// GET public ActionResult AntiVirusPolicy(int? AntiVirusID) { BLCustomer AntiVirusBL = new BLCustomer(); tblAntiVirusPolicy tblantivirus = new tblAntiVirusPolicy(); tblantivirus = AntiVirusBL.GetAntiVirus(AntiVirusID.Value); List<KeyValue> lstKeyVal = new List<KeyValue>(); lstKeyVal.Add(new KeyValue() { Key = "Anti-Virus Policy Name", Value = tblantivirus.PolicyName }); lstKeyVal.Add(new KeyValue() { Key = "Av Product Name", Value = tblantivirus.ProductName }); lstKeyVal.Add(new KeyValue() { Key = "Patching Time", Value = tblantivirus.PatchingTime + " " + tblantivirus.PatchingTimeZone.ID }); lstKeyVal.Add(new KeyValue() { Key = "Define Week Day (for weekly schedule)", Value = tblantivirus.WeekOfDay.Name }); lstKeyVal.Add(new KeyValue() { Key = "Define Month of Day (for Monthly Schedule) ", Value = tblantivirus.MonthOfDay.Name }); lstKeyVal.Add(new KeyValue() { Key = "Anti-Virus Scan Exclusion", Value = tblantivirus.PolicyName }); lstKeyVal.Add(new KeyValue() { Key = "Exclude files with an extension", Value = tblantivirus.ExcludedFilesExtension }); lstKeyVal.Add(new KeyValue() { Key = "Exclude File Types", Value = tblantivirus.ExcludedFileTypes }); lstKeyVal.Add(new KeyValue() { Key = "Exclude File Paths", Value = tblantivirus.ExcludedFilePaths }); if (Request.IsAjaxRequest()) return PartialView("Detail", lstKeyVal); else return View("Detail", lstKeyVal); }
// GET public ActionResult AccessPolicy(int? AccessPolicyID) { BLCustomer customerBL = new BLCustomer(); tblAccessPolicy Accesspoly = customerBL.GetAccessPolicyByID(AccessPolicyID.Value); List<KeyValue> lstKeyVal = new List<KeyValue>(); //AccessPolicyIDWR if (Accesspoly.AccessPolicyIDWR > 0) { lstKeyVal.Add(new KeyValue() { Key = "Remote control permission allowed?", Value = Accesspoly.RemoteControlPermissionWR.Name }); lstKeyVal.Add(new KeyValue() { Key = "Allowed Remote Access Start Time", Value = Accesspoly.RemoteAccessStartTimeWR + " - " + Accesspoly.RemoteAccessEndTimeWR + " " + Accesspoly.RemoteAccessTimeZoneWR.Name }); lstKeyVal.Add(new KeyValue() { Key = "Reboot Permission", Value = Accesspoly.RebootPermissionWR.Name }); lstKeyVal.Add(new KeyValue() { Key = "Allowed Reboot Window", Value = Accesspoly.RebootWindowStartTimeWR + " - " + Accesspoly.RebootWindowEndTimeWR + " " + Accesspoly.RebootTimeZoneWR.Name }); } //AccessPolicyIDSR else if (Accesspoly.AccessPolicyIDSR > 0) { lstKeyVal.Add(new KeyValue() { Key = "Remote control permission allowed?", Value = Accesspoly.RemoteControlPermissionSR.Name }); lstKeyVal.Add(new KeyValue() { Key = "Allowed Remote Access Start Time", Value = Accesspoly.RemoteAccessStartTimeSR + " - " + Accesspoly.RemoteAccessEndTimeSR + " " + Accesspoly.RemoteAccessTimeZoneSR.Name }); lstKeyVal.Add(new KeyValue() { Key = "Reboot Permission", Value = Accesspoly.RebootPermissionSR.Name }); lstKeyVal.Add(new KeyValue() { Key = "Allowed Reboot Window", Value = Accesspoly.RebootWindowStartTimeSR + " - " + Accesspoly.RebootWindowEndTimeSR + " " + Accesspoly.RebootTimeZoneSR.Name }); } //AccessPolicyIDND else if (Accesspoly.AccessPolicyIDND > 0) { lstKeyVal.Add(new KeyValue() { Key = "Remote control permission allowed?", Value = Accesspoly.RemoteControlPermissionND.Name }); lstKeyVal.Add(new KeyValue() { Key = "Allowed Remote Access Start Time", Value = Accesspoly.RemoteAccessStartTimeND + " - " + Accesspoly.RemoteAccessEndTimeND + " " + Accesspoly.RemoteAccessTimeZoneND.Name }); lstKeyVal.Add(new KeyValue() { Key = "Reboot Permission", Value = Accesspoly.RebootPermissionND.Name }); lstKeyVal.Add(new KeyValue() { Key = "Allowed Reboot Window", Value = Accesspoly.RebootWindowStartTimeND + " - " + Accesspoly.RebootWindowEndTimeND + " " + Accesspoly.RebootTimeZoneND.Name }); } if (Request.IsAjaxRequest()) return PartialView("Detail", lstKeyVal); else return View("Detail", lstKeyVal); }
//Get public ActionResult DeleteUser(int? CustomerID) { BLCustomer customerBL = new BLCustomer(); StringBuilder str = customerBL.GetDeleteCustomer(CustomerID.Value); if (str.Length > 0) return Json(new { success = false, resultmsg = str.ToString() }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); else return Json(new { success = true, resultmsg = "User deleted successfully" }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); }
//Get public ActionResult User() { BLCustomer customerBL = new BLCustomer(); tblCustomerDetails customer = customerBL.GetCustomer(SessionHelper.UserSession.CustomerID); ViewBag.TimeZones = LookUpData.GetTimeZoneCI(); ViewBag.NOCCommunicationBy = LookUpData.GetNOCCommunicationBy(); if (Request.IsAjaxRequest()) return PartialView( customer); else return View(customer); }
public JsonResult AccessPolicy(tblAccessPolicy AccessPolicy) { try { BLCustomer customerBL = new BLCustomer(); AccessPolicy.CustomerID = SessionHelper.UserSession.CustomerID; customerBL.SaveAccessPolicy(AccessPolicy); } catch { ModelState.AddModelError("", "Error occurred durung Customer Information save."); return Json(new { errors = KeyValue.GetErrorsFromModelState(ViewData) }); } return Json(new { success = true, Tab = "AP" }); }
//Get public ActionResult Email(int CustomerID) { try { BLCustomer customerBL = new BLCustomer(); tblCustomerDetails customer = customerBL.GetCustomer(CustomerID); Common.SendMail(customer.EmailAddress, "Please login in flexis system with these credentials !", "User Name: " + customer.EmailAddress + "<br>" + "Password: "******"", "Error occurred durung Customer Information save."); return Json(new { errors = KeyValue.GetErrorsFromModelState(ViewData) }); } return Json(new { success = true, MessageDetail = "User's credentials successfully sent to his/her mail address." }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); }
// GET public ActionResult AccessPolicy(int? CustomerID) { BLCustomer customerBL = new BLCustomer(); tblAccessPolicy Accesspoly = customerBL.GetAccessPolicy(CustomerID.Value); ViewBag.SearchTypes = LookUpData.GetPolicyType(); ViewBag.TimeZones = LookUpData.GetTimeZone(); ViewBag.OptionTypeBag = LookUpData.GetOptionType(); ViewBag.time = LookUpData.GetFXTime(); ViewBag.ReadOnly = false; if (Request.IsAjaxRequest()) return PartialView(Accesspoly); else return View(Accesspoly); }
