridView() { //List<WorkHours> whList = new List<WorkHours>(); siList = new List<StaffItem>(); WorkHours wh = new WorkHours() { From = new DateTime(0001, 01, 01) + new TimeSpan(7, 0, 0), To = new DateTime(0001, 01, 01) + new TimeSpan(15, 0, 0) }; StaffItem si = new StaffItem() { workHours = wh, Color = "#99FF99" }; siList.Add(si); WorkHours wh2 = new WorkHours() { From = new DateTime(0001, 01, 01) + new TimeSpan(15, 0, 0), To = new DateTime(0001, 01, 01) + new TimeSpan(23, 0, 0) }; StaffItem si1 = new StaffItem() { workHours = wh2, Color = "#99CCFF" }; siList.Add(si1); WorkHours wh3 = new WorkHours() { From = new DateTime(0001, 01, 01) + new TimeSpan(23, 0, 0), To = new DateTime(0001, 01, 01) + new TimeSpan(7, 0, 0) }; StaffItem si2 = new StaffItem() { workHours = wh3, Color = "Wheat" }; siList.Add(si2); DragMenuGridView.ItemsSource = siList; }
public static async Task DeleteWorkHours(WorkHours wh) { await workHours.DeleteAsync(wh); }
public static async Task UpdateWorkHours(WorkHours u) { await workHours.UpdateAsync(u); //u = (await user.Where(uu => uu.UserId == u.UserId).ToListAsync()).First(); //return u; }
public static async Task InsertNewWorkHours(WorkHours whs) { try { await workHours.InsertAsync(whs); } catch (MobileServiceInvalidOperationException e) { MessageDialog errormsg = new MessageDialog(e.Response.ReasonPhrase+ "Only the admin is authorized to organize the work hours."); var ignoreAsyncOpResult = errormsg.ShowAsync(); } }