public DailyItemsClass() { clsServiceItems = new ServiceItems(CCFBGlobal.connectionString); clsServiceItems.openWhere(""); svcItemsFood = new List <ServiceItem>(); svcItemsNonFood = new List <ServiceItem>(); svcItemsBabyService = new List <ServiceItem>(); }
private void btnDelete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int itemKey = Convert.ToInt32(lvServiceItems.SelectedItems[0].SubItems[3].Text); int iResult = clsSvcItems.ItemUsedRecently(itemKey); if (iResult > 0) { if (MessageBox.Show(this, "ItemKey = " + itemKey.ToString() + " has " + iResult.ToString() + " Service Transactions logged .\r\n" + "Press Ok to Mark as Not Available.\r\n" + "Press Cancel to do nothing.", "Delete Service Item", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel) == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK) { chkNotAvailable.Checked = true; } } else { clsSvcItems.delete(itemKey); CCFBGlobal.ServiceItemsChanged = true; clsSvcItems.openWhere(""); loadList("", false); if (lvServiceItems.Items.Count > 0) { lvServiceItems.Items[0].Selected = true; } else { foreach (TextBox tb in tbList) { tb.Text = ""; } cboRules.Text = ""; cboType.SelectedIndex = 0; } } }
public YearlyForm() { InitializeComponent(); foreach (ComboBox cb in tabPage2.Controls.OfType <ComboBox>()) { cbList.Add(cb); } ServiceItems clsServiceItems = new ServiceItems(CCFBGlobal.connectionString); clsServiceItems.openWhere("ItemRule = " + CCFBGlobal.itemRule_SpecialService.ToString()); lvwSpclFood.Items.Clear(); ListViewItem lvwItm; for (int i = 0; i < clsServiceItems.DSet.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++) { lvwItm = new ListViewItem(); lvwItm.Text = clsServiceItems.DSet.Tables[0].Rows[i]["ItemDesc"].ToString(); lvwItm.SubItems.Add(clsServiceItems.DSet.Tables[0].Rows[i]["ItemKey"].ToString()); lvwSpclFood.Items.Add(lvwItm); } CurrentFiscalStart = CCFBGlobal.CurrentFiscalStartDate(); CurrentFiscalEnd = CCFBGlobal.CurrentFiscalEndDate(); SetCalendarRange(CurrentFiscalStart, CurrentFiscalEnd); }
public void Refresh(bool bAllowAll) { bool allowThisItem = false; bool isNonFoodItem = false; bool isBabyItem = false; svcItemsFood.Clear(); svcItemsNonFood.Clear(); svcItemsBabyService.Clear(); clsServiceItems.openWhere("NotAvailable = 0"); foreach (DataRow drow in clsServiceItems.DSet.Tables[0].Rows) { isNonFoodItem = false; isBabyItem = false; switch (Int32.Parse(drow["ItemType"].ToString())) { case CCFBGlobal.svcCat_Commodity: { if (bAllowAll == true) { allowThisItem = true; } else { if (CCFBPrefs.MustBeACommodityDay == true) { allowThisItem = isCommodityDay; } else { allowThisItem = true; } } break; } case CCFBGlobal.svcCat_NonFood: { allowThisItem = true; isNonFoodItem = true; break; } case CCFBGlobal.svcCat_BabySvc: { allowThisItem = true; isBabyItem = true; break; } default: { allowThisItem = true; break; } } if (allowThisItem) { switch (Convert.ToInt32(drow["ItemRule"])) { case CCFBGlobal.itemRule_SpecialService: { if (IsOnSpecialServiceList(drow["ItemKey"].ToString())) { //If not a non-food item if (isNonFoodItem == true) { addItem(drow, svcItemsNonFood); } else if (isBabyItem == true) { addItem(drow, svcItemsBabyService); } else { addItem(drow, svcItemsFood); } } break; } default: { //If not a non-food item if (isNonFoodItem) { addItem(drow, svcItemsNonFood); } else if (isBabyItem == true) { addItem(drow, svcItemsBabyService); } else { addItem(drow, svcItemsFood); } break; } } } } CCFBGlobal.ServiceItemsChanged = false; }