// GET public ActionResult AntiVirusPolicy(int? AntiVirusID) { BLCustomer AntiVirusBL = new BLCustomer(); tblAntiVirusPolicy tblantivirus = new tblAntiVirusPolicy(); tblantivirus = AntiVirusBL.GetAntiVirus(AntiVirusID.Value); ViewBag.staus = LookUpData.GetSetUpStatus(); ViewBag.ScheduleAV = LookUpData.GetScheduleType(); ViewBag.SearchTypes = LookUpData.GetPolicyType(); ViewBag.WeekOfDayAV = LookUpData.GetWeekOfDay(); ViewBag.time = LookUpData.GetFXTime(); ViewBag.MonthOfDayAV = LookUpData.GetMonthOfDay(); ViewBag.TimeZones = LookUpData.GetTimeZone(); ViewBag.ScheduleType = LookUpData.GetScheduleType(); if (Request.IsAjaxRequest()) return PartialView(tblantivirus); else return View(tblantivirus); }
// GET public ActionResult AntiVirusPolicies(jQueryDataTableParamModel param) { int totalRecords = 0; var sortColumnIndex = Convert.ToInt32(Request["iSortCol_0"]); var sortDirection = Request["sSortDir_0"]; // asc or desc BLCustomer MaintenanceBL = new BLCustomer(); List<tblAntiVirusPolicy> lstAntiVirusPolicy = MaintenanceBL.GetAVPIndex(SessionHelper.UserSession.CustomerID, param.iDisplayStart, param.iDisplayLength, sortColumnIndex, sortDirection, param.sSearch, ref totalRecords); var result = from a in lstAntiVirusPolicy let PatchingTime = a.PatchingTime + " - " + a.PatchingTimeZone.Name let WeekOfDaysName = a.WeekOfDay.Name let MonthOfDaysName = a.MonthOfDay.Name select new[] { a.PolicyName, a.ProductName, PatchingTime, WeekOfDaysName, MonthOfDaysName, a.ExcludedFilesExtension, a.ExcludedFileTypes, a.ExcludedFilePaths, a.AntiVirusID.ToString() }; return Json(new { sEcho = param.sEcho, iTotalRecords = totalRecords, iTotalDisplayRecords = totalRecords, aaData = result }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); }
public JsonResult ToolInformation(tbltoolInfomation toolInfo) { try { BLCustomer customerBL = new BLCustomer(); toolInfo.CustomerID = SessionHelper.UserSession.CustomerID; customerBL.SaveToolInfo(toolInfo); } catch { ModelState.AddModelError("", "Error occurred durung Tool Information save."); return Json(new { errors = KeyValue.GetErrorsFromModelState(ViewData) }); } return Json(new { success = true, Tab = "TI" }); }
// GET public ActionResult ToolInformation(int? CustomerID) { BLCustomer customerBL = new BLCustomer(); tbltoolInfomation tbltoolinfo = customerBL.GetToolInfo(CustomerID.Value); if (Request.IsAjaxRequest()) return PartialView(tbltoolinfo); else return View(tbltoolinfo); }
//Get public ActionResult User(int? CustomerID, int? RoleID) { BLCustomer customerBL = new BLCustomer(); tblCustomerDetails customer = customerBL.GetCustomer(CustomerID.Value); if (CustomerID.HasValue && CustomerID.Value > 0) customer.RoleID = RoleID.HasValue ? RoleID.Value : 0; ViewBag.TimeZones = LookUpData.GetTimeZoneCI(); ViewBag.NOCCommunicationBy = LookUpData.GetNOCCommunicationBy(); if (Request.IsAjaxRequest()) return PartialView(customer); else return View(customer); }
// GET public ActionResult PatchingPolicy(int? CustomerID) { BLCustomer customerBL = new BLCustomer(); tblPatchingPolicy Patchpoly = customerBL.GetPatchingPolicy(CustomerID.Value); ViewBag.SearchTypes = LookUpData.GetPolicyType(); ViewBag.WeekOfMonth = LookUpData.GetWeekOfMonth(); ViewBag.time = LookUpData.GetFXTime(); ViewBag.MonthOfDay = LookUpData.GetMonthOfDay(); ViewBag.TimeZones = LookUpData.GetTimeZone(); ViewBag.Schedule = LookUpData.GetScheduleType(); ViewBag.OptionTypeBag = LookUpData.GetOptionType(); tblPatchingPolicy patchingPolicy = new tblPatchingPolicy(); if (Request.IsAjaxRequest()) return PartialView(Patchpoly); else return View(Patchpoly); }
