public ActionResult EditOutdoorCragPictures(Guid id)
     OutdoorCrag crag = new CFController().GetCrag(id);
     if (crag == null) { throw new Exception(string.Format("No crag for id [{0}]", id)); }
     return View(crag);
 public ActionResult EditOutdoorLocationPictures(int id)
     OutdoorPlace outdoorPlace = new CFController().GetOutdoorPlace(id);
     if (outdoorPlace == null) { throw new Exception(string.Format("No outdoor place for id [{0}]", id)); }
     return View(outdoorPlace);
        public ActionResult AcceptWatchRequest(int id)
            FeedClimberChannelRequest watchedClimberEntry = new CFController().GetClimberWatchEntry(id);

            new CFController().AcceptWatchRequest(watchedClimberEntry);
            return RedirectToAction("ClimbersWatchingMe");
        public static void RecordException(Exception ex, string extraMSGContext)
            Guid   userID = new Guid();
            string email  = "anonymous";

            if (HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
                email  = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name;
                userID = new CFController().GetClimberProfileByEmail(email).ID;

            MailMan.SendAppExceptionEmail(ex, email);

            LogExceptionEvent exceptionEvent = exDA.Insert(
                new LogExceptionEvent
                Browser           = HttpContext.Current.Request.Browser.Browser.ToString() + " v" + HttpContext.Current.Request.Browser.Version.ToString(),
                ExceptionDateTime = DateTime.Now,
                InnerMessage      = extraMSGContext + ", " + ex.Message,
                IP         = HttpContext.Current.Request.UserHostName.Take(15), //Try see if the length of this field is causing the truncated exception
                Url        = HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.ToString(),
                UserEmail  = email,
                Reviewed   = false,
                UserID     = userID,
                StackTrace = ex.StackTrace.ToString()

            string messsage = String.Format("{0} experienced exception[{1}]: {2}", UsersEmail, exceptionEvent.ID, ex.Message).Take(254);

            da.Insert(new LogEvent(userID, CFLogEventType.Exception, messsage.Take(254)));
        public PartnerCallShowReplyViewData(Guid id)
            CFController cf = new CFController();

            CurrentReply = cf.GetPartnerCallReply(id);
            CurrentCall = cf.GetPartnerCall(CurrentReply.PartnerCallID);
            Replier = cf.GetClimberProfile(CurrentReply.ReplyingUserID);
        public ActionResult JoinClub(int clubID, Guid userID)
            Club club = new CFController().GetClub(clubID);

            new CFController().JoinClub(club.ID, club.Name, userID, User.Identity.Name);

            return RedirectToAction("Detail", new { country = club.FriendlyCountryUrl, friendlyUrlName = club.FriendlyUrlName });
        public ActionResult LeaveClub(int clubID, Guid userID)
            Club club = new CFController().GetClub(clubID);

            new CFController().LeaveClub(club.Name, clubID, userID);

            return RedirectToAction("Detail", new { country = club.FriendlyCountryUrl, friendlyUrlName = club.FriendlyUrlName });
        public ActionResult AddPlaceYouTube(int id)
            Place place = new CFController().GetPlace(id);
            if (place == null) { throw new Exception(string.Format("No place for id [{0}]", id)); }

            return View(place);
 protected void GoToPlacePage_Click(Object o, EventArgs e)
     int selectedPlaceID;
     if (int.TryParse(ResultsHD.Value.ToString(), out selectedPlaceID))
         Place place = new CFController().GetPlace(selectedPlaceID);
        public ActionResult Delete(Guid id)
            MediaShare media = new CFController().GetMedia(id);

            if (media.SubmittedByUserID != UserID) { throw new Exception("You cannot delete media that does not belong to you media ID = " + id.ToString()); }

            new CFController().DeleteMedia(id);

            return RedirectToAction("UsersMedia", new { id = media.SubmittedByUserID });
        public ActionResult CommentOnPost(int id)
            FeedClimbingPost post = new CFController().GetFeedClimbingPost(id);

            if (post == null) { return RedirectToAction("Index", "Home"); }
                return NoMetaView(post);
        public ActionResult ConfirmDelete(Guid id)
            PartnerCall call = new CFController().GetPartnerCall(id);

            if (call.ClimberProfileID != UserID) { throw new Exception(string.Format("You cannot delete someone else's call callID[{0}]", id)); }


            return View(call);
        public override void OnActionExecuting(System.Web.Mvc.ActionExecutingContext filterContext)
            IIdentity user = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity;
            ClimberProfile cp = new CFController().GetClimberProfileByEmail(user.Name.ToString());

            if (!cp.IsModerator)
                filterContext.Cancel = true;
                HttpContext.Current.Response.Redirect("/Moderate/UnauthorizedAccess", false);
        public ActionResult DeletePost(int id)
            FeedClimbingPost post = new CFController().GetFeedClimbingPost(id);

            if ((post.UserID != UserID) && !CFProfile.UserIsKrez) { throw new Exception("Cannot delete a feed post that doesn't belong to you"); }
                new CFController().DeleteFeedClimbingPost(post);

            return RedirectToAction("Index", "Home");
        public ActionResult Detail(Guid id)
            MediaShare media = new CFController().GetMedia(id);
            if (media == null) { return PageGoneView(); }
                string title = string.Format("{0} - Climbing {1} -", media.Name, media.MediaTypeString);
                string keywords = string.Format("Climbing {1}, {0}", media.Name, media.MediaTypeString);

