/// <summary> /// Generates an alert message with an expiration time. /// </summary> /// <param name="category">An alert category</param> /// <param name="level">Alert level</param> /// <param name="source">Name of the source where the alert is raised</param> /// <param name="alertCode">Alert type code</param> /// <param name="contextData">The user-defined application context data</param> /// <param name="expirationTime">Expiration time for the alert</param> /// <param name="message">The alert message or formatted message.</param> /// <param name="args">Paramaters used in the alert message, when specified.</param> public static void Alert(AlertCategory category, AlertLevel level, String source, int alertCode, object contextData, TimeSpan expirationTime, String message, params object[] args) { Platform.CheckForNullReference(source, "source"); Platform.CheckForNullReference(message, "message"); IAlertService service = Platform.GetService<IAlertService>(); if (service != null) { AlertSource src = new AlertSource(source) {Host = ServerInstanceId}; Alert alert = new Alert { Category = category, Level = level, Code = alertCode, ExpirationTime = Platform.Time.Add(expirationTime), Source = src, Message = String.Format(message, args), ContextData = contextData }; service.GenerateAlert(alert); } }
public bool DeleteAlert(Alert item) { return _adaptor.Delete(item.Key); }
static public Alert Insert(IUpdateContext update, Alert entity) { var broker = update.GetBroker<IAlertEntityBroker>(); var updateColumns = new AlertUpdateColumns(); updateColumns.InsertTime = entity.InsertTime; updateColumns.Component = entity.Component; updateColumns.TypeCode = entity.TypeCode; updateColumns.Source = entity.Source; updateColumns.AlertLevelEnum = entity.AlertLevelEnum; updateColumns.AlertCategoryEnum = entity.AlertCategoryEnum; updateColumns.Content = entity.Content; Alert newEntity = broker.Insert(updateColumns); return newEntity; }
static public Alert Insert(Alert entity) { using (var update = PersistentStoreRegistry.GetDefaultStore().OpenUpdateContext(UpdateContextSyncMode.Flush)) { Alert newEntity = Insert(update, entity); update.Commit(); return newEntity; } }
private AlertSummary CreateAlertSummary(Alert item) { AlertSummary summary = new AlertSummary(); summary.TheAlertItem = item; return summary; }