public JsonResult MaintenancePolicy(tblMaintenancePolicy Manintenance) { try { BLCustomer customerBL = new BLCustomer(); Manintenance.CustomerID = SessionHelper.UserSession.CustomerID; customerBL.SaveMaintenancePolicy(Manintenance); } catch { ModelState.AddModelError("", "Error occurred durung Customer Information save."); return Json(new { errors = KeyValue.GetErrorsFromModelState(ViewData) }); } return Json(new { success = true, Tab = "MP" }); }
// GET public ActionResult MaintenancePolicy(int? MaintenancePolicyID) { BLCustomer MaintenanceBL = new BLCustomer(); tblMaintenancePolicy tblmaintenance = new tblMaintenancePolicy(); tblmaintenance = MaintenanceBL.GetMaintenance(MaintenancePolicyID.Value); if (MaintenancePolicyID.Value == 0) tblmaintenance.ScheduledStartDate = DateTime.Now; ViewBag.WeekOfMonths = LookUpData.GetWeekOfMonth(); ViewBag.WeekOfDay = LookUpData.GetWeekOfDay(); ViewBag.time = LookUpData.GetFXTime(); ViewBag.MonthOfDay = LookUpData.GetMonthOfDay(); ViewBag.TimeZones = LookUpData.GetTimeZone(); ViewBag.ScheduleTypeM = LookUpData.GetScheduleType(); if (Request.IsAjaxRequest()) return PartialView("MaintenancePolicy", tblmaintenance); else return View("MaintenancePolicy", tblmaintenance); }
// GET public ActionResult PatchingPolicy(int? PatchingPolicyID) { BLCustomer customerBL = new BLCustomer(); tblPatchingPolicy Patchpoly = customerBL.GetPatchingPolicyByID(PatchingPolicyID.Value); List<KeyValue> lstKeyVal = new List<KeyValue>(); //PatchingPolicyIDWR if (Patchpoly.PatchingPolicyIDWR > 0) { lstKeyVal.Add(new KeyValue() { Key = "Patching Policy Name", Value = Patchpoly.PolicyNameWR }); lstKeyVal.Add(new KeyValue() { Key = "Patching Window ", Value = Patchpoly.WindowStartTimeWR + " - " + Patchpoly.WindowEndTimeWR + " " + Patchpoly.WindowTimeZoneWR.Name }); // lstKeyVal.Add(new KeyValue() { Key = "Define Patching Schedule", Value = Patchpoly.DefineScheduleTypeWR.Name }); lstKeyVal.Add(new KeyValue() { Key = "Define Week Day (for weekly schedule) ", Value = Patchpoly.WeekOfDayWR.Name }); // lstKeyVal.Add(new KeyValue() { Key = "Define Month of Day (for Monthly Schedule)", Value = Patchpoly.MonthOfDayWR.Name }); lstKeyVal.Add(new KeyValue() { Key = "BReboot Permission ", Value = Patchpoly.RebootPermissionWR.Name }); lstKeyVal.Add(new KeyValue() { Key = "Allowed Reboot Window", Value = Patchpoly.RebootWindowStartTimeWR + " - " + Patchpoly.RebootWindowEndTimeWR + " " + Patchpoly.RebootWindowTimeZoneWR.Name }); } //PatchingPolicyIDSR else if (Patchpoly.PatchingPolicyIDSR > 0) { lstKeyVal.Add(new KeyValue() { Key = "Patching Policy Name", Value = Patchpoly.PolicyNameSR }); lstKeyVal.Add(new KeyValue() { Key = "Patching Window ", Value = Patchpoly.WindowStartTimeSR + " - " + Patchpoly.WindowEndTimeSR + " " + Patchpoly.WindowTimeZoneSR.Name }); // lstKeyVal.Add(new KeyValue() { Key = "Define Patching Schedule ", Value = Patchpoly.DefineScheduleTypeSR.Name }); lstKeyVal.Add(new KeyValue() { Key = "Define Week