                SetPageMetaData(title, media.Description, keywords, PageRobots.IndexNoFollow);
                return View(media);
 public override void OnActionExecuting(System.Web.Mvc.ActionExecutingContext filterContext)
     IIdentity user = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity;
     if (user.IsAuthenticated)
         ClimberProfile profile = new CFController().GetClimberProfileByEmail(user.Name);
         if (profile.IsUnfinished)
             HttpContext.Current.Response.Redirect("/ClimberProfiles/Me", false);
             filterContext.Cancel = true;
        public ActionResult Detail(string country, string friendlyUrlName)
            Club club = new CFController().GetClub(friendlyUrlName);

            if (club == default(Club)) { return RedirectToAction("Index"); }
                string title = club.Name + " - Mountaineering and Climbing Clubs -";
                string description = string.Format("About the {0} and its members", club.Name);
                string keywords = string.Format("{0}, {1} Rock Climbing Clubs, Mountaineering in {1}", club.Name, club.Country);

                SetPageMetaData(title, description, keywords, PageRobots.IndexNoFollow);
                return View(club);
        public ActionResult DeletePostComment(int id)
            FeedPostComment comment = new CFController().GetFeedPostComment(id);

            if (comment == null) { return RedirectToAction("Index", "Home"); }
                if (comment.UserID != UserID) { throw new Exception("Cannot delete a feed post comment that doesn't belong to you"); }
                    new CFController().DeleteFeedPostComment(comment);

                return RedirectToAction("CommentOnPost", new { id = comment.FeedPostID });
 public void DelteLogs_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)
     CFController cf = new CFController();
     SaveLogEvents(l => cf.DeleteLogExceptionEvent(l));
 public ActionResult UsersMedia(Guid id)
     ClimberProfile user = new CFController().GetClimberProfile(id);
     if (user == null) { return RedirectToAction("Index"); }
         string title = "Climbing media submitted by " + user.FullName + " -";
         string description = "Climbing related movies, photos and other webmedia submitted by " + user.FullName + " on";
         string keywords = "Climbing movies, climbing photos, climbing media";
         SetPageMetaData(title, description, keywords, PageRobots.NoIndexNoFollow);
         return View(user);
 public ActionResult PartnerAreaWidget(string countryUrl, string areaNameUrl)
     AreaTag area = new CFController().GetAreaTagByCountryUrlAndName(countryUrl, areaNameUrl);
     if (area == null) { return RedirectToAction("Index"); }
         SetPageMetaData("Partner Area Widget: " + area.Name, "", "", PageRobots.NoIndexNoFollow);
         return View(area);
 public ActionResult CustomVWPartnerWidget(string Site)
     List<int> vws = new List<int>() { 316, 317, 318, 319 };
     List<PartnerCall> vwPartnerCalls = new CFController().GetPartnerCallsForPlaceCombo(vws, 7);
     return View("PartnerCustomWidget", vwPartnerCalls);
 public ActionResult CustomHangarPartnerWidget(string Site)
     List<int> hanger18s = new List<int>() { 410, 420, 1218 };
     List<PartnerCall> hangarPartnerCalls = new CFController().GetPartnerCallsForPlaceCombo(hanger18s, 7);
     return View("PartnerCustomWidget", hangarPartnerCalls);
        public ActionResult Subscribe(string location, string name)
            Place place = new CFController().GetPlace(location, name);

            if (place == null) { return RedirectToAction("Index"); }
                return View(place);
        public static void RecordException(Exception ex, string extraMSGContext)
            Guid userID = new Guid();
            string email = "anonymous";

            if (HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
                email = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name;
                userID = new CFController().GetClimberProfileByEmail(email).ID;

            MailMan.SendAppExceptionEmail(ex, email);

            LogExceptionEvent exceptionEvent = exDA.Insert(
                new LogExceptionEvent
                    Browser = HttpContext.Current.Request.Browser.Browser.ToString() + " v" + HttpContext.Current.Request.Browser.Version.ToString(),
                    ExceptionDateTime = DateTime.Now,
                    InnerMessage = extraMSGContext + ", " + ex.Message,
                    IP = HttpContext.Current.Request.UserHostName.Take(15), //Try see if the length of this field is causing the truncated exception
                    Url = HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.ToString(),
                    UserEmail = email,
                    Reviewed = false,
                    UserID = userID,
                    StackTrace = ex.StackTrace.ToString()

            string messsage = String.Format("{0} experienced exception[{1}]: {2}", UsersEmail, exceptionEvent.ID, ex.Message).Take(254);
            da.Insert(new LogEvent(userID, CFLogEventType.Exception, messsage.Take(254)));
        public ActionResult NewPost(int? placeID)

            if (!placeID.HasValue)
                return RedirectToAction("NewPostPlace");
                Place place = new CFController().GetPlace(placeID.Value);

                if (place == null) { return RedirectToAction("NewPostPlace"); }
                    return Content("You can no longer post on CF3, please use");
        public ActionResult RequestToWatchClimber(Guid id)
            FeedClimberChannelRequest watchedClimberEntry = new CFController().GetClimberWatchEntry(UserID, id);

            if (watchedClimberEntry == null)
                new CFController().SendClimberWatchRequest(id, UserID);
                throw new Exception("You have already sent a watch request to this climber.");

            return RedirectToAction("ClimbersImWatching");