public void Send(Message message) { JsonObject msg = JsonExportAttribute.GetJson(message); if (message is InGameMessage) { msg.Add("game_id", GameID); } Socket.Send(SimpleJson.SimpleJson.SerializeObject(msg)); }
public static JsonObject GetJson(object obj) { PropertyInfo[] PropInf = obj.GetType().GetProperties(); JsonObject jobj = new JsonObject(); foreach (PropertyInfo p in PropInf) { JsonExportAttribute attr = (JsonExportAttribute)Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(p, typeof(JsonExportAttribute)); if (attr == null) { continue; } jobj.Add(, p.GetValue(obj)); } return(jobj); }
//TODO maybe put this in a separate attribute with class as target //TODO replace try catch with proper errorhandling / exceptions //TODO implement nested classes / handle json objs and json arrays public static bool Deserialize(JsonObject obj, out Message msg) { Init(); msg = null; string MessageType; try { MessageType = (string)obj["type"]; } catch { //DEBUG Console.WriteLine("Couldn't deserialize, because type was missing"); Console.WriteLine(obj); return(false); } foreach (Type t in MessageTypes) { Message Output = (Message)Activator.CreateInstance(t); if (Output.Type == (string)obj["type"]) { foreach (PropertyInfo p in t.GetRuntimeProperties()) { JsonExportAttribute attr = (JsonExportAttribute)Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(p, typeof(JsonExportAttribute)); if (attr == null || == "type") { continue; } object ObjectBuf; try { ObjectBuf = obj[]; } catch { //DEBUG Console.WriteLine("Couldn't deserialize to " + t.ToString() + " , because a property was missing"); Console.WriteLine(obj); return(false); } if (typeof(ICollection).IsAssignableFrom(p.PropertyType) && p.PropertyType.IsGenericType && ObjectBuf is JsonArray) { JsonArray JsonArray = (ObjectBuf as JsonArray); if (JsonArray.Count == 0) { ObjectBuf = Activator.CreateInstance(p.PropertyType); } else { Type[] ContainedTypes = p.PropertyType.GetGenericArguments(); if (ContainedTypes.Length == 1 && typeof(ICollection <>).MakeGenericType(ContainedTypes).IsAssignableFrom(p.PropertyType)) { if (ContainedTypes[0].IsAssignableFrom(JsonArray[0].GetType())) { dynamic Collection = (dynamic)Activator.CreateInstance(p.PropertyType); foreach (object o in JsonArray) { dynamic added = Convert.ChangeType(o, ContainedTypes[0]); Collection.Add(added); } ObjectBuf = Collection; } } if (ContainedTypes.Length == 2 && typeof(IDictionary <,>).MakeGenericType(ContainedTypes).IsAssignableFrom(p.PropertyType)) { if (ContainedTypes[0].IsAssignableFrom((JsonArray[0] as JsonObject)["Key"].GetType()) && ContainedTypes[1].IsAssignableFrom((JsonArray[0] as JsonObject)["Value"].GetType())) { dynamic Dict = (dynamic)Activator.CreateInstance(p.PropertyType); foreach (object o in JsonArray) { JsonObject JsonObject = o as JsonObject; Dict.Add((dynamic)JsonObject["Key"], (dynamic)JsonObject["Value"]); } ObjectBuf = Dict; } } } } try { p.SetValue(Output, Convert.ChangeType(ObjectBuf, p.PropertyType)); } catch { //DEBUG Console.WriteLine("Couldn't deserialize to " + t.ToString() + " , because conversion from " + ObjectBuf.GetType().ToString() + " to " + p.PropertyType.ToString() + " was not possible"); Console.WriteLine(obj); return(false); } } msg = Output; return(true); } } Console.WriteLine("Couldn't deserialize, because the given type doesn't exist"); Console.WriteLine(obj); return(false); }