Day (for weekly schedule) ", Value = Patchpoly.WeekOfDaySR.Name }); //lstKeyVal.Add(new KeyValue() { Key = "Define Month of Day (for Monthly Schedule) ", Value = Patchpoly.MonthOfDaySR.Name }); lstKeyVal.Add(new KeyValue() { Key = "Reboot Permission ", Value = Patchpoly.RebootPermissionSR.Name }); lstKeyVal.Add(new KeyValue() { Key = "Allowed Reboot Window", Value = Patchpoly.RebootWindowStartTimeSR.ToString() + " - " + Patchpoly.RebootWindowEndTimeSR.ToString() + " " +Patchpoly.RebootWindowTimeZoneSR.Name }); } //PatchingPolicyIDDND else if (Patchpoly.PatchingPolicyIDDND > 0) { lstKeyVal.Add(new KeyValue() { Key = "Patching Policy Name ", Value = Patchpoly.PolicyNameND }); lstKeyVal.Add(new KeyValue() { Key = "Patching Window ", Value = Patchpoly.WindowStartTimeND + " - " + Patchpoly.WindowEndTimeND + " " + Patchpoly.WindowTimeZoneND.Name }); // lstKeyVal.Add(new KeyValue() { Key = "Define Patching Schedule ", Value = Patchpoly.DefineScheduleTypeND.Name }); lstKeyVal.Add(new KeyValue() { Key = "Define Week Day (for weekly schedule) ", Value = Patchpoly.WeekOfDayND.Name }); //lstKeyVal.Add(new KeyValue() { Key = "Define Month of Day (for Monthly Schedule) ", Value = Patchpoly.MonthOfDayND.Name }); lstKeyVal.Add(new KeyValue() { Key = "Reboot Permission ", Value = Patchpoly.RebootPermissionND.Name }); lstKeyVal.Add(new KeyValue() { Key = "Allowed Reboot Window ", Value = Patchpoly.RebootWindowStartTimeND + " - " + Patchpoly.RebootWindowEndTimeND + " " + Patchpoly.RebootWindowTimeZoneND.Name }); } if (Request.IsAjaxRequest()) return PartialView("Detail", lstKeyVal); else return View("Detail", lstKeyVal); }
//Get public ActionResult DeletePolicy(int? PolicyID, string PolicyType) { BLCustomer customerBL = new BLCustomer(); StringBuilder str = customerBL.DeletePolicy(PolicyID.Value, PolicyType); if (str.Length > 0) return Json(new { success = false, resultmsg = str.ToString() }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); else return Json(new { success = true, resultmsg = "Policy deleted successfully" }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); }
public JsonResult CustomerInformation(tblCustomerDetails customerDetails) { try { BLCustomer customerBL = new BLCustomer(); customerDetails.CustomerID = SessionHelper.UserSession.CustomerID; customerBL.SaveCustomer(customerDetails); } catch { ModelState.AddModelError("", "Error occurred durung Customer Information save."); return Json(new { errors = KeyValue.GetErrorsFromModelState(ViewData) }); } return Json(new { success = true, CustomerID = SessionHelper.UserSession.CustomerID, Tab = "CI" }); }
// GET public ActionResult CustomerInformation(int? CustomerID) { BLCustomer customerBL = new BLCustomer(); tblCustomerDetails customer = customerBL.GetCustomer(CustomerID.Value); ViewBag.TimeZones = LookUpData.GetTimeZoneCI(); ViewBag.NOCCommunicationBy = LookUpData.GetNOCCommunicationBy(); if (Request.IsAjaxRequest()) return PartialView(customer); else return View(customer); }
// GET public ActionResult BackUpPolicy(int? BackUpPolicyID) { BLCustomer BackupBL = new BLCustomer(); tblBackUpPolicy tblbackup = new tblBackUpPolicy(); tblbackup = BackupBL.GetBackUp(BackUpPolicyID.Value); List<KeyValue> lstKeyVal = new List<KeyValue>(); lstKeyVal.Add(new KeyValue() { Key = "Back Up Policy Name", Value = tblbackup.PolicyName }); lstKeyVal.Add(new KeyValue() { Key = "Back Up Product Name", Value = tblbackup.ProductName }); lstKeyVal.Add(new KeyValue() { Key = "Volume Back Up Image Location", Value = tblbackup.VolumeLocation }); lstKeyVal.Add(new KeyValue() { Key = "Folder Back Up Image Location ", Value = tblbackup.FolderLocation }); lstKeyVal.Add(new KeyValue() { Key = "BackUp Schedule", Value = tblbackup.ScheduleTime + " " + tblbackup.ScheduleTimeZone.Name }); lstKeyVal.Add(new KeyValue() { Key = "BackUp Set Details", Value = tblbackup.BackUpSetDetails }); lstKeyVal.Add(new KeyValue() { Key = "Differentials Every-Days", Value = tblbackup.DifferentialEveryDay.ToString() }); lstKeyVal.Add(new KeyValue() { Key = "Number of BackUp Sets", Value = tblbackup.PreviousBackupSaved.ToString() }); lstKeyVal.Add(new KeyValue() { Key = "Full BackUp Every-Day", Value = tblbackup.FullBackUpEveryDay.ToString() }); lstKeyVal.Add(new KeyValue() { Key = "Domain Name", Value = tblbackup.DomainName }); lstKeyVal.Add(new KeyValue() { Key = "User Name", Value = tblbackup.UserName }); lstKeyVal.Add(new KeyValue() { Key = "Password", Value = tblbackup.Password }); if (Request.IsAjaxRequest()) return PartialView("Detail", lstKeyVal); else return View("Detail", lstKeyVal); }
// GET public ActionResult BackUpPolicy(int? BackUpPolicyID) { BLCustomer BackupBL = new BLCustomer(); tblBackUpPolicy tblbackup = new tblBackUpPolicy(); tblbackup = BackupBL.GetBackUp(BackUpPolicyID.Value); ViewBag.Schedule = LookUpData.GetScheduleType(); ViewBag.time = LookUpData.GetFXTime(); ViewBag.TimeZones = LookUpData.GetTimeZone(); if (Request.IsAjaxRequest()) return PartialView(tblbackup); else return View(tblbackup); }
// GET public ActionResult BackUpPolicies(jQueryDataTableParamModel param) { int totalRecords = 0; var sortColumnIndex = Convert.ToInt32(Request["iSortCol_0"]); var sortDirection = Request["sSortDir_0"]; // asc or desc BLCustomer BackupBL = new BLCustomer(); List<tblBackUpPolicy> lstBackUpPolicies = BackupBL.GetBPIndex(SessionHelper.UserSession.CustomerID, param.iDisplayStart, param.iDisplayLength, sortColumnIndex, sortDirection, param.sSearch, ref totalRecords); var result = from a in lstBackUpPolicies let BackUpSchedule = a.ScheduleTime + " - " + a.ScheduleTimeZone.Name select new[] { a.PolicyName, a.ProductName, a.VolumeLocation, a.FolderLocation, BackUpSchedule, a.BackUpSetDetails, a.DifferentialEveryDay.ToString(), a.PreviousBackupSaved.ToString(), a.FullBackUpEveryDay.ToString(), a.BackUpPolicyID.ToString() }; return Json(new { sEcho = param.sEcho, iTotalRecords = totalRecords, iTotalDisplayRecords = totalRecords, aaData = result }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); }
// GET public ActionResult MaintenancePolicy(int? MaintenancePolicyID) { BLCustomer MaintenanceBL = new BLCustomer(); tblMaintenancePolicy tblmaintenance = new tblMaintenancePolicy(); tblmaintenance = MaintenanceBL.GetMaintenance(MaintenancePolicyID.Value); if (MaintenancePolicyID.Value == 0) tblmaintenance.ScheduledStartDate = DateTime.Now; List<KeyValue> lstKeyVal = new List<KeyValue>(); lstKeyVal.Add(new KeyValue() { Key = "Activity Name", Value = tblmaintenance.ActivityName }); lstKeyVal.Add(new KeyValue() { Key = "Define Regular Schedule", Value = tblmaintenance.ScheduleType.Name}); lstKeyVal.Add(new KeyValue() { Key = "Define Week Day (for weekly schedule)", Value = tblmaintenance.WeekOfDays.Name }); // lstKeyVal.Add(new KeyValue() { Key = "Define Month of Day (for Monthly Schedule)", Value = tblmaintenance.MonthOfDays.Name }); lstKeyVal.Add(new KeyValue() { Key = "Scheduled Time", Value = tblmaintenance.ScheduledStartTime + " - " + tblmaintenance.ScheduledEndTime + " " + tblmaintenance.TimeZone.Name }); lstKeyVal.Add(new KeyValue() { Key = "Start Date", Value = tblmaintenance.ScheduledStartDate.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy") }); if (Request.IsAjaxRequest()) return PartialView("Detail", lstKeyVal); else return View("Detail", lstKeyVal); }
// GET public ActionResult MaintenancePolicies(jQueryDataTableParamModel param) { int totalRecords = 0; var sortColumnIndex = Convert.ToInt32(Request["iSortCol_0"]); var sortDirection = Request["sSortDir_0"]; // asc or desc BLCustomer MaintenanceBL = new BLCustomer(); List<tblMaintenancePolicy> lstMaintenancePolity = MaintenanceBL.GetMPIndex(SessionHelper.UserSession.CustomerID, param.iDisplayStart, param.iDisplayLength, sortColumnIndex, sortDirection, param.sSearch, ref totalRecords); var result = from m in lstMaintenancePolity let ScheduleTypeName = m.ScheduleType.Name let WeekOfDaysName = m.WeekOfDays.Name // let MonthOfDaysName = m.MonthOfDays.Name let ScheduleDetail = m.ScheduledStartTime + " - " + m.ScheduledEndTime + " " + m.TimeZone.Name select new[] { m.ActivityName, ScheduleTypeName, WeekOfDaysName, ScheduleDetail, m.ScheduledStartDate.ToShortDateString(), m.MaintenancePolicyID.ToString() }; return Json(new { sEcho = param.sEcho, iTotalRecords = totalRecords, iTotalDisplayRecords = totalRecords, aaData = result }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); }
public ActionResult ToolInformation(int? ToolID) { BLCustomer customerBL = new BLCustomer(); tbltoolInfomation tbltoolinfo = customerBL.GetToolInfoByID(ToolID.Value); List<KeyValue> lstKeyVal = new List<KeyValue>(); //ToolTypeRT if (tbltoolinfo.ToolTypeRT > 0) { lstKeyVal.Add(new KeyValue() { Key = "RMM Tool Name", Value = tbltoolinfo.RMMTool }); lstKeyVal.Add(new KeyValue() { Key = "RMM Tool UserID", Value = tbltoolinfo.RMMToolUserName }); lstKeyVal.Add(new KeyValue() { Key = "RMM Tool URL", Value = tbltoolinfo.RMMUrl }); lstKeyVal.Add(new KeyValue() { Key = "RMM Tool Password", Value = tbltoolinfo.RMMToolPassword }); } //ToolTypePT else if (tbltoolinfo.ToolTypePT > 0) { lstKeyVal.Add(new KeyValue() { Key = "Ticketing/PSA Tool", Value = tbltoolinfo.PSATool }); lstKeyVal.Add(new KeyValue() { Key = "PSA Tool UserID", Value = tbltoolinfo.PSAToolUserName }); lstKeyVal.Add(new KeyValue() { Key = "PSA Tool URL", Value = tbltoolinfo.PSAUrl }); lstKeyVal.Add(new KeyValue() { Key = "PSA Tool Password", Value = tbltoolinfo.PSAToolPassword }); } if (Request.IsAjaxRequest()) return PartialView("Detail", lstKeyVal); else return View("Detail", lstKeyVal); }